997 resultados para Feo-hifornicose subcutânea
São registrados três casos de feo-hifornicose subcutânea em transplantados renais provocados pela Exophiala jeanselmei (Langeron) McGinnis et Padhye 1977, fungo demácio capaz, também, de produzir raramente eumicetoma de grãos pretos. Este fungo, segundo KWON-CHUNG & BENNETT, 1992(27) é antigenicamente muito heterogêneo, sendo identificados até o presente momento três sorotipos com subgrupos dentro de cada um deles. A feo-hifomicose subcutânea vem se tornando cada vez mais freqüente em transplantados renais, submetidos a terapêutica imunodepressora. Como a Exophiala jeanselmei já foi isolada do meio ambiente, torna-se dificil explicar a patogenia desses casos por um despertar ou reativação de processos quiescentes. Os Autores fizeram ampla revisão da literatura, registrando principalmente os casos de feo-hifomicose publicados no Brasil. Sugerem também, eventual ação fungistática da ciclosporina A sobre a Exophiala jeanselmei.
São descritos três casos de feo-hifomicose subcutânea, os primeiros encontrados no Estado do Pará, todos oriundos de localidades situadas a leste de Belém, nas micron-regiões do Salgado e Bragantina. O diagnóstico teve por base o reconhecimento dos parasitos em cortes histológicos, sem identificação de espécie, uma vez que todo o material disponível para exame - compreendendo as lesões completamente excisadas -, ao ser recebido, já estava fixado em formol e imprestável, portanto, para qualquer tentativa de estudo micológico. A abmidância de elementos fúngicos verificada nos tecidos, após impregnação pela prata (métodos de Grocott e de Fontana-Masson), contrastava com a dificuldade para visualizá-los em cortes não-corados ou corados por hematoxilina-eosina, fato devido certamente ao aspecto das hifas neles existentes: delgadas, de paredes finas e cor quase imperceptível.
We present an extensive study of the structural, magnetic, and thermodynamic properties of the two heterometallic oxyborates: Co(2)FeO(2)BO(3) and Ni(2)FeO(2)BO(3). This has been carried out through x-ray diffraction at room temperature (RT) and 150 K, dc and ac magnetic susceptibilities, and specific-heat experiments in single crystals above 2 K. The magnetic properties of these iron ludwigites are discussed in comparison with those of the other two known homometallic ludwigites: Fe(3)O(2)BO(3) and Co(3)O(2)BO(3). In both ludwigites now studied we have found that the magnetic ordering of the Fe(3+) ions occurs at temperatures very near to which they order in Fe(3)O(2)BO(3). A freezing of the divalent ions (Co and Ni) is observed at lower temperatures. Our x-ray diffraction study of both ludwigites at RT and 150 K showed very small ionic disorder in apparent contrast with the freezing of the divalent ion spins. The structural transition that occurs in homometallic Fe(3)O(2)BO(3) has not been found in the present mixed ludwigites in the temperature range investigated.
The pseudoternary sections FeO-ZnO-(CaO + SiO2) with CaO/SiO2 weight ratios of 0.33, 0.93, and 1.2 in equilibrium with metallic iron have been experimentally investigated in the temperature range from 1000 degreesC to 1300 degreesC (1273 to 1573 K). The liquidus surfaces in these pseudoternary sections have been experimentally determined in the composition range from 0 to 33 wt pct ZnO and 30 to 70 wt pct (CaO + SiO2). The sections contain primary-phase fields of wustite (FexZn1-xO1+y), zincite (ZnzFe1-zO), fayalite (Fu(w)Zn(2-w)SiO(4)), melilite (Ca2ZnuFe1-uSi2O7), willemite (ZnvFe2-vSiO4), dicalcium silicate (Ca2SiO4), pseudowollastonite and wollastonite (CaSiO3), and tridymite (SiO2). The phase equilibria involving the liquid phase and the solid solutions-have also been measured.
A model has been developed which enables the viscosities of coal ash slags to be predicted as a function of composition and temperature under reducing conditions. The model describes both completely liquid and heterogeneous, i.e. partly crystallised, slags in the Al2O3-CaO-'FeO'-SiO2 system in equilibrium with metallic iron. The Urbain formalism has been modified to describe the viscosities of the liquid slag phase over the complete range of compositions and a wide range of temperatures. The computer package F * A * C * T was used to predict the proportions of solids and the compositions of the remaining liquid phases. The Roscoe equation has been used to describe the effect of presence of solid suspension (slurry effect) on the viscosity of partly crystallised slag systems. The model provides a good description of the experimental data of fully liquid, and liquid + solids mixtures, over the complete range of compositions and a wide range of temperatures. This model can now be used for viscosity predictions in industrial slag systems. Examples of the application of the new model to coal ash fluxing and blending are given in the paper. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The pseudoternary section FeO-ZnO-(CaO + SiO2) with a CaO/SiO2 weight ratio of 0.71 in equilibrium with metallic iron has been experimentally investigated in the temperature range from 1000 degreesC to 1300 degreesC (1273 to 1573 K). The liquidus surface in this pseudoternary. section has been determined in the composition range of 0 to 33 wt pct ZnO and 30 to 70 wt pct (CaO + SiO2)The system contains primary-phase fields of wustite (FexZn1-xO1+y), zincite (ZnzFe1-zO), fayalite (FewZn2-wSiO4), melilite (Ca2ZnuFe1-uSi2O7), and pseudowollastonite (CaSiO3). The phase equilibria involving the liquid phase and the solid solutions have also been measured.
Foram utilizados camundongos brancos, pesando em média 18g e duas cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi, morfologicamente distintas: Y com predominância de formas sangüíneas delgadas e Bolívia com predomínio de formas largas. Os lotes de animais receberam 2 x 10³, 2 x 10(4) e 2 x 10(5) tripanossomos por animal e as vias de inoculação utilizadas foram a intraperitoneal e a subcutânea. Nos animais foi observado o curso de infecção. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que, nos experimentos em que se utilizou a cepa Y, existem algumas diferenças significantes, com infecções mais uniformes e virulentas, após inoculação subcutânea de 2 x 10³ e 2 x 10(4) formas sangüíneas de T. cruzi. Entretanto, isto não ocorreu com a cepa Bolívia, pois os animais apresentaram o mesmo padrão de parasitemia e os demais caracteres morfológicos, quer se utilizasse a via subcutânea ou intraperitoneal. Tal fato permite sugerir a existência de interrelação entre os fatores via de inoculação traduzida pela maior ou menor presença de macrófagos no sítio de inoculação, e a morfologia das formas sangüíneas representada pela maior ou menor capacidade de penetração celular.
Twenty adult patients presenting dermal cysticercosis without cerebral or ocular involvement were treated with praziquantel. The first eleven cases received 60 mg/kg/day and the last nine cases 30 mg/kg/day. In both groups the daily dose was split into three oral intakes 4 to 6 hours apart and the drug administration lasted for 6 consecutive days. The latter group of patients also got dexamethasone, 3 mg daily, from one day before until four days after the treatment period with praziquantel. The drug proved to be 100% efficacious as demonstrated histopathologically by the death of the cysticerci of Taenia solium (Cysticercus cellulosae) in serial biopsies taken from the 2nd week on after the end of treatment, as well as clinically by the steady disappearence of the dermal nodules during the 6 months following the therapy. Tolerance of praziquantel was good as the incidence and severity of side-effects were not relevant. The drug safety was confirmed through laboratory tests which failed to detect any abnormal findings related to the hematopoietic, liver and kidney functions.
A sarcoidose é uma doença granulomatosa multissistémica de etiologia desconhecida. O envolvimento cutâneo pode ocorrer, sendo classificado de específico ou inespecífico, dependendo da presença ou ausência de granulomas no exame histopatológico da pele. A forma subcutânea é uma forma particular e mais rara de apresentação e constitui o único subtipo que se crê estar associado a doença sistémica.
The last decade has witnessed an increased research effort on multi-phase magnetoelectric (ME) composites. In this scope, this paper presents the application of novel materials for the development of anisotropic magnetoelectric (ME) sensors based on δ-FeO(OH)/P(VDF-TrFE) composites. The composite is able to precisely determine the amplitude and direction of the magnetic field. A new ME effect is reported in this study, as it emerges from the magnetic rotation of the δ-FeO(OH) nanosheets inside the piezoelectric P(VDF-TrFE) polymer matrix. δ-FeO(OH)/P(VDF-TrFE) composites with 1, 5, 10 and 20 δ-FeO(OH) filler weigh percentage in three δ-FeO(OH) alignment states (random, transversal and longitudinal) have been developed. Results shown that the modulus of the piezoelectric response (10-24 pC.N-1) is stable at least up to three months, the shape and magnetization maximum value (3 emu.g-1) is dependent on δ-FeO(OH) content and the obtained ME voltage coefficient, with a maximum of ≈0.4 mV.cm-1.Oe-1, is dependent on the incident magnetic field direction and intensity. In this way, the produced materials are suitable for innovative anisotropic sensor and actuator applications.
The A., after an intorductory history of his experience in leprosy, discusses the more convinient routine method of classification of leprosy cases, basing it in the facte that every case is mixt, i. e. when the skin shows any lesion the nerves of that region are also affected by the bacilli. Studying by a new thecnics, which he baptised before as "Lleras' method", the scarching of the agent of leprosy in tuberculoid cases, by examination of sub-corium lymph obtained from the lesion, he discovered new forms of the Hansen bacillus, which describes briefly, arriving at the following conclusions: 1. The A., after discussing about the evolution and clinical classification of leprosy, describes new forms of the HANSIN bacillus, discoverd in the lymph extracted from subcutis of leprosy lesion. 2. In 100 % of tuberculoid cases (total studied 29) the A. found, in the subcutis lymph, bacilli, granules, clubs or other forms of HANSEN bacillus. 3. Such bacteriological findigs and the proved mutation of tuberculoid leprosy into lepromatous type, demolished the basis of the so-called "polar" classification of leprosy. 4. Considering the proved facts already referred to, the A. arrived at the conclusion that 50 % of all papers published about tuberculoid leprosy, within the last ten years, are fanciful. 5. The presence, in the subcutis of lepers, of metamorphosic forms of HANSEN bacillus, is the cause of common relapses of negativated cases by treatment, which fact suggests a new therapeutics method to destroy such elements in loco, and exiges more strict examination before release of interned patients.
El objetivo de este trabajo fue la utilización de la tecnología de Infrarrojo cercano por aplicación directa de una fibra óptica en tejido adiposo de cerdos alimentados con diferentes dietas (CONTROL, CÍTRICOS y CLA). Para ello, 265 animales fueron alimentados con tres dietas diferentes y se analizó el perfil de ácidos grasos en la grasa del jamón mediante cromatografía de gases y FT-NIR (espectroscopia de infrarrojo cercano con transformada de Fourier). La adquisición de espectros se realizó con un espectrómetro Optics Matrix-F duplex de Bruker equipado con una sonda de contacto IN-268-2. Los cerdos que fueron alimentados con la dieta enriquecida en CLA mostraron diferencias significativas tanto en la composición de ácidos grasos como en los espectros de NIR ya que la ingesta de CLA aumentó el porcentaje de ácidos grasos saturados (SAT) y poliinsaturados (PUFA) mientras que los monoinsaturados (MUFA) disminuyeron con respecto a las otras dietas. Los resultados sugieren que la espectroscopia de infrarrojo cercano es un método rápido y de fácil implementación para identificar animales alimentados con diferentes dietas.
La amiloidosis es una enfermedad por depósito de amiloide en diferentes tejidos, produciendo su disfunción. Es infrecuente, con elevada mortalidad y escasas opciones terapéuticas. La punción de grasa subcutánea (PAG) es segura y sensible para diagnosticarla, pero por su clínica inespecífica, es necesario sospecharla. Estudio retrospectivo de las PAGs en 22 años de un Servicio de Medicina Interna. La quinta parte resultaron positivos. Se describen sus características clínicas y mortalidad, señalando las enfermedades predisponentes y parámetros del laboratorio más característicos. Se analiza la ecocardiografia en el diagnóstico y la dificultad de la PAG en pacientes con escaso panículo adiposo.