997 resultados para Femtosecond Laser
The aim of this work was to evaluate the performance of femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (fs-LIBS) for the determination of elements in animal tissues. Sample pellets were prepared from certified reference materials, such as liver, kidney, muscle, hepatopancreas, and oyster, after cryogenic grinding assisted homogenization. Individual samples were placed in a two-axis computer-controlled translation stage that moved in the plane orthogonal to a beam originating from a Ti:Sapphire chirped-pulse amplification (CPA) laser system operating at 800 mu and producing a train of 840 mu J and 40 fs pulses at 90 Hz. The plasma emission was coupled into the optical fiber of a high-resolution intensified charge-coupled device (ICCD)-echelle spectrometer. Time-resolved characteristics of the laser-produced plasmas showed that the best results were obtained with delay times between 80 and 120 ns. Data obtained indicate both that it is a matrix-independent sampling process and that fs-LIBS can be used for the determination of Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na, and P, but efforts must be made to obtain more appropriate detection limits for Al, Sr, and Zn.
We report on the femtosecond-laser micromachining of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) films doped with nonlinear azoaromatic chromophores: Disperse Red 1, Disperse Red 13 and Disperse Orange 3. We study the conditions for controlling chromophore degradation during the micromachining of PMMA doped with each chromophore. Furthermore, we successfully used fs-micromachining to fabricate optical waveguides within a bulk sample of PMMA doped with these azochromophores. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.
PURPOSE: To analyze the effects of variations in femtosecond laser energy level on corneal stromal cell death. and inflammatory cell influx following flap creation in a rabbit model. METHODS: Eighteen rabbits were stratified in three different groups according to level of energy applied for flap creation (six animals per group). Three different energy levels were chosen for both the lamellar and side cut; 2.7 mu J (high energy), 1.6 mu J (intermediate energy), and 0.5 mu J (low energy) with a 60 kHz, model II, femtosecond laser (IntraLase). The opposite eye of each rabbit served as a control. At the 24-hour time point after surgery, all rabbits were euthanized and the comeoscleral rims were analyzed for the levels of cell death and inflammatory cell influx with the terminal uridine deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP-nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay and immunocytochemistry for monocyte marker CD11b, respectively. RESULTS: The high energy group (31.9 +/- 7.1 [standard error of mean (SEM) 2.9]) had significantly more TUNEL positive cells in the central flap compared to the intermediate (22.2 +/- 1.9 [SEM 0.8], P=.004), low (17.9 +/- 4.0 [SEM 1.6], P <= .001), and control eye (0.06 +/- 0.02 [SEM 0.009], P <= .001) groups. The intermediate and low energy groups also had significantly more TUNEL positive cells than the control groups (P <= .001). The difference between the intermediate and low energy levels was not significant (P=.56). The mean for CD11b-positive cells/400x field at the flap edge was 26.1 +/- 29.3 (SEM 11.9), 5.8 +/- 4.1 (SEM 1.6), 1.6 +/- 4.1 (SEM 1.6), and 0.005 +/- 0.01 (SEM 0.005) for high energy, intermediate energy, low energy, and control groups, respectively. Only the intermediate energy group showed statistically more inflammatory cells than control eyes (P = .015), most likely due to variability between eyes. CONCLUSIONS: Higher energy levels trigger greater cell death when the femtosecond laser is used to create corneal flaps: Greater corneal inflammatory cell infiltration is observed with higher femtosecond laser energy levels. [J Refract Surg. 2009;25:869-874.] doi:10.3928/1081597X-20090917-08
The evolution of the topography of titanium surfaces treated with femtosecond laser radiation in stationary conditions as a function of radiation fluence and number of laser pulses is investigated. Depending on the processing parameters, ripples, microcolumns, wavy or smooth surfaces can be obtained. The ripples predominate for fluences near the damage threshold of titanium (0.2+/-0.1) J/cm(2), while microcolumns form during the first 200 pulses for fluences between (0.6+/-0.2) and (1.7+/-0.2) J/cm(2). A wavy topography develops for fluences and number of pulses higher than (1.7+/-0.2) J/cm(2) and 300, respectively. A bimodal surface topography consisting of surface ripples overlapping a microcolumnar topography can be obtained if the surfaces are firstly treated to create microcolumns followed by laser treatment with a lower fluence near the ablation threshold of the material, in order to generate periodic ripple
The surface morphology, structure and composition of human dentin treated with a femtosecond infrared laser (pulse duration 500 fs, wavelength 1030 nm, fluences ranging from 1 to 3 J cm(-2)) was studied by scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The average dentin ablation threshold under these conditions was 0.6 +/- 0.2 J cm(-2) and the ablation rate achieved in the range 1 to 2 mu m/pulse for an average fluence of 3 J cm(-2). The ablation surfaces present an irregular and rugged appearance, with no significant traces of melting, deformation, cracking or carbonization. The smear layer was entirely removed by the laser treatment. For fluences only slightly higher than the ablation threshold the morphology of the laser-treated surfaces was very similar to the dentin fracture surfaces and the dentinal tubules remained open. For higher fluences, the surface was more porous and the dentin structure was partially concealed by ablation debris and a few resolidified droplets. Independently on the laser processing parameters and laser processing method used no sub-superficial cracking was observed. The dentin constitution and chemical composition was not significantly modified by the laser treatment in the processing parameter range used. In particular, the organic matter is not preferentially removed from the surface and no traces of high temperature phosphates, such as the beta-tricalcium phosphate, were observed. The achieved results are compatible with an electrostatic ablation mechanism. In conclusion, the high beam quality and short pulse duration of the ultrafast laser used should allow the accurate preparation of cavities, with negligible damage of the underlying material.
The aim of the present work was to investigate the wetting behaviour of biomedical grade Ti-6Al-4V alloy surfaces textured by a femtosecond laser treatment. The material was treated in ambient atmosphere using an Yb: KYW chirped-pulse-regenerative amplification laser with a wavelength of 1030 nm and a pulse duration of 500 fs. Four main types of surface textures were obtained depending on the processing parameters and laser treatment method. These textures consist of: (1) nanoscale laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS); (2) nanopillars; (3) a bimodal roughness distribution texture formed of LIPSS overlapping microcolumns; (4) a complex texture formed of LIPSS overlapping microcolumns with a periodic variation of the columns size in the laser scanning direction. The wettability of the surfaces was evaluated by the sessile drop method using distilled-deionized (DD) water and Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS) as testing liquids. The laser treated surfaces present a hydrophilic behaviour as well as a high affinity for the saline solution, with equilibrium contact angles in the ranges 24.1-76.2. for DD water and 8.4-61.8. for HBSS. The wetting behaviour is anisotropic, reflecting the anisotropy of the surface textures. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report the fabrication of planar sub-micron gratings in silicon with a period of 720 nm using a modified Michelson interferometer and femtosecond laser radiation. The gratings consist of alternated stripes of laser ablated and unmodified material. Ablated stripes are bordered by parallel ridges which protrude above the unmodified material. In the regions where ridges are formed, the laser radiation intensity is not sufficient to cause ablation. Nevertheless, melting and a significant temperature increase are expected, and ridges may be formed due to expansion of silicon during resolidification or silicon oxidation. These conclusions are consistent with the evolution of the stripes morphology as a function of the distance from the center of the grating. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The morphological and structural modifications induced in sapphire by surface treatment with femtosecond laser radiation were studied. Single-crystal sapphire wafers cut parallel to the (0 1 2) planes were treated with 560 fs, 1030 nm wavelength laser radiation using wide ranges of pulse energy and repetition rate. Self-ordered periodic structures with an average spatial periodicity of similar to 300 nm were observed for fluences slightly higher than the ablation threshold. For higher fluences the interaction was more disruptive and extensive fracture, exfoliation, and ejection of ablation debris occurred. Four types of particles were found in the ablation debris: (a) spherical nanoparticles about 50 nm in diameter; (b) composite particles between 150 and 400 nm in size; (c) rounded resolidified particles about 100-500 nm in size; and (d) angular particles presenting a lamellar structure and deformation twins. The study of those particles by selected area electron diffraction showed that the spherical nanoparticles and the composite particles are amorphous, while the resolidified droplets and the angular particles, present a crystalline a-alumina structure, the same of the original material. Taking into consideration the existing ablation theories, it is proposed that the spherical nanoparticles are directly emitted from the surface in the ablation plume, while resolidified droplets are emitted as a result of the ablation process, in the liquid phase, in the low intensity regime, and by exfoliation, in the high intensity regime. Nanoparticle clusters are formed by nanoparticle coalescence in the cooling ablation plume. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The application of femtosecond laser interferometry to direct patterning of thin-film magnetic alloys is demonstrated. The formation of stripe gratings with submicron periodicities is achieved in Fe1-xVx (x=18-34wt. %) layers, with a difference in magnetic moments up to Delta mu/mu similar to 20 between adjacent stripes but without any significant development of the topographical relief (<1% of the film thickness). The produced gratings exhibit a robust effect of their anisotropy shape on magnetization curves in the film plane. The obtained data witness ultrafast diffusive transformations associated with the process of spinodal decomposition and demonstrate an opportunity for producing magnetic nanostructures with engineered properties upon this basis.
We report on a simple method to obtain surface gratings using a Michelson interferometer and femtosecond laser radiation. In the optical setup used, two parallel laser beams are generated using a beam splitter and then focused using the same focusing lens. An interference pattern is created in the focal plane of the focusing lens, which can be used to pattern the surface of materials. The main advantage of this method is that the optical paths difference of the interfering beams is independent of the distance between the beams. As a result, the fringes period can be varied without a need for major realignment of the optical system and the time coincidence between the interfering beams can be easily monitored. The potential of the method was demonstrated by patterning surface gratings with different periods on titanium surfaces in air.
We report the fabrication of planar sub-micron gratings in silicon with a period of 720 nm using a modified Michelson interferometer and femtosecond laser radiation. The gratings consist of alternated stripes of laser ablated and unmodified material. Ablated stripes are bordered by parallel ridges which protrude above the unmodified material. In the regions where ridges are formed, the laser radiation intensity is not sufficient to cause ablation. Nevertheless, melting and a significant temperature increase are expected, and ridges may be formed due to expansion of silicon during resolidification or silicon oxidation. These conclusions are consistent with the evolution of the stripes morphology as a function of the distance from the center of the grating.
Amorphous and crystalline sputtered boron carbide thin films have a very high hardness even surpassing that of bulk crystalline boron carbide (≈41 GPa). However, magnetron sputtered B-C films have high friction coefficients (C.o.F) which limit their industrial application. Nanopatterning of materials surfaces has been proposed as a solution to decrease the C.o.F. The contact area of the nanopatterned surfaces is decreased due to the nanometre size of the asperities which results in a significant reduction of adhesion and friction. In the present work, the surface of amorphous and polycrystalline B-C thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering was nanopatterned using infrared femtosecond laser radiation. Successive parallel laser tracks 10 μm apart were overlapped in order to obtain a processed area of about 3 mm2. Sinusoidal-like undulations with the same spatial period as the laser tracks were formed on the surface of the amorphous boron carbide films after laser processing. The undulations amplitude increases with increasing laser fluence. The formation of undulations with a 10 μm period was also observed on the surface of the crystalline boron carbide film processed with a pulse energy of 72 μJ. The amplitude of the undulations is about 10 times higher than in the amorphous films processed at the same pulse energy due to the higher roughness of the films and consequent increase in laser radiation absorption. LIPSS formation on the surface of the films was achieved for the three B-C films under study. However, LIPSS are formed under different circumstances. Processing of the amorphous films at low fluence (72 μJ) results in LIPSS formation only on localized spots on the film surface. LIPSS formation was also observed on the top of the undulations formed after laser processing with 78 μJ of the amorphous film deposited at 800 °C. Finally, large-area homogeneous LIPSS coverage of the boron carbide crystalline films surface was achieved within a large range of laser fluences although holes are also formed at higher laser fluences.
Introduced in 2008, the femtosecond laser is a promising new technological advance which plays an ever increasing role in cataract surgery where it automates the three main surgical steps: corneal incision, capsulotomy and lens fragmentation. The proven advantages over manual surgery are: a better quality of incision with reduced induced astigmatism; increased reliability and reproducibility of the capsulotomy with increased stability of the implanted lens; a reduction in the use of ultrasound. Regarding refractive results or safety, however, no prospective randomized study to date has shown significant superiority compared with standard manual technique. The significant extra cost generated by this laser, undertaken by the patient, is a limiting factor for both its use and study. This review outlines the potential benefits of femtosecond-laser-assisted cataract surgery due to the automation of key steps and the safety of this new technology.
Background: To evaluate outcomes after optimized laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for astigmatism correction with flap created by a mechanical microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. Patients and Methods: In this retrospective study, a total of 102 eyes of 71 consecutive patients were enrolled undergoing optimized LASIK treatments using the Allegretto laser system (WaveLight Laser Technologie AG, Erlangen, Germany). A mechanical microkeratome for flap creation was used (One Use, Moria®) in 46 eyes (31 patients, spherical equivalent [SE] -4.44 D ± 2.4) and a femtosecond laser was used (LDV, Ziemer®) in 56 eyes (40 patients, spherical equivalent [SE] -3.07 D ± 3.3). The two groups were matched for inclusion criteria and were operated under similar conditions by the same surgeon. Results: Overall, the preoperative spherical equivalent was -9.5 diopters (D) to +3.37 D; the preoperative manifest astigmatism was between -1.5 D and -3.5 D. At 6 months postoperatively, the mean postoperative uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) was 0.93 ± 0.17 (range 0.4 to 1.2) in the Moria group and 1.0 ± 0.21 (range 0.6 to 1.6) in the Femto group, which was statistically significant (p = 0.003). Comparing the cylinder power there was a statistical difference between the two groups (p = 0.0015). Conclusions: This study shows that the method of flap creation has a significant impact on postoperative astigmatism with a significantly better postoperative UDVA in the Femto group. These findings suggest that the femtosecond laser provides a better platform for LASIK treatment of astigmatism than the commonly used microkeratome.
Background: To evaluate outcomes after optimized laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for astigmatism correction with flap created by a mechanical microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. Patients and Methods: In this retrospective study, a total of 102 eyes of 71 consecutive patients were enrolled undergoing optimized LASIK treatments using the Allegretto laser system (WaveLight Laser Technologie AG, Erlangen, Germany). A mechanical microkeratome for flap creation was used (One Use, Moria®) in 46 eyes (31 patients, spherical equivalent [SE] -4.44 D ± 2.4) and a femtosecond laser was used (LDV, Ziemer®) in 56 eyes (40 patients, spherical equivalent [SE] -3.07 D ± 3.3). The two groups were matched for inclusion criteria and were operated under similar conditions by the same surgeon. Results: Overall, the preoperative spherical equivalent was -9.5 diopters (D) to +3.37 D; the preoperative manifest astigmatism was between -1.5 D and -3.5 D. At 6 months postoperatively, the mean postoperative uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) was 0.93 ± 0.17 (range 0.4 to 1.2) in the Moria group and 1.0 ± 0.21 (range 0.6 to 1.6) in the Femto group, which was statistically significant (p = 0.003). Comparing the cylinder power there was a statistical difference between the two groups (p = 0.0015). Conclusions: This study shows that the method of flap creation has a significant impact on postoperative astigmatism with a significantly better postoperative UDVA in the Femto group. These findings suggest that the femtosecond laser provides a better platform for LASIK treatment of astigmatism than the commonly used microkeratome.