417 resultados para Feline Leishmaniosis


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Although dogs are considered the main domestic reservoirs for Visceral Leishmaniosis (VL), which is caused in the Americas by Leishmania chagasi, infected cats have also been recently found in endemic areas of several countries and became a public health concern. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to evaluate cats with dermatologic lesions from an endemic area of VL and the natural infection of L. chagasi. A total of 55 cats were selected between April 2008 and November 2009 from two major animal shelters of Aracatuba, Southeastern Brazil. All cats underwent general and dermatologic examinations, followed by direct parasitological examination of lymphoid organs, immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence (IFAT). In addition, detection of amastigotes was performed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in skin lesions of all cats. VL was diagnosed in 27/55 (49.1%) cats with dermatological problems. Amastigotes were found in lymphoid organs of 10/27 (37.0%) cats; serology of 14/27 (51.9%), 6/27 (22.2%) and 5/27 (18.5%) cats was positive for ELISA, IFAT and both, respectively. The IHC identified 9/27 (33.3%) cats; 5/27 (18.5%) were positive only for IHC and therefore increased the overall sensitivity. Specific FIV antibodies were found in 6/55(10.9%) cats, of which 5/6 (83.3%) had leishmaniosis. Real time PCR followed by amplicon sequencing successfully confirmed L chagasi infection. In conclusion, dermatological lesions in cats from endemic areas was highly associated to visceral leishmaniosis, and therefore skin IHC and differential diagnosis of LV should be always conducted in dermatological patients in such areas. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente relatório diz respeito ao estágio curricular realizado no Hospital Veterinário de Portimão, sob a orientação da Prof. Doutora Josefina Coucelo e com a duração de cinco meses, entre um de janeiro de 2016 e trinta e um de maio de 2016. Este relatório foi realizado no âmbito da conclusão do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária e consiste em duas partes. A primeira é referente aos casos acompanhados no decorrer do estágio curricular, e a segunda é uma revisão bibliográfica do tema “Leishmaniose Felina”, seguida de um caso clínico acompanhado pelo autor. A Leishmaniose é uma importante zoonose, endémica em várias regiões no mundo, como o sul da Europa, afetando variados mamíferos, debilitando-os e podendo ser fatal. Causada por protozoários do género Leishmania, considera-se como uma afeção rara em gatos. Existe um número crescente de casos nesta espécie, que não é, no entanto, reservatório da infeção para humanos; Small Animal Practice Abstract: The present report describes a training in Portimãos’s Veterinary Hospital, under Doctor Josefina Coucelo’s supervision with the duration of five months, between the 1st January 2016 and the 31st May 2016. This report was written in the context of the Veterinary Medicine Integrated Master degree’s conclusion and is made up of two parts. The first refers to the clinical cases followed during the training and the second is a monography about “Feline Leishmaniasis”, followed by a case report on the subject observed by the author. Leishmaniasis is an important zoonosis endemic in many world regions as well as in southern Europe, affecting many mammals debilitating them and sometimes fatal. It is caused by protozoan of the genus Leishmania. It’s considered a rare affection in cats, however, there’s an increasing number of cases in this host species which still isn’t considered a human infection reservoir.


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Two cases of feline intraocular sarcoma were reported in stray cats that presented blindness and hypotonia of the affected eye for years before the tumor development. Phthisis bulbi, a final stage of a severe inflammation of the eye, is frequently unmonitored because eyes are blind, small, opaque, and not painful. Yet, this report shows that monitoring and early enucleation of eyes of cats with phthisis bulbi are important and should be considered as a treatment option, because feline intraocular sarcoma is an aggressive tumor that significantly decreases live expectancy.


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Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is a worldwide infection and is considered a significant pathogen. The diagnosis of FIV infections is mainly based on commercially available rapid tests that are highly expensive in Brazil, hence it is rarely performed in the country. Furthermore, lentiviruses grow slowly and poorly in tissue cultures, making the production of viral antigen by classic means and thus the establishment of FIV immunodiagnosis impracticable. In order to deal with this, recombinant DNA techniques were adopted to produce the protein p24, a viral capsid antigen. The protein's reactivity evaluation analyzed by Western blot indicated that this recombinant antigen can be a useful tool for the immunodiagnostic of FIV infections.


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This study was designed to compare cutaneous mycoflora isolation and CD4+:CD8+ ratio in feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-infected cats with that in FIV-uninfected cats. Sixty cats were examined. Twenty-five were Fly-infected cats and 35 were RV-uninfected cats. All 60 cats were FeLV-negative. Fungi were speciated and immunophenotyping of peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes was performed. At least one fungal colony was isolated from 22/25 (88%) FIV-infected cats. Among the FIV-uninfected cats fungal colonies were recovered from 13/35 (37%) specimens. Dermatophytes were recovered from 2/25 (8%) FIV-infected cats (one Microsporum gypseum, one Microsporum can is) and 3/35 (8.5%) FIV-uninfected cats (M gypseum). Malassezia species was the most commonly isolated organism from both groups of cats (51.6%). Malassezia species was more commonly isolated from FIV-infected cats than RV-uninfected cats (84% vs 28.6%). The CD4+ to CD8+ lymphocyte ratio for FIV-infected cats was significantly lower than the CD4+ to CD8+ ratio in the FIV-uninfected cats. The CD4+ to CD8+ lymphocyte ratio for FIV-infected cats with cutaneous overall fungal isolation was significantly lower than the CD4:CD8 lymphocyte ratio in the FIV-infected cats but without cutaneous fungal isolation. We can conclude that immunologic depletion due to retroviral infection might represent a risk factor to cutaneous fungal colonization in cats. (C) 2010 ISFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The feline injection-site sarcoma (FIS) is a challenge for the veterinarian and the affected cat`s owner. The injectable applications (vaccines, medications) seems to be the reason for that neoplasia, more specifically, the inflammation caused by injury of given drugs or antigens to the health tissue. Generally the FIS presents a more aggressive behavior when compared to sarcoma not associated to application. The most effective treatment his not been established yet, but it is believed that a multimodality of therapies, surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy would be the most indicated option. The knowledge of the illness in all of its aspects will Supply to professionals colleges subsidies in relation to the best way to approach its diagnosis and treatment.


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Santos, K.B.; Daniel, A.G.T. & Hagiwara, M.K. [Reduced erythrocitary Glutathione and Heinz bodies in cats experimentally infected with the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.] Glutationa Reduzida Eritrocitaria e Corpusculos de Heinz em gatos infectados experimentalmente pelo Virus da Imunodeficieneia Felina. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 30(1):26-30, 2008. Centro Universitario Serra dos Orgaos, Rua Comendador Queiroz 52, Apto. 1403, Niteroi, RJ 24230-220, Brasil. E-mail: keilabsantos@)gmail.com The Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) produces a chronic infection with immunologic system disfunctions in domestic cats developing non-responsive anaemia. The feline immunologic status depression produces free radicals, whose imbalance between production and removal in the organism favour the oxidative injury occurrence. Heinz bodies in large amounts also can evident in vivo oxidative damage. Glutatione, a tripeptide found in the animal cells, is an important protection mechanism against oxidative damages. In this work erythrocyte reduced glutathione (GSH) concentrations for healthy and cats experimentally infected by FIV were determinated in relation to the hemogram and the Heinz bodies presence. All of the animals presents normal values for hemogram and Heinz bodies, however the GSH erythrocyte concentrations in the FIV positive cats were below the normality probably due to an passive depletion to GSH.


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Daniel, A.G.T; Reche Junior, A. & Santos, K.B. [The sensibility and use of enrofloxacin in the treatment of feline chronic gingivitis.] Sensibilidade e aplicabilidade da enrofloxacina no tratamento das gengivites cronicas em felinos domesticos. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 30(1):36-39, 2008. Medicoveterinario Residente na area de clinica e cirurgia de pequenos animais do Hospital Veterinario, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Cidade Universitaria, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva, 87, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-240. E-mail: alegtd@yahoo.com.br The goal of this study was to evaluate the in vitro sensitivity to enrofloxacin of bacteria isolated from the oral cavity of cats with chronic gingivitis. Twenty five cats male and famale with variable degrees of gingivitis were included in this study. The samples were colected by culturette swabs and submitted to bacterial culture and sensitivity. The results showed that 91% of the bacteria isolated from the culture were sensitive to enrofloxacin, demonstrating that this antibiotic is a good option in the clinical treatment or post-operative treatment of feline chronic gingivitis.


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Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) causes a slow progressive degeneration of the immune system which eventually leads to a disease comparable to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. FIV has extensive sequence variation, a typical feature of lentiviruses. Sequence analysis showed that diversity was not evenly distributed throughout the genome, but was greatest in the envelope gene, env. The virus enters host cells via a sequential interaction, initiated by the envelope glycoprotein (env) binding the primary receptor molecule CD134 and followed by a subsequent interaction with chemokine co-receptor CXCR4. The purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize isolates of FIV from an open shelter in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The separated PBMC from 11 positive cats were co-cultured with MYA-1 cells. Full-length viral env glycoprotein genes were amplified and determined. Chimeric feline x human CD134 receptors were used to investigate the receptor utilization of 17 clones from Brazilian isolates of Fly. Analyses of the sequence present of molecular clones showed that all clones grouped within subtype B. In contrast to the virulent primary isolate FIV-GL8, expression of the first cysteine-rich domain (CRD1) of feline CD134 in the context of human CD134 was sufficient for optimal receptor function for all Brazilian FIV isolates tested. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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FAPESP (the Sao Paulo State research funding foundation)


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A total of 57 captive neotropical felids (one Leopardus geoffroyi, 14 Leopardus pardalis, 17 Leopardus wiedii, 22 Leopardus tigrinus, and three Puma yagouaroundi) from the Itaipu Binacional Wildlife Research Center (Refugio Bela Vista, Southern Brazil) were anesthetized for blood collection. Feces samples were available for 44 animals, including one L. geoffroyi, eight L. pardalis, 14 L. wiedii, 20 L. tigrinus, and one P. yagouaroundi. Total DNA and RNA were extracted from blood and feces, respectively, using commercial kits. Blood DNA samples were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for feline leukemia virus (FeLV) proviral DNA, whereas reverse transcriptase-PCR was run on fecal samples for detection of coronavirus RNA. None of the samples were positive for coronaviruses. A male L. pardalis and a female L. tigrinus were positive for FeLV proviral DNA, and identities of PCR products were confirmed by sequencing. This is the first evidence of FeLV proviral DNA in these species in Southern Brazil.


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Twenty-three dogs and three cats with generalised demodicosis were treated with weekly subcutaneous injections of doramectin at a dose of 600mcg/kg body weight. All dogs and cats responded to treatment by going into remission. The median time until skin scrape results were negative was eight weeks (range five to 20 weeks). Ten dogs remained in remission after the first treatment, five were lost to follow up and seven needed a second course of doramectin or were maintained in remission by monthly injections. Time to when skin scrape results were negative for the cats was two to three weeks with one cat still in remission four years later. The other two cats were euthanased due to their underlying disease whilst only four and six months into remission. Weekly subcutaneous doramectin injections are useful in the treatment of generalised demodicosis in dogs and cats. No systemic side effects of the drug were seen, the injection was painless and no reactions were seen at the sites.