34 resultados para Felidae


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The pantherine lineage of the cat family Felidae (order: Carnivora) includes five big cats of genus Panthera and a great many midsized cats known worldwide. Presumably because of their recent and rapid radiation, the evolutionary relationship among pantherines remains ambiguous. We provide an independent assessment of the evolutionary history of pantherine lineage using two complete mitochondrial (mt) genes (ND2 and ND4) and the nuclear beta-fibrmogen intron 7 gene, whose utility in carnivoran phylogeny was first explored. The available four mt (ND5, cytb, 12S, and 16SrRNA) and two nuclear (IRBP and TTR) sequence loci were also combined to reconstruct phylogeny of 14 closely related cat species. Our analyses of combined mt data (six genes; approximate to 3750 bp) and combined mt and nuclear data (nine genes; approximate to 6500 bp) obtained identical tree topologies, which were well-resolved and strongly supported for almost all nodes. Monophyly of Panthera genus in pantherine lineage was confirmed and interspecific affinities within this genus revealed a novel branching pattern, with P. tigris diverging first in Panthera genus, followed by P. onca, P. leo, and last two sister species P. pardus and P. uncia. In addition, close association of Neofelis nebulosa to Panthera, the phylogenetic redefinition of Otocolobus manil within the domestic cat group, and the relatedness of Acinonyx jubatus and Puma concolor were all important findings in the resulting phylogenies. The potential utilities of nine different genes for phylogenetic resolution of closely related pantherine species were also evaluated, with special interest in that of the novel nuclear beta-fibrinogen intron 7. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente estudo reporta o primeiro caso de infecção por Strongyloides sp. em Leopardus tigrinus no município de Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Fezes do exemplar parasitado de L. tigrinus foram cultivadas em fezes eqüinas esterilizadas e foi realizada infecção experimental em gato (Felis catus domesticus) com três mil larvas L3 infectantes por via subcutânea, para a identificação da espécie de Strongyloides envolvida no parasitismo. As fêmeas partenogenéticas obtidas do animal experimental foram analisadas porém a comparação dos dados biométricos encontrados com os dados da literatura não permitiu a identificação da espécie. Este é o primeiro relato sobre a ocorrência de Strongyloides sp. em L. tigrinus


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A dieta de uma população de jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) (Geoffroy, 1803) (Carnivora, Felidae) foi estudada entre novembro de 2000 e novembro de 2001, em 24,9 km² de mosaico de Mata Atlântica secundária e reflorestamento de eucalipto na Serra de Paranapiacaba, São Paulo, Brasil. A análise das 26 amostras fecais e regurgitadas, obtidas em 570.1 km de percurso, indicou o consumo de 19 itens alimentares em um total de 74 ocorrências de presas. Pequenos mamíferos foram os itens mais frequentemente encontrados na dieta (42,5%), seguidos por aves (21%), répteis (14%) e mamíferos de tamanho médio (3%). A porcentagem de ocorrência (PO) sugere que a dieta concentra-se, principalmente, em pequenos roedores (30%) e aves (21%). Foi também registrada a predação sobre serpentes da família Viperidae. A amplitude de nicho alimentar padronizada (Bsta = 0,76) mostra uma dieta generalista, entretanto, os dados sugerem que o jaguarundi consome principalmente pequenos vertebrados (mamíferos, aves ou répteis), sobretudo, espécies terrestres.


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Genes located on the mammalian Y chromosome outside of the pseudoautosomal region do not recombine with those on the X and are predicted to either undergo selection for male function or gradually degenerate because of an accumulation of deleterious mutations. Here, phylogenetic analyses of X-Y homologues, Zfx and Zfy, among 26 felid species indicate two ancestral episodes of directed genetic exchange (ectopic gene conversion) from X to Y: once during the evolution of pallas cat and once in a common predecessor of ocelot lineage species. Replacement of the more rapidly evolving Y homologue with the evolutionarily constrained X copy may represent a mechanism for adaptive editing of functional genes on the nonrecombining region of the mammalian Y chromosome.


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Background: Recent studies have clearly demonstrated the enormous virus diversity that exists among wild animals. This exemplifies the required expansion of our knowledge of the virus diversity present in wildlife, as well as the potential transmission of these viruses to domestic animals or humans. Methods: In the present study we evaluated the viral diversity of fecal samples (n = 42) collected from 10 different species of wild small carnivores inhabiting the northern part of Spain using random PCR in combination with next-generation sequencing. Samples were collected from American mink (Neovison vison), European mink (Mustela lutreola), European polecat (Mustela putorius), European pine marten (Martes martes), stone marten (Martes foina), Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) and Eurasian badger (Meles meles) of the family of Mustelidae; common genet (Genetta genetta) of the family of Viverridae; red fox (Vulpes vulpes) of the family of Canidae and European wild cat (Felis silvestris) of the family of Felidae. Results: A number of sequences of possible novel viruses or virus variants were detected, including a theilovirus, phleboviruses, an amdovirus, a kobuvirus and picobirnaviruses. Conclusions: Using random PCR in combination with next generation sequencing, sequences of various novel viruses or virus variants were detected in fecal samples collected from Spanish carnivores. Detected novel viruses highlight the viral diversity that is present in fecal material of wild carnivores.


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Multidirectional comparative chromosome painting was used to investigate the karyotypic relationships among representative species from three Feliformia families of the order Carnivora ( Viverridae, Hyaenidae and Felidae). Complete sets of painting probes derived from flow-sorted chromosomes of the domestic dog, American mink, and human were hybridized onto metaphases of the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta, 2n = 40) and masked palm civet (Paguma larvata, 2n = 44). Extensive chromosomal conservation is evident in these two species when compared with the cat karyotype, and only a few events of chromosome fusion, fission and inversion differentiate the karyotypes of these Feliformia species. The comparative chromosome painting data have enabled the integration of the hyena and palm civet chromosomes into the previously established comparative map among the domestic cat, domestic dog, American mink and human and improved our understanding on the karyotype phylogeny of Feliformia species. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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1. Understanding the behaviour and ecology of large carnivores is becoming increasingly important as the list of endangered species grows, with felids such as Panthera leo in some locations heading dangerously close to extinction in the wild. In order to have more reliable and effective tools to understand animal behaviour, movement and diet, we need to develop novel, integrated approaches and effective techniques to capture a detailed profile of animal foraging and movement patterns. 2. Ecological studies have shown considerable interest in using stable isotope methods, both to investigate the nature of animal feeding habits, and to map their geographical location. However, recent work has suggested that stable isotope analyses of felid fur and bone is very complex and does not correlate directly with the isotopic composition of precipitation (and hence geographical location). 3. We present new data that suggest these previous findings may be atypical, and demonstrate that isotope analyses of Felidae are suitable for both evaluating dietary inputs and establishing geo-location as they have strong environmental referents to both food and water. These data provide new evidence of an important methodology that can be applied to the family Felidae for future research in ecology, conservation, wildlife forensics and archaeological science.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study deals with origin, sedimentary filling and fossil content of three tanks situated at Antônio Martins, Barcelona, Rui Barbosa, and Apodi counties, Rio Grande do Norte State. In addition, fossil materials from the Câmara Cascudo Museum - UFRN - Fundação Amigos do Lajedo Soledade - FALS, and from private ownership were investigated. The following families were identified: Megatberiidae, Gomphotheriidae, Mylodontidae, Equidae, Felidae, Canidae, Hydrochoeridae, Camelidae, Cervidae, Dasypodidae, Glyptodontidae, Macraucheniidae, Toxodontidae, and an undetermined Edentata Pilosa. The megafauna analysis indicated that herbivorc families occur mainly in tanks, whereas carnivore families occur in a vast proportion in an investigated ravine. Taphonomie analyses were limited to physical features because the vast majority of fossils were previously colleted without appropriate care for this kind of study. The main fossization processes were identified during diagenetie investigation. Permineralization is the most important process and replacement is the secondary one during fossilization. The study concluded that paleoenvironmental conditions during the late Pleistocene were more humid than the current one. Tropical savana, characterized by fields and cerrados , was the dominant vegetation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Little is known about neoplasia in the jaguar (Panthera onca), the largest American feline. A captive black jaguar was diagnosed at necropsy with a mastocytic form of visceral mast cell tumor similar to that which occurs in domestic cats. This animal had no previous clinical disease and died during anesthesia for a routine dental treatment.