998 resultados para Feedback sensory


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The purpose of the present study was to determine which augmented sensory modality would best develop subjective error-detection capabilities of learners performing a spatial-temporal task when using a touch screen monitor. Participants were required to learn a 5-digit key-pressing task in a goal time of 2550 ms over 100 acquisition trials on a touch screen. Participants were randomized into 1 of 4 groups: 1) visual-feedback (colour change of button when selected), 2) auditory-feedback (click sound when button was selected), 3) visual-auditory feedback (both colour change and click sound when button was selected), and 4) no-feedback (no colour change or click sound when button was selected). Following each trial, participants were required to provide a subjective estimate regarding their performance time in relation to the actual time it took for them complete the 5-digit sequence. A no-KR retention test was conducted approximately 24-hours after the last completed acquisition trial. Results showed that practicing a timing task on a touch screen augmented with both visual and auditory information may have differentially impacted motor skill acquisition such that removal of one or both sources of augmented feedback did not result in a severe detriment to timing performance or error detection capabilities of the learner. The present study reflects the importance of multimodal augmented feedback conditions to maximize cognitive abilities for developing a stronger motor memory for subjective error-detection and correction capabilities.


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Humans and song-learning birds communicate acoustically using learned vocalizations. The characteristic features of this social communication behavior include vocal control by forebrain motor areas, a direct cortical projection to brainstem vocal motor neurons, and dependence on auditory feedback to develop and maintain learned vocalizations. These features have so far not been found in closely related primate and avian species that do not learn vocalizations. Male mice produce courtship ultrasonic vocalizations with acoustic features similar to songs of song-learning birds. However, it is assumed that mice lack a forebrain system for vocal modification and that their ultrasonic vocalizations are innate. Here we investigated the mouse song system and discovered that it includes a motor cortex region active during singing, that projects directly to brainstem vocal motor neurons and is necessary for keeping song more stereotyped and on pitch. We also discovered that male mice depend on auditory feedback to maintain some ultrasonic song features, and that sub-strains with differences in their songs can match each other's pitch when cross-housed under competitive social conditions. We conclude that male mice have some limited vocal modification abilities with at least some neuroanatomical features thought to be unique to humans and song-learning birds. To explain our findings, we propose a continuum hypothesis of vocal learning.


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OBJETIVO: A hemiparesia é um comprometimento parcial do hemicorpo que altera o equilíbrio, sendo este essencial para as atividades funcionais. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o equilíbrio em pacientes hemiparéticos submetidos ao treino de equilíbrio com o programa Wii Fit, que atuou como um recurso de biofeedback visual. MÉTODO: Foram selecionados 12 pacientes hemiparéticos pós AVE, 5 do sexo masculino e 7 do sexo feminino, com idade média de 58 ± 12,57 anos, divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Um deles realizou a fisioterapia convencional (GC) pelo período de uma hora, o outro realizou por trinta minutos e mais trinta minutos de treino de equilíbrio com auxílio do Wii Fit (GW), duas vezes por semana durante cinco semanas, completando dez sessões. O equilíbrio foi avaliado antes e após as intervenções, por meio da aplicação da Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg (EEB) e pela estabilometria, que mensura a oscilação do centro de pressão (COP), nos eixos ântero-posterior (AP) e médio-lateral (ML), por uma plataforma de pressão em duas condições: de olhos abertos (OA) e olhos fechados (OF). RESULTADOS: de acordo com a EEB, os pacientes, tanto do GC quanto o do GW, obtiveram maior controle do equilíbrio estático e dinâmico. Na avaliação do COP no eixo ML, os indivíduos do GC e do GW tiveram diminuição na oscilação ML após a intervenção proposta para cada grupo, nas condições de OA e OF. No eixo AP do COP, o GC não teve diminuição na oscilação AP de OA e OF, e o GW apresentou diminuição na oscilação AP de OA e OF. CONLUSÃO: O presente estudo demonstra que a fisioterapia associada ao treino de equilíbrio com o Wii Fit apresenta resultados significantes na reabilitação dos indivíduos hemiparéticos, obtendo, assim, mais um recurso terapêutico na fisioterapia.


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Electrical neuromodulation of lumbar segments improves motor control after spinal cord injury in animal models and humans. However, the physiological principles underlying the effect of this intervention remain poorly understood, which has limited the therapeutic approach to continuous stimulation applied to restricted spinal cord locations. Here we developed stimulation protocols that reproduce the natural dynamics of motoneuron activation during locomotion. For this, we computed the spatiotemporal activation pattern of muscle synergies during locomotion in healthy rats. Computer simulations identified optimal electrode locations to target each synergy through the recruitment of proprioceptive feedback circuits. This framework steered the design of spatially selective spinal implants and real-time control software that modulate extensor and flexor synergies with precise temporal resolution. Spatiotemporal neuromodulation therapies improved gait quality, weight-bearing capacity, endurance and skilled locomotion in several rodent models of spinal cord injury. These new concepts are directly translatable to strategies to improve motor control in humans.


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In adapting to changing forces in the mechanical environment, humans change the force being applied by the limb by reciprocal changes in the activation of antagonistic muscles. However, they also cocontract these muscles when interaction with the environment is mechanically unstable to increase the mechanical impedance of the limb. We have postulated that appropriate patterns of muscle activation could be learned using a simple scheme in which the naturally occurring stretch reflex is used as a template to adjust feedforward commands to muscles. Feedforward commands are modified iteratively by shifting a scaled version of the reflex response forward in time and adding it to the previous feedforward command. We show that such an algorithm can account for the principal features of changes in muscle activation observed when human subjects adapt to instabilities in the mechanical environment. © 2006.


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Virtual assembly environment (VAE) technology has the great potential for benefiting the manufacturing applications in industry. Usability is an important aspect of the VAE. This paper presents the usability evaluation of a developed multi-sensory VAE. The evaluation is conducted by using its three attributes: (a) efficiency of use; (b) user satisfaction; and (c) reliability. These are addressed by using task completion times (TCTs), questionnaires, and human performance error rates (HPERs), respectively. A peg-in-a-hole and a Sener electronic box assembly task have been used to perform the experiments, using sixteen participants. The outcomes showed that the introduction of 3D auditory and/or visual feedback could improve the usability. They also indicated that the integrated feedback (visual plus auditory) offered better usability than either feedback used in isolation. Most participants preferred the integrated feedback to either feedback (visual or auditory) or no feedback. The participants' comments demonstrated that nonrealistic or inappropriate feedback had negative effects on the usability, and easily made them feel frustrated. The possible reasons behind the outcomes are also analysed. © 2007 ACADEMY PUBLISHER.


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Humans have been shown to adapt to the temporal statistics of timing tasks so as to optimize the accuracy of their responses, in agreement with the predictions of Bayesian integration. This suggests that they build an internal representation of both the experimentally imposed distribution of time intervals (the prior) and of the error (the loss function). The responses of a Bayesian ideal observer depend crucially on these internal representations, which have only been previously studied for simple distributions. To study the nature of these representations we asked subjects to reproduce time intervals drawn from underlying temporal distributions of varying complexity, from uniform to highly skewed or bimodal while also varying the error mapping that determined the performance feedback. Interval reproduction times were affected by both the distribution and feedback, in good agreement with a performance-optimizing Bayesian observer and actor model. Bayesian model comparison highlighted that subjects were integrating the provided feedback and represented the experimental distribution with a smoothed approximation. A nonparametric reconstruction of the subjective priors from the data shows that they are generally in agreement with the true distributions up to third-order moments, but with systematically heavier tails. In particular, higher-order statistical features (kurtosis, multimodality) seem much harder to acquire. Our findings suggest that humans have only minor constraints on learning lower-order statistical properties of unimodal (including peaked and skewed) distributions of time intervals under the guidance of corrective feedback, and that their behavior is well explained by Bayesian decision theory.


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Background Little or no research has been done in the overweight child on the relative contribution of multisensory information to maintain postural stability. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate postural balance control under normal and experimentally altered sensory conditions in normal-weight versus overweight children. Methods Sixty children were stratified into a younger (7–9 yr) and an older age group (10–12 yr). Participants were also classified as normal-weight (n = 22) or overweight (n = 38), according to the international BMI cut-off points for children. Postural stability was assessed during quiet bilateral stance in four sensory conditions (eyes open or closed, normal or reduced plantar sensation), using a Kistler force plate to quantify COP dynamics. Coefficients of variation were calculated as well to describe intra-individual variability. Findings Removal of vision resulted in systematically higher amounts of postural sway, but no significant BMI group differences were demonstrated across sensory conditions. However, under normal conditions lower plantar cutaneous sensation was associated with higher COP velocities and maximal excursion of the COP in the medial-lateral direction for the overweight group. Regardless of condition, higher variability was shown in the overweight children within the 7–9 yr old subgroup for postural sway velocity, and more specifically medial–lateral velocity. Interpretation In spite of these subtle differences, results did not establish any clear underlying sensory organization impairments that may affect standing balance performance in overweight children compared to normal-weight peers. Consequently, it is believed that other factors account for overweight children's functional balance deficiencies.


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"This letter aims to highlight the multisensory integration weighting mechanisms that may account for the results in studies investigating haptic feedback in laparoscopic surgery. The current lack of multisensory theoretical knowledge in laparoscopy is evident, and “a much better understanding of how multimodal displays in virtual environments influence human performance is required” ...publisher website


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This paper presents a novel hypothesis on the function of massive feedback pathways in mammalian visual systems. We propose that the cortical feature detectors compete not for the right to represent the output at a point, but for exclusive rights to abstract and represent part of the underlying input. Feedback can do this very naturally. A computational model that implements the above idea for the problem of line detection is presented and based on that we suggest a functional role for the thalamo-cortical loop during perception of lines. We show that the model successfully tackles the so called Cross problem. Based on some recent experimental results, we discuss the biological plausibility of our model. We also comment on the relevance of our hypothesis (on the role of feedback) to general sensory information processing and recognition. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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For a hungry fruit fly, locating and landing on a fermenting fruit where it can feed, find mates, and lay eggs, is an essential and difficult task requiring the integration of both olfactory and visual cues. Understanding how flies accomplish this will help provide a comprehensive ethological context for the expanding knowledge of their neural circuits involved in processing olfaction and vision, as well as inspire novel engineering solutions for control and estimation in computationally limited robotic applications. In this thesis, I use novel high throughput methods to develop a detailed overview of how flies track odor plumes, land, and regulate flight speed. Finally, I provide an example of how these insights can be applied to robotic applications to simplify complicated estimation problems. To localize an odor source, flies exhibit three iterative, reflex-driven behaviors. Upon encountering an attractive plume, flies increase their flight speed and turn upwind using visual cues. After losing the plume, flies begin zigzagging crosswind, again using visual cues to control their heading. After sensing an attractive odor, flies become more attracted to small visual features, which increases their chances of finding the plume source. Their changes in heading are largely controlled by open-loop maneuvers called saccades, which they direct towards and away from visual features. If a fly decides to land on an object, it begins to decelerate so as to maintain a stereotypical ratio of expansion to retinal size. Once they reach a stereotypical distance from the target, flies extend their legs in preparation for touchdown. Although it is unclear what cues they use to trigger this behavior, previous studies have indicated that it is likely under visual control. In Chapter 3, I use a nonlinear control theoretic analysis and robotic testbed to propose a novel and putative mechanism for how a fly might visually estimate distance by actively decelerating according to a visual control law. Throughout these behaviors, a common theme is the visual control of flight speed. Using genetic tools I show that the neuromodulator octopamine plays an important role in regulating flight speed, and propose a neural circuit for how this controller might be implemented in the flies brain. Two general biological and engineering principles are evident across my experiments: (1) complex behaviors, such as foraging, can emerge from the interactions of simple independent sensory-motor modules; (2) flies control their behavior in such a way that simplifies complex estimation problems.


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Modern theories of motor control incorporate forward models that combine sensory information and motor commands to predict future sensory states. Such models circumvent unavoidable neural delays associated with on-line feedback control. Here we show that signals in human muscle spindle afferents during unconstrained wrist and finger movements predict future kinematic states of their parent muscle. Specifically, we show that the discharges of type Ia afferents are best correlated with the velocity of length changes in their parent muscles approximately 100-160 ms in the future and that their discharges vary depending on motor sequences in a way that cannot be explained by the state of their parent muscle alone. We therefore conclude that muscle spindles can act as "forward sensory models": they are affected both by the current state of their parent muscle and by efferent (fusimotor) control, and their discharges represent future kinematic states. If this conjecture is correct, then sensorimotor learning implies learning how to control not only the skeletal muscles but also the fusimotor system.


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A recent study demonstrates involvement of primary motor cortex in task-dependent modulation of rapid feedback responses; cortical neurons resolve locally ambiguous sensory information, producing sophisticated responses to disturbances.


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This paper addresses the question relative to the role of sensory feedback in rhythmic tasks. We study the properties of a sinusoidally vibrating wedge-billiard as a model for 2-D bounce juggling. If this wedge is actuated with an harmonic sinusoidal input, it has been shown that some periodic orbits are exponentially stable. This paper explores an intuitive method to enlarge the parametric stability region of the simplest of these orbits. Accurate processing of timing is proven to be an important key to achieve frequency-locking in rhythmic tasks. © 2005 IEEE.