1000 resultados para Fechamento de capital


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Mercados financeiros e finanças corporativas


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a operação de incorporação de ações, prevista no artigo 252 da Lei nº 6.404/76 (Lei das Sociedades por Ações) e sua utilização como meio para promover o fechamento de capital. A incorporação de ações é operação societária mediante a qual a totalidade de ações de determinada companhia é incorporada ao patrimônio de outra companhia, obrigatoriamente constituída de acordo com as leis brasileiras. Eventualmente, a operação de incorporação de ações pode levar ao fechamento de capital da companhia “alvo”. Diante desta possível consequência, controladores e minoritários têm discutido acerca da legitimidade do fechamento de capital mediante a incorporação de ações, e da necessidade de realização de oferta pública para aquisição de ações como condição à operação. São analisadas as diferentes posições doutrinárias e principais precedentes julgados pela Comissão de Valores Mobiliários sobre essa questão, a fim de concluir acerca da legitimidade da operação e da necessidade ou não de realização de oferta pública para aquisição de ações como condição para promover o fechamento de capital.


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This work contributes to the finance literature proposing to analyze the relationship between the degree of internationalization of Brazilian companies and the likelihood of delisting. Therefore, even though the internationalization as a differential, in the formulation of hypotheses and analysis of the relationship between the variables dealt with concepts and theories within the Corporate Governance, which is already established in theory when it comes to delisting. First, with a view to the theory of internalization, which gives competitive advantages to the company due the adoption internationalization strategy and in parallel to the positive effects that this strategy generates on firms performance, it was formulated an hypothesis that the degree of internationalization would be adversely related to the probability of delisting, mainly due to such benefits generated to the organization. In turn, as an alternative hypothesis of the research, it proposed a positive relationship between these variables, based on agency theory, according to which internationalization would contribute to delisting by increasing geographical separation between shareholders and managers and, consequently, agency conflicts and the difficulty of monitoring. For the achievement of objectives, as well as being included economic and financial variables and GC, it was proposed the analysis of periods of crisis, as the events of recent past of the Brazilian economy. Starting from a base model initially developed by Pour and Lasfer (2013), which later, the proxies of internationalization and crisis have been added also contemplating adjustments to the Brazilian context. The data collected include the period from 2006 to 2014 and information on active and inactive companies at Bovespa. As results, it was found negative significance between the degree of internationalization and the delisting decision, confirming the first hypothesis of the research and stating that the benefits generated by internationalization in the company generate it spreads and results that reduce the probability of delisting. By analyzing the results of control variables was still possible to observe that, even internationalization reducing the likelihood of delisting, by particular aspects of corporate governance in Brazil, such as the high ownership concentration, the benefits it generates contribute to delisting. Regarding the analysis in crisis, the consequences of the crisis of the US subprime in general market were more relevant that the occurrence of itself, unlike the Brazilian internal crisis of 2014, which was statistically significant for the analyzed event. For future researches it is suggested the expansion of database and individual treatment of the reasons adopted by a company when delisting decision.


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A partir de uma amostra de 119 empresas que deslistaram voluntariamente no período de 1999 a 2013, investigamos problemas de agência e acesso a capital como possíveis determinantes no fechamento de capital, controlando para custo de manter a empresa listada, sub-avaliação, tamanho e liquidez na bolsa. Proxies relacionadas a problemas de agência, tais como maior concentração de propriedade, combinado com menor retorno sobre ativos, possuem forte influência na deslistagem das ações, além de fluxo de caixa livre e distribuição de dividendos. Quanto ao uso de mercado de capitais para acesso a follow on, bem como acesso a dívida, encontramos que as empresas que deslistam possuem menor necessidade de acesso ao mercado de dívida, controlando para empresas com mesmo perfil. Para efeito de controle, não encontramos evidência de que custo de se manter listada nem que a liquidez sejam determinantes.


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The determination of the most appropriate procurement method for capital works projects is a challenging task for the Department of Housing and Works (DHW) and other Western Australian State Government Agencies because of the array of assessment criteria that are considered and the procurement methods that are available. A number of different procurement systems can be used to deliver capital works projects such a traditional, design and construct and management. Sub-classifications of these systems have proliferated and continue to emerge in response to market demands. The selection of an inappropriate procurement method may lead to undesirable project outcomes. To facilitate DHW in selecting an appropriate procurement method for its capital works projects, a six step procurement method selection process is presented. The characteristics of the most common forms of procurement method used in Australia are presented. Case studies where procurement methods have been used for specific types of capital works in Western Australia are offered to provide a reference point and learning opportunity for procurement method selection.