989 resultados para Fe8 cluster


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Spin tunneling in the particular case of the magnetic molecular cluster octanuclear iron(III), Fe8, is treated by an effective Hamiltonian that allows for an angle-based description of the process. The presence of an external magnetic field along the easy axis is also taken into account in this description. Analytic expressions for the energy levels and barriers are obtained from a harmonic approximation of the potential function which give results in good agreement with the experimental results. The energy splittings due to spin tunneling is treated in an adapted WKB approach and it is shown that the present description can give results to a reliable degree of accuracy. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Starting from a phenomenological Hamiltonian originally written in terms of angular momentum operators we derive a new quantum angle-based Hamiltonian that allows for a discussion on the quantum spin tunneling. The study of the applicability of the present approach, carried out in calculations with a soluble quasi-spin model, shows that we are allowed to use our method in the description of physical systems such as the Mn12-acetate molecule, as well as the octanuclear iron cluster, Fe8, in a reliable way. With the present description the interpretation of the spin tunneling is seen to be direct, the spectra and energy barriers of those systems are obtained, and it is shown that they agree with the experimental ones. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit waren die Synthese und Untersuchung von Modellverbindungen zur Sauerstoffaktivierung auf der Basis neuer Ligandensysteme des 1,3,4-Thiadiazols unter Ausarbeitung einer Synthesestrategie zur Derivatisierung der heteroaromatischen 1,3,4-Thiadiazol-Liganden, deren Koordinationsverhalten in Abhängigkeit ihres 2,5-Substitutionsmusters untersucht wurde, sowie die fortführende Bearbeitung bereits bekannter Ligandensysteme zur Erzeugung von homo- und heterovalenten Übergangsmetallkomplexverbindungen.rnDie unter der Verwendung der modifizierten Liganden TPDE, H1TPDP und H1BPMP resultierenden dinuklearen Komplexverbindungen zeigen unterschiedlich starke antiferromagnetische Wechselwirkungen in Abhängigkeit der vorhandenen Brückenliganden. In der Verbindung [Fe6O2(OH)(L´)2(OOCMe3)9(OEt)2] trat eine Fragmentierung des Liganden H1TPDP auf. Das cisoide Ligandensubstitutionsmuster der entstandenen sechskernigen Verbindung ist verantwortlich für die interessanten magnetischen Eigenschaften des Komplexes. rnNeue Perspektiven zur Erzeugung von Modellverbindungen zur Sauerstoffaktivierung wurden mit dem Mono-Chelatliganden H1ETHP und den Bis-Chelatliganden HL2H, H2L2H und H2BATP aufgezeigt. Die Umsetzung von H1ETHP mit verschiedenen Übergangsmetallsalzen resultierte für die Metalle Cr(III), Fe(III), Co(III) und Ni(II) in mononuklearen Verbindungen des Typs [M(ETHP)2]X (X = ClO4, FeCl4, OMe, Cl, Br) sowie in zwei tetranuklearen Verbindungen mit Mn(II) und Cu(II). [Mn4(ETHP)6] besitzt ein propellerförmiges, planares [Mn4O6]2+-System mit einen Spingrundzustand von S = 5. In allen Verbindungen von H1ETHP konnte eine mono-κN-Koordination des 1,3,4-Thiadiazol-Rückgrates über eines seiner beiden endozyklischen Stickstoffdonoratome beobachtet werden. rnAus Umsetzungen der Bis-Chelatliganden wurden fast ausschließlich polynukleare Übergangsmetallkomplexe erhalten. Insbesondere der Ligand H2L2H zeigt eine ausgeprägte Tendenz zur Ausbildung trinuklearer, linearer Komplexe, welche auf Grund ihrer ungeraden Anzahl von Übergangsmetallionen einen Spingrundzustand S ≠ 0 aufweisen.rn Die mit dem Liganden HL2H erhaltenen Verbindungen unterstreichen die hohe Flexibilität dieser Systeme hinsichtlich der Erzeugung polynuklearer und heterovalenter Komplexverbindungen. So konnten in Abhängigkeit vom verwendeten Übergangsmetallsalz trinukleare, pentanukleare, aber auch hepta- und oktanukleare Verbindungen synthetisiert werden. Insbesondere die Komplexe des Mangans und des Cobalts zeigen ein heterovalentes [MnIIMnIII4]- bzw. [CoII2CoIII3]-Motiv, was sich in Spingrundzuständen von S ≠ 0 äußert. Der diamagnetische, achtkernige Fe8-Cluster besitzt eine pseudo C3-symmetrische Anordnung der Metall-Zentren, während für die heptanukleare Cu7-Kette durch ihre stark unterschiedlichen Kupfer-Koordinationsgeometrien interessante magnetische Austauschwechselwirkungen beobachtet werden konnten. Der dreikernige µ3-oxo-verbrückte Komplex des Liganden H2BATP zeigt als interessante strukturelle Eigenschaft ein ein µ3-Verbrückungsmuster des eingesetzten Sulfat-Anions. rnIn allen Komplexen der Bis-Chelatliganden HL2H, H2L2H und H2BATP konnte ein µ2-κN,κN-Koordiantionsmodus des 1,3,4-Thiadiazols und somit eine Abhängigkeit der Verbrückung vom Ligandensubstitutionsmuster beobachtet werden.rn


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Background Zoonotic schistosomiasis japonica is a major public health problem in China. Bovines, particularly water buffaloes, are thought to play a major role in the transmission of schistosomiasis to humans in China. Preliminary results (1998–2003) of a praziquantel (PZQ)-based pilot intervention study we undertook provided proof of principle that water buffaloes are major reservoir hosts for S. japonicum in the Poyang Lake region, Jiangxi Province. Methods and Findings Here we present the results of a cluster-randomised intervention trial (2004–2007) undertaken in Hunan and Jiangxi Provinces, with increased power and more general applicability to the lake and marshlands regions of southern China. The trial involved four matched pairs of villages with one village within each pair randomly selected as a control (human PZQ treatment only), leaving the other as the intervention (human and bovine PZQ treatment). A sentinel cohort of people to be monitored for new infections for the duration of the study was selected from each village. Results showed that combined human and bovine chemotherapy with PZQ had a greater effect on human incidence than human PZQ treatment alone. Conclusions The results from this study, supported by previous experimental evidence, confirms that bovines are the major reservoir host of human schistosomiasis in the lake and marshland regions of southern China, and reinforce the rationale for the development and deployment of a transmission blocking anti-S. japonicum vaccine targeting bovines.


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Background The problem of silent multiple comparisons is one of the most difficult statistical problems faced by scientists. It is a particular problem for investigating a one-off cancer cluster reported to a health department because any one of hundreds, or possibly thousands, of neighbourhoods, schools, or workplaces could have reported a cluster, which could have been for any one of several types of cancer or any one of several time periods. Methods This paper contrasts the frequentist approach with a Bayesian approach for dealing with silent multiple comparisons in the context of a one-off cluster reported to a health department. Two published cluster investigations were re-analysed using the Dunn-Sidak method to adjust frequentist p-values and confidence intervals for silent multiple comparisons. Bayesian methods were based on the Gamma distribution. Results Bayesian analysis with non-informative priors produced results similar to the frequentist analysis, and suggested that both clusters represented a statistical excess. In the frequentist framework, the statistical significance of both clusters was extremely sensitive to the number of silent multiple comparisons, which can only ever be a subjective "guesstimate". The Bayesian approach is also subjective: whether there is an apparent statistical excess depends on the specified prior. Conclusion In cluster investigations, the frequentist approach is just as subjective as the Bayesian approach, but the Bayesian approach is less ambitious in that it treats the analysis as a synthesis of data and personal judgements (possibly poor ones), rather than objective reality. Bayesian analysis is (arguably) a useful tool to support complicated decision-making, because it makes the uncertainty associated with silent multiple comparisons explicit.


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BACKGROUND: Literature and clinical experience suggest that some people experience atypical, complicated or pathological bereavement reactions in response to a major loss. METHOD: Three groups of community-based bereaved subjects--spouses (n = 44), adult children (n = 40), and parents (n = 36)--were followed up four times in the 13 months after a loss. A 17-item scale of core bereavement times was developed and used to investigate the intensity of the bereavement response over time. RESULTS: Cluster analysis revealed a pattern of bereavement-related symptoms approximating a syndrome of chronic grief in 11 (9.2%) of the 120 subjects. None of the respondents displayed a pattern consistent with delayed or absent grief. CONCLUSIONS: In a non-clinical community sample of bereaved people, delayed or absent grief is infrequently seen, unlike chronic grief, which is demonstrated in a minority.


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This paper considers the history of the cluster concept in urban economic geography, and its relationship to recent debates about creative cities. It then looks at the role that universities can play in the development of a creative cluster, as well as some of the potential pitfalls.


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Maximisation of Knowledge-Based Development (KBD) benefits requires effective dissemination and utilisation mechanisms to accompany the initial knowledge creation process. This work highlights the potential for interactions between Supply Chains (SCs) and Small and Medium sized Enterprise Clusters (SMECs), (including via ‘junction’ firms which are members of both networks), to facilitate such effective dissemination and utilisation of knowledge. In both these network types there are firms that readily utilise their relationships and ties for ongoing business success through innovation. The following chapter highlights the potential for such beneficial interactions between SCs and SMECs in key elements of KBD, particularly knowledge management, innovation and technology transfer. Because there has been little focus on the interactions between SCs and SMECs, particularly when firms simultaneously belong to both, this chapter examines the conduits through which information and knowledge can be transferred and utilised. It shows that each network type has its own distinct advantages in the types of information searched for and transferred amongst network member firms. Comparing and contrasting these advantages shows opportunities for both networks to leverage the knowledge sharing strengths of each other, through these ‘junctions’ to address their own weaknesses, allowing implications to be drawn concerning new ways of utilising relationships for mutual network gains.