21 resultados para Fbc
Capacity region for two-user Gaussian Broadcast Channels (GBC) is well known with the optimal input being Gaussian. In this paper we explore the capacity region for GBC when the users' symbols are taken from finite complex alphabets (like M-QAM, M-PSK). When the alphabets for both the users are the same we show that rotation of one of the alphabets enlarges the capacity region. We arrive at an optimal angle of rotation by simulation. The effect of rotation on the capacity region at different SNRs is also studied using simulation results. Using the setup of Fading Broadcast Channel (FBC) given by [Li and Goldsmith, 2001], we study the ergodic capacity region with inputs from finite complex alphabets. It is seen that, using the procedure for optimum power allocation obtained in [Li and Goldsmith, 2001] for Gaussian inputs, to allocate power to symbols from finite complex alphabets, relative rotation between the alphabets does not improve the capacity region. Simulation results for a modified heuristic power allocation procedure for finite-constellation case, show that Constellation Constrained capacity region enlarges with rotation.
Surface coatings and treatments have been used to reduce material loss of components in bubbling fluidized bed combustors (FBCs). The performance of protective coatings in FBC boilers and laboratory simulations is reviewed. Important coating properties to minimize wastage appear to be high hardness, low oxidation rate, low porosity, high adhesion and sufficient thickness to maintain protection for a long period. Economic considerations and criteria for choosing a suitable coating or treatment are discussed for the different types of bubbling FBC. © 1995.
Thinning of heat-exchanger tubes by erosion-corrosion has been a problem in fluidized bed combustors (FBCs), particularly at lower metal temperatures where thicker, mechanically protective oxide scales are unable to form. Many laboratory-scale tests have shown a decrease in material loss at higher temperatures, in a similar manner to FBC boilers, but also show a decrease in wastage at low temperatures (e.g. 200°C) which has not been detected in boilers. It has been suggested that this difference is due to laboratory tests being carried out isothermally whereas in a FBC boiler the fluidized bed is considerably hotter than the metal heat exchanger tubing. In this laboratory study the simulation was therefore improved by internally cooling one of the two low carbon steel specimens. These were rotated in a horizontal plane within a lightly fluidized bed with relative particle velocities of 1.3-2.5 m s-1. Tests were carried out over a range of bed temperatures (200-500°C) and cooled specimen surface temperatures (115-500°C), with a maximum temperature difference between the two of 320°C. Although specimens exposed isothermally still showed maximum wastage at intermediate temperatures (about 350°C), those which were cooled showed high levels of wastage at temperatures as low as 200°C in a similar manner to FBC boilers. Cooling may modify the isothermal erosion-corrosion curve, causing it to broaden and the maximum wastage rate to shift to lower temperatures. © 1995.
The wastage behaviour of four low alloy steels, suitable for use as evaporator tubing in industrial atmospheric fluidized bed combustors (AFBCs), was examined in a laboratory-scale test rig. Specimens exposed in the test apparatus experienced a high flux of impacts at low particle velocities similar to conditions in a FBC boiler. The influence of time, velocity and temperature on the wastage behaviour was examined and incubation times and velocity exponents were determined and their values discussed. Since high-temperature oxidation played an important role in this process, the short-term oxidation rate of each of the steels was measured. The mechanisms of material loss across the temperature range were discussed and the behaviour of the low alloy steels in the current work was compared with that of high alloy and stainless steels in earlier studies. © 1995.
The influence of HCl on CO and NO emissions was experimentally investigated in an entrained flow reactor (EFR) and an internally circulating fluidized bed (ICFB). The results in EFR show the addition of HCl inhibits CO oxidation and NO formation at 1073 K and 1123 K. At the lower temperature (1073 K) the inhibition of HCl becomes more obvious. In ICFB, chlorine-containing plastic (PVC) was added to increase the concentration of HCl during the combustion of coal or coke. Results show that HCl is likely to enhance the reduction of NO and N2O. HCl greatly increases CO and CH4 emission in the flue gas. A detailed mechanism of CO/NO/HCl/SO2 system was used to model the effect of HCl in combustion. The results indicate that HCl not only promotes the recombination of radicals O, H, and OH, but also accelerates the chemical equilibration of radicals. The influence of HCl on the radicals mainly occurs at 800-1200 K. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
It is compulsory that domestic football/soccer teams in UEFA competitions organise players' pre-participation medicals. Although screening guidelines have been established, these remain controversial. The findings of medical examinations can have lasting consequences for athletes and doctors. No previous studies have reported UEFA pre-participation screening results in semi-professional footballers. This study aims to further knowledge regarding 'normal' data in this population.
Retrospective audit and analysis of records of pre-season medicals for all male first-team players at one semi-professional Northern Ireland Premiership team between 2009-2012. Medicals were conducted by the club doctor following the UEFA proforma. Height, weight, blood pressure (BP), full blood count (FBC), dipstick urinalysis and resting electrocardiogram (ECG) were conducted by an independent nurse. Only one ECG must be documented during a player's career; other tests are repeated yearly.
89 medicals from 47 players (6 goalkeepers, 11 defenders, 22 midfielders and 8 attackers; mean age 25.0 years (SD 4.86)) were reviewed. Mean height of the players was 179.3 cm (SD 5.90) with a mean weight of 77.6 kg (SD 10.5). Of 89 urine dipsticks, 7 were positive for protein; all 7 were normal on repeat testing following 48 hours of rest. Of 40 ECGs (mean ventricular rate 61.2 bpm (SD 11.6)), one was referred to cardiology (right bundle branch block; prolonged Q-T interval). No players were excluded from participation.
This study provides important information about 'normal' values in a population of semi-professional footballers. Urinalysis showing protein is not uncommon but is likely to be normal on repeat testing.
Trabalho de Projeto realizado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
Resumen tomado de la publicación
El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi presenta un profund estudi i proveïx solucions innovadores en el camp dels sistemes recomanadors. Els mètodes que usen aquests sistemes per a realitzar les recomanacions, mètodes com el Filtrat Basat en Continguts (FBC), el Filtrat Col·laboratiu (FC) i el Filtrat Basat en Coneixement (FBC), requereixen informació dels usuaris per a predir les preferències per certs productes. Aquesta informació pot ser demogràfica (Gènere, edat, adreça, etc), o avaluacions donades sobre algun producte que van comprar en el passat o informació sobre els seus interessos. Existeixen dues formes d'obtenir aquesta informació: els usuaris ofereixen explícitament aquesta informació o el sistema pot adquirir la informació implícita disponible en les transaccions o historial de recerca dels usuaris. Per exemple, el sistema recomanador de pel·lícules MovieLens (http://movielens.umn.edu/login) demana als usuaris que avaluïn almenys 15 pel·lícules dintre d'una escala de * a * * * * * (horrible, ...., ha de ser vista). El sistema genera recomanacions sobre la base d'aquestes avaluacions. Quan els usuaris no estan registrat en el sistema i aquest no té informació d'ells, alguns sistemes realitzen les recomanacions tenint en compte l'historial de navegació. Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com) realitza les recomanacions tenint en compte les recerques que un usuari a fet o recomana el producte més venut. No obstant això, aquests sistemes pateixen de certa falta d'informació. Aquest problema és generalment resolt amb l'adquisició d'informació addicional, se li pregunta als usuaris sobre els seus interessos o es cerca aquesta informació en fonts addicionals. La solució proposada en aquesta tesi és buscar aquesta informació en diverses fonts, específicament aquelles que contenen informació implícita sobre les preferències dels usuaris. Aquestes fonts poden ser estructurades com les bases de dades amb informació de compres o poden ser no estructurades com les pàgines web on els usuaris deixen la seva opinió sobre algun producte que van comprar o posseïxen. Nosaltres trobem tres problemes fonamentals per a aconseguir aquest objectiu: 1 . La identificació de fonts amb informació idònia per als sistemes recomanadors. 2 . La definició de criteris que permetin la comparança i selecció de les fonts més idònies. 3 . La recuperació d'informació de fonts no estructurades. En aquest sentit, en la tesi proposada s'ha desenvolupat: 1 . Una metodologia que permet la identificació i selecció de les fonts més idònies. Criteris basats en les característiques de les fonts i una mesura de confiança han estat utilitzats per a resoldre el problema de la identificació i selecció de les fonts. 2 . Un mecanisme per a recuperar la informació no estructurada dels usuaris disponible en la web. Tècniques de Text Mining i ontologies s'han utilitzat per a extreure informació i estructurar-la apropiadament perquè la utilitzin els recomanadors. Les contribucions del treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi doctoral són: 1. Definició d'un conjunt de característiques per a classificar fonts rellevants per als sistemes recomanadors 2. Desenvolupament d'una mesura de rellevància de les fonts calculada sobre la base de les característiques definides 3. Aplicació d'una mesura de confiança per a obtenir les fonts més fiables. La confiança es definida des de la perspectiva de millora de la recomanació, una font fiable és aquella que permet millorar les recomanacions. 4. Desenvolupament d'un algorisme per a seleccionar, des d'un conjunt de fonts possibles, les més rellevants i fiable utilitzant les mitjanes esmentades en els punts previs. 5. Definició d'una ontologia per a estructurar la informació sobre les preferències dels usuaris que estan disponibles en Internet. 6. Creació d'un procés de mapatge que extreu automàticament informació de les preferències dels usuaris disponibles en la web i posa aquesta informació dintre de l'ontologia. Aquestes contribucions permeten aconseguir dos objectius importants: 1 . Millorament de les recomanacions usant fonts d'informació alternatives que sigui rellevants i fiables. 2 . Obtenir informació implícita dels usuaris disponible en Internet.
A adição de diferentes substâncias activas em produtos cosméticos, por exemplo, vitaminas e seus derivados, tem sido bastante frequente. Desta forma, é fundamental avaliar a estabilidade e eficácia de formulações cosméticas que contêm estes ingredientes. O objectivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar a estabilidade física e a eficácia clínica da hidratação formulações cosméticas com base em pantenol, e contendo tetraisopalmitato de ascorbilo e a-tocoferol. Por isso, as formulações foram desenvolvidas com pantenol (FA), pantenol e tetraisopalmitato de ascorbilo e a-tocoferol (FBC), que foi submetido à análise do comportamento reológico, caracterizando-as como estável. Em seguida, foram subjectivamente e objectivamente analisados ??quanto à eficácia clínica em 25 voluntários por avaliação sensorial e técnicas de bioengenharia cutânea, em termos de teor de água do estrato córneo, a perda de água transepidérmica (TEWL) e microrrelevo da pele, antes e depois de 3 horas de aplicação . As formulações estudadas apresentaram estabilidade aceitável de acordo com os aspectos físicos considerados. Nos estudos de eficácia clínica, ambas as formulações melhoraram significativamente a hidratação da pele e reduziram a TEWL, e também demonstraram uma melhoria no microrrelevo da pele, mas estes resultados não foram estatisticamente significativos. FBC recebeu notas superiores FApor análise sensorial, com melhoria significativa da suavidade da pele, além de ser preferido em intenção de compra.
Pós-graduação em Química - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Programa de doctorado: Ingeniería de Telecomunicación Avanzada.
The full blood cell (FBC) count is the most common indicator of diseases. At present hematology analyzers are used for the blood cell characterization, but, recently, there has been interest in using techniques that take advantage of microscale devices and intrinsic properties of cells for increased automation and decreased cost. Microfluidic technologies offer solutions to handling and processing small volumes of blood (2-50 uL taken by finger prick) for point-of-care(PoC) applications. Several PoC blood analyzers are in use and may have applications in the fields of telemedicine, out patient monitoring and medical care in resource limited settings. They have the advantage to be easy to move and much cheaper than traditional analyzers, which require bulky instruments and consume large amount of reagents. The development of miniaturized point-of-care diagnostic tests may be enabled by chip-based technologies for cell separation and sorting. Many current diagnostic tests depend on fractionated blood components: plasma, red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets. Specifically, white blood cell differentiation and counting provide valuable information for diagnostic purposes. For example, a low number of WBCs, called leukopenia, may be an indicator of bone marrow deficiency or failure, collagen- vascular diseases, disease of the liver or spleen. The leukocytosis, a high number of WBCs, may be due to anemia, infectious diseases, leukemia or tissue damage. In the laboratory of hybrid biodevices, at the University of Southampton,it was developed a functioning micro impedance cytometer technology for WBC differentiation and counting. It is capable to classify cells and particles on the base of their dielectric properties, in addition to their size, without the need of labeling, in a flow format similar to that of a traditional flow cytometer. It was demonstrated that the micro impedance cytometer system can detect and differentiate monocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes, which are the three major human leukocyte populations. The simplicity and portability of the microfluidic impedance chip offer a range of potential applications in cell analysis including point-of-care diagnostic systems. The microfluidic device has been integrated into a sample preparation cartridge that semi-automatically performs erythrocyte lysis before leukocyte analysis. Generally erythrocytes are manually lysed according to a specific chemical lysis protocol, but this process has been automated in the cartridge. In this research work the chemical lysis protocol, defined in the patent US 5155044 A, was optimized in order to improve white blood cell differentiation and count performed by the integrated cartridge.