972 resultados para Faunistic inventory


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Registramos 39 espécies de quirópteros na Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins e áreas adjacentes, nordeste do estado do Tocantins, durante 28 dias de trabalho de campo nos anos de 2003 e 2008 e na estação chuvosa. Este estudo da quiropterofauna é um dos primeiros para o estado do Tocantins, aumentando o número de espécies conhecido para esta região, com 29 espécies registradas pela primeira vez no estado. As espécies mais abundantes foram P. lineatus e C. perspicillata, com 23,5 e 15,4% do total de capturas. A diversidade no nível de família também foi alta: Phyllostomidae (26 espécies), Vespertilionidae (5), Molossidae (3), Emballonuridae (2), Mormoopidae (1), Noctilionidae (1) e Thyropteridae (1). A maioria das áreas mésicas e de cerrado (s.s.) não estão incluídas em unidades de conservação, representando uma ameaça para espécies restritas a estes tipos de hábitats, como T. devivoi que foi capturada apenas em áreas de veredas com Heliconiacea. Além disso, a região vem sendo alterada devido ao rápido avanço da agricultura e pastagens e do turismo crescente. Assim, a elevada diversidade de morcegos registrada na região, além dos diversos papéis ecológicos que estas espécies desempenham, somadas às ameaças acima relatadas, aumentam as prioridades em se estabelecer estratégias de conservação para este grupo de mamíferos nas regiões adjacentes à Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins. Dentre as espécies com interesse taxonômico, biogeográfico e de conservação destacam-se Lonchophylla dekeyseri, Glyphonycteris behnii, Micronycteris sanborni, Artibeus anderseni, Sturnira tildae e a recém-descrita Thyroptera devivoi.


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We present the results of the first bat inventory at the 'Serra das Araras' Ecological Station, MT, in the northwestern portion of the Cerrado domain. We captured bats using the traditional ground-level mist netting and, occasionally, high nets placed 3 m above the ground, and hand nets for hoosting bats. We recorded 23 species distributed in six families (Emballonuridae, Noctilionidae, Mormoopidae, Phyllostomidae, Molossidae, and Vespertilionidae), including Artibeus gnomus and A. anderseni, which had never been recorded in the Cerrado domain. © 2004 Instituto de Ciências Biológicas - UFMG.


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Mindfulness is a practice and a form of consciousness which has been the basis for innovative interventions in care and health promotion. This study presents mindfulness, describes and discusses the process of cultural adaptation of The Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory (FMI) to Brazilian Portuguese. From the original version of this pioneering instrument for assessing mindfulness two translations and two back-translations were made. These were evaluated by a committee of 14 experts (Buddhists, linguists, health professionals), who helped to create two versions for the first pre-test, based on which suggestions were made by a sample of 41 people of the population through interviews. Considering the difficulties in understanding the concepts that are unfamiliar to the Brazilian culture, a new version was prepared with additional explanations, which underwent a further evaluation of the experts and a second pre-test with 72 people. This process aimed at addressing the limitations and challenges of evaluating mindfulness in a country of western culture through a self-report instrument based on Buddhist psychology. With appropriate levels of clarity and equivalence with the original instrument, the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory adapted for Brazil is presented.


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As experiências traumáticas precoces são um fator de risco preditivo de problemas psicopatológicos futuros. O Early Trauma Inventory (ETI) é um instrumento que avalia em indivíduos adultos experiências traumáticas ocorridas antes dos 18 anos de idade. Tal instrumento foi traduzido, transculturalmente adaptado e sua consistência interna foi avaliada. Vítimas de violência que preencheram os critérios de inclusão e exclusão foram submetidas a uma entrevista diagnóstica (SCID-I) e ao ETI. Foram incluídos 91 pacientes com o transtorno do estresse pós-traumático (TEPT). O alfa de Cronbach nos diferentes domínios variou de 0,595-0,793, e o escore total foi de 0,878. A maior parte dos itens nos vários domínios, com exceção do abuso emocional, apresentou índices de correlação interitem entre 0,51-0,99. A versão adaptada foi útil tanto na clínica quanto na pesquisa. Apresentou boa consistência interna e na correlação interitem. O ETI é um instrumento válido, com boa consistência para se avaliar a presença de história de traumas precoces em indivíduos adultos.


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Objective: We compared temperament and character traits in children and adolescents with bipolar disorder (BP) and healthy control (HC) subjects. Method: Sixty nine subjects (38 BP and 31 HC), 8-17 years old, were assessed with the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Present and Lifetime. Temperament and character traits were measured with parent and child versions of the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory. Results: BP subjects scored higher on novelty seeking, harm avoidance, and fantasy subscales, and lower on reward dependence, persistence, self-directedness, and cooperativeness compared to HC(all p < 0.007), by child and parent reports. These findings were consistent in both children and adolescents. Higher parent-rated novelty seeking, lower self-directedness, and lower cooperativeness were associated with co-morbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Lower parent-rated reward dependence was associated with co-morbid conduct disorder, and higher child-rated persistence was associated with co-morbid anxiety. Conclusions: These findings support previous reports of differences in temperament in BP children and adolescents and may assist in a greater understating of BP children and adolescents beyond mood symptomatology.


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A measure of dimensional anxiety specifically designed for use in older people is urgently needed. Such a measure could be used in a variety of settings to screen for anxiety disorders and to measure response to treatment in older people with established anxiety disorders. We have developed a new instrument to measure generalized anxiety symptoms in older people, the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI). This new instrument uses plain language, minimises somatic items and has a dichotomous response scale. Although it is a self-report measure, it may readily be administered to frail and mildly cognitively impaired older people by nursing staff. The development and initial validation of the GAI will be described. The scale was administered to community samples as well as patients with anxiety, depression, and mild cognitive impairment. Reliability was high and validity sound when compared to a range of standard anxiety instruments, and the instrument was well-tolerated among these cohorts. Sensitivity, specificity and cut-off scores for community and impatient samples will be presented.


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To validate the Brazilian version of the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI-B) scale and to determine the optimal cutpoints for mild, moderate, and severe pain based on patients` rating of their worst pain. One hundred forty-three outpatients with cancer were recruited in Hospital das Clinicas-University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed two underlying dimensions, pain severity, and pain interference, with Cronbach`s alpha of 0.91 and 0.87, respectively. Convergent validity was shown by the correlation observed between the BPI dimensions with the EORTC-QLQ-C30 pain scale and the McGill Pain Questionnaire. The BPI-B detected significant differences in the two dimensions by disease and performance status, supporting known-group validity. For the worst pain, the optimal cutpoints were 4 and 7 (1-4 = mild pain, 5-7 = moderate, and 8-10 = severe). Our data show that BPI-B is a brief, useful, and valid tool for assessing pain and its impact on patient`s life.


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Objective. To analyze the psychometric properties of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) in terms of its internal consistency, scores distribution, concurrent and discriminant validity, and factorial analysis in a sample of university students and social anxiety disorder (SAD) cases and non-cases. Methods. A sample of Brazilian university students from the general population (N = 2314) and a sample of university students identified as cases (N = 88) and non-cases (N = 90) of SAD were assessed, using as a parameter the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV. The different instruments were completed individually in the presence of an experienced rater. Results. The BAI showed adequate internal consistency (0.88-0.92) and discriminant validity, with 0.74 sensitivity and 0.71 specificity for a cut-off score of 10. The factorial analysis suggested a three-factor solution to be the most adequate. Conclusions. The version of the BAI studied is quite adequate to be used in the context of Brazilian university students, identifying the presence of anxiety indicators. However, its usefulness to screen for SAD seems limited.


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Objective: The aim of the study was to study the psychometric properties of the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) in its version for the context of Brazilian adults. Methods: A sample of Brazilian university students from the general population (n = 2314) and a sample of university students identified as cases (n = 88) and noncases (n = 90) of social phobia were assessed, using as a parameter the Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. The different instruments were applied individually in the presence of a rater. Results: The SPIN showed adequate internal consistency (.63-.90) and concurrent validity with different instruments of auto- and hetero-evaluation of social phobia. Discriminative validity showed 0.84 to 0.86 sensitivity and 0.84 to 0.87 specificity for cutoff notes between 19 and 21. Factorial analysis showed the presence of a variable number of factors as a function of the different samples. Conclusions: The version of the SPIN studied is quite adequate for use in the context of Brazilian university students, favoring the screening of social phobia. However, further studies using more diverse samples are needed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Documentation of burn sequelae can be a difficult and time-consuming task. To date a reliable and systematic format for recording postburn trauma is lacking. The purpose of this research was two-fold: first, to develop a Modified Inventory of Potential Reconstructive Needs from the original Inventory of Potential Reconstructive Needs to allow methodical documentation of functional and cosmetic burn sequelae in all body surface areas of children with burns and, second, to establish interrater reliability and concurrent validity of the instrument, thus allowing its clinical application. Two raters scored the Modified Inventory of Potential Reconstructive Needs on 41 children with a range of burns types and severity. Excellent interrater reliability was demonstrated for both total (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.996) and subsection inventory scores. Concurrent validity was also established with total scores showing strong positive correlations (0.73-0.76) with three indicators of burn severity. These findings provide initial support for the tool's clinical applicability, particularly in relation to rehabilitative planning and documentation.


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O zumbido traz grande repercussões a qualidade de vida dos pacientes, e temos dificuldade em quantificá-los. OBJETIVO: Determinar a reprodutibilidade e validade da tradução para língua portuguesa do Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), um questionário auto-aplicável que avalia a repercussão do zumbido na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Neste estudo do tipo transversal prospectivo foi traduzido e adaptado culturalmente o questionário THI para a população brasileira de acordo com metodologia internacionalmente aceita e, então, respondido por 180 pacientes com zumbido. A avaliação de reprodutibilidade foi feita através do cálculo do alfa de Cronbach, enquanto que a validade foi testada através da comparação do THI com escala de depressão de Beck, calculando o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. RESULTADOS: A tradução do THI apresenta boa validade interna, comparável com a demonstrada na versão original. Correlação alta foi observada entre o THI e a escala de Beck. CONCLUSÃO: A versão para a língua portuguesa é um instrumento válido e reprodutível para ser utilizado para quantificar o impacto do zumbido na qualidade de vida dos pacientes brasileiros que nos procuram com esse sintoma.


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Um dos tópicos mais questionado nos estudos clínicos sobre zumbido é o método de mensuração do mesmo. As Escalas Visual-Análogas (EVAs) e o Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) são freqüentemente utilizados para este fim. OBJETIVO: Verificar a correlação entre os escores da EVA e do THI em pacientes com zumbido neurossensorial através de um estudo prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: 43 pacientes com zumbido neurossensorial quantificaram o zumbido pelos dois métodos, sendo os escores comparados através do Coeficiente de Relação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: Foi observada correlação entre os escores da EVA e do THI. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com zumbido neurossensorial existe correlação entre os escores da EVA e do THI.