965 resultados para Faults detect
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Master in Electrical and Computer Engineering
In high speed manufacturing systems, continuous operation is desirable, with minimal disruption for repairs and service. An intelligent diagnostic monitoring system, designed to detect developing faults before catastrophic failure, or prior to undesirable reduction in output quality, is a good means of achieving this. Artificial neural networks have already been found to be of value in fault diagnosis of machinery. The aim here is to provide a system capable of detecting a number of faults, in order that maintenance can be scheduled in advance of sudden failure, and to reduce the necessity to replace parts at intervals based on mean time between failures. Instead, parts will need to be replaced only when necessary. Analysis of control information in the form of position error data from two servomotors is described.
In order to achieve total selectivity at electrical distribution networks it is of great importance to analyze the defect currents at ungrounded power systems. This information will help to grant selectivity at electrical distribution networks ensuring that only the defect line or feeder is removed from service. In the present work a new selective and directional protection method for ungrounded power systems is evaluated. The new method measures only defect currents to detect earth faults and works with a directional criterion to determine the line under faulty conditions. The main contribution of this new technique is that it can detect earth faults in outgoing lines at any type of substation avoiding the possible mismatch of traditional directional earth fault relays. This detection technique is based on the comparison of the direction of a reference current to the direction of all earth fault capacitive currents at all the feeders connected to the same bus bars. This new method has been validated through computer simulations. The results for the different cases studied are remarkable, proving total validity and usefulness of the new method.
Reliability of power converters is of crucial importance in switched reluctance motor drives used for safety-critical applications. Open-circuit faults in power converters will cause the motor to run in unbalanced states, and if left untreated, they will lead to damage to the motor and power modules, and even cause a catastrophic failure of the whole drive system. This study is focused on using a single current sensor to detect open-circuit faults accurately. An asymmetrical half-bridge converter is considered in this study and the faults of single-phase open and two-phase open are analysed. Three different bus positions are defined. On the basis of a fast Fourier transform algorithm with Blackman window interpolation, the bus current spectrums before and after open-circuit faults are analysed in details. Their fault characteristics are extracted accurately by the normalisations of the phase fundamental frequency component and double phase fundamental frequency component, and the fault characteristics of the three bus detection schemes are also compared. The open-circuit faults can be located by finding the relationship between the bus current and rotor position. The effectiveness of the proposed diagnosis method is validated by the simulation results and experimental tests.
The aim of this study was to verify the drying effect on the reproducibility of DIAGNOdent (Dd) devices to detect caries-like lesions. Three areas were created in each of the 34 bovine incisors: sound (S), demineralized (DE) and remineralized (RE). One examiner measured each area with two Dd devices (denominated X and Y), twice under humid, and twice under dry condition. Intra-rater agreement according each device and inter-device agreement were estimated by kappa statistics (k). Intra-rater agreement for device Y was substantial under humid (k DE=0.68 and k RE+S=0.68) and dry condition (k DE=0.64 and k RE+S=0.67). For device X, it was substantial under humid condition (k DE=0.57 and k RE+S=0.49), and it was almost perfect after air drying (k DE=1.0 and kRE+S=1.0). Inter-device agreement was slight (k =0.17) under humid condition, and it was substantial under dry condition (k =0.62). As reproducibility increased under dry condition, drying is advised to detect caries-like lesions on free smooth surfaces when different devices are used.
We describe finite sets of points, called sentinels, which allow us to decide if isometric copies of polygons, convex or not, intersect. As an example of the applicability of the concept of sentinel, we explain how they can be used to formulate an algorithm based on the optimization of differentiable models to pack polygons in convex sets. Mathematical subject classification: 90C53, 65K05.
The detection of minimal residual disease (MRD) is an important prognostic factor in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) providing crucial information on the response to treatment and risk of relapse. However, the high cost of these techniques restricts their use in countries with limited resources. Thus, we prospectively studied the use of flow cytometry (FC) with a simplified 3-color assay and a limited antibody panel to detect MRD in the bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB) of children with ALL. BM and PB samples from 40 children with ALL were analyzed on days (d) 14 and 28 during induction and in weeks 24-30 of maintenance therapy. Detectable MRD was defined as > 0.01% cells expressing the aberrant immunophenotype as characterized at diagnosis among total events in the sample. A total of 87% of the patients had an aberrant immunophenotype at diagnosis. On d14, 56% of the BM and 43% of the PB samples had detectable MRD. On d28, this decreased to 45% and 31%, respectively. The percentage of cells with the aberrant phenotype was similar in both BM and PB in T-ALL but about 10 times higher in the BM of patients with B-cell-precursor ALL. Moreover, MRD was detected in the BM of patients in complete morphological remission (44% on d14 and 39% on d28). MRD was not significantly associated to gender, age, initial white blood cell count or cell lineage. This FC assay is feasible, affordable and readily applicable to detect MRD in centers with limited resources.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of the BANA Test to detect different levels of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola and Tannerella forsythia or their combinations in subgingival samples at the initial diagnosis and after periodontal therapy. Periodontal sites with probing depths between 5-7 mm and clinical attachment level between 5-10 mm, from 53 subjects with chronic periodontitis, were sampled in four periods: initial diagnosis (T0), immediately (T1), 45 (T2) and 60 days (T3) after scaling and root planing. BANA Test and Checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization identified red complex species in the subgingival biofilm. In all experimental periods, the highest frequencies of score 2 (Checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization) for P. gingivalis, T. denticola and T. forsythia were observed when strong enzymatic activity (BANA) was present (p < 0.01). The best agreement was observed at initial diagnosis. The BANA Test sensitivity was 95.54% (T0), 65.18% (T1), 65.22% (T2) and 50.26% (T3). The specificity values were 12.24% (T0), 57.38% (T1), 46.27% (T2) and 53.48% (T3). The BANA Test is more effective for the detection of red complex pathogens when the bacterial levels are high, i.e. in the initial diagnosis of chronic periodontitis.
Mercury (Hg) pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems. Due to public concern prompted by the symptoms displayed by people who consumed contaminated fish in Minamata, Japan in 1956, Hg pollution has since been kept under constant surveillance. However, despite considerable accumulation of knowledge on the noxious effects of ingested or inhaled Hg, especially for humans, there is virtually nothing known about the genotoxic effects of Hg. Because increased mitotic crossing over is assumed to be the first step leading to carcinogenesis, we used a sensitive short-term test (homozygotization index) to look for DNA alterations induced by Hg fumes. In one Aspergillus nidulans diploid strain (UT448//UT184), the effects of the Hg fumes appeared scattered all over the DNA, causing 3.05 times more recombination frequencies than the mean for other strains. Another diploid (Dp II- I//UT184) was little affected by Hg. This led us to hypothesize that a genetic factor present in the UT184 master strain genome, close to the nicB8 genetic marker, is responsible for this behavior. These findings corroborate our previous findings that the homozygotization index can be used as a bioassay for rapid and efficient assessment of ecotoxicological hazards.
The control of molecular architectures has been a key factor for the use of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films in biosensors, especially because biomolecules can be immobilized with preserved activity. In this paper we investigated the incorporation of tyrosinase (Tyr) in mixed Langmuir films of arachidic acid (AA) and a lutetium bisphthalocyanine (LuPc(2)), which is confirmed by a large expansion in the surface pressure isotherm. These mixed films of AA-LuPc(2) + Tyr could be transferred onto ITO and Pt electrodes as indicated by FTIR and electrochemical measurements, and there was no need for crosslinking of the enzyme molecules to preserve their activity. Significantly, the activity of the immobilised Tyr was considerably higher than in previous work in the literature, which allowed Tyr-containing LB films to be used as highly sensitive voltammetric sensors to detect pyrogallol. Linear responses have been found up to 400 mu M, with a detection limit of 4.87 x 10(-2) mu M (n = 4) and a sensitivity of 1.54 mu A mu M(-1) cm(-2). In addition, the Hill coefficient (h = 1.27) indicates cooperation with LuPc(2) that also acts as a catalyst. The enhanced performance of the LB-based biosensor resulted therefore from a preserved activity of Tyr combined with the catalytic activity of LuPc(2), in a strategy that can be extended to other enzymes and analytes upon varying the LB film architecture.
Since 2000, the southwestern Brazilian Amazon has undergone a rapid transformation from natural vegetation and pastures to row-crop agricultural with the potential to affect regional biogeochemistry. The goals of this research are to assess wavelet algorithms applied to MODIS time series to determine expansion of row-crops and intensification of the number of crops grown. MODIS provides data from February 2000 to present, a period of agricultural expansion and intensification in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon. We have selected a study area near Comodoro, Mato Grosso because of the rapid growth of row-crop agriculture and availability of ground truth data of agricultural land-use history. We used a 90% power wavelet transform to create a wavelet-smoothed time series for five years of MODIS EVI data. From this wavelet-smoothed time series we determine characteristic phenology of single and double crops. We estimate that over 3200 km(2) were converted from native vegetation and pasture to row-crop agriculture from 2000 to 2005 in our study area encompassing 40,000 km(2). We observe an increase of 2000 km(2) of agricultural intensification, where areas of single crops were converted to double crops during the study period. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The interaction between poly(o-ethoxyaniline) (POEA) adsorbed onto solid substrates and humic substances (HS) and Cu(2+) ions has been investigated using UV-vis spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Both HS and Cu(2+) are able to dope POEA and change film morphology. This interaction was exploited in a sensor array made with nanostructured films of POEA, sulfonated lignin and HS, which could detect small concentrations of HS and Cu(2+) in water. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper shows a new hybrid method for risk assessment regarding interruptions in sensitive processes due to faults in electric power distribution systems. This method determines indices related to long duration interruptions and short duration voltage variations (SDVV), such as voltage sags and swells in each customer supplied by the distribution network. Frequency of such occurrences and their impact on customer processes are determined for each bus and classified according to their corresponding magnitude and duration. The method is based on information regarding network configuration, system parameters and protective devices. It randomly generates a number of fault scenarios in order to assess risk areas regarding long duration interruptions and voltage sags and swells in an especially inventive way, including frequency of events according to their magnitude and duration. Based on sensitivity curves, the method determines frequency indices regarding disruption in customer processes that represent equipment malfunction and possible process interruptions due to voltage sags and swells. Such approach allows for the assessment of the annual costs associated with each one of the evaluated power quality indices.
Evaluation of two semi-selective media to detect Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens in bean seeds This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of the semi-selective MSCFF and modified CNS culture media in detecting Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (Cff) in bean seeds, using the streak and spread plate techniques. Four 500 g subsamples, obtained from two samples of bean seeds, were immersed in 600 mL of sterile distilled water for 18 h at 5 degrees C. Suspensions were picked and transferred to plates with both culture media. Plates were then incubated at 28 degrees C, and bacterial growth on both media was evaluated 72 and 144 hours later, compared to the growth of a Cff reference strain. Both media revealed the presence of Cff colonies. Typical colonies were isolated for PCR analyses and pathogenicity tests on tobacco leaves. A characteristic Cff growth on MSCFF medium was observed for the seed samples, for the two plate techniques used, in both evaluations. On the modified CNS culture medium, the bacterial growth was only detected in seed samples after 144 hours of incubation, regardless of the plate technique used. The results showed Cff grew faster on the MSCFF semi-selective culture medium. Bacterial isolates tested were identified as Cff by both PCR analyses and a positive tobacco hypersensitivity reaction.
Bellerophon is a program for detecting chimeric sequences in multiple sequence datasets by an adaption of partial treeing analysis. Bellerophon was specifically developed to detect 16S rRNA gene chimeras in PCR-clone libraries of environmental samples but can be applied to other nucleotide sequence alignments.