896 resultados para Father Absence
In American society, the incidence of divorce continues to rise. In 1974, the estimate was that 40% of all new marriages would end in divorce. When children are involved, the mother usually regains custody. Although the number of children of divorce living with their fathers is increasing, it is still a small percent. In addition, the rate of remarriages is lower when children are involved (Hetherington.et al.,1977). Consequently, a large number of children are being raised in father-absent homes, and indications are that the numbers are increasing. A recent Denver Post article predicted that 50% of all children now being born will spend some of their childhood in a single-parent home. In terms of frequency, the father-absent family is becoming quite common, even "normal," yet it often continues to be considered a "broken" home and, when compared to the two-parent family, an inadequate structure in which to raise healthy children. Since father-absent families are so common these days, this opinion is in need of review.This paper will present a review of the father absence research in three areas: sex role development, cognitive development and personality development. The role of moderator variables will be discussed. And, finally,an open systems model will be proposed as a vehicle to better understand the effects of father absence and as a guide for future research.
Depuis quelques années, l’adoption internationale a pris une importance croissante dans le monde, particulièrement en Haïti. Chaque année, plusieurs centaines d’enfants quittent Haïti pour l’étranger par ce biais. Depuis les années 1990, le nombre d’adoptions ne cesse d’augmenter. Pourtant, la majorité de ces enfants ne sont ni orphelins, ni abandonnés : ce sont les familles d’origine qui amènent leurs enfants aux crèches (orphelinats). De ce fait, il est d’une importance capitale d’avoir les points de vue des familles qui ont vécu cette expérience pour comprendre les raisons qui les poussent à faire un tel choix. L’objectif principal de cette recherche est de mieux comprendre l’expérience vécue par les mères haïtiennes vivant à Port-au-Prince ayant donné leur enfant en adoption internationale. De façon plus spécifique, il s’agit de comprendre les attentes et les motivations des mères face au projet d’adoption, le sens qu’elles donnent à ce projet et la manière dont elles ont vécu cette séparation. Pour ce faire, 15 entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées avec des mères ayant donné leurs enfants en adoption. Les résultats de cette étude nous ont permis de comprendre que les raisons qui poussent les mères à abandonner leur enfant en adoption sont multiples et complexes. Les problèmes de santé, de logement, d’emploi, l’absence du père, etc., sont autant de raisons avancées par les mères. Pour ces dernières, l’adoption peut être considérée comme une aide à l’enfance, une façon de sauver l’enfant de la misère ou une solution de sauvetage. Par ailleurs, au moment de confier leurs enfants en adoption, les mères ont signé des documents, mais elles semblent ne pas en connaître les contenus. De plus, le manque d’information sur le devenir de l’enfant et le regard de la société poussent les mères à éprouver des regrets, de la tristesse, de la honte, des craintes, des peurs, etc. Les mères développent également certaines stratégies pour forcer les responsables des crèches ou de l’Institut du bien-être social et de recherches (IBESR) à les informer sur l’évolution de leurs enfants. Outre le retour de l’enfant à sa majorité, les mères ont des attentes matérielles et économiques par rapport à l’enfant, aux responsables des crèches et aux familles adoptives.
Girls who grow up in households with an unrelated adult male reach menarche earlier than peers, a finding hypothesized to be an evolutionary strategy for families under stress. The authors tested the alternative hypothesis that nonrandom selection into stepfathering due to shared environmental and/or genetic predispositions creates a spurious relation between stepfathering and early menarche. Using the unique controls for genetic and shared environmental experiences offered by the children-of-twins design, the authors found that cousins discordant for stepfathering did not differ in age of menarche. Moreover, controlling for mother's age of menarche eliminated differences in menarcheal age associated with stepfathering in unrelated girls. These findings strongly suggest selection, and not causation, accounts for the relationship between stepfathering and early menarche.
O presente estudo teve por objetivos: a) Caracterizar uma amostra de adolescentes participantes de projetos sociais de uma Instituição de uma cidade do litoral paulista; b) Investigar aspectos da estrutura e dinâmica de adolescentes oriundos de famílias monoparentais, convencionais e de outras configurações familiares e, c) Compreender as relações estabelecidas com as figuras parentais por esses adolescentes pertencentes à essas diferentes organizações familiares.Para isso foi realizado inicialmente uma caracterização do perfil desses adolescentes e, posteriormente estudado seis casos de adolescentes de 12 a 18 anos participantes de Projetos Sociais do Terceiro Setor(Ong) pertencentes a diferentes formas de organizações familiares. Esses adolescentes freqüentavam a Instituição, local onde foram coletados os dados. Foram utilizados como instrumentos a entrevista semi-estruturada e o Teste de Apercepção Temática. De modo geral, os resultados mostraram que os adolescentes de famílias convencionais, ou seja, que possuem o pai e mãe no seio familiar conseguiram introjetar a imago paterna de forma mais integrada e, transitam pela adolescência de maneira mais estável. O esforço frente à elaboração dos lutos é vivenciado condizendo com a dita Síndrome da Adolescência Normal . Já os jovens pertencentes a famílias em que o pai não se faz presente no seio familiar, as defesas e as angustias apresentam-se condizentes aos estágios mais primitivos do desenvolvimento. Conclui-se que são necessários mais estudos frente a esta demanda para que o trabalho preventivo possa criar condições de um bom desenvolvimento psíquico para que este jovem passe pela adolescência e, chegue à vida adulta de maneira integrada.
O presente estudo teve por objetivos: a) Caracterizar uma amostra de adolescentes participantes de projetos sociais de uma Instituição de uma cidade do litoral paulista; b) Investigar aspectos da estrutura e dinâmica de adolescentes oriundos de famílias monoparentais, convencionais e de outras configurações familiares e, c) Compreender as relações estabelecidas com as figuras parentais por esses adolescentes pertencentes à essas diferentes organizações familiares.Para isso foi realizado inicialmente uma caracterização do perfil desses adolescentes e, posteriormente estudado seis casos de adolescentes de 12 a 18 anos participantes de Projetos Sociais do Terceiro Setor(Ong) pertencentes a diferentes formas de organizações familiares. Esses adolescentes freqüentavam a Instituição, local onde foram coletados os dados. Foram utilizados como instrumentos a entrevista semi-estruturada e o Teste de Apercepção Temática. De modo geral, os resultados mostraram que os adolescentes de famílias convencionais, ou seja, que possuem o pai e mãe no seio familiar conseguiram introjetar a imago paterna de forma mais integrada e, transitam pela adolescência de maneira mais estável. O esforço frente à elaboração dos lutos é vivenciado condizendo com a dita Síndrome da Adolescência Normal . Já os jovens pertencentes a famílias em que o pai não se faz presente no seio familiar, as defesas e as angustias apresentam-se condizentes aos estágios mais primitivos do desenvolvimento. Conclui-se que são necessários mais estudos frente a esta demanda para que o trabalho preventivo possa criar condições de um bom desenvolvimento psíquico para que este jovem passe pela adolescência e, chegue à vida adulta de maneira integrada.
O presente estudo teve por objetivos a) investigar as repercussões da ausência paterna sobre o desenvolvimento da criança; b) descrever o conteúdo intrapsíquico de crianças com pais presentes e de crianças com pais ausentes no lar. Para tanto foram estudados três casos de crianças em idade escolar que freqüentavam uma instituição não governamental da cidade de Santos e utilizou-se dos instrumentos entrevista semi-estruturada com as mães e Procedimento de Desenho-Estória com Tema com as crianças. A aplicação foi feita nos seguintes termos, pediu-se ao participante que desenhasse uma criança e, em seguida que contasse uma estória sobre o desenho. Após, foi solicitado à criança que desenhasse o pai dessa criança e que contasse uma estória sobre esse mesmo desenho. Optamos também por aplicar o Teste das Matrizes Coloridas de Raven - Escala Especial com as crianças. Embora cada caso tivesse revelado suas peculiaridades, os resultados mostraram indicativos de distúrbios da identidade sexual, desamparo, insegurança, tendências depressivas, além de associação entre a ausência paterna, déficit cognitivo e/ou inibição intelectual. Foi também observado em um dos casos, dificuldades da mãe em permitir que o pai paternasse . Concluiu-se que a ausência paterna foi percebida pela criança não somente como a falta da pessoa do pai no lar, mas sim por sua omissão; somando-se ao fato de que a internalização da figura paterna não pareceu determinada pelo laço biológico, mas sim pela possibilidade de oferecimento à criança de identificação e afeto. Entendeu-se com esse estudo que o desenvolvimento psíquico saudável pode ser facilitado pela introjeção das boas figuras materno/paternas pela criança. Sendo assim, estudos dedicados ao tema da paternidade são tão importantes de serem explorados na atualidade quanto o foram aqueles destinados à maternidade ao longo da história da psicologia do desenvolvimento e da psicanálise. (AU)
Changes in the demographic structure of American families have highlighted the need to reevaluate fatherhood. Research illustrates that paternal involvement positively affects child development, but father absence has increased due to rising rates of divorce, cohabitation, and non-marital childbirth. There is evidence that other male figures can function as effective father surrogates. However, information is limited, particularly with respect to female development. ^ This study examined differences in well-being, achievement, and paternal support among girls in four father categories: (a) Biological Father, (b) Step-Father, (c) Surrogate Father, and (d) No Father. Maternal support, economic hardship, and life stressors were included as potential covariates. Interviews were conducted with an ethnically and economically diverse sample of 694 sixth and eighth grade children. The sample included boys to assess the extent to which the findings were unique to girls. Measures included quantitative and qualitative support from father figures and indices of self-esteem, loneliness, and depression. Standardized test scores and classroom grades were also obtained from school records. ^ Girls with biological fathers had higher achievement test scores than girls in the other father categories, but there were no other differences related to the presence or absence of a father-figure. Biological fathers also provided greater quantitative and qualitative support than step- and surrogate fathers. Surrogate fathers provided a greater amount but lower quality of support than step-fathers. ^ Girls who received lower levels of support from biological fathers reported lower self-esteem and greater loneliness, compared to fatherless girls and those receiving low support from other father figures, suggesting that low support from biological fathers may be especially distressing. On the other hand, girls with low biological father support had higher achievement scores compared to fatherless girls and those who received low support from step- and surrogate fathers. Thus, the mere presence of the biological father appears to facilitate achievement, regardless of the level of support he provides. ^ This study highlights the supportive characteristics of different father figures and their influence on well-being and achievement in females. Future research should focus on the dynamics of surrogate father relationships and the specific characteristics that differentially affect developmental outcomes. ^
what was silent will speak, what is closed will open and will take on a voice Paul Virilio The fundamental problem in dealing with the digital is that we are forced to contend with a fundamental deconstruction of form. A deconstruction that renders our content and practice into a single state that can be openly and easily manipulated, reimagined and mashed together in rapid time to create completely unique artefacts and potentially unwranglable jumbles of data. Once our work is essentially broken down into this series of number sequences, (or bytes), our sound, images, movies and documents – our memory files - we are left with nothing but choice….and this is the key concern. This absence of form transforms our work into new collections and poses unique challenges for the artist seeking opportunities to exploit the potential of digital deconstruction. It is through this struggle with the absent form that we are able to thoroughly explore the latent potential of content, exploit modern abstractions of time and devise approaches within our practice that actively deal with the digital as an essential matter of course.
De Certeau (1984) constructs the notion of belonging as a sentiment which develops over time through the everyday activities. He explains that simple everyday activities are part of the process of appropriation and territorialisation and suggests that over time belonging and attachment are established and built on memory, knowledge and the experiences of everyday activities. Based on the work of de Certeau, non-Indigenous Australians have developed attachment and belonging to places based on the dispossession of Aboriginal people and on their everyday practices over the past two hundred years. During this time non-Indigenous people have marked their appropriation and territorialisation with signs, symbols, representations and images. In marking their attachment, they also define how they position Australia’s Indigenous people by both our presence and our absence. This paper will explore signs and symbols within spaces and places in health services and showcase how they reflect the historical, political, cultural, social and economic values, and power relations of broader society. It will draw on the voices of Aboriginal women to demonstrate their everyday experiences of such sites. It will conclude by highlighting how Aboriginal people assert their identities and un-ceded sovereignty within such health sites and actively resist on-going white epistemological notions of us and the logic of patriarchal white sovereignty.
This dissertation is primarily an applied statistical modelling investigation, motivated by a case study comprising real data and real questions. Theoretical questions on modelling and computation of normalization constants arose from pursuit of these data analytic questions. The essence of the thesis can be described as follows. Consider binary data observed on a two-dimensional lattice. A common problem with such data is the ambiguity of zeroes recorded. These may represent zero response given some threshold (presence) or that the threshold has not been triggered (absence). Suppose that the researcher wishes to estimate the effects of covariates on the binary responses, whilst taking into account underlying spatial variation, which is itself of some interest. This situation arises in many contexts and the dingo, cypress and toad case studies described in the motivation chapter are examples of this. Two main approaches to modelling and inference are investigated in this thesis. The first is frequentist and based on generalized linear models, with spatial variation modelled by using a block structure or by smoothing the residuals spatially. The EM algorithm can be used to obtain point estimates, coupled with bootstrapping or asymptotic MLE estimates for standard errors. The second approach is Bayesian and based on a three- or four-tier hierarchical model, comprising a logistic regression with covariates for the data layer, a binary Markov Random field (MRF) for the underlying spatial process, and suitable priors for parameters in these main models. The three-parameter autologistic model is a particular MRF of interest. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods comprising hybrid Metropolis/Gibbs samplers is suitable for computation in this situation. Model performance can be gauged by MCMC diagnostics. Model choice can be assessed by incorporating another tier in the modelling hierarchy. This requires evaluation of a normalization constant, a notoriously difficult problem. Difficulty with estimating the normalization constant for the MRF can be overcome by using a path integral approach, although this is a highly computationally intensive method. Different methods of estimating ratios of normalization constants (N Cs) are investigated, including importance sampling Monte Carlo (ISMC), dependent Monte Carlo based on MCMC simulations (MCMC), and reverse logistic regression (RLR). I develop an idea present though not fully developed in the literature, and propose the Integrated mean canonical statistic (IMCS) method for estimating log NC ratios for binary MRFs. The IMCS method falls within the framework of the newly identified path sampling methods of Gelman & Meng (1998) and outperforms ISMC, MCMC and RLR. It also does not rely on simplifying assumptions, such as ignoring spatio-temporal dependence in the process. A thorough investigation is made of the application of IMCS to the three-parameter Autologistic model. This work introduces background computations required for the full implementation of the four-tier model in Chapter 7. Two different extensions of the three-tier model to a four-tier version are investigated. The first extension incorporates temporal dependence in the underlying spatio-temporal process. The second extensions allows the successes and failures in the data layer to depend on time. The MCMC computational method is extended to incorporate the extra layer. A major contribution of the thesis is the development of a fully Bayesian approach to inference for these hierarchical models for the first time. Note: The author of this thesis has agreed to make it open access but invites people downloading the thesis to send her an email via the 'Contact Author' function.
It could be argued that all crimes have a general moral basis, condemned as ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ in the society in which they are proscribed, however, there are a specific group of offences in modern democratic nations which bear the brunt of the label, crimes against morality. Included within this group are offences related to prostitution and pornography, homosexuality and incest, as well as child sexual abuse. While the places where sex and morality meet have shifted over time, these two concepts continue to form the basis of much criminal legislation and associated criminal justice responses. Offenders of sexual mores are positioned as the reviled corruptors of innocent children, the purveyors of disease, an indictment on the breakdown of the family and/or the secularisation of society, and a corruptive force (Davidson 2008, Kincaid 1998). Other types of offending may divide public and political opinion, but the consensus on sex crimes appears constant.
The analysis of CdTe solidification in absence of thermal convection via short-duration microgravity
'my mother is water, my father is wood' was an installation comprised of two large cork discs mounted on the gallery floor and wall, overlaid with images of photographic and archival research evidence, and a turned wood sculptural object. It also included a short video work on a miniature screen embedded in the upright disc. The work explored the language of natural elements and the structure of genealogical research to discuss the Scandinavian history of Queensland and my own family. The work was selected by the directors of LEVEL ARI in Brisbane for inclusion in their 2011 exhibitions program.