979 resultados para Fatal outcome


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Linfomas primários do pulmão são raros. O tipo histológico mais freqüente é o linfoma do tecido linfóide associado ao brônquio. Este tipo de linfoma tem curso indolente e excelente resposta à terapia. Um terço dos casos é descoberto incidentalmente. Devido à raridade desta doença, no entanto, pouco se conhece sobre sua história natural em termos de disseminação e evolução. Neste relato, descrevemos o caso incomum de um homem de 61 anos que recusou o tratamento após diagnóstico de linfoma do tecido linfóide associado ao brônquio e, 2 anos após o diagnóstico, morreu por infiltração pulmonar maciça sem disseminação para outros órgãos.


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We report a case of progressive, multifocal melorheostosis in a 28-year-old woman, with involvement of the left arm, chest, spine, and impressive soft tissue involvement. In the past, she had undergone multiple vascular interventions. She presented with spontaneous massive bilateral chylothorax. After conservative treatment without success, we conducted bilateral pleurodesis. This resulted in a clear reduction of pleural effusions, but her medical condition subsequently worsened due to progressive parenchymatous infiltrates, and increased interlobal pleural effusions. She ultimately died of global respiratory insufficiency. In patients with melorheostosis, involvement of the soft tissue can result in distinctive morbidity, and whenever possible, treatment should be conservative.


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Halsschmerz, Dysphagie und Dyspnoe sind die häufigsten Symptomen, aufgrund derer Patienten einen Arzt aufsuchen. Hierbei handelt es sich um unspezifische Symptome mit vielfältigen Ursachen. Mögliche im Retropharyngealraum lokalisierte Pathologien sind in der überwiegenden Anzahl der Fälle selbst limitierend oder durch medikamentöse Therapien beherrschbar (Bsp.: Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis, Seitenstrangangina). Deutlich seltener sind im Spatium retropharyngeum lokalisierte Abszesse, Neoplasien (Bsp.: Lipome, Neurofibrome, Liposarkome) oder Hämatome (Schmäl F et al. HNO 2002; 50: 418 – 423). Letztlich können auch degenerative Veränderungen der Wirbelsäule, eine ektop verlaufende Arteria carotis interna oder seltene Manifestationen von Systemerkrankungen (Bsp.: Sarkoidose) zu einer unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägten Vorwölbung der Pharynxhinterwand und Einengung der Luft- und Speiseröhre führen. Anhand des vorliegenden Falls wird die klinische Präsentation sowie die radiologische Diagnose eines retropharyngealen Hämatoms diskutiert und die anatomische Beziehung der Halskompartimente mit besonderem Fokus auf den Retropharyngealraum dargestellt.


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PURPOSE: To determine prognostic factors and evaluate outcomes of transcatheter arterial embolization in severely injured patients in hemodynamically unstable condition with multicompartmental bleeding.¦MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between June 2000 and May 2008, 36 consecutive patients treated with transcatheter arterial embolization for major retroperitoneal bleeding associated with at least one additional source of bleeding were retrospectively reviewed. Mean Injury Severity Score (ISS) was 49.4 ± 15.8. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify parameters associated with failure of embolization, need for additional surgery to control bleeding, and fatal outcome at 30 d.¦RESULTS: Embolization was technically successful in 35 of 36 patients (97.2%) and resulted in immediate and sustained (> 24 h) hemodynamic improvement in 29 (80.5%). Additional hemostatic surgery was necessary after embolization in six patients (16.6%). Fifteen patients (41.6%) died within 30 d. Failure to restore hemodynamic stability was correlated with the rate of administration of packed red blood cells (P = .014), rate of administration of fresh frozen plasma (FFP; P = .031), and systolic blood pressure (SBP) immediately before embolization (P = .002). The need for additional surgery was correlated with FFP administration rate before embolization (P = .0002) and hemodynamic success (P = .003). Death was correlated with Glasgow Coma Scale score at admission (P = .001), ISS (P = .014), New Injury Severity Score (P = .016), number of injured sites (P = .012), SBP before embolization (P = .042), need for vasopressive drugs before embolization (P = .037), and hemodynamic success (P = .0004).¦CONCLUSIONS: In patients in hemodynamically unstable condition, transcatheter arterial embolization effectively controls bleeding and improves hemodynamic stability. Immediate survival is related to hemodynamic condition before embolization, and 30-d mortality is mainly related to associated brain trauma.


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A 55-year-old man was attacked by a Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris) after surprising and stabbing the animal in his corn plantation. The victim received deep bites in the thighs, neck, and cervical areas, resulting in severe hemorrhage and death. This is the first report of a tapir incident resulting in death and is of interest because of the severity of the contusions and lacerations caused by the provoked animal.


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Many marine catfish have serrated bony stings (spines), which are used in defense against predators, on the dorsal and pectoral fins. While catfish-induced injuries are generally characterized by the pain associated with envenomation, the stings in some species are sufficiently long and sharp to cause severe penetrating trauma. Most injuries are to the hands of victims, commonly fishermen. We report the death of a fisherman caused by myocardial perforation from a catfish sting. To our knowledge, this is the first such description in the medical literature.


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We describe a fatal attack by a black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) on an 11-year-old child with comments on the reptile's aggression mechanisms and the conditions under which this kind of incident takes place in the Amazon region. © 2011 Wilderness Medical Society.


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This review will focus on long-term outcomes after acute kidney injury (AKI). Surviving AKI patients have a higher late mortality compared with those admitted without AKI. Recent studies have claimed that long-term mortality in patients after AKI varied from 15% to 74% and older age, presence of previous co-morbidities, and the incomplete recovery of renal function have been identified as risk factors for reduced survival. AKI is also associated with progression to chronic kidney (CKD) disease and the decline of renal function at hospital discharge and the number and severity of AKI episodes have been associated with progression to CKD. IN the most studies, recovery of renal function is defined as non-dependence on renal replacement therapy which is probably too simplistic and it is expected in 60-70% of survivors by 90 days. Further studies are needed to explore the long-term prognosis of AKI patients.


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Descending necrotizing mediastinitis (DNM) is a rare but rapidly progressing disease with a potentially fatal outcome, originating from odontogenical or cervical infections. The aim of this article was to give an up-to-date overview on this still underestimated disease, to draw the clinician's attention and particularly to highlight the need for rapid diagnosis and adequate surgical treatment.


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Management of homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia is notoriously difficult. For these patients, LDL apheresis is considered the treatment of choice. Treatment initiation is advocated generally from the age of seven years onwards (Thompson et al., Atherosclerosis 198:247-255, 2008). Here, we present the case of a young girl from a large inbred family of Turkish descent with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia and fatal outcome at the early age of 4(1/2) years.In conclusion, this case suggests that management of homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia may require earlier and more aggressive treatment, including LDL apheresis before the age of seven years.


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BACKGROUND The brain's inflammatory response to the infecting pathogen determines the outcome of bacterial meningitis (BM), for example, the associated mortality and the extent of brain injury. The inflammatory cascade is initiated by the presence of bacteria in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) activating resident immune cells and leading to the influx of blood derived leukocytes. To elucidate the pathomechanisms behind the observed difference in outcome between different pathogens, we compared the inflammatory profile in the CSF of patients with BM caused by Streptococcus pneumonia (n = 14), Neisseria meningitidis (n = 22), and Haemophilus influenza (n = 9). METHODS CSF inflammatory parameters, including cytokines and chemokines, MMP-9, and nitric oxide synthase activity, were assessed in a cohort of patients with BM from Burkina Faso. RESULTS Pneumococcal meningitis was associated with significantly higher CSF concentrations of IFN-γ , MCP-1, and the matrix-metalloproteinase (MMP-) 9. In patients with a fatal outcome, levels of TNF-α, IL-1 β, IL-1RA, IL-6, and TGF-α were significantly higher. CONCLUSION The signature of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators and the intensity of inflammatory processes in CSF are determined by the bacterial pathogen causing bacterial meningitis with pneumococcal meningitis being associated with a higher case fatality rate than meningitis caused by N. meningitidis or H. influenzae.


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Introdução: A oclusão da artéria hipogástrica pode ser necessária na reparação endovascular de aneurismas da aorta abdominal (EVAR). A oclusão intencional da hipogástrica pode ter complicações isquémicas. As endopróteses de bifurcação ilíaca (IBD) surgiram como alternativa endovascular à oclusão da hipogástrica em doentes com elevado risco para isquemia pélvica. Os autores descrevem um caso de oclusão precoce do ramo hipogástrico de IBD com graves consequências clínicas. Caso clínico: Sexo masculino, de 74 anos, com aneurisma da aorta abdominal (diâmetro máximo de 55 mm) com envolvimento de ambas as bifurcações ilíacas e segmentos proximais das hipogástricas (diâmetro máximo de 31 e 32 mm), submetido a EVAR com revascularização hipogástrica esquerda via IBD (Cook Zenith®) e coiling+overstenting da artéria hipogástrica contralateral. O procedimento decorreu sem complicações e a angiografia final mostrava permeabilidade da hipogástrica revascularizada e escassa colateralidade pélvica. O pós-operatório imediato complicou-se de dor lombar e glútea bilateral associada a manifestações cutâneas isquémicas e monoparesia do membro inferior esquerdo. Por agravamento progressivo nas primeiras 24h e angioTC com oclusão do stent da hipogástrica esquerda, procedeu-se novamente a revascularização da hipogástrica, com bom resultado na angiografia final. Apesar da revascularização bem-sucedida, houve agravamento progressivo do estado geral, com isquemia pélvica irreversível e rabdomiólise. Óbito ao 5.◦dia pós-operatório. Conclusão: A isquemia pélvica aguda é uma complicação grave e frequentemente fatal que pode advir da oclusão bilateral das artérias hipogástricas. A falência da revascularização por IBD pode ser fatal, pelo que os autores aconselham um cuidado redobrado no controlo angiográfico final e um baixo limiar para investigação na suspeita de complicações pós-operatórias. Se maior risco de falência técnica, embolização ou escassa colateralidade pélvica, a preservação bilateral de fluxo nas artérias hipogástricas pode estar recomendada.


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Extrapulmonary small cell and small cell neuroendocrine tumors of unknown primary site are, in general, aggressive neoplasms with a short median survival. Like small cell lung cancer (SCLC), they often are responsive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Small cell lung cancer and well differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas tend to express somatostatin receptors. These tumors may be localized in patients by scintigraphic imaging using radiolabeled somatostatin analogues. A patient with an anaplastic neuroendocrine small cell tumor arising on a background of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome is reported. The patient had a known large pancreatic gastrinoma and previously treated parathyroid adenopathy. At presentation, there was small cell cancer throughout the liver and skeleton. Imaging with a radiolabeled somatostatin analogue, 111In- pentetreotide (Mallinckrodt Medical B. V., Petten, Holland), revealed all sites of disease detected by routine biochemical and radiologic methods. After six cycles of chemotherapy with doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and etoposide, there was almost complete clearance of the metastatic disease. 111In-pentetreotide scintigraphy revealed uptake consistent with small areas of residual disease in the liver, the abdomen (in mesenteric lymph nodes), and posterior thorax (in a rib). The primary gastrinoma present before the onset of the anaplastic small cell cancer showed no evidence of response to the treatment. The patient remained well for 1 year and then relapsed with brain, lung, liver, and skeletal metastases. Despite an initial response to salvage radiotherapy and chemotherapy with carboplatin and dacarbazine, the patient died 6 months later.


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Aims The aim of the study was to evaluate the significance of total bilirubin, aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) for predicting outcome in sepsis-associated cholestasis. Methods: A retrospective cohort review of the hospital records was performed in 181 neonates admitted to the Neonatal Care Unit. A comparison was performed between subjects with low and high liver values based on cut-off values from ROC analysis. We defined poor prognosis to be when a subject had prolonged cholestasis of more than 3.5 months, developed severe sepsis, septic shock or had a fatal outcome. Results: The majority of the subjects were male (56%), preterm (56%) and had early onset sepsis (73%). The poor prognosis group had lower initial values of GGT compared with the good prognosis group (P = 0.003). Serum GGT (cut-off value of 85.5 U/L) and AST (cut-off value of 51 U/L) showed significant correlation with the outcome following multivariate analysis. The odds ratio (OR) of low GGT and high AST were OR 4.3 (95% CI:1.6 to11.8) and OR 2.9 (95% CI:1.1 to 8), respectively, for poor prognosis. In subjects with normal AST values, those with low GGT value had relative risk of 2.52 (95% CI:1.4 to 3.5) for poorer prognosis compared with those with normal or high GGT. Conclusion: Serum GGT and AST values can be used to predict the prognosis of patients with sepsis-associated cholestasis