889 resultados para Fase luteal


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de 1) determinar a eficácia de duas temperaturas (370 C e 390 C) e três intervalos de tempo (48, 72 e 96h) comumente usados na maturação in vitro (MIV) de ovócitos caninos, 2) verificar o efeito de hormônios heterólogos: hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH) 0,5µg/ml, estradiol 20µg/ml e somatotropina humana (hST) 1µg/ml; e o efeito de proteínas: 0,4 % albumina sérica bovina (BSA), 10 % de soro de vaca em estro inativado (SVE), e 10 % soro de cadela em estro inativado (SCE) na maturação nuclear de ovócitos caninos, 3) observar a influência da condição reprodutiva das doadoras de ovários (folicular, diestro, anestro, piometra, e prenhez) sobre os índices de maturação in vitro ovocitária, 4) verificar a habilidade para fecundação in vitro de ovócitos coletados de fêmeas em diferentes estágios do ciclo estral, previamente maturados in vitro e adicionalmente, examinar sua capacidade de desenvolvimento embrionário in vitro. O meio de maturação usado nos experimentos foi TCM-199 suplementado com 25 mM Hepes/l (v/v) com 10 % de soro de vaca em estro inativado (SVE), 50 µg/ml de gentamicina, 2,2 mg/ml de bicarbonato de sódio, 22 µg/ml de ácido pirúvico, 1 µg/ml de estradiol, 0,5 µg/ml de FSH e 0,03 UI/ml de hCG. O meio de maturação era modificado de acordo com a proposta experimental apresentada. Os resultados do primeiro experimento não mostraram diferença estatística no índice de meiose de ovócitos maturados à 37oC ou à 39oC em quaisquer dos intervalos testados (48, 72, 96 horas), embora a proporção de ovócitos que alcançaram metáfase II a 37oC após 72 horas da maturação in vitro, mostrasse uma tendência estatística à significância (p = 0,064), quando comparada àquela dos ovócitos maturados à 39oC. Foi concluído que temperaturas de 37oC e 39oC são similares para maturação in vitro de ovócitos de cadelas. No segundo experimento deste estudo, os índices mais elevados (p < 0,05) de retomada da meiose após 72 horas de maturação in vitro foram obtidos, quando TCM 199 era suplementado com 0,4 % de BSA. Uma influência positiva sobre a aquisição de metáfase II (MII) foi observada com a suplementação de 1µg/ml de hST no meio de maturação. Ao contrário, ovócitos maturados em TCM 199 com 10 % de soro de cadela em estro não se desenvolveram até o estádio de MII. Os resultados deste experimento mostraram que a suplementação de proteínas e de hormônios ao TCM-199 não facilitam as etapas finais da maturação in vitro de ovócitos de cadelas.No terceiro experimento, os resultados de maturação dos ovócitos não mostraram diferença estatística na progressão do material nuclear até o estádio de MII entre os ovócitos provenientes de cadelas em várias condições reprodutivas (fase folicular: 5,4 %; diestro: 4,2 %; anestro: 4,4 %; piometra: 8,1 % e prenhez: 4,7 %). A retomada da meiose mostrou índices de 24,6 % na fase folicular, 19,6 % no diestro, 16,4 % no anestro, 37,1 % na piometra e 29,2 % na prenhez. Índices positivos e mais elevados de resíduo acima do valor esperado foram observados para as condições de piometra e de prenhez nos estádios de metáfase/anáfase I (MI/AI). Nossos resultados indicam que a maturação nuclear in vitro de ovócitos caninos não é influenciada pela condição reprodutiva in vivo da fêmea no momento da coleta ovariana. No experimento de fecundação in vitro (FIV), 888 ovócitos selecionados através de sua qualidade morfológica superior foram distribuídos em 3 grupos de acordo com o estágio do ciclo estral da doadora em: a) folicular, b) anestro, c) luteal . Após período de 48 horas de maturação a 37oC em TCM 199 suplementado com 25 mM Hepes/l (v/v), com 10 % soro de vaca em estro inativado (SVE), 50 µg/ml de gentamicina, 2,2 mg/ml de bicarbonato de sódio, 22 µg/ml de ácido pirúvico, 20 µg/ml de estradiol, 0,5 µg/ml de FSH, 0,03 UI/ml hCG e 1 µg/ml de hST, os ovócitos eram fecundados in vitro (2x106 espermatozóides/ml) por um período de 24 horas. A percentagem de ovócitos nucleados desenvolvendo-se em embriões foi de 10,1 % (27/ 267). O índice de clivagem (2-8 células) após cinco dias da FIV foi similar nas fases reprodutivas (folicular, anestro, e luteal). Contudo, o índice geral de fecundação foi superior nos ovócitos oriundos de cadelas nos estágios folicular (42,4 %) e anestro do ciclo (34,3 %) comparativamente àqueles provenientes da fase luteal (18,6 %) (p < 0,001). Além disso, foi verificada influência da fase folicular sobre o desenvolvimento de pronúcleos, com os índices nesta fase (24,2 %) sendo estatisticamente diferentes daqueles observados no anestro e na fase luteal (9,6 % e 3,7 %, respectivamente) (p < 0,004). Não foi estabelecida correlação entre a proporção de espermatozóides capacitados ou com reação acrossômica e formação pronuclear e/ou percentagem de clivagem. Em resumo, conclui-se que: a) ovócitos caninos podem ser maturados in vitro de forma similar às temperaturas de 39oC e 37o. b) a adição de hormônios (FSH, estradiol, hST) e proteínas (BSA, SVE, SCE) ao meio TCM 199 não eleva os índices de maturação nuclear até o estádio de MII de ovócitos caninos maturados in vitro. c) em cães, a seleção de ovócitos com base na coleta dentro de um estágio específico do ciclo estral não deve ser usada para prever índices de meiose ou habilidade para desenvolvimento embrionário in vitro. d) ovócitos caninos maturados, fecundados e cultivados in vitro podem se desenvolver a zigotos com até 8 células.


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BRUNO, S. S. ; SOUSA, M. B. C. . Modulação pela progesterona da sensibilidade dolorosa a estímulos mecânicos e isquêmicos em mulheres saudáveis e jovens. RBGO. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia , v. 30, p. 306-311, 2008


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Los efectos de la prostaglandina (PGF2α) vs CIDR y eCG (gonadotrofina coriónica equina) en la dinámica de la población folicular y su relación con las concentraciones plasmáticas de P4 fueron investigadas en ovejas cíclicas. Fueron utilizadas 14 hembras ovinas de la raza Bergamascia; el Grupo 1 (Gl) se sometió a dos aplicaciones de PGF2α, y, el Grupo 2 (G2) tratado con CIDR durante 14 días siendo que, en el momento de su retirada, se administraron 500 UI de eCG. La dinámica folicular ovárica fue monitoreada por medio de ecógrafo. Se monitorearon todos los folículos ≥ mm y se gráfico su posición diariamente, observándose el desarrollo individual folicular. Desde el día anterior a la aplicación de la segunda dosis de PGF2α, (Gl) y desde la administración de eCG (G2) hasta el décimo día del ciclo estral se colectaron muestras de sangre para el análisis de P4. Hubo diferencia significativa (P<0,001) en las concentraciones plasmáticas de P4 entre los tratamientos. La sincronización del estro y ovulación utilizando CIDR + 500 UI de eCG, incrementó la cantidad de folículos reclutados, además de aumentar el diámetro máximo y la tasa de crecimiento de los folículos grandes en la primera onda folicular. En consideración a los resultados se puede concluir que la sincronización del estro y de la ovulación en hembras ovinas, utilizando el CIDR y 500 UI de eCG, incrementa la cantidad de folículos reclutados, además de aumentar el diámetro máximo y la tasa de crecimiento de los folículos grandes. La asociación CIDR+500 UI de eCG provoca aumentos significativos en las concentraciones plasmáticas de progesterona (P4) al inicio de la fase luteal en hembras ovinas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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BRUNO, S. S. ; SOUSA, M. B. C. . Modulação pela progesterona da sensibilidade dolorosa a estímulos mecânicos e isquêmicos em mulheres saudáveis e jovens. RBGO. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia , v. 30, p. 306-311, 2008


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BRUNO, S. S. ; SOUSA, M. B. C. . Modulação pela progesterona da sensibilidade dolorosa a estímulos mecânicos e isquêmicos em mulheres saudáveis e jovens. RBGO. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia , v. 30, p. 306-311, 2008


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Antibodies to LH/chorionic gonadotrophin receptor (LH/CG-R; molecular weight 67 000), isolated in a homogenous state (established by SDS-PAGE and ligand blotting) from sheep luteal membrane using human CG (hCG)-Sepharose affinity chromatography, were raised in three adult male rabbits (R-I, R-II and R-III). Each of the rabbits received 20-30 mu g oi the purified receptor in Freund's complete adjuvant at a time. Primary immunization was followed by booster injection at intervals. Production of receptor antibodies was monitored by (1) determining the dilution of the serum (IgG fraction) that could specifically bind 50% of I-125-LH/CG-R added and (2) analysing sera for any chance in testosterone levels. Following primary immunization and the first booster, all three rabbits exhibited a 2.5- to 6.0-fold increase in serum testosterone over basal levels and this effect was spread over a period of time (similar to 40 days) coinciding with the rise and fall of receptor antibodies. The maximal antibody titre (ED(50)) produced at this time ranged from 1:350 to 1:100 to below detectable limits for R-I, R-II and R-III respectively. Subsequent immunizations followed by the second booster resulted in a substantial increase in antibody titre (ED(50) of 1:5000) in R-I, but this was not accompanied by any change in serum testosterone over preimmune levels, suggesting that with the progress of immunization the character of the antibody produced had also changed. Two pools of antisera from R-I collected 10 days following the booster (at day 70 (bleed I) and day 290 (bleed II)) were used in further experiments. IgG isolated from bleed I but not from bleed II antiserum showed a dose-dependent stimulation of testosterone production by mouse Leydig cells in vitro, thus confirming the in vivo hormone-mimicking activity antibodies generated during the early immunization phase. The IgG fractions from both bleeds were, however, capable of inhibiting (1) I-125-hCG binding to crude sheep luteal membrane (EC(50) of 1:70 and 1:350 for bleed I and II antisera respectively) and (2) ovine LH-stimulated testosterone production by mouse Leydig cells in vitro, indicating the presence oi antagonistic antibodies irrespective of the period of time during which the rabbits were immunized. The: fact that bleed I-stimulated testosterone production could be inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by the addition of IgG from bleed II to the mouse Leydig cell in vitro assay system showed that the agonistic activity is intrinsic to the bleed I antibody. The receptor antibody (bleed II) was also capable of blocking LH action in vivo, as rabbits passively (for 24 h with LH/CG-R antiserum) as well as actively (for 130 days) immunized against LH/CG-R failed to respond to a bolus injection of LH (50 mu g). At no time, however, was the serum testosterone reduced below the basal level. This study clearly shows that, unlike with LH antibody, attempts to achieve an LH deficiency effect in vivo by resorting to immunization with hole LH receptor is difficult, as receptor antibodies exhibit both hormone-mimicking (agonistic) as well as hormone-blocking (antagonistic) activities.


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The objective of the current study was to investigate the mechanism by which the corpus luteum (CL) of the monkey undergoes desensitization to luteinizing hormone following exposure to increasing concentration of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) as it occurs in pregnancy. Female bonnet monkeys were injected (im) increasing doses of hCG or dghCG beginning from day 6 or 12 of the luteal phase for either 10 or 4 or 2 days. The day of oestrogen surge was considered as day '0' of luteal phase. Luteal cells obtained from CL of these animals were incubated with hCG (2 and 200 pg/ml) or dbcAMP (2.5, 25 and 100 mu M) for 3 h at 37 degrees C and progesterone secreted was estimated. Corpora lutea of normal cycling monkeys on day 10/16/22 of the luteal phase were used as controls, In addition the in vivo response to CG and deglycosylated hCG (dghCG) was assessed by determining serum steroid profiles following their administration. hCG (from 15-90 IU) but not dghCG (15-90 IU) treatment in vivo significantly (P < 0.05) elevated serum progesterone and oestradiol levels. Serum progesterone, however, could not be maintained at a elevated level by continuous treatment with hCG (from day 6-15), the progesterone level declining beyond day 13 of luteal phase. Administering low doses of hCG (15-90 IU/day) from day 6-9 or high doses (600 IU/day) on days 8 and 9 of the luteal phase resulted in significant increase (about 10-fold over corresponding control P < 0.005) in the ability of luteal cells to synthesize progesterone (incubated controls) in vitro. The luteal cells of the treated animals responded to dbcAMP (P < 0.05) but not to hCG added in vitro, The in vitro response of luteal cells to added hCG was inhibited by 0, 50 and 100% if the animals were injected with low (15-90 IU) or medium (100 IU) between day 6-9 of luteal phase and high (600 IU on day 8 and 9 of luteal phase) doses of dghCG respectively; such treatment had no effect on responsivity of the cells to dbcAMP, The luteal cell responsiveness to dbcAMP in vitro was also blocked if hCG was administered for 10 days beginning day 6 of the luteal phase. Though short term hCG treatment during late luteal phase (from days 12-15) had no effect on luteal function, 10 day treatment beginning day 12 of luteal phase resulted in regain of in vitro responsiveness to both hCG (P < 0.05) and dbcAMP (P < 0.05) suggesting that luteal rescue can occur even at this late stage. In conclusion, desensitization of the CL to hCG appears to be governed by the dose/period for which it is exposed to hCG/dghCG. That desensitization is due to receptor occupancy is brought out by the fact that (i) this can be achieved by giving a larger dose of hCG over a 2 day period instead of a lower dose of the hormone for a longer (4 to 10 days) period and (ii) the effect can largely be reproduced by using dghCG instead of hCG to block the receptor sites. It appears that to achieve desensitization to dbcAMP also it is necessary to expose the luteal cell to relatively high dose of hCG for more than 4 days.


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The luteotropic action of estrogen (E) was investigated using immature pseudopregnant rat as the model and CGS 16949A (Fadrozole hydrochloride), a potent aromatase inhibitor (AI), to block E synthesis. Aromatase activity could be inhibited by administering CGS 16949A (50 mu g/day/rat) via a mini osmotic Alzet pump (model 2002) for 3 days during pseudopregnancy. This resulted in significant reduction of serum (40%, P < 0.05) and intraovarian (70.6%, P < 0.001) estradiol-17 beta (E(2)) levels. The serum and intraovarian progesterone (P-4) levels as analyzed on day 4 of pseudopregnancy were also reduced by greater than or equal to 50% (for both, P < 0.01). Simultaneous administration of estradiol-3-benzoate (E(2)B) via an Alzet pump during the Al: treatment period at a dose of 1 mu g/day could completely reverse the Al induced reduction in P-4 secretion. The luteal cells of experimental rats depleted of E in vivo showed a significantly reduced response upon incubation with hCG or dbcAMP in vitro (P < 0.05 and 0.001, respectively). Addition of E(2) (500 pg/tube) at the time of in vitro incubation was able to partially increase the responsiveness to hCG. The luteal cell LH/hCG receptor content and the affinity of hCG binding to the receptor remained unchanged following AI treatment in vivo. Both esterified and total cholesterol content of luteal cells of rats treated with Al in vivo was significantly high (P < 0.05) suggesting that E lack results in an impairment in cholesterol utilization for steroidogenesis. The results clearly show that E regulates luteal function in the pseudopregnant rat by acting at a non-cAMP mediated event and this perhaps involves facilitation of cholesterol utilization at the mitochondrial level for P-4 synthesis.


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Changes in MAPK activities were examined in the corpus luteum (CL) during luteolysis and pregnancy, employing GnRH antagonist (Cetrorelix)-induced luteolysis, stages of CL, and hCG treatment to mimic early pregnancy as model systems in the bonnet monkey. We hypothesized that MAPKs could serve to phosphorylate critical phosphoproteins to regulate luteal function. Analysis of several indices for structural (caspase-3 activity and DNA fragmentation) and functional (progesterone and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression) changes in the CL revealed that the decreased luteal function observed during Cetrorelix treatment and late luteal phase was associated with increased caspase-3 activity and DNA fragmentation. As expected, human chorionic gonadotropin treatment dramatically increased luteal function, but the indices for structural changes were only partially attenuated. All three MAPKs appeared to be constitutively active in the mid-luteal-phase CL, and activities of ERK-1/2 and p38-MAPK (p38), but not Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)-1/2, decreased significantly (P < 0.05) within 12 - 24 h after Cetrorelix treatment. During the late luteal phase, in contrast to decreased ERK-1/2 and p38 activities, JNK-1/2 activities increased significantly (P < 0.05). Although human chorionic gonadotropin treatment increased ERK-1/2 and p38 activities, it decreased JNK-1/2 activities. The activation status of p38 was correlated with the phosphorylation status of an upstream activator, MAPK kinase-3/6 and the expression of MAPK activated protein kinase-3, a downstream target. Intraluteal administration of p38 kinase inhibitor (SB203580), but not MAPK kinase-1/2 inhibitor (PD98059), decreased the luteal function. Together, these data suggest an important role for p38 in the regulation of CL function in primates.