995 resultados para Family romance
Esta tese tem por objetivo investigar as memórias de infância na escrita autobiográfica de Graciliano Ramos, Oswald de Andrade, José Lins do Rego e Cyro dos Anjos, privilegiando as estratégias de autorrepresentação adotadas pelos autores nas obras Infância, Um homem sem profissão - sob as ordens de mamãe, Meus verdes anos e A menina do sobrado. Tal abordagem tem como objeto de reflexão os elementos que são relevantes para a configuração de uma identidade narrativa na escrita autobiográfica. Das diferentes formas de autofiguração retiramos as estratégias textuais. As estratégias a que recorre uma escrita de si em certo espaço, em certo tempo e em certa linguagem. Estabelecemos os procedimentos comuns na retórica de nossos autores, tais como a primeira lembrança, a elaboração da crônica familiar, os pais, os lugares da memória, a época de escola e a cena de leitura. Nossa perspectiva se apresenta como uma indagação sobre os procedimentos usados na construção da identidade, considerando que as cenas selecionadas pelo escritor elaboram a autoimagem que ele deseja construir
Roman mémoriel, roman familial, roman d’apprentissage, autofiction… Voilà quelques concepts génériques qui m'ont guidé lors de l'élaboration de ce projet en recherche et création. Le point de départ a consisté en une quête identitaire, qui s’est résorbée en une recherche des origines, symbolisée par la figure de mon grand-père inconnu que j’ai tenté de démystifier. Car on m’a toujours dit qu’il avait écrit un roman, intitulé Orage sur mon corps, ce qui a provoqué chez moi diverses impressions et déformations imaginaires. Je croyais par exemple que mon grand-père, Émile, avait partagé les idées et l'état d'esprit qui circulaient durant les années 1940, alors que le Canada français connaissait une première vague de modernisation culturelle. Ces informations, malheureusement, ne se sont pas avérées tout à fait exactes. Et comme cette quête plus personnelle s'est achevée, non sans une certaine insatisfaction, mes recherches se sont poursuivies dans un essai portant essentiellement sur l'œuvre d'André Béland, auteur qui correspond, plus ou moins, à la figure mythique de mon grand-père. Cet essai ne vise pas à juger ni à réhabiliter l’auteur, mais simplement à jeter un peu de lumière sur son œuvre méconnue, parce que la « réappropriation identitaire se centre toujours aussi sur la transmission » (Régine Robin).
Using Harold Bloom s methodology known as dialectical revisionism we undertake the task of misreading of Vinícius de Moraes (1913- 1980) poems Poética (1950), Operário em construção (1955), Poética II (1960) against Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) and his poem A Song: Men of England, suggesting that the Brazilian poet trammeled a battle with his poetic triad, in which Operário em Construção is Vinicius s main weapon. It is suggested here that each one of Vinícius´poem represents a step of what Bloom calls anxiety of influence . The misreading proposed confronts the themes and the imagery of the poems, arguing that Shelley and Vinícius are similar when they approach exploitation and working class consciousness according to the Dialectic Marxism pattern, and that Vinícius´s poem was not only inspired by Shelley s, but using one of the strategies suggested by Bloom, he corrects the ideological flaws of Shelley s poem. It is also discussed the possibility that both poems are inspired by Plato´s (428-7 a 348-7 a.C.) allegory of the cave, his concept of justice and the moral construction of the polis defended in A República. Thus, considering the process of misreading, these five poems constitute what Bloom calls a family romance , which is characterizes the phenomenon of melancholy of creativity
Pygmalion (1913), by George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), has many studies in literary criticism. However, this study brings a new interpretation to Shaw s play based on Harold Bloom s theory and methodology, that is, the anxiety of influence and the dialectic of revisionism. Through the analysis of poetic influence and the dialectic of love, we can see that Pygmalion represents an apophrades in relation to William Shakespeare s The Taming of the Shrew (1593) and Ovid s myth of Pygmalion and Galatea in Metamorphosis (c. 14), which creates a family romance between the three stories. Shaw s play surpasses The Taming of the Shrew when it shows the possibility of the relation between this parent poem and Ovid s myth, which it is also its parent poem, and because it represents a strong misreading of Shakespeare s play as well as of Ovid s myth.
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This paper examined the psychological impact of the online dating romance scam. Unlike other mass-marketing fraud victims, these victims experienced a ‘double hit’ of the scam: a financial loss and the loss of a relationship. For most, the loss of the relationship was more upsetting than their financial losses (many described the loss of the relationship as a ‘death’). Some described their experience as traumatic and all were affected negatively by the crime. Most victims had not found ways to cope given the lack of understanding from family and friends. Denial (e.g., not accepting the scam was real or not being able to separate the fake identity with the criminal) was identified as an ineffective means of coping, leaving the victim vulnerable to a second wave of the scam. Suggestions are made as to how to change policy with regards to law enforcement deal with this crime.
Dans ce mémoire, nous étudions les productions bollywoodiennes issues de la foisonnante industrie du film de Mumbai. Nous explorons la forme populaire que ce cinéma propose et la nouvelle tendance qui émerge dans les années 1990, à travers laquelle se développent des représentations liées à la nouvelle classe moyenne indienne. Cette étude cherche à interroger les films les plus populaires des années 1990 afin de comprendre comment ils déploient leurs narratifs et leur narration. En procédant à des analyses descriptives et poétiques des récits, l’étude est principalement préoccupée par le traitement de la romance, un thème majeur de cette décennie. À travers ce thème, nous analysons les motifs narratifs, les procédés stylistiques, les détours de l’expression des sentiments ainsi que les dynamiques entre les sphères privée, publique et familiale. Essentiellement, nous mettons en lumière comment la distribution des informations narratives place le spectateur dans une position privilégiée organisant les plaisirs de sa participation aux films bollywoodiens.
This article investigates a body of early Tudor poetry associated with the Stanley Earls of Derby, preserved in the Percy Folio (British Library, Additional MS 27879). It argues that the Lancashire and Cheshire authors of these poems modified strategies of national address, rooted in a historical and prophetic tradition we can trace back to Geoffrey of Monmouth, to construct a clear regional identity centred on the dynastic mythology of the Stanley family. The Galfridian Stanley-ite mythology of this period presents a significant counterpart to contemporary political historical and prophetic treatments of the Tudor accession. This provides an important new literary-historical context for our understanding of the Percy Folio romance "The Turke and Sir Gawain".
The present work seeks to investigate and discuss about the Greek Tragedy s elements at Ariano Suassuna s romance called τ Romance d A Pedra do Reino e o Principe do Sangue do Vai e Volta, connecting it directly to mythic, epic, poetic, and romances aspects at his work. The romance has as the protagonist the backcountry Pedro Dinis Quaderna. Quaderna is a character which is simultaneously popular, elitist, enigmatic, naive, and an intellectual man that has a great erudition. Quaderna is a character that seeks, by using the Literature, to reestablish a Brazilian backcountry kingdom which he s supposedly the king, always trying to empathizes the Brazilian northeast region like if it was a nation apart. By impressing a national personality to the Brazilian northeast , Quaderna tries to become an epic poet just like Homer, denoting a strong influence of the Epopee. Quaderna, just like many characters of Greek Tragedy, has at his family past time a lot of tragic circumstances. These facts that ocurred to his relativos like the your uncle Pedro Sebastião Garcia Barreto s death, the disappearement of his cousin Sinésio, and the contest between the brothers Arésio and Sinésio, and others aspects, remind us remarkable influences, beyond the Epopee, of the Greek Tragedy. By reading the romance we may notice many similarities between Quaderna s trajectory and Greek Tragedy heroes. To make an analysis about the tragic aspects at Suassuna s work, we need to dialogue with many theoreticals that have written about the tragic and comparate with many parts of Suassuna s with classics character s texts of Greek Tragedy. At the following chapters we seek to provide romance s elementaries notions, as well as tragic notions, the dialogue with mythics aspects and the tragic and epic aplicability at Suassuna s work
O objetivo desse texto é apresentar um esboço do processo de formação da árvore genealógica das principais formas narrativas, das origens ao nascimento do romance, e, também, demonstrar a possibilidade de realização de um diálogo entre fi cções modernas com obras da tradição clássica, por meio de elementos formais, símbolos e convenções. Pelo fato de referir-se à história e à evolução de um gênero literário, o estudo focaliza, ainda, aspectos ligados ao código e à linguagem específi ca que dá expressão a esse sistema artístico.
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The present book focuses on evolution in the Romance verbal systems. In the wake of Bybee’s and Dahl’s studies, it advocates the benefits of adopting a cross-linguistic and diachronic approach to the study of linguistic phenomena. Within the scope of the Romance family, similar cross-linguistic evolution paths are explored, as related languages at different stages of grammaticalisation may shed light on each other’s developments. A diachronic dimension also proves desirable for several reasons. First, a diachronic approach significantly enhances the explanatory power of linguistic theory by showing how a specific form came to convey a certain function. Second, change is better revealed in diachronic movement than in static synchrony. Third, meaning constantly evolves and a one-off probe will be less revealing than a sustained study through time. Finally and most importantly, similarities across languages appear more obviously in diachrony. All the chapters of this volume participate in their own way to that crosslinguistic and diachronic approach and help make it an original, focused contribution that covers all main Romance languages.