15 resultados para Familiy
Class Condrichthyes consist of two sub-classes: Holocehali and. Elasmobranchii, the second one are more divers and has more importance. Selachimorpha (sharkes) and Batidoidimorpha (rays and skates) are two super-order of Elasmobranchii, which they have crucial role in ecological balance in marine ecosystmes. Except few cases, most of sharks and rays (rays and skates) are not well identified, so a lot of works need to be done in this regards. The area of study is located between 49°, 35' and 52°, 33' E and between 27°, 21' and 30°, 02' N in depth of 7 to 78 in. Study were conducted diuring August 1998, September 1999. Samples were taken during 3 sea cruises from 70 bottom trawl net. All sharks and batoid fishes were identified based on biometric specifications (weight, total, length and sexuality for both group and extra biometric specifications, disc width, disc length, and tail length only for, batoid fishes). The 1140 specimens of batoid fishes identified belonged to 6 families, and 18 species. 3 new species were identified, they are Himantura sp.1 and Himantura sp.2 belonged to Dasyatidae family and Rhinobatos sp. belonged to Rhinobatidae Familiy. It needs more works and more adaquate ducuments for cl.earfing scientific names of these species. The 275 specimens of sharks identified belonged to 6 families and 10 species. Chiloscyllium sp. belonged to Hemiscylliidae, family as a new species was identified.
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie sich in einer Familie von abelschen t-Moduln die Teilfamilie der uniformisierbaren t-Moduln beschreiben lässt. Abelsche t-Moduln sind höherdimensionale Verallgemeinerungen von Drinfeld-Moduln über algebraischen Funktionenkörpern. Bekanntermaßen lassen sich Drinfeld-Moduln in allgemeiner Charakteristik durch analytische Tori parametrisieren. Diese Tatsache überträgt sich allerdings nur auf manche t-Moduln, die man als uniformisierbar bezeichnet. Die Situation hat eine gewisse Analogie zur Theorie von elliptischen Kurven, Tori und abelschen Varietäten über den komplexen Zahlen. Um zu entscheiden, ob ein t-Modul in diesem Sinne uniformisierbar ist, wendet man ein Kriterium von Anderson an, das die rigide analytische Trivialität der zugehörigen t-Motive zum Inhalt hat. Wir wenden dieses Kriterium auf eine Familie von zweidimensionalen t-Moduln vom Rang vier an, die von Koeffizienten a,b,c,d abhängen, und gelangen dabei zur äquivalenten Fragestellung nach der Konvergenz von gewissen rekursiv definierten Folgen. Das Konvergenzverhalten dieser Folgen lässt sich mit Hilfe von Newtonpolygonen gut untersuchen. Schließlich erhält man durch dieses Vorgehen einfach formulierte Bedingungen an die Koeffizienten a,b,c,d, die einerseits die Uniformisierbarkeit garantieren oder andererseits diese ausschließen.
Introducción: El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) ha sido ampliamente estudiado, sin poderse establecer con certeza su etiología, se ha observado una mayor frecuencia del trastorno en niños con familiares afectados, sugiriendo un componente familiar y genético en la enfermedad. Objetivo principal: Determinar la asociación entre la presencia de síntomas de TDAH en niños escolares de cinco instituciones educativas de Bogotá y el antecedente de síntomas de TDAH en sus padres utilizando el Cuestionario Wender Utah. Metodología: Estudio de casos y controles seleccionados de 5 instituciones participantes, de acuerdo con los criterios DSM-IV para TDAH , escala BASC para padres y maestros y escala WISC-IV1 para descartar déficit cognitivo. A los padres se les aplicó un cuestionario de Wender-Utah para identificar de manera retrospectiva síntomas de TDAH en su infancia Resultados: De 202 niños disponibles, 117 fueron casos y 85 controles. El subtipo combinado fue el más en los casos (52,2%). No relación entre el antecedente paterno y el TDAH en niños fueron encontradas, pero si con el antecedentes materno y la presencia de TDAH con un OR de 2.36 y un IC 95% (1.05 a 5.36) p=0,02. Discusión: A pesar de que el TDAH se ha asociado a un componente familiar, otros factores podrían estar involucrados en la génesis del trastorno. Palabras clave: Trastorno por déficit de atención, hiperactividad, Impulsividad, Inatención, DSM IV, Wender Utah, conducta.
Estos servicios apenas contribuyen a solucionar los problemas sociales que se vienen produciendo en los últimos años en los diversos modelos de familia. La prensa y la bibliografía especializada se han hecho eco de las dificultades que padecen la mayoría de las familias. Mientras tanto las prestaciones familiares de la seguridad social son muy escasas, aumenta la demanda de apoyo a la familia en los servicios sociales de base y las administraciones (Ministerio, Comunidades Autónomas, Comunidades Locales) desarrollo de programas para familia desfavorecidas y en situación de riesgo social. Existe una responsabilidad pública que debe procurar servicios sociales de apoyo a la familia con miembros dependientes (mayores, discapacitados) y sobre todo con menores de seis años, también deben colaborar las empresas. Las personas empleadas y con responsabilidades familiares verán disminuir el estrés asociado a la doble tarea, familiar y laboral, si se adoptan medidas empresariales que hagan posible la conciliación de la vida familiar con el trabajo en función de la flexibilidad de horarios o de la movilidad geográfica y funcional requerida por las personas trabajadoras con responsabilidades familiares.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This third edition of the Social Panorama of Latin America is an expression of the ECLAC secretariat's continuing effort to incorporate the social dimension into the Commission's annual appraisals of regional development. The analysis presented in this edition emphasizes core issues concerning children and the familiy, as a result of the secretariat's joint activities with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), in order to provide up-to-date information on opportunities for access to well-being from childhodd onwards. This report is prepared periodically by Statistics Development Division of ECLAC, which collaborated with the Economic Development Division in producing the present edition. The information analysed yields an ilustrative profile of trends in the early 1990s in important facets of social development such as poverty, income distribution, employment, social expenditure, children, the family, education, pay levels and a social agenda of the main issues in this field that have captured public attention in the countries of the region during the past year.
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB
The present thesis is a contribution to the theory of algebras of pseudodifferential operators on singular settings. In particular, we focus on the $b$-calculus and the calculus on conformally compact spaces in the sense of Mazzeo and Melrose in connection with the notion of spectral invariant transmission operator algebras. We summarize results given by Gramsch et. al. on the construction of $Psi_0$-and $Psi*$-algebras and the corresponding scales of generalized Sobolev spaces using commutators of certain closed operators and derivations. In the case of a manifold with corners $Z$ we construct a $Psi*$-completion $A_b(Z,{}^bOmega^{1/2})$ of the algebra of zero order $b$-pseudodifferential operators $Psi_{b,cl}(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ in the corresponding $C*$-closure $B(Z,{}^bOmega^{12})hookrightarrow L(L^2(Z,{}^bOmega^{1/2}))$. The construction will also provide that localised to the (smooth) interior of Z the operators in the $A_b(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ can be represented as ordinary pseudodifferential operators. In connection with the notion of solvable $C*$-algebras - introduced by Dynin - we calculate the length of the $C*$-closure of $Psi_{b,cl}^0(F,{}^bOmega^{1/2},R^{E(F)})$ in $B(F,{}^bOmega^{1/2}),R^{E(F)})$ by localizing $B(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ along the boundary face $F$ using the (extended) indical familiy $I^B_{FZ}$. Moreover, we discuss how one can localise a certain solving ideal chain of $B(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ in neighbourhoods $U_p$ of arbitrary points $pin Z$. This localisation process will recover the singular structure of $U_p$; further, the induced length function $l_p$ is shown to be upper semi-continuous. We give construction methods for $Psi*$- and $C*$-algebras admitting only infinite long solving ideal chains. These algebras will first be realized as unconnected direct sums of (solvable) $C*$-algebras and then refined such that the resulting algebras have arcwise connected spaces of one dimensional representations. In addition, we recall the notion of transmission algebras on manifolds with corners $(Z_i)_{iin N}$ following an idea of Ali Mehmeti, Gramsch et. al. Thereby, we connect the underlying $C^infty$-function spaces using point evaluations in the smooth parts of the $Z_i$ and use generalized Laplacians to generate an appropriate scale of Sobolev spaces. Moreover, it is possible to associate generalized (solving) ideal chains to these algebras, such that to every $ninN$ there exists an ideal chain of length $n$ within the algebra. Finally, we discuss the $K$-theory for algebras of pseudodifferential operators on conformally compact manifolds $X$ and give an index theorem for these operators. In addition, we prove that the Dirac-operator associated to the metric of a conformally compact manifold $X$ is not a Fredholm operator.
Fil: Dalla Torre, Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Monitoring the impact of sea storms on coastal areas is fundamental to study beach evolution and the vulnerability of low-lying coasts to erosion and flooding. Modelling wave runup on a beach is possible, but it requires accurate topographic data and model tuning, that can be done comparing observed and modeled runup. In this study we collected aerial photos using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle after two different swells on the same study area. We merged the point cloud obtained with photogrammetry with multibeam data, in order to obtain a complete beach topography. Then, on each set of rectified and georeferenced UAV orthophotos, we identified the maximum wave runup for both events recognizing the wet area left by the waves. We then used our topography and numerical models to simulate the wave runup and compare the model results to observed values during the two events. Our results highlight the potential of the methodology presented, which integrates UAV platforms, photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems to provide faster and cheaper information on beach topography and geomorphology compared with traditional techniques without losing in accuracy. We use the results obtained from this technique as a topographic base for a model that calculates runup for the two swells. The observed and modeled runups are consistent, and open new directions for future research.
Over time, humanity began to realize the negative impact that the modern world has caused to the environment. The Atlantic Forest is one of the richest biomes in biodiversity, covering more than 60% of all species on the planet. This biome covered about 15% of the Brazilian territory, leaving currently only 7% of its fully fragmented forest remnants. This was the biome that suffered most from modernization and strong anthropogenic pressures in Brazil. For the account of environmental degradation, in the second half of the nineteenth century there was a shift in thinking, giving greater emphasis on conservation of some natural landscapes, with the intention of removing the man still preserved nature. Based on American models of conservation there were created the Nature Conservation Units. This study aimed to analyze the environmental quality of the State Park Vitório Piassa, a Conservation Unit located in the city of Pato Branco - PR. The environmental quality was measured by use of bio-indicators and some environmental pressures that the Park has suffered over the years also were identified. Beetles of the familiy Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) were used as the bioindicators. To compare the most conserved areas and the most degraded areas of the Park, three specific sites were defined within the Atlantic Forest fragment, these insects were captured with pitfall traps and identified as to their species and genera. There were two collections in February and March 2015, which resulted in 945 individuals in 22 species and nine different genus. Then the population of beetles in each area were classified based on ecological measures such as species richness, abundance of individuals of each species through diversity index (Shannon and Simpson) to identify the differences between the sampled groups and equitability (Pielou) to measure the distribution of the total abundance of the species in each area. To meet the objective of identifying the environmental pressures that occur in PEVP, evidence were collected through photographs, watching the field, aerial images and conversations with the resident population in the park. Similarly, if made relevant to build on the project running by the municipality for the construction of infrastructure for public viewing. These data served as subsidies to confront the current situation of the park and the current Brazilian legislation for UC's of full protection, highlighting the existing socio-environmental conflicts in the park, involving political issues and the proximity of the Conservation Unit with the urban area of the city.