988 resultados para Familiar planning
This paper deals with the familiar enterprise succession leaving as a goal to identify, describe and analyze the factors which facilitate and make difficult the process of succession of the familiar enterprise. To this it contextualizes the familiar enterprise in the labor market through its contexts, process and characters. Afterward it treats of the familiar enterprise as an system in its complexity of this segment of the enterprise. It considered the need on studying its origin, evolution and characteristics. Also the ethics and familiar administration. It also, considered the cycle of life, the three-dimensional model of development having as a base the propriety, family and enterprise axes as well as the familiar profissionalization, the main focus reposes in the succession process having as a base its planning the field search reveals it self descriptive, that¿s to say a case study through interview with the proprietors, successors, aggregates and succeeded ones. Finally the management indicators which aim, to contribute to the familiar succession.
Background: Hormonal contraceptive pills are the most used reversible method for familiar planning in Brazil. The combined pill, with synthetic analogs of estrogen and progestin, is employed by 25% of Brazilian female population. Its use provokes an increase of blood pressure levels, takes patient to a hipercoagulability state and predisposes her to thromboembolic events. Purposes: We aimed to describe mechanisms of hypercoagulability promoted by oral combined contraceptives, to analyze the relative risk of cardiovascular events within users and to list the most common circulatory pathologies in these patients. Methods: Three virtual medical databases were surveyed (Pubmed/Medline, BVS/LILACS and Scielo). Twelve studies were selected: clinical trials, case reports and articles of indexed medical periodic originally published in Portuguese and English about synthetic hormones, oral contraception, coagulation disorders and cardiovascular morbimortality. Results: Synthetic estrogen promotes an increase of some clotting factors' levels (VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII and fibrinogen), such as a reduction of their inhibitors (S protein and antithrombin). Because of this, etinilestradiol is the component most related to venous thrombosis and ischemic diseases of brain and heart. It also improves the releasing of hepatic angiotensinogen, taking to a increase of blood pressure levels. Conclusions: The prescription of oral combined contraceptives needs criteria, notably due to adverse effects of etinilestradiol. It is recommended to avoid the administration of these drugs for patients elder than 35 year-old or with risk factors. For these patients, the use of progestagen-only pills seems to be safer.
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In recent years disaster risk reduction efforts have focused on disturbances ranging from climate variability, seismic hazards, geo-political instability and public and animal health crises. These factors combined with uncertainty derived from inter-dependencies within and across systems of critical infrastructure create significant problems of governance for the private and public sector alike. The potential for rapid spread of impacts, geographically and virtually, can render a comprehensive understanding of disaster response and recovery needs and risk mitigation issues beyond the grasp of competent authority. Because of such cascading effects communities and governments at local and state-levels are unlikely to face single incidents but rather series of systemic impacts: often appearing concurrently. A further point to note is that both natural and technological hazards can act directly on socio-technical systems as well as being propagated by them: as network events. Such events have been categorised as ‘outside of the box,’ ‘too fast,’ and ‘too strange’ (Lagadec, 2004). Emergent complexities in linked systems can make disaster effects difficult to anticipate and recovery efforts difficult to plan for. Beyond the uncertainties of real world disasters, that might be called familiar or even regular, can we safely assume that the generic capability we use now will suit future disaster contexts? This paper presents initial scoping of research funded by the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre seeking to define future capability needs of disaster management organisations. It explores challenges to anticipating the needs of representative agencies and groups active in before, during and after phases of emergency and disaster situations using capability deficit assessments and scenario assessment.
In recent years coastal resource management has begun to stand as its own discipline. Its multidisciplinary nature gives it access to theory situated in each of the diverse fields which it may encompass, yet management practices often revert to the primary field of the manager. There is a lack of a common set of “coastal” theory from which managers can draw. Seven resource-related issues with which coastal area managers must contend include: coastal habitat conservation, traditional maritime communities and economies, strong development and use pressures, adaptation to sea level rise and climate change, landscape sustainability and resilience, coastal hazards, and emerging energy technologies. The complexity and range of human and environmental interactions at the coast suggest a strong need for a common body of coastal management theory which managers would do well to understand generally. Planning theory, which itself is a synthesis of concepts from multiple fields, contains ideas generally valuable to coastal management. Planning theory can not only provide an example of how to develop a multi- or transdisciplinary set of theory, but may also provide actual theoretical foundation for a coastal theory. In particular we discuss five concepts in the planning theory discourse and present their utility for coastal resource managers. These include “wicked” problems, ecological planning, the epistemology of knowledge communities, the role of the planner/ manager, and collaborative planning. While these theories are known and familiar to some professionals working at the coast, we argue that there is a need for broader understanding amongst the various specialists working in the increasingly identifiable field of coastal resource management. (PDF contains 4 pages)
O objetivo desta tese é traçar um panorama histórico das políticas públicas de planejamento familiar do Estado brasileiro, inserindo-o no contexto da complexa conjuntura sociopolítico-econômica no período de 1980 até a atualidade. Mediante pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, investigam-se, na interseção das políticas para população, mulher e saúde, as influências e interesses que incidem sobre programas de planejamento familiar. Após recuperar brevemente a trajetória dos movimentos de mulheres e feministas, que constituíram atores sociais centrais no debate sobre as políticas de população e de planejamento familiar, focaliza-se a drástica redução nas taxas de fecundidade da mulher brasileira ocorrida a partir dos anos 1960, na vigência oficial de uma política natalista, mas na omissão do Estado ao permitir a difusão no país de organizações de cunho controlista, que viabilizaram às mulheres o acesso à pílula anticoncepcional e à esterilização. Acompanha-se a evolução das políticas de população em nível mundial, destacando a atuação da Organização das Nações Unidas e de suas conferências mundiais, focalizando a Conferência Internacional de População e Desenvolvimento realizada no Cairo em 1994, que provocou uma inflexão nas políticas de saúde da mulher para saúde reprodutiva. No Brasil, que já contava com um programa pioneiro de saúde da mulher o Paism (1983) , os efeitos do Cairo vieram somar-se à definição do planejamento familiar pela Constituição de 1988 e à instituição do Sistema Único de Saúde em 1990. A análise permitiu identificar as influências externas e internas que incidem sobre a política de planejamento familiar. A política de planejamento familiar do país hoje configura-se democrática, abrangente e descentralizada, sendo a principal tensão identificada entre seus enunciados e sua implementação na prática, ou seja, só será efetiva se houver um controle social eficaz.
Uma metodologia de intervenção de grupo foi testada de grupo foi testada em 11 organizacoes rurais de base familiar, formada por nove associacoes de agricultores tradicionais, uma associacao de assentamento de reforma agraria e uma central de associacoes, sendo todas situadas em tres municipios do Estado de Goias. A metodologia constitui-se das seguintes etapas de intervencoes: apresentacao da proposta de trabalho, motivacao em nucleacao do grupo; diagnostico da organizacao; planejamento estrategico participativo (PEP), bem como a execução das propostas e acoes estrategicas; desenvolvimento e capacitacao dos agricultores e avaliação final da gestao das organizacoes. Este trabalho discutiu cada uma dessa etapas, e suas principais caracteristicas são: a construcao de objetivos compartilhados e a possibilidade de os membros da organização se desenvolverem como equipe trabalho e de participarem do desenvolvimento local. Dentre os resultados parciais obtidos ate o momento, destacaram-se: a producao e a comercializacao de doces e temperos caseiros; criacao e comercializacsao de frango caipira; implantacao de viveiro de mudas de plantas nativas; desenvolvimento de grupo de jovens rurais; implementacao de lavoura comunitaria, compra coletiva de produtos domesticos e insumos agricolas. Conclui-se que a referida metodologia favorece a dinamica do funcionamento das organizacoes rurais, mas não assegura a manutencao da coesao grupal, em caso de afastamento da equipe do projeto, no inicio de execução das propostas estrategicas, em face das dificuldades advindas do meio ambiente.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
Complexity is integral to planning today. Everyone and everything seem to be interconnected, causality appears ambiguous, unintended consequences are ubiquitous, and information overload is a constant challenge. The nature of complexity, the consequences of it for society, and the ways in which one might confront it, understand it and deal with it in order to allow for the possibility of planning, are issues increasingly demanding analytical attention. One theoretical framework that can potentially assist planners in this regard is Luhmann's theory of autopoiesis. This article uses insights from Luhmann's ideas to understand the nature of complexity and its reduction, thereby redefining issues in planning, and explores the ways in which management of these issues might be observed in actual planning practice via a reinterpreted case study of the People's Planning Campaign in Kerala, India. Overall, this reinterpretation leads to a different understanding of the scope of planning and planning practice, telling a story about complexity and systemic response. It allows the reinterpretation of otherwise familiar phenomena, both highlighting the empirical relevance of the theory and providing new and original insight into particular dynamics of the case study. This not only provides a greater understanding of the dynamics of complexity, but also produces advice to help planners implement structures and processes that can cope with complexity in practice.
This article examines the relevance of the concept of autopoiesis for public participation in spatial planning. The concept of autopoiesis within social science, as advanced by Niklas Luhmann (1995) argues for a systemic, consistent and sophisticated theory of society based on a systems view, as opposed to more familiar action-based theories (for instance as in the case of the Habermasian tradition). By examining the relevance of the concept for public participation in spatial planning, this article highlights specific aspects of public participation that draw attention to dimensions of planning that are not currently explicitly highlighted within mainstream discourses in planning
The aim of this paper is to critically examine the application of development appraisal to viability assessment in the planning system. This evaluation is of development appraisal models in general and also their use in particular applications associated with estimating planning obligation capacity. The paper is organised into four themes: · The context and conceptual basis for development viability appraisal · A review of development viability appraisal methods · A discussion of selected key inputs into a development viability appraisal · A discussion of the applications of development viability appraisals in the planning system It is assumed that readers are familiar with the basic models and information needs of development viability appraisal rather than at the cutting edge of practice and/or academe
Apresentação do conceito e características do planejamento sucessório, destacando a sua importância para a sobrevivência de um segmento típico da economia mundial; a Empresa Familiar. Analise das interpretações doutrinarias e jurisprudências das regras de concorrência entre cônjuge e descendentes, a luz do Novo Código Civil. Aplicação da teoria de planejamento sucessório em analise de caso prático, utilizando instrumentos do direito sucessório e do direito Societário.
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Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography