5 resultados para FRCC
Matrix spalling or crushing is one of the important mechanisms of fiber-matrix interaction of fiber reinforced cementitious composites (FRCC). The fiber pullout mechanisms have been extensively studied for an aligned fiber but matrix failure is rarely investigated since it is thought not to be a major affect. However, for an inclined fiber, the matrix failure should not be neglected. Due to the complex process of matrix spalling, experimental investigation and analytical study of this mechanism are rarely found in literature. In this paper, it is assumed that the load transfer is concentrated within the short length of the inclined fiber from the exit point towards anchored end and follows the exponential law. The Mindlin formulation is employed to calculate the 3D stress field. The simulation gives much information about this field. The 3D approximation of the stress state around an inclined fiber helps to qualitatively understand the mechanism of matrix failure. Finally, a spalling criterion is proposed by which matrix spalling occurs only when the stress in a certain volume, rather than the stress at a small point, exceeds the material strength. This implies some local stress redistribution after first yield. The stress redistribution results in more energy input and higher load bearing capacity of the matrix. In accordance with this hypothesis, the evolution of matrix spalling is demonstrated. The accurate prediction of matrix spalling needs the careful determination of the parameters in this model. This is the work of further study. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new technique was developed for producing thin panels of a cement based material reinforced with relatively high content of steel fibres originated from the industry of tyre recycling. Flexural tests with notched and un-notched specimens were carried out to characterize the mechanical properties of this Fibre Reinforced Cement Composite (FRCC) and the results are presented and discussed. The values of the fracture mode I parameters of the developed FRCC were determined by performing inverse analysis with test results obtained in three point notched beam bending tests. To appraise the potentialities of these FRCC panels for the increase of the shear capacity of reinforced (RC) beams, numerical research was performed on the use of developed FRCC panel for shear reinforcement by applying the panels in the lateral faces of RC beams deficiently reinforced in shear.
Since concrete is the most widely utilized construction material, several solutions are currently being developed and investigated for enhancing the sustainability of cementitious materials. One of these solutions is based on producing Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCA) from existing concrete members resulting by either industrial processes or demolitions of existing structures as a whole. Moreover, waste resulting from industrial processes other than the building construction (i.e., tire recycling, production of steel, powders resulting from other depuration processes) are also being considered as possible low-impact constituents for producing structural concrete and Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composites (FRCC). Furthermore, the use of natural fibers is another option for producing environmentally-friendly and cost-effective materials, depending on the local availability of raw materials. To promote the use of concretes partially composed of recycled constituents, their influence on the mechanical and durability performance of these concretes have to be deeply investigated and correlated. This was the main goal of the EnCoRe Project (www.encore-fp7.unisa.it), a EU-funded initiative, whose activities and main findings are summarized in this paper.
Entendendo a presente crise do setor da construção como uma oportunidade para promover a reabilitação do parque habitacional existente, este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um conceito de painéis sandwich customizáveis para a renovação multifuncional de edifícios. Mais do que uma solução convencional, esta proposta visa combinar materiais de construção sustentáveis, sistemas e tecnologias disponíveis com ferramentas de fabrico e design avançado, numa abordagem integrada e personalizada de soluções de pré-fabricação em massa para a reabilitação do parque habitacional. Pretende-se com a adoção das soluções propostas contribuir não só para a redução da ineficiência energética dos edifícios, mas também minimizar os problemas de construção existentes, estudando também a incorporação na fachada de módulos avançados, como painéis solares, para melhorar o seu desempenho energético.
Neste trabalho é dada continuidade à investigação previamente realizada no âmbito de uma nova técnica de reabilitação de estruturas de alvenaria baseada na projeção de finas camadas de argamassa reforçada com fibras (FRCC). Para tal, foi desenvolvido um programa experimental composto pela realização de ensaios de push-out em provetes reforçados segundo esta técnica, com o intuito de avaliar a influência da utilização de diferentes tipos de conetores na capacidade resistente e no comportamento da interface entre o material de reforço e o material reforçado.