998 resultados para FRAGMENT PRODUCTION
Isotope yield distributions in the multifragmentation regime were studied with high-quality isotope identification, focusing on the intermediate mass fragments (IMFs) produced in semiviolent collisions. The yields were analyzed within the framework of a modified Fisher model. Using the ratio of the mass-dependent symmetry energy coefficient relative to the temperature, a(sym)/T, extracted in previous work and that of the pairing term, a(p)/T, extracted from this work, and assuming that both reflect secondary decay processes, the experimentally observed isotope yields were corrected for these effects. For a given I = N - Z value, the corrected yields of isotopes relative to the yield of C-12 show a power law distribution Y (N, Z)/Y(C-12) similar to A(-tau) in the mass range 1 <= A <= 30, and the distributions are almost identical for the different reactions studied. The observed power law distributions change systematically when I of the isotopes changes and the extracted tau value decreases from 3.9 to 1.0 as I increases from -1 to 3. These observations are well reproduced by a simple deexcitation model, with which the power law distribution of the primary isotopes is determined to be tau(prim) = 2.4 +/- 0.2, suggesting that the disassembling system at the time of the fragment formation is indeed at, or very near, the critical point.
The enhancement in the production of even-Z nuclei observed in nuclear fission has also been observed in fragments produced from heavy ion collsions. Beams of 40Ar, 40Cl, and 40Ca at 25 MeV/nucleon were impinged on 58Fe and 58Ni targets. The resulting fragments were detected using the MSU 4pi detector array, which had additional silicon detectors for better isotopic resolution. Comparison of the ratios of yields for each element showed enhancement of even-Z fragment production. The enhancement was more pronounced for reactions with a greater difference in the N/Z of the compound system. However, this effect was less for systems that were more neutron rich. The average N/Z for fragments also displayed an odd-even effect with a lower average N/Z for the even-Z fragments. This is related to the greater availability of neutron-poor isotopes for even-Z nuclei
The reactions 32S+58,64Ni are studied at 14.5 AMeV. From this energy on, fragmentation begins to be a dominant process, although evaporation and fission are still present. After a selection of the collision mechanism, we show that important even-odd effects are present in the isotopic fragment distributions when the excitation energy is small. The staggering effect appears to be a universal feature of fragment production, slightly enhanced when the emission source is neutron poor. A closer look at the behavior of isotopic chains reveals that odd-even effects cannot be explained by pairing effects in the nuclear mass alone, but depend in a more complex way on the de-excitation chain.
Synthetic fragment peptides of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) were evaluated for their ability to elevate cellular cAMP production and stimulate insulin secretion. In GIP receptor transfected CHL cells, GIP(4-42) and GIP(17-30) dose-dependently inhibited GIP-stimulated cAMP production (40 +/- 8%; p <0.01 and 15 +/- 6%; p <0.05, respectively), while GIP(1-16) exerted very weak agonist effects on cAMP production. In the clonal pancreatic beta-cell line, BRIN-BD11, GIP(1-16) demonstrated weak insulin releasing activity compared with native GIP. In contrast, GIP(4-42) and GIP (17-30) weakly antagonized the insulin releasing activity of the native peptide (23 +/- 6%; p <0.05 and 11 +/- 3%, respectively). These data demonstrate the critical role of the N-terminus and the involvement of regions of the C-terminal domain in generating full biological potency of GIP.
Brazil contributes substantially to the global peanut production, and the state of Sao Paulo is the largest producer in the country. Peanut crops can be contaminated by Aspergillus flavus strains producing aflatoxins, which are highly toxic and carcinogenic. Thus, the production of high-quality peanuts is crucial both for the commercial peanut industry and as a matter of public health. In this study, we used amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis (AFLP) to investigate the genetic variability among A. flavus strains isolated from fresh peanuts harvested in four different regions in the state of Sao Paulo, and to determine whether the molecular genetic profiles correlated with aflatoxin production or sclerotia formation. AFLP analysis generated 78 fragments ranging from 27 to 365 base pairs in length. Thirteen percent were not polymorphic. Genotyping identified twelve groups of A. flavus. On the basis of the polymorphisms identified, similarity between the isolates ranged from 37% to 100%. Of all isolates collected, 91.7% produced aflatoxins and 83.9% produced small sclerotia. Statistical analysis failed to suggest any relationship between the presence of sclerotia and mean levels of aflatoxins B-1 and B-2. Furthermore, a dendrogram based on AFLP data revealed substantial genetic variability among the A. flavus strains, but showed no correlation between dendrogram groups separated by molecular genetic features and production of aflatoxins B-1 or B-2 or the formation of sclerotia.
Aspergillus terreus is successfully used for industrial production of itaconic acid. The acid is formed from cis-aconitate, an intermediate of the tricarboxylic (TCA) cycle, by catalytic action of cis-aconitate decarboxylase. It could be assumed that strong anaplerotic reactions that replenish the pool of the TCA cycle intermediates would enhance the synthesis and excretion rate of itaconic acid. In the phylogenetic close relative Aspergillus niger, upregulated metabolic flux through glycolysis has been described that acted as a strong anaplerotic reaction. Deregulated glycolytic flux was caused by posttranslational modification of 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK1) that resulted in formation of a highly active, citrate inhibition-resistant shorter form of the enzyme. In order to avoid complex posttranslational modification, the native A. niger pfkA gene has been modified to encode for an active shorter PFK1 fragment. By the insertion of the modified A. niger pfkA genes into the A. terreus strain, increased specific productivities of itaconic acid and final yields were documented by transformants in respect to the parental strain. On the other hand, growth rate of all transformants remained suppressed which is due to the low initial pH value of the medium, one of the prerequisites for the accumulation of itaconic acid by A. terreus mycelium. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.
Metanogeenit ovat hapettomissa oloissa eläviä arkkien pääryhmään kuuluvia mikrobeja, joiden ainutlaatuisen aineenvaihdunnan seurauksena syntyy metaania. Ilmakehässä metaani on voimakas kasvihuonekaasu. Yksi suurimmista luonnon metaanilähteistä ovat kosteikot. Pohjoisten soiden metaanipäästöt vaihtelevat voimakkaasti eri soiden välillä ja yhden suon sisälläkin, riippuen muun muassa vuodenajasta, suotyypistä ja kasvillisuudesta. Väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin metaanipäästöjen vaihtelun mikrobiologista taustaa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suotyypin, vuodenajan, tuhkalannoituksen ja turvesyvyyden vaikutusta metanogeeniyhteisöihin sekä metaanintuottoon kolmella suomalaisella suolla. Lisäksi tutkittiin ei-metanogeenisia arkkeja ja bakteereita, koska ne muodostavat metaanin tuoton lähtöaineet osana hapetonta hajotusta. Mikrobiyhteisöt analysoitiin DNA- ja RNA-lähtöisillä, polymeraasiketjureaktioon (PCR) perustuvilla menetelmillä. Merkkigeeneinä käytettiin metaanin tuottoon liittyvää mcrA-geeniä sekä arkkien ja bakteerien ribosomaalista 16S RNA-geeniä. Metanogeeniyhteisöt ja metaanintuotto erosivat huomattavasti happaman ja vähäravinteisen rahkasuon sekä ravinteikkaampien sarasoiden välillä. Rahkasuolta löytyi lähes yksinomaan Methanomicrobiales-lahkon metanogeeneja, jotka tuottavat metaania vedystä ja hiilidioksidista. Sarasoiden metanogeeniyhteisöt olivat monimuotoisempia, ja niillä esiintyi myös asetaattia käyttäviä metanogeeneja. Vuodenaika vaikutti merkittävästi metaanintuottoon. Talvella havaittiin odottamattoman suuri metaanintuottopotentiaali sekä viitteitä aktiivisista metanogeeneista. Arkkiyhteisön koostumus sen sijaan vaihteli vain vähän. Tuhkalannoitus, jonka tarkoituksena on edistää puiden kasvua ojitetuilla soilla, ei merkittävästi vaikuttanut metaanintuottoon tai -tuottajiin. Ojitetun suon yhteisöt kuitenkin muuttuivat turvesyvyyden mukaan. Vertailtaessa erilaisia PCR-menetelmiä todettiin, että kolmella mcrA-geeniin kohdistuvalla alukeparilla havaittiin pääosin samat ojitetun suon metanogeenit, mutta lajien runsaussuhteet riippuvat käytetyistä alukkeista. Soilla havaitut bakteerit kuuluivat pääjaksoihin Deltaproteobacteria, Acidobacteria ja Verrucomicrobia. Lisäksi löydettiin Crenarchaeota-pääjakson ryhmiin 1.1c ja 1.3 kuuluvia ei-metanogeenisia arkkeja. Tulokset ryhmien esiintymisestä hapettomassa turpeessa antavat lähtökohdan selvittää niiden mahdollisia vuorovaikutuksia metanogeenien kanssa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että metanogeeniyhteisön koostumus heijastaa metaanintuottoon vaikuttavia kemiallisia tai kasvillisuuden vaihteluita kuten suotyyppiä. Soiden metanogeenien ja niiden fysiologian parempi tuntemus voi auttaa ennustamaan ympäristömuutosten vaikutusta soiden metaanipäästöihin.
Campylobacter, mainly Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli, are worldwide recognized as a major cause of bacterial food-borne gastroenteritis (World Health Organization 2010). Epidemiological studies have shown handling or eating of poultry to be significant risk factors for human infections. Campylobacter contamination can occur at all stages of a poultry meat production cycle. In summer 1999, every broiler flock from all three major Finnish poultry slaughterhouses was studied during a five month period. Caecal samples were taken in the slaughterhouses from five birds per flock. A total of 1 132 broiler flocks were tested and 33 (2.9%) of those were Campylobacter-positive. Thirty-one isolates were identified as C. jejuni and two isolates were C. coli. The isolates were serotyped for heat-stable antigens (HS) and genotyped by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The most common serotypes found were HS 6,7, 12 and 4-complex. Using a combination of SmaI and KpnI patterns, 18 different PFGE types were identified. Thirty-five Finnish C. jejuni strains with five SmaI/SacII PFGE types selected among human and chicken isolates from 1997 and 1998 were used for comparison of their PFGE patterns, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) patterns, HaeIII ribotypes, and HS serotypes. The discriminatory power of PFGE, AFLP and ribotyping with HaeIII were shown to be at the same level for this selected set of strains, and these methods assigned the strains into the same groups. The PFGE and AFLP patterns within a genotype were highly similar, indicating genetic relatedness. An HS serotype was distributed among different genotypes, and different serotypes were identified within one genotype. From one turkey parent flock, the hatchery, six different commercial turkey farms (together 12 flocks) and from 11 stages at the slaughterhouse a total of 456 samples were collected during one and the half year. For the detection of Campylobacter both conventional culture and a PCR method were used. No Campylobacter were detected in either of the samples from the turkey parent flock or from the hatchery samples using the culture method. Instead PCR detected DNA of Campylobacter in five faecal samples from the turkey parent flock and in one fluff and an eggshell sample. Six out of 12 commercial turkey flocks were found negative at the farm level but only two of those were negative at slaughter. Campylobacter-positive samples within the flock at slaughter were detected between 0% and 94%, with evisceration and chilling water being the most critical stages for contamination. All of a total of 121 Campylobacter isolates were shown to be C. jejuni using a multiplex PCR assay. PFGE analysis of all isolates with KpnI restriction enzyme resulted in 11 PFGE types (I-XI) and flaA-SVR typing yielded nine flaA-SVR alleles. Three Campylobacter-positive turkey flocks were colonized by a limited number of Campylobacter genotypes both at the farm and slaughter level.In conclusion, in our first study in 1999 a low prevalence of Campylobacter in Finnish broiler flocks was detected and it has remained at a low level during the study period until the present. In the turkey meat production, we found that flocks which were negative at the farm became contaminated with Campylobacter at the slaughter process. These results suggest that proper and efficient cleaning and disinfection of slaughter and processing premises are needed to avoid cross-contamination. Prevention of colonization at the farm by a high level of biosecurity control and hygiene may be one of the most efficient ways to reduce the amount of Campylobacter-positive poultry meat in Finland. In Finland, with a persistent low level of Campylobacter-positive flocks, it could be speculated that the use of logistic slaughtering, according to Campylobacter status at farm, might have be advantageous in reducing Campylobacter contamination of retail poultry products. However, the significance of the domestic poultry meat for human campylobacteriosis in Finland should be evaluated.
P>Sex controls have been performed in some farmed fish species because of significant growth differences between females and males. In yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco), adult males are three times larger than female adults. In this study, six Y- and X-linked amplified fragment length polymorphism fragments were screened by sex-genotype pool bulked segregant analysis and individual screening. Interestingly, sequence analysis identified two pairs of allelic genes, Pf33 and Pf62. Furthermore, the cloned flanking sequences revealed several Y- and X-specific polymorphisms, and four Y-linked or X-linked sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) primer pairs were designed and converted into Y- and X-linked SCAR markers. Consequently, these markers were successfully used to identify genetic sex and YY super-males, and applied to all-male population production. Thus, we developed a novel and simple technique to help commercial production of YY super-males and all-male populations in the yellow catfish.
A master equation is constructed to treat the nucleon transfer process in heavy ion fusion reactions to form superheavy nucleus. The relative motion concerning the energy, the angular momentum and the fragment deformation relaxations is explicitly treated to couple with the diffusion process. The nucleon transition probabilities, which are derived microscopically, are thus time dependent. The calculated evaporation residue cross-sections for both cold and hot fusion are in good agreement with the known experimental data.
The recombinant production of a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) candidate vaccine BBG2Na in baby hamster kidney cells (BHK-21 cells) was investigated. BBG2Na consists of a serum-albumin-binding region (BB) fused to a 101-amino-acid fragment of the RSV G-protein. Semliki Forest virus-based expression vectors encoding both intracellular and secreted forms of BBG2Na were constructed and found to be functional. Affinity recovery of BBG2Na employing human serum albumin columns was found to be inefficient due to the abundance of BSA in the applied samples. Instead, a strategy using a tailor-made affinity ligand based on a combinatorially engineered Staphylococcus aureus protein A domain, showing specific binding to the G-protein part of the product, was evaluated. In conclusion, a strategy for production and successful recovery of BBG2Na in mammalian cells was created, through the development of a product-specific affinity column.
The administration of recombinant methionyl bovine somatotropin (rMbST) to dairy cows to increase milk yield remains a common practice in many countries including the USA, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and Korea, whereas it has been forbidden within the European Union (EU) since 1999. A rapid screening immunoanalytical method capable of the unequivocal determination of rMbST in milk would be highly desirable in order to effectively monitor compliance with the EU-wide ban for home-made or imported dairy products. For decades, the production of specific antibodies for this recombinant isoform of bovine somatotropin (bST) has remained elusive, due to the high degree of sequence homology between both counterparts (e.g. methionine for rMbST in substitution of alanine in bST at the N-terminus). In this study, we compared several immunizing strategies for the production of specific polyclonal antibodies (pAbs), based on the use of the full-length recombinant protein, an rMbST N-terminus peptide fragment and a multiple antigen peptide (MAP) which consists of an oligomeric branching lysine core attached to the first two N-terminus amino acids of rMbST, methionine and phenylalanine (MF-MAP). The immunization with KLH-conjugated MF-MAP led to the production of the pAb with the highest rMbST/bST recognition ratio amongst the generated battery of antibodies. The pAb exhibited a specific binding ability to rMbST in a competitive antigen-coated ELISA format, which avidity was further improved after purification by rMbST N-terminus peptide-based affinity chromatography. These results suggest that immunodiscrimination between structurally related proteins can be achieved using immuno-enhanced immunogens such as MAPs. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Inflammation and TNF-alpha signaling play a central role in most of the pathological conditions where cell transplantation could be applied. As shown by initial experiments, embryonic stem (ES) cells and ES-cell derived vascular cells express very low levels of TNF-alpha receptor I (TNFRp55) and thus do not induce cytokine expression in response to TNF-alpha stimulation. Transient transfection analysis of wild-type or deletion variants of the TNFRp55 gene promoter showed a strong activity for a 250-bp fragment in the upstream region of the gene. This activity was abolished by mutations targeting the Sp1/Sp3 or AP1 binding sites. Moreover, treatment with trichostatin A (TSA) led to a pronounced increase in TNFRp55 mRNA and promoter activity. Overexpression of Sp1 or c-fos further enhanced the TSA-induced luciferase activity, and this response was attenuated by Sp3 or c-jun coexpression. Additional experiments revealed that TSA did not affect the Sp1/Sp3 ratio but caused transcriptional activation of the c-fos gene. Thus, we provide the first evidence that ES and ES-cell-derived vascular cells lack cytokine expression in response to TNF-alpha stimulation due to low levels of c-fos and transcriptional activation of Sp1 that can be regulated by inhibition of histone deacetylase activity.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objective of the present study was to estimate the allele and genotype frequencies of the CSN3/Hinfl and LGB/HaeIII gene polymorphisms in beef cattle belonging to different genetic groups, and to determine the effects of these polymorphisms on growth and carcass traits in these animals, which are submitted to an intensive production model. Genotyping was performed on 79 Nelore, 30 Canchim (5/8 Charolais + 3/8 Zebu) and 275 crossbred cattle originating from the crosses of Simmental (n = 30) and Angus (n = 245) sires with Nelore females. Body weight, weight gain, dressing percentage, longissimus dorsi area and backfat thickness were fitted using the GLM procedure, and least square means of the genotypes were compared by the F test. The results showed that the CSN3/Hinfl and LGB/HaeIII polymorphisms did not have any effect on growth or carcass traits (p > 0.05). Copyright by the Brazilian Society of genetics.