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Energy gaps are crucial aspects of the electronic structure of finite and extended systems. Whereas much is known about how to define and calculate charge gaps in density-functional theory (DFT), and about the relation between these gaps and derivative discontinuities of the exchange-correlation functional, much less is known about spin gaps. In this paper we give density-functional definitions of spin-conserving gaps, spin-flip gaps and the spin stiffness in terms of many-body energies and in terms of single-particle (Kohn-Sham) energies. Our definitions are as analogous as possible to those commonly made in the charge case, but important differences between spin and charge gaps emerge already on the single-particle level because unlike the fundamental charge gap spin gaps involve excited-state energies. Kohn-Sham and many-body spin gaps are predicted to differ, and the difference is related to derivative discontinuities that are similar to, but distinct from, those usually considered in the case of charge gaps. Both ensemble DFT and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) can be used to calculate these spin discontinuities from a suitable functional. We illustrate our findings by evaluating our definitions for the Lithium atom, for which we calculate spin gaps and spin discontinuities by making use of near-exact Kohn-Sham eigenvalues and, independently, from the single-pole approximation to TDDFT. The many-body corrections to the Kohn-Sham spin gaps are found to be negative, i.e., single-particle calculations tend to overestimate spin gaps while they underestimate charge gaps.


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The generator-coordinate method is a flexible and powerful reformulation of the variational principle. Here we show that by introducing a generator coordinate in the Kohn-Sham equation of density-functional theory, excitation energies can be obtained from ground-state density functionals. As a viability test, the method is applied to ground-state energies and various types of excited-state energies of atoms and ions from the He and the Li isoelectronic series. Results are compared to a variety of alternative DFT-based approaches to excited states, in particular time-dependent density-functional theory with exact and approximate potentials.


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The electronic and magnetic structures of the LaMnO3 compound have been studied by means of periodic calculations within the framework of spin polarized hybrid density-functional theory. In order to quantify the role of approximations to electronic exchange and correlation three different hybrid functionals have been used which mix nonlocal Fock and local Dirac-Slater exchange. Periodic Hartree-Fock results are also reported for comparative purposes. The A-antiferromagnetic ground state is properly predicted by all methods including Hartree-Fock exchange. In general, the different hybrid methods provide a rather accurate description of the band gap and of the two magnetic coupling constants, strongly suggesting that the corresponding description of the electronic structure is also accurate. An important conclusion emerging from this study is that the nature of the occupied states near the Fermi level is intermediate between the Hartree-Fock and local density approximation descriptions with a comparable participation of both Mn and O states.


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The electronic and magnetic structures of the LaMnO3 compound have been studied by means of periodic calculations within the framework of spin polarized hybrid density-functional theory. In order to quantify the role of approximations to electronic exchange and correlation three different hybrid functionals have been used which mix nonlocal Fock and local Dirac-Slater exchange. Periodic Hartree-Fock results are also reported for comparative purposes. The A-antiferromagnetic ground state is properly predicted by all methods including Hartree-Fock exchange. In general, the different hybrid methods provide a rather accurate description of the band gap and of the two magnetic coupling constants, strongly suggesting that the corresponding description of the electronic structure is also accurate. An important conclusion emerging from this study is that the nature of the occupied states near the Fermi level is intermediate between the Hartree-Fock and local density approximation descriptions with a comparable participation of both Mn and O states.


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(i) The electronic and structural properties of boron doped graphene sheets, and (ii) the chemisorption processes of hydrogen adatoms on the boron doped graphene sheets have been examined by ab initio total energy calculations. In (i) we find that the structural deformations are very localized around the boron substitutional sites, and in accordance with previous studies (Endo et al 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 90 5670) there is an increase of the electronic density of states near the Fermi level. Our simulated scanning tunneling microscope (STM) images, for occupied states, indicate the formation of bright (triangular) spots lying on the substitutional boron (center) and nearest-neighbor carbon (edge) sites. Those STM images are attributed to the increase of the density of states within an energy interval of 0.5 eV below the Fermi level. For a boron concentration of similar to 2.4%, we find that two boron atoms lying on the opposite sites of the same hexagonal ring (B1-B2 configuration) represents the energetically most stable configuration, which is in contrast with previous theoretical findings. Having determined the energetically most stable configuration for substitutional boron atoms on graphene sheets, we next considered the hydrogen adsorption process as a function of the boron concentration, (ii). Our calculated binding energies indicate that the C-H bonds are strengthened near boron substitutional sites. Indeed, the binding energy of hydrogen adatoms forming a dimer-like structure on the boron doped B1-B2 graphene sheet is higher than the binding energy of an isolated H(2) molecule. Since the formation of the H dimer-like structure may represent the initial stage of the hydrogen clustering process on graphene sheets, we can infer that the formation of H clusters is quite likely not only on clean graphene sheets, which is in consonance with previous studies (Hornekaer et al 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 186102), but also on B1-B2 boron doped graphene sheets. However, for a low concentration of boron atoms, the formation of H dimer structures is not expected to occur near a single substitutional boron site. That is, the formation (or not) of H clusters on graphene sheets can be tuned by the concentration of substitutional boron atoms.


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Using x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in combination with density functional theory (DFT) the changes in electronic and geometric structure of hydrocarbons upon adsorption are determined. The chemical bonding is analyzed and the results provide new insights in the mechanisms responsible for dehydrogenation in heterogeneous catalysis. In the case of alkanes, n-octane and methane are studied. XAS and XES show significant changes in the electronic structure upon adsorption. XES shows new adsorption induced occupied states and XAS shows quenching of CH*/Rydberg states in n-octane. In methane the symmetry forbidden gas phase lowest unoccupied molecular orbital becomes allowed due to broken symmetry. New adsorption induced unoccupied features with mainly metal character appear just above the Fermi level in XA spectra of both adsorbed methane and n-octane. These changes are not observed in DFT total energy geometry optimizations. Comparison between experimental and computed spectra for different adsorbate geometries reveals that the molecular structures are significantly changed in both molecules. The C-C bonds in n-octane are shortened upon adsorption and the C-H bonds are elongated in both n-octane and methane. In addition ethylene and acetylene are studied as model systems for unsaturated hydrocarbons. The validity of both the Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson chemisorption model and the alternative spin-uncoupling picture is confirmed, as well as C-C bond elongation and upward bending of the C-H bonds. The bonding of ethylene to Cu(110) and Ni(110) are compared and the results show that the main difference is the amount of back-donation into the molecular π* orbital, which allows the molecule to desorb molecularly from the Cu(110) surface, whereas it is dehydrogenated upon heating on the Ni(110) surface. Acetylene is found to adsorb in two different adsorption sites on the Cu(110) surface at liquid nitrogen temperature. Upon heating the molecules move into one of these sites due to attractive adsorbate-adsorbate interaction and only one adsorbed species is present at room temperature, at which point the molecules start reacting to form benzene. The bonding of the two species is very similar in both sites and the carbon atoms are rehybridized essentially to sp2.


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In der vorliegenden Dissertation dient ein einfaches Konzept zur Systematisierung der Suche nach neuen Materialien mit hoher Spinpolarisation. Dieses Konzept basiert auf zwei semi-empirischen Modellen. Zum einen kann die Slater-Pauling Regel zur Abschätzung magnetischer Momente verwendet werden. Dieses Modell wird dabei durch Rechnungen zur elektronischen Struktur unterstützt. Das zweites Modell kann insbesondere für die Co2YZ Heusler Verbindungen beim Vergleich ihrer magnetischen Eigenschaften gefunden werden. Für diese Verbindungen ergibt sich eine scheinbare lineare Abhängigkeit der Curie-Temperatur beim Auftragen als Funktion des magnetischen Momentes. Angeregt durch diese Modelle wurde die Heusler Verbindung Co2FeSi nochmals detailliert im Hinblick auf ihre geometrische und magnetische Struktur hin untersucht. Als Methoden dienten dabei die Pulver-Röntgenbeugung, die EXAFS Spektroskopie, Röntgen Absorptions- and Mößbauer Spektroskopie sowie Hoch- und Tieftemperatur Magnetometrie, XMCD and DSC. Die Messungen zeigten, dass es sich bei Co2FeSi um das Material mit dem höchsten magnetischen Moment (6 B) und der höchsten Curie Temperatur (1100 K) sowohl in der Klasse der Heusler Verbindungen als auch in der Klasse der halbmetallischen Ferromagnete handelt. Zusätzlich werden alle experimentellen Ergebnisse durch detaillierte Rechnungen zur elektronischen Struktur unterstützt. Die gleichen Konzepte wurden verwendet, um die Eigenschaften der Heusler Verbindung Co2Cr1-xFexAl vorherzusagen. Die elektronische Struktur und die spektroskopischen Eigenschaften wurden mit der voll-relativistischen Korringa-Kohn-Rostocker Methode berechnet, unter Verwendung kohärenter Potentialnäherungen um der zufälligen Verteilung von Cr und Fe Atomen sowie zufälliger Unordnung Rechnung zu tragen. Magnetische Effekte wurden durch die Verwendung Spin-abhängiger Potentiale im Rahmen der lokalen Spin-Dichte-Näherung mit eingeschlossen. Die strukturellen und chemischen Eigenschaften der quaternären Heusler Verbindung Co2Cr1-xFexAl wurden an Pulver und Bulkproben gemessen. Die Fernordnung wurde mit der Pulver Röntgenbeugung und Neutronenbeugung untersucht, während die Nahordnung mit der EXAFS Spektroskopie aufgeklärt wurde. Die magnetische Struktur von Pulver und Bulkproben wurde mitttels 57Fe-Mößbauer Spektroskopie gemessen. Die chemische Zusammensetzung wurde durch XPS analysiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Methoden wurden verglichen, um eine Einsicht in die Unterschiede zwischen Oberflächen und Volumeneigenschaften zu erlangen sowie in das Auftreten von Fehlordnung in solchen Verbindungen. Zusätzlich wurde XMCD an den L3,2 Kanten von Co, Fe, and Cr gemessen, um die elementspezifischen magnetischen Momente zu bestimmen. Rechnungen und Messungen zeigen dabei eine Zunahme des magnetischen Momentes bei steigendem Fe-Anteil. Resonante Photoemission mit weicher Röntgenstrahlung sowie Hochenergie Photoemission mit harter Röntgenstrahlung wurden verwendet, um die Zustandsdichte der besetzten Zustände in Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al zu untersuchen. Diese Arbeit stellt außerdem eine weitere, neue Verbindung aus der Klasse der Heusler Verbindungen vor. Co2CrIn ist L21 geordnet, wie Messungen mittels Pulver Röntgenbeugung zeigen. Die magnetischen Eigenschaften wurden mit magnetometrisch bestimmt. Co2CrIn ist weichmagnetisch mit einer Sättigungsmagnetisierung von 1.2B bei 5 K. Im Gegensatz zu den bereits oben erwähnten Co2YZ Heusler Verbindungen ist Co2CrIn kein halbmetallischer Ferromagnet. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird weiterhin eine Regel zur Vorhersage von halbmetallischen komplett kompensierten Ferrimagneten in der Klasse der Heusler Verbindungen vorgestellt. Dieses Konzept resultiert aus der Kombination der Slater-Pauling Regel mit der Kübler-Regel. Die Kübler Regel besagt, dass Mn auf der Y Position zu einem hoch lokalisierten magnetischen Moment tendiert. Unter Verwendung dieses neuen Konzeptes werden für einige Kandidaten in der Klasse der Heusler Verbindungen die Eigenschaft des halbmetallischen komplett kompensierten Ferrimagnetismus vorhergesagt. Die Anwendung dieses Konzeptes wird anhand von Rechnungen zur elektronischen Struktur bestätigt.


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We discuss the nature of visible photoluminescence at room temperature in amorphous strontium titanate in the light of the results of a recent experimental and quantum mechanical theoretical study. Our calculation of the electronic structure involves the use of first-principles molecular calculations to simulate the variation of the electronic structure in the strontium titanate crystalline phase, which is known to have a direct band gap, and we also make an in-depth examination of amorphous strontium titanate. The results of our simulations of amorphous strontium titanate indicate that the formation of five-fold coordination in the amorphous system may introduce delocalized electronic levels in the highest occupied molecular orbital and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital. These delocalized electronic levels are ascribed to the formation of a tail in the absorbance-spectrum curve. Optical absorption measurements experimentally showed the presence of a tail. The results are interpreted by the nature of these exponential optical edges and tails associated with defects promoted by the disordered structure of the amorphous material. We associate them with localized states in the band gap.


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To compare fire ant populations (Solenopsis) in North and South America, we surveyed 102 preselected roadside sites, half in the southeastern United States and half in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Fire ants were considerably more abundant in the United States. They occurred at more sites (100 versus 70%), in higher densities (170 versus 30 mounds/ha), in larger mounds (27.0 versus 13.8 liters), and they constituted a larger fraction of the local ant community (97 versus 13% of occupied baits). These data are consistent with the hypothesis that North American populations of S. invicta have escaped natural biological control; however, cultural and climatic factors are also likely explanations.


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"April 1986"--Cover.


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Text in German, French, and Flemish.


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No. 1, Characteristics of occupied dwelling units, for the United States: November, 1945.