In the wake of economic globalization and development in Thailand, movement of people and commodities at the Thai borders is also becoming pronounced. Economic interdependence between Thailand and neighboring countries is growing through border customhouses. As a policy, Thailand is trying to stimulate trade and investment with neighboring countries following the ACMECS (Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy) scheme. In this report, first, movement of people and goods at the borders will be examined. Second, clarification of where and how development is proceeding will be presented. Last, this study will attempt to review the perspectives of policies on neighboring countries after Thaksin.
The process of territorial formation in Brazil is examined in this paper in order to establish, through a study that favors more interior region of Portuguese America, a suitable analytical arsenal geohistorica an interpretation of the built legacy of colonial Lusitanian action on American soil. Thus, it is expected to recover some aspects not yet addressed conclusively by the specialized literature, the importance of colonial territorial nexus in the construction and maintenance of the substrate material on which the new politically independent state would claim jurisdiction after 1822. Through the examination of so-called western border, articulated through the contacts held between the cities network of Goias and the strong, prisons, villages and towns planned in Mato Grosso, outline an interpretation of regional dynamics in the moments preceding the running of the Brazilian political emancipation.
Análise faciológica e estratigráfica realizada na região de Filadélfia, TO, borda oeste da Bacia do Parnaíba, permitiu redefinir o paleoambiente da parte superior da Formação Pedra de Fogo, de idade permiana. Os depósitos estudados constituem uma sucessão de aproximadamente 100 m de espessura, predominantemente siliciclástica, com carbonatos e evaporitos subordinados, onde foram definidas 21 fácies sedimentares agrupadas em seis associações de fácies (AF): AF1) Lacustre com rios efêmeros; AF2) Lago influenciado por ondas de tempestade; AF3) Sabkha continental; AF4) Lago central; AF5) Dunas eólicas; e AF6) Lago/oásis com inundito. Estas associações indicam que durante o Permiano, um extenso sistema lacustre de clima árido, desenvolveu-se adjacente a campos de dunas eólicas e sabkha continental, com contribuições de rios efêmeros. Incursões fluviais nos lagos propiciavam a formação de lobos de suspensão e fluxos em lençol (AF1). Planícies de sabkha (AF3) formaram-se nas porções marginais do lago que, eventualmente eram influenciados por ondas de tempestades (AF2), enquanto zonas centrais eram sítios de intensa deposição pelítica (AF4). O baixo suprimento de areia eólica neste sistema propiciou a formação de um campo de dunas restrito (AF5), com desenvolvimento de lagos de interdunas (oásis), onde proliferavam núcleos de samambaias gigantes, inundados esporadicamente por rios efêmeros (AF6). Os dados faciológicos, corroborados pela paleogeografia da região durante o Permiano Superior, indicam que a sedimentação da parte superior da Formação Pedra de Fogo ocorreu sob condições climáticas quentes e áridas.
Ironstones, que ocorrem na base da Formação Pimenteiras (Devoniano), na borda noroeste da Bacia do Parnaíba, foram investigados ao longo dos perfis Xambioá-Vanderlândia e Colinas do Tocantins-Couto Magalhães. Esses ironstones formam camadas de espessura decimétrica, descontínuas e intercaladas em arenitos e siltitos, que jazem sobre rochas do cinturão Araguaia. Além da textura oolítica, os ironstones de Xambioá-Vanderlândia diferem dos de Colinas do Tocantins-Couto Magalhães por conterem menores quantidades de material terrígeno, notadamente quartzo, e maiores proporções de oxi-hidróxidos de Fe. São ainda mais enriquecidos em V, Sr, Zr e ΣETR e mais empobrecidos em Al2O>sub>3 e Rb. Diferem também no padrão de distribuição dos ETR normalizados ao North American Shale Composite (NASC), especialmente com relação aos valores de (ETRI)N, os quais, mais altos nos ironstones oolíticos e mais baixos nos não oolíticos, geram curvas convexas e côncavas, respectivamente. No campo, não foram estabelecidas as relações espaciais entre as duas variedades de ironstones, porém sugere-se que elas representem diferentes fácies da mesma formação ferrífera. Possivelmente, a deposição da fácies não oolítica ocorreu mais afastadamente da borda continental, em ambiente de águas mais profundas e calmas, onde foram descarregadas maiores quantidades de sedimentos detríticos; a deposição da fácies oolítica transcorreu em águas mais rasas e agitadas, com menor suprimento de material terrígeno. O transporte do Fe poderia ter resultado, em grande parte, da erosão fluvial de áreas continentais marcadas por ambientes redutores, o que teria favorecido a solubilidade daquele metal na forma de complexos orgânicos.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
In this article we explore ways in which vertical gender inequality is accomplished in discourse in the context of a recent chain of cross-border mergers and acquisitions that resulted in the formation of a multinational Nordic company. We analyse social interactions of ‘doing’ gender in interviews with male senior executives from Denmark, Finland and Sweden. We argue that their explanations for the absence of women in the top echelons of the company serve to distance vertical gender inequality. The main contribution of the article is an analysis of how national identities are discursively (re)constructed in such distancing. New insights are offered to studying gender in multinationals with a cross-cultural team of researchers. Our study sheds light on how gender intersects with nationality in shaping the multinational organization and the identities of male executives in globalizing business.
Okoye, Adaeze, et al, 'Cross-Border Unitization and Joint Development Agreements: An International Law Perspective', Houston Journal of International Law (2007) 29(2) pp.355-425 RAE2008
This paper is a reexamination of the concept of the geopolitical border through a critical analysis of prevalent conceptualizations of borders, as they are articulated in the fields of geopolitics, political theory and international relations. Suggesting that thinking of borders as the derivative of territorial definitions disregards the dependency of territoriality and sovereign space on the praxes of border making, this paper offers an analytic distinction between normative articulations of borders and the border as a political practice. This distinction enables the identification of partial and incoherent border making processes. Consequently, the creation of borders can be analyzed as an effect of a multiplicity of performative praxes, material, juridical and otherwise discursive, that operate in relation to the management of space and attribute it with geopolitical distinctions. Furthermore, the paper suggests that these praxes, which appear in dispersed sites and in a wide variety of loci, are intrinsically linked to different spatial practices of population management, of governmentality. Thus, I offer a reading of borders as a praxis which manages binary differentiations of matrixes of governmentality, which create schisms in the population as a totality, through the deployment of the evocation of sovereignty as the legitimizing source of this differentiation or for the means necessary for its sustainment.
Il existe actuellement des différends frontaliers entre les États circumpolaires-Nord qui entravent la bonne gouvernance de la région. Afin d'identifier des pistes de solution pour améliorer la gouvernance en Arctique et faciliter la coopération, nous analysons le processus qui a mené, à l'autre pôle, à la création du Traité sur l’Antarctique de 1959. Nous utilisons une approche néolibérale institutionnelle comme cadre théorique ainsi qu’une méthodologie basée sur le traçage de processus. Nous avons identifié quatre variables (les intérêts des États, le contexte politique, le leadership, et l’Année géophysique internationale [AGI]) que nous avons étudiés au cours de trois périodes historiques et dont l’évolution a contribué à la formation du régime antarctique. Les étapes menant à l'élaboration d'un régime identifié dans la théorie institutionnaliste dynamique de Frischmann s'appliquent aux différentes périodes que nous avons déterminées. La première période historique correspond à l'identification du problème d'interdépendance. Les États ont d’abord tenté d’assouvir leurs intérêts particuliers envers le continent antarctique par l’intermédiaire de stratégies individuelles. Le statut imprécis du continent antarctique caractérisé par des revendications territoriales conflictuelles, la volonté des superpuissances d’effectuer d’éventuelles revendications territoriales et le leadership exercé par les États-Unis ont toutefois permis de faire évoluer les États vers des stratégies coopératives. La deuxième période historique correspond à l'étape de la négociation de l’entente. Le leadership d’un groupe de scientifiques et des États-Unis ainsi que le contexte politique de la Guerre froide ont favorisé la cohésion des États intéressés par les affaires antarctiques et leur investissement dans une coopération multilatérale souple dans le cadre d’un événement ponctuel, l’AGI. La troisième période correspond à la mise en oeuvre de l’entente, soit l’AGI. Lors de cet événement, une entente tacite, un engagement d’honneur, qui suspendait les considérations territoriales en Antarctique, a été respectée par les parties. La coopération dans le cadre de l’AGI s’est avérée un succès. Les États se sont montrés satisfaits des gains que comportait la coopération scientifique dans un environnement pacifique. L’AGI a permis aux États d’expérimenter la coopération multilatérale et d’observer le comportement des autres participants au sein de l’institution. En raison de la satisfaction des États vis-à-vis la coopération dans le cadre de l'entente souple, l'élaboration du traité de 1959 a été facilitée. Notre étude nous a permis d’identifier des éléments clefs qui ont favorisé la formation du régime antarctique et qui pourraient servir d’inspiration pour l'élaboration de futurs régimes. La présence d’un leadership tout au long du processus a permis de promouvoir les avantages de la coopération sous différentes formes et de renforcer les relations entre les États présents dans les affaires antarctiques. La réalisation d'une entente souple dans le cadre de l'AGI, centrée autour des intérêts communs aux parties, comprenant un engagement d’honneur, permettant de mettre de côté les points de discorde, ont aussi été des points centraux dans la réussite et la poursuite de la coopération au-delà de l’AGI. Cette approche graduelle allant du droit souple vers le droit contraignant est sans aucun doute l’élément le plus important ayant facilité le rapprochement des différentes parties et éventuellement la création du Traité sur l’Antarctique.
Las obras geográficas de Manuel Ancízar y Felipe Pérez dan cuenta de la manera en la que la élite intelectual neogranadina se apropió y representó el aspecto físico y humano de la nación al inicio y final de la Comisión Corográfica (1850-1859). Un análisis comparativo de las obras mostrará la manera en la que la narración literaria y la geográfica influyen en la elaboración de imaginarios territoriales para unificar la nación y consolidar la identidad nacional a partir de la apropiación territorial en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX
Para el logro de un desarrollo sano es de vital importancia contar con un equilibrio económico en los diferentes rubros de la actividad productiva de las ciudades hermanas (CJS- ELP) y no sólo concretarse al ámbito de la 'maquila'. Si bien el turismo como una opción es viable, su incorporación como forma activa para otras regiones económicas del mismo estado no se ha presentado, de manera que la búsqueda de alternativas para atraer visitantes es aún un desafío para la actividad turística de Juárez-El Paso. La interrogante para los inversionistas y el gobierno es cómo encaminar los esfuerzos en la actividad turística que permitan un crecimiento armónico en la región binacional.La nvestigación, plantea valorar el fenómeno del turismo transfronterizo y se acomete una aproximación de las condiciones reticulares de los actores- stakeholders del turismo de la actividad turística en la frontera México - Estados Unidos bajo un entorno de inseguridad, mediante el análisis del caso de las ciudades hermanas de Ciudad Juárez - El Paso. Los objetivos específicos del examen reticular permiten concebir una relación entre la conformación de redes dinámicas en un espacio territorial fronterizo con potencialidades de alianzas, colaboración y cooperación en un destino binacional.
Numerical experiments with different idealized land and mountain distributions are carried out to study the formation of the Asian monsoon and related coupling processes. Results demonstrate that when there is only extratropical continent located between 0 and 120°E and between 20/30°N and the North Pole, a rather weak monsoon rainband appears along the southern border of the continent, coexisting with an intense intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). The continuous ITCZ surrounds the whole globe, prohibits the development of near-surface cross-equatorial flow, and collects water vapor from tropical oceans, resulting in very weak monsoon rainfall. When tropical lands are integrated, the ITCZ over the longitude domain where the extratropical continent exists disappears as a consequence of the development of a strong surface cross-equatorial flow from the winter hemisphere to the summer hemisphere. In addition, an intense interaction between the two hemispheres develops, tropical water vapor is transported to the subtropics by the enhanced poleward flow, and a prototype of the Asian monsoon appears. The Tibetan Plateau acts to enhance the coupling between the lower and upper tropospheric circulations and between the subtropical and tropical monsoon circulations, resulting in an intensification of the East Asian summer monsoon and a weakening of the South Asian summer monsoon. Linking the Iranian Plateau to the Tibetan Plateau substantially reduces the precipitation over Africa and increases the precipitation over the Arabian Sea and the northern Indian subcontinent, effectively contributing to the development of the South Asian summer monsoon.
The Punta del Este Terrane (eastern Uruguay) lies in a complex Neoproterozoic (Brasiliano/Pan-African) orogenic zone considered to contain a suture between South American terranes to the west of Major Gercino-Sierra Ballena Suture Zone and eastern African affinities terranes. Zircon cores from Punta del Este Terrane basement orthogneisses have U-Pb ages of ca. 1,000 Ma, which indicate an lineage with the Namaqua Belt in Southwestern Africa. U-Pb zircon ages also provide the following information on the Punta del Este terrane: the orthogneisses containing the ca. 1,000 Ma inheritance formed at ca. 750 Ma; in contrast to the related terranes now in Africa, reworking of the Punta del Este Terrane during Brasiliano/Pan-African orogenesis was very intense, reaching granulite facies at ca. 640 Ma. The termination of the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogeny is marked by formation of acid volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks at ca. 570 Ma (Sierra de Aguirre Formation), formation of late sedimentary basins (San Carlos Formation) and then intrusion at ca. 535 Ma of post-tectonic granitoids (Santa Teresa and Jos, Ignacio batholiths). The Punta del Este Terrane and unrelated western terranes represented by the Dom Feliciano Belt and the Rio de La Plata Craton were in their present positions by ca. 535 Ma.
This work studies the territorial dynamics of the trade modern retailer in the North Zone of Natal/RN, undertaken by the expansion of that following of the tertiary section in the researched space. For so much, we accomplished bibliographical and documental research during whole the process of construction of the work and the field research based close to in interviews the responsible for the establishments of the modern retail and application of questionnaires with the residents and consumers of the area in subject. Leaving of the understanding that the territory is used by the society producing the movement of capitalist reproduction in the places, we inferred that the expansion of the modern retail in the North Zone has been promoting a new dynamics in your territory, fact that has been valuing the space and attracted investors to the place. Therefore, we organized the study in this dissertation in three chapters: the first, "North Zone: use and occupation of the soil ", brings us the process of historical and social formation of the North Zone inserted in the context of the urban expansion of Natal; the second chapter, " Expansion of the tertiary section: the growth of the modern retail trade in the North Zone", makes direct reference to the tertiary section and the expansion of the I trade modern retailer; and finally, the third surrender, " The territorial dynamics and the modern retail trade in the North Zone of Natal", in which we expose all the results of the field research, looking for to understand the territorial dynamics that the expansion of the modern retail trade has been producing in the study area