551 resultados para FORMALIN


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Equilibrium Partitioning of an Ionic Contrast agent with microcomputed tomography (EPIC-[mu]CT) is a non-invasive technique to quantify and visualize the three-dimensional distribution of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in fresh cartilage tissue. However, it is unclear whether this technique is applicable to already fixed tissues. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating whether formalin fixation of bovine cartilage affects X-ray attenuation, and thus the interpretation of EPIC-[mu]CT data.Design Osteochondral samples (n = 24) were incubated with ioxaglate, an ionic contrast agent, for 22 h prior to [mu]CT scanning. The samples were scanned in both formalin-fixed and fresh conditions. GAG content was measured using a biochemical assay and normalized to wet weight, dry weight, and water content to determine potential reasons for differences in X-ray attenuation.Results The expected zonal distribution of contrast agent/GAGs was observed for both fixed and fresh cartilage specimens. However, despite no significant differences in GAG concentrations or physical properties between fixed and fresh samples, the average attenuation levels of formalin-fixed cartilage were 14.3% lower than in fresh samples.Conclusions EPIC-[mu]CT is useful for three-dimensional visualization of GAGs in formalin-fixed cartilage. However, a significant reduction in X-ray attenuation for fixed (compared to fresh) cartilage must be taken into account and adjusted for accordingly when quantifying GAG concentrations using EPIC-[mu]CT.


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The formalin test is increasingly applied as a model of inflammatory pain using high formalin concentrations (5–15%). However, little is known about the effects of low formalin concentrations on related behavioural responses. To examine this, rat pups were subjected to various concentrations of formalin at four developmental stages: 7, 13, 22, and 82 days of age. At postnatal day (PND) 7, sex differences in flinching but not licking responses were observed with 0.5% formalin evoking higher flinching in males than in females. A dose response was evident in that 0.5% formalin also produced higher licking responses compared to 0.3% or 0.4% formalin. At PND 13, a concentration of 0.8% formalin evoked a biphasic response. At PND 22, a concentration of 1.1% evoked higher flinching and licking responses during the late phase (10–30 min) in both males and females. During the early phase (0–5 min), 1.1% evoked higher licking responses compared to 0.9% or 1% formalin. 1.1% formalin produced a biphasic response that was not evident with 0.9 or 1%. At PND 82, rats displayed a biphasic pattern in response to three formalin concentrations (1.25%, 1.75% and 2.25%) with the presence of an interphase for both 1.75% and 2.25% but not for 1.25%. These data suggest that low formalin concentrations induce fine-tuned responses that are not apparent with the high formalin concentration commonly used in the formalin test. These data also show that the developing nociceptive system is very sensitive to subtle changes in formalin concentrations.


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Aim To establish the suitability of multiplex tandem polymerase chain reaction (MT-PCR) for rapid identification of oestrogen receptor (ER) and Her-2 status using a single, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) breast tumour section. Methods Tissue sections from 29 breast tumours were analysed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). RNA extracted from 10μm FFPE breast tumour sections from 24 of 29 tumours (14 ER positive and 5 Her-2 positive) was analysed by MT-PCR. After establishing a correlation between IHC and/or FISH and MT-PCR results, the ER/Her-2 status of a further 32 randomly selected, archival breast tumour specimens was established by MT-PCR in a blinded fashion, and compared to IHC/FISH results. Results MT-PCR levels of ER and Her-2 showed good concordance with IHC and FISH results. Furthermore, among the ER positive tumours, MT-PCR provided a quantitative score with a high dynamic range. Threshold values obtained from this data set applied to 32 archival tumour specimens showed that tumours strongly positive for ER and/or Her-2 expression were easily identified by MT-PCR. Conclusion MT-PCR can provide rapid, sensitive and cost-effective analysis of FFPE material and may prove useful as triage to identify patients suited to endocrine or trastuzumab (Herceptin) treatment.


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Animal and human studies have demonstrated that early pain experiences can produce alterations in the nociceptive systems later in life including increased sensitivity to mechanical, thermal, and chemical stimuli. However, less is known about the impact of neonatal immune challenge on future responses to noxious stimuli and the reactivity of neural substrates involved in analgesia. Here we demonstrate that rats exposed to Lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 0.05 mg/kg IP, Salmonella enteritidis) during postnatal day (PND) 3 and 5 displayed enhanced formalin-induced flinching but not licking following formalin injection at PND 22. This LPS-induced hyperalgesia was accompanied by distinct recruitment of supra-spinal regions involved in analgesia as indicated by significantly attenuated Fos-protein induction in the rostral dorsal periaqueductal grey (DPAG) as well as rostral and caudal axes of the ventrolateral PAG (VLPAG). Formalin injections were associated with increased Fos-protein labelling in lateral habenula (LHb) as compared to medial habenula (MHb), however the intensity of this labelling did not differ as a result of neonatal immune challenge. These data highlight the importance of neonatal immune priming in programming inflammatory pain sensitivity later in development and highlight the PAG as a possible mediator of this process


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The present paper reports the extraction of DNA from formalin-fixed Pontoporia blainvillei tissues. Following the Vachot and Monerot (1996) protocol, fragmented DNA (300-700bp) was extracted from more than 95% of liver and muscle samples. DNA yield in liver samples was significantly higher than in muscle samples (4.574 ± 1.169mg DNA/mg versus 0.808 ± 0.297mg DNA/mg). Similar results were obtained from nine other species of cetaceans and five species of pinnipeds. It is of special interest to have a method that allows the utilisation of museum specimens not originally preserved for genetic studies, which may include rarely available, declining or extinct species. SPANISH: El presente trabajo reporta la extracción de ADN a partir de tejidos formolizados de Pontoporia blainvillei. Siguiendo el protocolo de Vachot y Monerot (1996) se pudo extraer ADN degradado (300-700pb) en más del 95% de las muestras de hígado y músculo analizadas. El rendimiento en ADN fue significativamente mayor en muestras de hígado que en muestras de músculo (4.574 ± 1.169mg DNA/mg tejido húmedo versus 0.808 ± 0.297mg DNA/mg tejido húmedo). Resultados similares se obtuvieron en otras nueve especies de Cetáceos y cinco de Pinnípedos. Resulta de gran interés contar con un método que permita la utilización de especímenes depositados en museos y que no hayan sido originalmente colectados para estudios genéticos, incluyendo especies de difícil obtención, en franca declinación o extintas.


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Catches of important commercial fish such as red sea bream, flat fish, and yellowtail are decreasing in Japan. In order to sustain these species it is especially important that their distribution and biomass at all life stages are known. However, information on the early life stages of these species is limited because identifying the eggs and larvae of such fish is sometimes extremely difficult.


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Fry shrank immediately after they were preserved in formalin, but from the second week onwards shrinkage was almost nil. Fry in freshwater formalin solutions shrunk less than those in seawater formalin solutions. It is recommended that milkfish Chanos) fry be preserved in formalin solutions for 1 wk prior to length measurement and at least for 3 wks before determining body weight.


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Formaldehyde is a very reactive compound capable of interacting with many functional groups of proteins including intermolecular and intramolecular cross-links of the molecules. The formation of cross-linking bonds may induce conformational change in proteins that favor further interaction of functional and hydrophobic groups. Formaldehyde which has been using illegally as a chemical preservative by some fish traders in our country. A study was carried out to determine the effects of irradiation (1.5 KGy) on formaldehyde concentration and nutritional (protein and lipid) changes of formalin (37% formaldehyde) treated fish (fresh) samples and found that the concentration of formaldehyde both in treated samples (0.37% formalin and 0.37% formalin with 1.5 KGy irradiation) were 37.0 µg/gm and 36.75 µg/gm. On the other hand, the amount of protein and lipid in treated samples before radiation (14.56% and 3.49%) and after radiation (14.15% and 3.25%). That means, radiation has no effect on the change of protein, lipid and formaldehyde.


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Length measurements of preserved fishes are necessary in many types of fish surveys because logistics often do not allow for fish measurement immediately after catch. If the fixative causes significant shrinkage, then the preserved lengths cannot be directly used to indicate accurate live lengths. The objective of this study was to determine how preservation in formalin affects standard length of Gobiocypris rarus larvae (24-day-old and newly hatched), larval Procypris rabaudi (4-day-old), and larval Sinilabeo rendahli (12-day-old). Fishes were measured (to nearest 0.01 mm) and individually fixed in the appropriate formalin solution (2.5% or 5.0% formalin), then re-measured at 0.5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 30, 45 and 75 days after preservation to follow the time course of shrinkage. Most of the shrinkage occurred within the first half day after preservation. The 5.0% formalin caused a higher relative shrinkage rate than did the 2.5% solution; however, the difference was not statistically significant. In G. rarus, initial shrinkage of newly hatched larvae was higher than that of 24-day-old larvae.


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Preserved and archived organic material offers huge potential for the conduct of retrospective and long-term historical ecosystem reconstructions using stable isotope analyses, but because of isotopic exchange with preservatives the obtained values require validation. The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey is the most extensive long-term monitoring program for plankton communities worldwide and has utilised ships of opportunity to collect samples since 1931. To keep the samples intact for subsequent analysis, they are collected and preserved in formalin; however, previous studies have found that this may alter stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in zooplankton. A maximum ~0.9‰ increase of δ15N and a time dependent maximum ~1.0‰ decrease of δ13C were observed when the copepod, Calanus helgolandicus, was experimentally exposed to two formalin preservatives for 12 months. Applying specific correction factors to δ15N and δ13C values for similarly preserved Calanoid species collected by the CPR Survey within 12 months of analysis may be appropriate to enable their use in stable isotope studies. The isotope values of samples stored frozen did not differ significantly from those of controls. Although the impact of formalin preservation was relatively small in this and other studies of marine zooplankton, changes in isotope signatures are not consistent across taxa, especially for δ15N, indicating that species-specific studies may be required. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The coccolithophores, particularly the species Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) Hay & Mohler, account for the bulk of global calcium carbonate production and as such play a fundamental role in global CO2 cycling and the carbonate chemistry of the oceans. To evaluate the response of this functional group to the effects of climate change, we undertook a feasibility study to determine whether a retrospective approach could be used on archived coccolithophore datasets. We demonstrate for the first time a technique for the extraction of E. huxleyi nucleic acids from archived formalin-fixed samples of the long-term Continuous Plankton Recorder. Molecular analysis of a nine year old formalin-fixed sample reveals the presence of a diverse population of E. huxleyi genotypes within a developing coccolithophore bloom. In addition, E. huxleyi sequences were amplified from a number of formalin-fixed samples, the earliest of which was collected in August 1972. This molecular assay promises the possibility of studying global variations in the distribution and genetic make-up of E. huxleyi communities over extensive periods of time. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.