98 resultados para FOREGUT ENDODERM


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Lineage-survival oncogenes are activated by somatic DNA alterations in cancers arising from the cell lineages in which these genes play a role in normal development(1,2). Here we show that a peak of genomic amplification on chromosome 3q26.33 found in squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the lung and esophagus contains the transcription factor gene SOX2, which is mutated in hereditary human esophageal malformations(3), is necessary for normal esophageal squamous development(4), promotes differentiation and proliferation of basal tracheal cells(5) and cooperates in induction of pluripotent stem cells(6-8). SOX2 expression is required for proliferation and anchorage-independent growth of lung and esophageal cell lines, as shown by RNA interference experiments. Furthermore, ectopic expression of SOX2 here cooperated with FOXE1 or FGFR2 to transform immortalized tracheobronchial epithelial cells. SOX2-driven tumors show expression of markers of both squamous differentiation and pluripotency. These characteristics identify SOX2 as a lineage-survival oncogene in lung and esophageal SCC.


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Exposure to cyclopamine, a steroid alkaloid that blocks Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling, promotes pancreatic expansion in embryonic chicks. Heterotopic development of pancreatic endocrine and exocrine structures occurs in regions adjacent to the pancreas including stomach and duodenum, and insulin-producing islets in the pancreas are enlarged. The homeodomain transcription factor PDX1, required for pancreas development, is expressed broadly in the posterior foregut but pancreas development normally initiates only in a restricted region of PDX1-expressing posterior foregut where endodermal Shh expression is repressed. The results suggests that cyclopamine expands the endodermal region where Shh signaling does not occur, resulting in pancreatic differentiation in a larger region of PDX1-expressing foregut endoderm. Cyclopamine reveals the capacity of a broad region of the posterior embryonic foregut to form pancreatic cells and provides a means for expanding embryonic pancreas development.


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Summary : During vertebrate embryonic development, the endoderm gives rise to the digestive tract and associated organs such as thyroid, lung, liver and pancreas. Earlier studies have shown that extracellular signals coming from the lateral plate mesoderm pattern the endoderm along the antero-posterior axis specifying different organ primordia. An early sign of patterning is the expression of organ-specific genes in restricted endoderm domains. In this study, we focused on the role of the retinoic acid (RA) signaling pathway in the regionalization of the future gut tube along the main body axis. We show that the RA-synthesizing enzyme Raldh2 is expressed in mesoderm close to the endoderm during gastrulation and during somitogenesis. During the same period, all retinoic acid receptors (RARs), which directly activate gene transcription, are expressed in endoderm suggesting that endoderm can be responsive to RA. Activation or inhibition of RA signaling was achieved by adding RA or RAR inhibitors tither on beads or in the medium to cultured chick embryos. Branchial arch (BA) endoderm markers were shifted posteriorly upon depletion of RA at gastrulation, but were not shifted after this stage. Conversely, exposure to exogenous RA repressed the most-anterior BA markers and shifted more posterior BA markers anteriorly. This suggests that graded levels of RA activity in the foregut define gene boundaries and expression levels. The posterior foregut and midget markers Pdxl and CdxA require RA for their expression, but elevated RA does not shift their expression domain along the antero-posterior axis. In addition, we investigated if RA signaling pathway interacts with other signaling pathways to pattern the endoderm. Although both RA and FGFs block anterior foregut marker expression, our experiments suggest that FGF signaling does not depend on RA in anterior endoderm. To validate our chick data in mammalians and evaluate whether RA acts directly on endoderm, we have further generated a conditional loss-of-function system in the mouse, which is still under examination.


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In this study, the gross morphology of the mouthparts and foregut of the ghost shrimp Lepidophthalmus siriboia were investigated from larvae and postlarvae reared in the laboratory. The mouthparts (maxillae and maxillipeds) of the zoeae have a reduced number of setae and spines (or is absent in some individuals), and the foregut, under developed, have few minute setae in the cardiac and pyloric chambers. In contrast, after the metamorphosis into megalopa stage, all feeding appendages have many setae and, the foregut shows a well-developed gastric mill with strong lateral teeth. In the juvenile stage occurs an increase of setae and spines in the mouthparts and the foregut becomes more specialized. These observations strongly suggest that a lecithotrophic development occurs during all zoeal stages but the megalopa and juvenile stages are feeding animals. The functional morphology of the feeding structures of L. siriboia and other decapods will be briefly discussed.


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Previous study on the resistance of larvae of Sesarma curacaoense submitted to starvation has revealed a facultative lecithotrophy during zoeal stages, but megalopa and first juvenile stages are exclusively feeding stages. In the present study, the gross morphology and fine structure of the foregut of S. curacaoense were investigated during larval, megalopa and first juvenile stages. The foregut of the zoea I show specific setae and a filter press apparently functional. The foregut undergoes changes in the zoea II (last larval stage) with increment of setae number, mainly on the cardiopyloric valve and complexity of the filter press. After metamorphosis to megalopa stage the foregut become rather complex, with a gastric mill supporting a medial and two lateral teeth well-developed. The foregut of the first juvenile is more specialized compared to the previous stage, showing similar characteristics of the decapod adults. These results provide further evidence of facultative lecithotrophic development in the larvae of S. curacaoense.


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ABSTRACT Macrobrachium carcinus is a Brazilian native prawn with recognized potential for use in aquaculture activities. The aim of this study was to describe and illustrate in detail the morphology of the M. carcinus foregut. The foregut comprises the mouth, esophagus and stomach. It is lined by a simple cylindrical epithelium overlain by chitinous cuticle. The cardiac chamber is well supplied with muscles and lined with chitin thickened in places to form a complex, articulating set of ossicles. The ossicles and setae inside the cardiac chamber seem to direct the food movement through the cardiac chamber and sort the food according to particle size as digestion takes place. Twenty-one basic ossicles were observed in the stomach ofM. carcinus and are divided into seven categories, reflecting their presumed functional roles. The significance of these morphological features is discussed in terms of its implication in feeding management that can support future commercial farms of this important fishery resource.


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Summary Between gastrulation and gut tube formation, the endoderm becomes regionally specified along the anterior-posterior axis. An early sign of patterning is the expression of organ-specific genes in restricted endoderm domains. We studied the role of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and Wnt pathways in the establishment of the antero-posterior (A-P) axis domains. Here we report the first evidence that graded FGF4-mediated signaling establishes gut tube domains along the A-P axis in vivo from gastrulation to somitogenesis. At gastrulation, FGF4 may act cooperatively with Wnts, since both of them affect the gut tube patterning by promoting posterior and inhibiting anterior endoderm cell fate. The activity of the Wnt pathway is however time restricted, since. it does not affect patterning at somitogenesis. Our experiments point to a global mechanism that coordinates the A-P patterning of all three primary germ layers. Soon after regionalization of the gut tube, morphogenetic evidences of organogenesis appear. We focused our attention on one of these organs, the pancreas. We report a comprehensive investigation of the activity and the role of the Wnt pathway in pancreas organogenesis. We have used two mouse reporter lines to monitor canonical Wnt-pathway activity during development and after birth and demonstrate activity in early pancreatic bud, endocrine cells and in the mesenchyme. We have specifically deleted the ß-catenin .gene, a key component of the Wnt pathway, in the epithelium of the pancreas and duodenum using Pdxl -Cre mice. In agreement with Wnt pathway activity in pancreatic endocrine cells, we find a reduction in endocrine islet numbers. Our study reveals that ß-catenin deletion also affects cells in which Wnt pathway activity is not detected. Indeed, ß-catenin mutant cells have a competitive disadvantage during development that also' affects the exocrine compartment. Moreover, the conditional KO mice develop acute edematous pancreatitis perinatally due to the disruption of the epithelial structure of acini. These effects are likely to be due to the function of ß-catenin at the membrane. Résumé Entre la gastrulation et la formation du tube digestif, l'endoderme est progressivement régionalisé le long de l'axe antéropostérieur (A-P). Un des premiers signes de cette régionalisation est l'expression de gènes spécifiques à certains organes dans une région restreinte. Nous avons étudié l'implication des voies de signalisation FGF et Wnt dans l'établissement de la régionalisation A-P. Nous rapportons les premières preuves que FGF4 établit la ségrégation des domaines de l'endoderme le long de l'axe A-P in vivo de la gastrulation à la somitogenèse. Cette activité peut être menée en collaboration avec les Wnts, puisque ceux-ci influencent aussi l'endoderme en inhibant le destin antérieur et en induisant le destin postérieur des cellules. Cette activité des Wnts est perdue à la somitogenèse. Nos expériences démontrent une régionalisation coordonnée des trois feuillets germinaux le long de l'axe A-P. Peu après la régionalisation, les premiers signes morphologiques de l'organogenèse apparaissent. Nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle des Wnts dans un des dérivés de l'endoderme : le pancréas. Nous avons utilisés deux lignés de souris rapportrices de l'activité de la voie canonique des Wnts, qui montrent une activité dans le bourgeon précoce du pancréas avant la différentiation, puis plus tard dans les cellules endocrines et le mésenchyme. Nous avons utilisé la souris transgénique Pdxl -Cre pour inactiver spécifiquement le gène de la ß-caténine, un intermédiaire de la voie des Wnts, dans la région pancréatique. En accord avec l'activité de la voie de signalisation Wnt, la perte de la ßcaténine conduit à une réduction du nombre de cellules endocrines. De plus certaines cellules qui ne montrent aucune activité de la voie Wnt sont aussi affectées. En effet, les cellules ayant perdu la ß-caténine ont un désavantage compétitif face aux cellules sauvages dans un environnement mosaïque. Cette compétition résulte en l'absence de cellules déplétées en ßcaténine chez l'adulte. De plus, vers la naissance, les animaux déficients pour la ß-caténine développent une pancréatite aiguë due à la destruction de l'architecture des acini. Ceci est probablement aux fonctions d'adhésion de la ß-caténine à la membrane.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A alimentação é um importante fator para o sucesso no cultivo larval de espécies de caranguejos. Informações sobre as características morfológicas do estômago podem contribuir para revelar o comportamento alimentar larval ou, se há lecitotrofia em algum, ou até mesmo, em todos os estágios do ciclo larval. No presente estudo, o desenvolvimento estrutural do estômago e as funções digestivas foram examinados em larvas de duas espécies de braquiúros, Uca vocator e Panopeus occidentalis, cultivados em laboratório. Durante o desenvolvimento larval, os estômagos das larvas no primeiro e último estágio de zoea e megalopa foram microscopicamente examinados, descritos e ilustrados. Em ambas espécies, o estômago dos estágios de zoea são desenvolvidos e especializados, apresentando uma válvula cardiopilórica e um filtro pilórico funcionais. Oestágio de megalopa possui um moinho gástrico complexo e especializado semelhante àquele encontrado em caranguejos adultos com o aparecimento de estruturas rígidas e calcificadas. Estes resultados apóiam a hipótese de que o comportamento alimentar de cada estágio larval está diretamente relacionado à estrutura morfológica do estômago. Tal fato, fortemente indica que todos os estágios larvais de ambos U. vocator e P. occidentalis necessitam de uma fonte externa de alimento para completar o desenvolvimento larval no ambiente planctônico.


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The gross morphology of foregut was investigated and described in detail for four freshwater crab species: a pseudothelphusid, Fredius reflexifrons (Ortmann, 1897) and three trichodactylids - Sylviocarcinus pictus (H. Milne-Edwards, 1853), Valdivia serrata White, 1847, and Dilocarcinus septemdentatus (Herbst, 1783). In general, the gastric mills of freshwater crabs showed a similar degree of complexity in relation to other marine species of Anomura and Brachyura previously described in the literature. However, significant morphological differences were observed among the analyzed species, as in ossicle numbers, features and connection types. A total of 38 ossicles were described for S. pictus and V. serrata and 37 ossicles for D. septemdentatus and F. reflexifrons, respectively. The latter species can be distinguished from the others by the presence of a wide cardiac sac resembling two sacs. Most of the ossicles were connected through a rigid connection, and few ossicles were fused. The degree of calcification varied little among the studied species. The differences found among the species suggest that the morphological aspects of the foregut may be useful in the identification of similar species.


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Estudo prévio sobre o efeito da inanição em larvas de Sesarma curacaoense propôs que estas larvas apresentam comportamento lecitotrófico facultativo. No presente trabalho a morfologia do estômago de S. curacaoense foi estudada durante os estágios larvais, megalopa e juvenil I. A estrutura do estômago da zoea I possui cerdas específicas e com filtro pilórico aparentemente funcional. Especialização no estômago do zoea II (último estágio larval) foi evidenciada pelo incremento do número de cerdas na válvula cárdio-pilórica e pela complexidade do filtro pilórico. Após a metamorfose para o estágio megalopa, o estômago ficou consideravelmente complexo, com o aparecimento de um moinho gástrico contendo um medial e dois laterais dentes bem desenvolvidos. O estômago do juvenil I mostrou-se ainda mais especializado que no estágio anterior, exibindo características morfológicas similares àquelas descritas para decápodes adultos. Estes resultados corroboram o proposto em trabalhos anteriores, nos quais é indicado que S. curacaoense possui um desenvolvimento larval lecitotrófico facultativo.


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A morfologia dos apêndices bucais e o estômago de larvas e pós-larvas de Lepidophthalmus siriboia cultivados em laboratório foi investigada. Os apêndices bucais (maxilas e maxilípedes) durante os estágios zoeae apresentam número reduzido de cerdas e espinhos, ou mesmo, ausentes em alguns indivíduos. O estômago aparece pouco desenvolvido, com poucas cerdas pequenas nas câmaras cardíaca e pilórica. Contrariamente, após a metamorfose para o estágio megalopa, todas estas estruturas bucais possuem muitas cerdas, e o estômago apresenta um moinho gástrico bem desenvolvido com dois fortes dentes laterais. No estágio juvenil ocorre incremento de cerdas e espinhos em todas estruturas bucais e o estômago torna-se mais especializado. Estas observações sugerem fortemente que as zoeae de L. siriboia têm desenvolvimento lecitotrófico, mas que as megalopae e juvenis passam a ingerir alimentos exógenos.