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We describe the fabrication of silver nanotriangle array using angle resolved nanosphere lithography and utilizing the same for enhancing fluorescence. The well established nanosphere lithography is modified by changing the angle of deposition between the nanosphere mask and the beam of silver being deposited resulting in nanotriangles of varying surface area and density. The 470 nm plasmon resonance wavelength of the substrate was determined using minimum reflectivity method which closely matches with excitation wavelength of the fluorophore. Ten times enhancement in fluorescence emission intensity is obtained from fluorescein isothiocyanate coated on top of silver nanotriangle array separated by a spacer layer of poly vinyl alcohol as compared to glass. The enhanced fluorescence emission is attributed to the increase in local field enhancement.


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The sensitized fluorescence intensity of terbium ion can be notably enhanced when the Tb3+-fleroxacin complex is exposed to 365 nm light. By the measurements of fluorescence spectra, phosphorescence spectra, fluorescence quantum yield and fluorescence lifetime of the system, it is proved that irradiation makes the complex undergo a photochemical reaction and produces a new terbium complex which is more favorable to intramolecular energy transfer. The mechanism of the photochemical fluorescence enhancement was discussed.


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Fluorescence of terbium(III) was sensitized when excited in the presence of sparfloxacin (SPFX) in the aqueous solution because a Tb(III)-SPFX complex was formed. The sensitized fluorescence was further enhanced when this system was exposed to 365 nm ultraviolet light. By the spectral properties and contrast experiments, it is proved that irradiation makes this system undergo photochemical reactions and a new terbium complex which is more favorable to the intramolecular energy transfer is formed. The mechanism of photochemical fluorescence enhancement of the Tb(III)-SPFX system is discussed and a new sensitive and selective photochemical fluorimetry for the determination of SPFX is established. Under the optimum conditions, the linear range is 1.0-50 x 10(-7) M for SPFX, the detection limit is 3.0 x 10(-9) M and the R.S.D. for 5.0 x 10(-7) M SPFX is 1.3% (n = 9). Without any pretreatment the recovery of SPFX in human urine was determined with satisfaction. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Lomefloxacin (LMFX) and terbium ion can form a complex and the sensitized fluorescence of the terbium ion can be observed. It was found that the sensitized fluorescence intensity can be notably enhanced when the terbium complex is exposed to 365 nm ultraviolet light. By the fluorescence spectra, phosphorescence spectra, fluorescence quantum yield and fluorescence lifetime of the system, it was proved that irradiation of the complex made it undergo a photochemical reaction and a new terbium complex which is more favorable to intramolecular energy transfer was formed. This is why the sensitized fluorescence enhancement can be observed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the mechanisms for fluorescence enhancement and energy transfer near a gold tip in apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopy. Using a simple quasi-static model, we show that the observed enhancement of fluorescence results from competition between enhancement and quenching, and is dependent on a range of experimental parameters. We find good qualitative agreement with the results of measurements of the effect of both sharp and blunt tips on quantum dot fluorescence, and provide a demonstration of tip-enhanced fluorescence imaging with 60 nm resolution.


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This thesis investigates metallic nanostructures exhibiting surface plasmon resonance for the amplification of fluorescence signal in sandwich immunoassays. In this approach, an analyte is captured by an antibody immobilized on a plasmonic structure and detected by a subsequently bound fluorophore labeled detection antibody. The highly confined field of surface plasmons originates from collective charge oscillations which are associated with high electromagnetic field enhancements at the metal surface and allow for greatly increased fluorescence signal from the attached fluorophores. This feature allows for improving the signal-to-noise ratio in fluorescence measurements and thus advancing the sensitivity of the sensor platform. In particular, the thesis presents two plasmonic nanostructures that amplify fluorescence signal in devices that rely on epifluorescence geometry, in which the fluorophore absorbs and emits light from the same direction perpendicular to the substrate surface.rnThe first is a crossed relief gold grating that supports propagating surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) and second, gold nanoparticles embedded in refractive index symmetric environment exhibiting collective localized surface plasmons (cLSPs). Finite-difference time-domain simulations are performed in order to design structures for the optimum amplification of established Cy5 and Alexa Fluor 647 fluorophore labels with the absorption and emission wavelengths in the red region of spectrum. The design takes into account combined effect of surface plasmon-enhanced excitation rate, directional surface plasmon-driven emission and modified quantum yield for characteristic distances in immunoassays. Homebuilt optical instruments are developed for the experimental observation of the surface plasmon mode spectrum, measurements of the angular distribution of surface plasmon-coupled fluorescence light and a setup mimicking commercial fluorescence reading systems in epifluorescence geometry.rnCrossed relief grating structures are prepared by interference lithography and multiple copies are made by UV nanoimprint lithography. The fabricated crossed diffraction gratings were utilized for sandwich immunoassay-based detection of the clinically relevant inflammation marker interleukin 6 (IL-6). The enhancement factor of the crossed grating reached EF=100 when compared to a flat gold substrate. This result is comparable to the highest reported enhancements to date, for fluorophores with relatively high intrinsic quantum yield. The measured enhancement factor excellently agrees with the predictions of the simulations and the mechanisms of the enhancement are explained in detail. Main contributions were the high electric field intensity enhancement (30-fold increase) and the directional fluorescence emission at (4-fold increase) compared to a flat gold substrate.rnCollective localized surface plasmons (cLSPs) hold potential for even stronger fluorescence enhancement of EF=1000, due to higher electric field intensity confinement. cLSPs are established by diffractive coupling of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of metallic nanoparticles and result in a narrow resonance. Due to the narrow resonance, it is hard to overlap the cLSPs mode with the absorption and emission bands of the used fluorophore, simultaneously. Therefore, a novel two resonance structure that supports SPP and cLSP modes was proposed. It consists of a 2D array of cylindrical gold nanoparticles above a low refractive index polymer and a silver film. A structure that supports the proposed SPP and cLSP modes was prepared by employing laser interference lithography and the measured mode spectrum was compared to simulation results.rn


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In this paper we investigate the application of polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) coated metal slides in enhancing fluorescence signal. We observed around eight-fold enhancement in fluorescence for protein incubated on PEM coated on aluminium mirror surface with respect to that of functionalized bare glass slides. The fluorescence intensities were also compared with commercially available FAST (R) slides (Whatman) offering 3D immobilization of proteins and the results were found to be comparable. We also showed that PEM coated on low-cost and commonly available aluminium foils also results in comparable fluorescence enhancement as sputtered aluminium mirrors. Immunoassay was also performed, using model proteins, on aluminium mirror as well as on aluminium foil based devices to confirm the activity of proteins. This work demonstrated the potential of PEMs in the large-scale, roll-to-roll manufacturing of fluorescence enhancements substrates for developing disposable, low-cost devices for fluorescence based diagnostic methods.


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La thèse est divisée en deux parties, soit le texte principal et les annexes afin d'alléger la taille des documents.


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Infrared-to-visible upconversion emission enhancement through thermal effects in Yb3+-sensitized Pr3+-doped fluoroindate glasses excited at 1.064 mu m is investigated. A twentyfold increase in the 485 nm blue emission intensity as the sample temperature was varied from 20 to 260 degrees C was observed. The visible upconversion fluorescence enhancement is ascribed to the temperature dependent multiphonon-assisted anti-Stokes excitation of the ytterbium sensitizer and excited-state absorption of the praseodymium acceptor. A model based upon conventional rate equations considering a temperature dependent effective absorption cross section for the F-2(7/2)-->F-2(5/2) transition of the Yb3+ and (1)G(4)-->P-3(0) excited-state absorption of the Pr3+, agrees very well with the experimental results. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)08209-8].


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Metallic nanoparticles (NPs) have been used to improve the sensibility of biosensors and bioassays either by enhancing radiative emission or inducing quenching process on fluorescent probes. The aim of this research was to study the interaction of silver and silver-pectin NPs with water-dispersed carboxyl-coated cadmium telluride (CdTe) quantum dots (QDs). Metallic NPs were observed to change the emission of these fluorophores through local field effects. In a solution-base platform, an increase of 82 % was observed for the CdTe emission due to the interaction of QDs and silver-pectin NPs. QDs interaction with silver NPs without pectin was also investigated and a smaller emission enhancement of 20 % was detected. We observed that the NPs' nature and QDs' surface charge and concentration are important parameters for NPs-QDs interaction. Moreover, the presence of the pectin polymer shows to be a key component to the observed fluorescence enhancement. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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In dieser Arbeit wird eine detaillierte Untersuchung und Charakterisierung der Zwei-Photonen-induzierten Fluoreszenzverstärkung von organischen Farbstoffen auf plasmonischen Nanostrukturen vorgestellt. Diese Fluoreszenzverstärkung ist insbesondere für hochaufgelöste Fluoreszenzmikroskopie und Einzelmolekülspektroskopie von großer Bedeutung. Durch die Zwei-Photonen-Anregung resultiert eine Begrenzung des Absorptionsprozesses auf das fokale Volumen. In Kombination mit dem elektrischen Nahfeld der Nanostrukturen als Anregungsquelle entsteht eine noch stärkere Verringerung des Anregungsvolumens auf eine Größe unterhalb der Beugungsgrenze. Dies erlaubt die selektive Messung ausgewählter Farbstoffe. Durch die Herstellung der Nanopartikel mittels Kolloidlithografie wird eine definierte, reproduzierbare Geometrie erhalten. Polymermultischichten dienen als Abstandshalter, um die Farbstoffe an einer exakten Distanz zum Metall zu positionieren. Durch die kovalente Anbindung des Farbstoffs an die oberste Schicht wird eine gleichmäßige Verteilung des Farbstoffs in geringer Konzentration erhalten. rnEs wird eine Verstärkung der Fluoreszenz um den Faktor 30 für Farbstoffe auf Goldellipsen detektiert, verglichen mit Farbstoffen außerhalb des Nahfelds. Sichelförmige Nanostrukturen erzeugen eine Verstärkung von 120. Dies belegt, dass das Ausmaß der Fluoreszenzverstärkung entscheidend von der Stärke des elektrischen Nahfelds der Nanostruktur abhängt. Auch das Material der Nanostruktur ist hierbei von Bedeutung. So erzeugen Silberellipsen eine 1,5-fach höhere Fluoreszenzverstärkung als identische Goldellipsen. Distanzabhängige Fluoreszenzmessungen zeigen, dass die Zwei-Photonen-angeregte Fluoreszenzverstärkung an strukturspezifischen Abständen zum Metall maximiert wird. Elliptische Strukturen zeigen ein Maximum bei einem Abstand von 8 nm zum Metall, wohingegen bei sichelförmigen Nanostrukturen die höchste Fluoreszenzintensität bei 12 nm gemessen wird. Bei kleineren Abständen unterliegt der Farbstoff einem starken Löschprozess, sogenanntes Quenching. Dieses konkurriert mit dem Verstärkungsprozess, wodurch es zu einer geringen Nettoverstärkung kommt. Hat die untersuchte Struktur Dimensionen größer als das Auflösungsvermögen des Mikroskops, ist eine direkte Visualisierung des elektrischen Nahfelds der Nanostruktur möglich. rnrnEin weiterer Fokus dieser Arbeit lag auf der Herstellung neuartiger Nanostrukturen durch kolloidlithografische Methoden. Gestapelte Dimere sichelförmiger Nanostrukturen mit exakter vertikaler Ausrichtung und einem Separationsabstand von etwa 10 nm wurden hergestellt. Die räumliche Nähe der beiden Strukturen führt zu einem Kopplungsprozess, der neue optische Resonanzen hervorruft. Diese können als Superpositionen der Plasmonenmoden der einzelnen Sicheln beschrieben werden. Ein Hybridisierungsmodell wird angewandt, um die spektralen Unterschiede zu erklären. Computersimulationen belegen die zugrunde liegende Theorie und erweitern das Modell um experimentell nicht aufgelöste Resonanzen. rnWeiterhin wird ein neuer Herstellungsprozess für sichelförmige Nanostrukturen vorgestellt, der eine präzise Formanpassung ermöglicht. Hierdurch kann die Lage der Plasmonenresonanz exakt justiert werden. Korrelationen der geometrischen Daten mit den Resonanzwellenlängen tragen zum grundlegenden Verständnis der Plasmonenresonanzen bei. Die vorgestellten Resultate wurden mittels Computersimulationen verifiziert. Der Fabrikationsprozess erlaubt die Herstellung von Dimeren sichelförmiger Nanostrukturen in einer Ebene. Durch die räumliche Nähe überlappen die elektrischen Nahfelder, wodurch es zu kopplungs-induzierten Shifts der Plasmonenresonanzen kommt. Der Unterschied zu theoretisch berechneten ungekoppelten Nanosicheln kann auch bei den gegenüberliegenden sichelförmigen Nanostrukturen mit Hilfe des Plasmonenhybridisierungsmodells erklärt werden.


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Ternary iron(III) complexes (FeL(B)] (1-3) of a trianionic tetradentate phenolate-based ligand (L) and henanthroline base (B), namely, 1,10-phenanthroline (phen, 1), dipyridoquinoxaline (dpq, 2), and dipyridophenazine (dppz, 3), have been prepared and structurally characterized and their DNA binding, cleavage, and photocytotoxic properties studied. The complexes with a FeN3O3 core show the Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox couple near -0.6 V in DMF, a magnetic moment value of similar to 5.9 mu(B), and a binding propensity to both calf thymus DNA and bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein. They exhibit red-light-induced DNA cleavage activity following a metal-assisted photoredox pathway forming HO center dot radicals but do not show any photocleavage of BSA in UV-A light. Complex 3 displays photocytotoxicity in the human cervical cancer cell line (HeLa) and human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT) with respective IC50 values of 3.59 mu M and 6.07 mu M in visible light and 251 nM and 751 nM in UV-A light of 365 nm. No significant cytotoxicity is observed in the dark. The photoexposed HeLa cells, treated prior with complex 3, have shown marked changes in nuclear morphology as demonstrated by Hoechst 33258 nuclear stain. Generation of reactive oxygen species has been evidenced from the fluorescence enhancement of dichlorofluorescein upon treatment with 3 followed by photoexposure. Nuclear chromatin cleavage has been observed in acridine orange/ethidium bromide dual staining of treated HeLa cells and from alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis. Caspase 3/7 activity in HeLa cells has been found to be upregulated by only 4 fold after photoirradiation, signifying the fact that cell death through a caspase 3/7 dependent pathway may not be solely operative.


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A number of bile acid derived photoinduced electron transfer (PET) based sensors for metal ions are prepared. A general strategy for designing the sensor with a modular nature allows for making different molecules capable of sensing different metal ions by a change in the fluorophore and receptor unit. Keeping the basic molecular structure the same, different bile acid base fluoroionophores were prepared inorder to achieve the highest sensitivity toward the metal ions. Thesensors showed similar binding constants for the same metal ion, but the degree Of fluorescence enhancement upon addition of the metal salts were different. The sensitivities of the sensors towards a certain metal were determined from the observed fluorescence enhancement upon addition of the metal salt.


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A chitooligosaccharide specific lectin (Luffa acutangula agglutinin) has been purified from the exudate of ridge gourd fruits by affinity chromatography on soybean agglutininglycopeptides coupled to Sepharose-6B. The affinity purified lectin was found homogeneous by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, in sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gels, by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 and by sedimentation velocity experiments. The relative molecular weight of this lectin is determined to be 48,000 ± 1,000 by gel chromatography and sedimentation equilibrium experiments. The sedimentation coefficient (S20, w) was obtained to be 4·06 S. The Stokes’ radius of the protein was found to be 2·9 nm by gel filtration. In sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the lectin gave a molecular weight of 24,000 in the presence as well as absence of 2-mercaptoethanol. The subunits in this dimeric lectin are therefore held by non-covalent interactions alone. The lectin is not a glycoprotein and circular dichroism spectral studies indicate that this lectin has 31% α-helix and no ß-sheet. The lectin is found to bind specifically to chitooligosaccharides and the affinity of the lectin increases with increasing oligosaccharide chain length as monitored by near ultra-violetcircular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence titration. The values of ΔG, ΔΗ and ΔS for the binding process showed a pronounced dependence on the size of the oligosaccharide. The values for both ΔΗ and ΔS show a significant increase with increase in the oligosaccharide chain length showing that the binding of higher oligomers is progressively more favoured thermodynamically than chitobiose itself. The thermodynamic data is consistent with an extended binding site in the lectin which accommodates a tetrasaccharide. Based on the thermodynamic data, blue shifts and fluorescence enhancement, spatial orientation of chitooligosaccharides in the combining site of the lectin is assigned.