46 resultados para FLT3
Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2014
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2014
Mutations of the Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) can be detected in a significant number of acute myeloid leukemias (AML). Seventy-five cases of acute myeloid leukemia were evaluated for FLT3-internal tandem duplications (ITD) by polymerase chain reaction. Paraffin-embedded formalin-fixed trephine biopsies of these cases were evaluated for expression of phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (pSTAT1), pSTAT3, and pSTAT5. Specific expression of pSTAT5 was proven in leukemic blasts in situ by double staining with a blast-specific marker. Expression of pSTAT5 in > or =1% of blasts was highly predictive of FLT3-ITD. Neither expression of pSTAT1 nor pSTAT3 were associated with FLT3 mutations. Altogether we conclude that pSTAT5 expression can precisely be assessed by immunohistochemistry in routinely processed bone marrow trephines, STAT5 is highly likely the preferred second messenger of FLT3-mediated signaling in AML, and expression of pSTAT5 is predictive of FLT3-ITD.
Systemic mastocytoses represent neoplastic proliferations of mast cells. In about 20% of cases systemic mastocytoses are accompanied by clonal haematopoietic non-mast cell-lineage disorders, most commonly myeloid neoplasms. A case of systemic mastocytosis carrying the characteristic mutation at codon 816 (D816V) in the KIT gene of mast cells, with two concurrent accompanying clonal haematopoietic non-mast cell-lineage disorders, chronic myeloproliferative disease, unclassifiable and precursor B lymphoblastic leukaemia is documented. Both accompanying clonal haematopoietic non-mast cell-lineage disorders carried the wild-type KIT gene, but had a novel t(13;13)(q12;q22) involving the FLT3 locus at 13q12. The chronic myeloproliferative disease, unclassifiable and the precursor B lymphoblastic leukaemia were cured by syngenous stem cell transplantation, but the systemic mastocytosis persisted for more than 10 years. The additional impact of molecular techniques on the correct diagnosis in haematological malignancies is highlighted, and evidence is provided that, apart from internal tandem duplications and mutations, FLT3 can be activated by translocations.
La protéine de fusion E2A-PBX1 induit une leucémie lymphoblastique aigüe des cellules B pédiatrique chez l’humain. E2A-PBX1 possède de puissantes propriétés de trans-activation et peut se lier à l’ADN ainsi qu’aux protéines homéotiques (HOX) via des domaines conservés dans sa portion PBX1, ce qui suggère qu’une dérégulation des gènes cibles de HOX/PBX1 contribue à la leucémogénèse. Précédemment, Bijl et al. (2008) ont démontré que certains gènes Hox collaborent de manière oncogénique avec E2A-PBX1, et que ces interactions sont cellules-spécifiques et varient en fonction du gène Hox impliqué. Une mutagénèse d’insertion provirale suggère et supporte la collaboration des gènes Hoxa et E2A-PBX1 lors de la leucémogénèse des cellules B. La présence de ces interactions dans les cellules B et leur implication dans l’induction des B-ALL est pertinente pour la compréhension de la maladie humaine, et reste encore mal comprise. Notre étude démontre qu’Hoxa9 confère un avantage prolifératif aux cellules B E2A-PBX1. Des expériences de transplantation à l’aide de cellules B E2A-PBX1/Hoxa9 positives isolées de chimères de moelle osseuse démontrent qu’Hoxa9 collabore avec E2A-PBX1 en contribuant à la transformation oncogénique des cellules, et qu’Hoxa9 seul n’induit aucune transformation. Une analyse par Q-RT-PCR nous a permis de démontrer une forte inhibition de gènes spécifiques aux cellules B dans les leucémies co-exprimant Hoxa9 et E2A-PBX1, en plus d’une activation de Flt3, suggérant une inhibition de la différenciation des cellules B accompagnée d’une augmentation de la prolifération. De plus, la surexpression de Hoxa9 dans des cellules leucémiques de souris transgéniques E2A-PBX1, confère aussi un avantage prolifératif aux cellules in vitro, qui semblent être influencé par une augmentation de l’expression de Flt3 et Pdgfδ. En conclusion, nous démontrons pour la première fois à l’aide d’un modèle murin qu’Hoxa9 collabore avec E2A-PBX1 lors de la transformation oncogénique des cellules B et que la signalisation via Flt3 est impliquée, ce qui est potentiellement pertinent pour la maladie humaine.
Introduction: Notre laboratoire a précédemment établi que Hoxa9 accélérait l’apparition de leucémie de type B induite par E2A-PBX1. Une analyse par qRT-PCR a montré que les niveaux d’ARN de Flt3, une cible de Hoxa9, étaient 32 fois plus élevés dans les leucémies Hoxa9/E2A-PBX1 par rapport que dans les leucémies E2A-PBX1. Il est important de noter que l’expression aberrante de Flt3 est retrouvée dans les leucémies ALL de type B et les AML. De plus, l’activation constitutive de Flt3 est associée à un faible pronostic. Nous avons posé l’hypothèse que la maintenance/ré-initiation des leucémies de type pré-B induites par E2A-Pbx1 est associée à la présence du récepteur Flt3. Méthodes et Résultats: Premièrement, nous avons analysé par FACS la présence de Flt3 et mesuré l’expression de Flt3 par qRT-PCR des cellules E2A-PBX1 leucémiques pré-B. Nous avons montré que les cellules leucémiques E2A-PBX1 expriment l’ARNm du gène Flt3. Cependant, le récepteur n’était détectable à la surface cellulaire que dans des proportions variant de 0.3 à 28%. Deuxièmement, nous avons évalué le potentiel leucémique des fractions positive et négative pour Flt3. Toutes deux ont été capables de ré-initier la leucémie environ 20 jours après transplantation. Des analyses par FACS ont montré qu’une proportion de cellules leucémiques exprimaient Flt3, incluant même celles provenant de la fraction Flt3-. Troisièmement, une stratégie de perte de fonction de Flt3 par shARN a été mise en œuvre afin d’examiner le rôle de la voie de signalisation de Flt3 dans les cellules leucémiques E2A-PBX1. Pour ce faire, des cellules primaires leucémiques ont été infectées, soit par le shARN anti-Flt3 soit shARN contrôle, et transplantées dans des souris receveuses. Les cellules leucémiques contenant le shARN ont été capables de régénérer la leucémie. Cependant, une proportion des cellules exprimaient toujours Flt3, ce qui indique que l’efficacité des shARn n’était pas suffisante. Conclusion et Perspectives: Nos shARN ne sont pas suffisamment efficaces sur les cellules leucémiques choisies. De ce fait, nous proposons d’utiliser des cellules leucémiques moins agressives tout en réalisant le même set-up expérimental. Des transplantations dans des receveurs KO Flt3-/- seraient également requises afin de réellement étudier l’impact de la voie de signalisation Flt3 dans la ré-initiation leucémique.
Purpose Patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and FLT3/internal tandem duplication (FLT3/ITD) have poor prognosis if treated with chemotherapy only. Whether this alteration also affects outcome after allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) remains uncertain. Patients and Methods We analyzed 206 patients who underwent HLA-identical sibling and matched unrelated HSCTs reported to the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation with a diagnosis of AML with normal cytogenetics and data on FLT3/ITD (present: n = 120, 58%; absent: n = 86, 42%). Transplantations were performed in first complete remission (CR) after myeloablative conditioning. Results Compared with FLT3/ITD-negative patients, FLT3/ITD-positive patients had higher median leukocyte count at diagnosis (59 v 21 x 10(9)/L; P < .001) and shorter interval from CR to transplantation (87 v 99 days; P = .04). Other characteristics were similar in the two groups. At 2 years, relapse incidence (RI; +/- standard deviation) was higher (30% +/- 5% v 16% +/- 5%; P = .006) and leukemia-free survival (LFS) lower (58% +/- 5% v 71% +/- 6%; P = .04) in FLT3/ITD-positive compared with FLT3/ITD-negative patients. In multivariate analyses, FLT3/ITD led to increased RI (hazard ratio [HR], 3.4; 95% CI, 1.46 to 7.94; P = .005), as did older age, female sex, shorter interval between CR and transplantation, and higher number of chemotherapy courses before achieving CR. FLT3/ITD positivity was associated with decreased LFS (HR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.19 to 0.73; P = .002), along with older age and higher number of chemotherapy courses before achieving CR. Conclusion FLT3/ITD adversely affected the outcome of HSCT in the same direction it does after chemotherapy; despite this, more than half of the patients harboring this mutation who received transplants were alive and leukemia free at 2 years. To further improve the results, use of FLT3 inhibitors before or after HSCT deserves investigation.
Approximately 25% of acute myeloid leukemias (AMLs) carry internal tandem duplications (ITD) of various lengths within the gene encoding the FMS-like tyrosine kinase receptor 3 (FLT3). Although varying duplication sites exist, most of these length mutations affect the protein´s juxtamembrane domain. FLT3-ITDs support leukemic transformation by constitutive phosphorylation resulting in uncontrolled activation, and their presence is associated with worse prognosis. As known form previous work, they represent leukemia- and patient-specific neoantigens that can be recognized by autologous AML-reactive CD8+ T cells (Graf et al., 2007; Graf et al., unpublished). Herein, in patient FL, diagnosed with FLT3-ITD+ AML and in first complete remission after induction chemotherapy, T cells against her leukemia´s individual FLT3-ITD were detected at a frequency up to 1.7x10-3 among peripheral blood CD8+ T lymphocytes. This rather high frequency suggested, that FLT3-ITD-reactive T cells had been expanded in vivo due to the induction of an anti-leukemia response.rnrnCell material from AML patients is limited, and the patients´ anti-leukemia T-cell repertoire might be skewed, e.g. due to complex previous leukemia-host interactions and chemotherapy. Therefore, allogeneic sources, i.e. buffy coats (BCs) from health donors and umbilical cord blood (UCB) donations, were exploited for the presence and the expansion of FLT3-ITD-reactive T-cell populations. BC- and UCB-derived CD8+ T cells, were distributed at 105 cells per well on microtiter plates and, were stimulated with antigen-presenting cells (APCs) transfected with in vitro-transcribed mRNA (IVT-mRNA) encoding selected FTL3-ITDs. APCs were autologous CD8- blood mononuclear cells, monocytes or FastDCs.rnrnBuffy coat lymphocytes from 19 healthy individuals were analyzed for CD8+ T-cell reactivity against three immunogenic FLT3-ITDs previously identified in patients VE, IN and QQ and designated as VE_, IN_ and QQ_FLT3-ITD, respectively. These healthy donors carried at least one of the HLA I alleles known to present an ITD-derived peptide from one of these FLT3-ITDs. Reactivities against single ITDs were observed in 8/19 donors. In 4 donors the frequencies of ITD-reactive T cells were determined and were estimated to be in the range of 1.25x10-6 to 2.83x10-7 CD8+ T cells. These frequencies were 1,000- to 10,000-fold lower than the frequency of autologous FLT3-ITD-reactive T cells observed in patient FL. Restricting HLA I molecules were identified in two donors. In one of them, the recognition of VE_FLT3-ITD was found to be restricted by HLA-C*07:02, which is different from the HLA allele restricting the anti-ITD T cells of patient VE. In another donor, the recognition of IN_FLT3-ITD was restricted by HLA-B*35:01, which also had been observed in patient IN (Graf et al., unpublished). By gradual 3´-fragmentation of the IN_FLT3-ITD cDNA, the 10-mer peptide CPSDNEYFYV was identified as the target of allogeneic T cells against IN_FLT3-ITD. rnLymphocytes in umbilical cord blood predominantly exhibit a naïve phenotype. Seven UCB donations were analyzed for T-cell responses against the FLT3-ITDs of patients VE, IN, QQ, JC and FL irrespective of their HLA phenotype. ITD-reactive responses against all stimulatory FLT3-ITDs were observed in 5/7 UCB donations. The frequencies of T cells against single FLT3-ITDs in CD8+ lymphocytes were estimated to be in the range of 1.8x10-5 to 3.6x10-6, which is nearly 15-fold higher than the frequencies observed in BCs. Restricting HLA I molecules were identified in 4 of these 5 positive UCB donations. They were mostly different from those observed in the respective patients. But in one UCB donation T cells against the JC_FLT3-ITD had exactly the same peptide specificity and HLA restriction as seen before in patient JC (Graf et al., 2007). Analyses of UCB responder lymphocytes led to the identification of the 10-mer peptide YESDNEYFYV, encoded by FL_FLT3-ITD, that was recognized in association with the frequent allele HLA-A*02:01. This peptide was able to stimulate and enrich ITD-reactive T cells from UCB lymphocytes in vitro. Peptide responders not only recognized the peptide, but also COS-7 cells co-transfected with FL_FLT3-ITD and HLA-A*02:01.rnrnIn conclusion, T cells against AML- and individual-specific FLT3-ITDs were successfully generated not only from patient-derived blood, but also from allogeneic sources. Thereby, ITD-reactive T cells were detected more readily and at higher frequencies in umbilical cord blood than in buffy coat lymphocytes. It occurred that peptide specificity and HLA restriction of allogeneic, ITD-reactive T cells were identical to autologous patient-derived T cells. As shown herein, allogeneic, FLT3-ITD-reactive T cells can be used for the identification of FLT3-ITD-encoded peptides, e.g. for future therapeutic vaccination studies. In addition, these T cells or their receptors can be applied to adoptive transfer.
Preliminary evidence suggests that the multikinase inhibitor sorafenib has clinical activity in FLT3-ITD-positive (FLT3-ITD) acute myeloid leukemia (AML). However, the quality and sustainability of achievable remissions and clinical variables that influence the outcome of sorafenib monotherapy are largely undefined. To address these questions, we evaluated sorafenib monotherapy in 65 FLT3-ITD AML patients treated at 23 centers. All but two patients had relapsed or were chemotherapy-refractory after a median of three prior chemotherapy cycles. Twenty-nine patients (45%) had undergone prior allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT). The documented best responses were: hematological remission in 24 patients (37%), bone marrow remission in 5 patients (8%), complete remission (with and without normalization of peripheral blood counts) in 15 patients (23%) and molecular remission with undetectable FLT3-ITD mRNA in 10 patients (15%), respectively. Seventeen of the patients without prior allo-SCT (47%) developed sorafenib resistance after a median treatment duration of 136 days (range, 56-270 days). In contrast, allo-SCT patients developed sorafenib resistance less frequently (38%) and significantly later (197 days, range 38-225 days; P=0.03). Sustained remissions were seen exclusively in the allo-SCT cohort. Thus, sorafenib monotherapy has significant activity in FLT3-ITD AML and may synergize with allogeneic immune effects to induce durable remissions.Leukemia advance online publication, 8 May 2012; doi:10.1038/leu.2012.105.
BACKGROUND: FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) is a class III receptor tyrosine kinase involved in hematopoietic progenitor cell development. Mutations of FLT3 have been reported in about a third of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and inhibitors of FLT3 are of clinical interest. Sorafenib is an orally active multikinase inhibitor with potent activity against FLT3 and the Raf/ERK/MEK kinase pathway. METHODS: We studied the patterns of molecular response and relapse in 18 patients with mutated FLT3 treated with the combination of sorafenib, idarubicin, and cytarabine. RESULTS: The median follow-up was 9 months. Sixteen patients achieved complete remission (CR), and the other 2 patients achieved CR but lacked platelet recovery for an overall response rate of 100%. Ten patients had their FLT3-mutated clone eradicated, with 6 patients who showed some residual FLT3-mutated cells, and 2 patients who showed persistent FLT3-mutated cells. The elimination of FLT3-mutated population at the time of morphologic CR, however, was not predictive of relapse. After a median follow-up of 9 months (range, 1-16 months), 10 (55%) patients had relapsed, with a median CR duration of 8.8 months (range, 1-9.5 months). By DNA sequencing, there was no evidence of an acquired FLT3 point mutation at the time of relapse in 7 patients tested, which suggested the presence of other mechanisms of sorafenib resistance. CONCLUSION: Sorafenib, combined with chemotherapy, is effective in attaining CR, but relapses still occur.
Altered peptide ligand vaccination with Flt3 ligand expanded dendritic cells for tumor immunotherapy
Most tumor-associated antigens represent self-proteins and as a result are poorly immunogenic due to immune tolerance. Here we show that tolerance to carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), which is overexpressed by the majority of lethal malignancies, can be reversed by immunization with a CEA-derived peptide. This peptide was altered to make it a more potent T cell antigen and loaded onto dendritic cells (DCs) for delivery as a cellular vaccine. Although DCs are rare in the blood, we found that treatment of advanced cancer patients with Flt3 ligand, a hematopoietic growth factor, expanded DCs 20-fold in vivo. Immunization with these antigen-loaded DCs induced CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes that recognized tumor cells expressing endogenous CEA. Staining with peptide-MHC tetramers demonstrated the expansion of CD8 T cells that recognize both the native and altered epitopes and possess an effector cytotoxic T lymphocyte phenotype (CD45RA+CD27−CCR7−). After vaccination, two of 12 patients experienced dramatic tumor regression, one patient had a mixed response, and two had stable disease. Clinical response correlated with the expansion of CD8 tetramer+ T cells, confirming the role of CD8 T cells in this treatment strategy.
In different types of myeloid leukemia, increased formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been noted and associated with aspects of cell transformation including the promotion of leukemic cell proliferation and migration, as well as DNA-damage and accumulation of mutations. Work reviewed in this article has shown the involvement of NADPH oxidase (NOX)-derived ROS downstream of oncogenic protein-tyrosine kinases in both processes, and the related pathways have been partially identified. FLT3-ITD, an important oncoprotein in a subset of AML, causes activation of AKT and subsequently stabilization of p22phox, a regulatory subunit for NOX1-4. This process is linked to ROS formation and DNA damage. Moreover, FLT3-ITD signaling through STAT5 enhances expression of NOX4, ROS formation and inactivation of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase DEP-1/PTPRJ, a negative regulator of FLT3 signaling, by reversible oxidation of its catalytic cysteine residue. Genetic inactivation of NOX4 restored DEP-1 activity and attenuated cell transformation by FLT3-ITD in vitro and in vivo. Future work is required to further explore these mechanisms and their causal involvement in leukemic cell transformation, which may result in the identification of novel candidate targets for therapy.
Acquired resistance to selective FLT3 inhibitors is an emerging clinical problem in the treatment of FLT3-ITD(+) acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). The paucity of valid pre-clinical models has restricted investigations to determine the mechanism of acquired therapeutic resistance, thereby limiting the development of effective treatments. We generated selective FLT3 inhibitor-resistant cells by treating the FLT3-ITD(+) human AML cell line MOLM-13 in vitro with the FLT3-selective inhibitor MLN518, and validated the resistant phenotype in vivo and in vitro. The resistant cells, MOLM-13-RES, harboured a new D835Y tyrosine kinase domain (TKD) mutation on the FLT3-ITD(+) allele. Acquired TKD mutations, including D835Y, have recently been identified in FLT3-ITD(+) patients relapsing after treatment with the novel FLT3 inhibitor, AC220. Consistent with this clinical pattern of resistance, MOLM-13-RES cells displayed high relative resistance to AC220 and Sorafenib. Furthermore, treatment of MOLM-13-RES cells with AC220 lead to loss of the FLT3 wild-type allele and the duplication of the FLT3-ITD-D835Y allele. Our FLT3-Aurora kinase inhibitor, CCT137690, successfully inhibited growth of FLT3-ITD-D835Y cells in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that dual FLT3-Aurora inhibition may overcome selective FLT3 inhibitor resistance, in part due to inhibition of Aurora kinase, and may benefit patients with FLT3-mutated AML.
Introducción: en los últimos años ha existido un avance significativo en el conocimiento biológico de la leucemia aguda mieloide (LAM) que se ha traducido en que el tratamiento de los pacientes afectados se realice guiado por el perfil citogenético y molecular. Las duplicaciones internas en tándem del gen FLT3 (FLT3-ITD) representan las mutaciones más frecuentes en LAM y confieren un mal pronóstico en pacientes con riesgo citogenético intermedio. Se ha reportado que la presencia de un ratio FLT3-ITD elevado (relación entre cantidad de alelo portador de ITD y de alelo salvaje) confiere un mayor pronóstico adverso. Objetivo: estandarizar una técnica, no disponible en Uruguay, para determinar el ratio de FLT3-ITD en pacientes portadores de LAM de riesgo citogenético intermedio. Discutir los primeros casos de LAM FLT3+ a los que se realizó el ratio. Material y método: para la detección de FLT3-ITD se amplificó un fragmento correspondiente a los exones 14 y 15 del gen en muestras de médula ósea al debut de la enfermedad. En los casos positivos se determinó el ratio de FLT3-ITD mediante análisis de fragmentos por electroforesis capilar. Resultados: en este trabajo mostramos la estandarización de un método para la determinación del ratio de FLT3-ITD y los primeros casos analizados en nuestro país. Se estudiaron 12 pacientes y se detectó la presencia de FLT3-ITD en tres de ellos. El ratio de FLT3-ITD encontrado fue en dos casos menor a 0,8 y en un caso mayor o igual a 0,8. Conclusiones: disponemos de una técnica de determinación del ratio de FLT3-ITD con importante valor pronóstico para pacientes portadores de LAM.