999 resultados para FLOW UNIFORMITY
The objective of this study is to identify the optimal designs of converging-diverging supersonic and hypersonic nozzles that perform at maximum uniformity of thermodynamic and flow-field properties with respect to their average values at the nozzle exit. Since this is a multi-objective design optimization problem, the design variables used are parameters defining the shape of the nozzle. This work presents how variation of such parameters can influence the nozzle exit flow non-uniformities. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software package, ANSYS FLUENT, was used to simulate the compressible, viscous gas flow-field in forty nozzle shapes, including the heat transfer analysis. The results of two turbulence models, k-e and k-ω, were computed and compared. With the analysis results obtained, the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was applied for the purpose of performing a multi-objective optimization. The optimization was performed with ModeFrontier software package using Kriging and Radial Basis Functions (RBF) response surfaces. Final Pareto optimal nozzle shapes were then analyzed with ANSYS FLUENT to confirm the accuracy of the optimization process.
The flow in the automotive catalytic converter is, in general, not uniform. This significantly affects cost, service life, and performance, in particular, during cold startup. The current paper reports on a device that provided a large improvement in flow uniformity. The device is to be placed in the converter inlet diffuser and is constructed out of ordinary screens. It is cheap and easy to install. Moreover, the device does not present most of the undesired effects, such as increase in pressure drop and time to light off, often observed in other devices developed for the same purpose.
Small centrifugal compressors are more and more widely used in many industrialsystems because of their higher efficiency and better off-design performance comparing to piston and scroll compressors as while as higher work coefficient perstage than in axial compressors. Higher efficiency is always the aim of the designer of compressors. In the present work, the influence of four partsof a small centrifugal compressor that compresses heavy molecular weight real gas has been investigated in order to achieve higher efficiency. Two parts concern the impeller: tip clearance and the circumferential position of the splitter blade. The other two parts concern the diffuser: the pinch shape and vane shape. Computational fluid dynamics is applied in this study. The Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes flow solver Finflo is used. The quasi-steady approach is utilized. Chien's k-e turbulence model is used to model the turbulence. A new practical real gas model is presented in this study. The real gas model is easily generated, accuracy controllable and fairly fast. The numerical results and measurements show good agreement. The influence of tip clearance on the performance of a small compressor is obvious. The pressure ratio and efficiency are decreased as the size of tip clearance is increased, while the total enthalpy rise keeps almost constant. The decrement of the pressure ratio and efficiency is larger at higher mass flow rates and smaller at lower mass flow rates. The flow angles at the inlet and outlet of the impeller are increased as the size of tip clearance is increased. The results of the detailed flow field show that leakingflow is the main reason for the performance drop. The secondary flow region becomes larger as the size of tip clearance is increased and the area of the main flow is compressed. The flow uniformity is then decreased. A detailed study shows that the leaking flow rate is higher near the exit of the impeller than that near the inlet of the impeller. Based on this phenomenon, a new partiallyshrouded impeller is used. The impeller is shrouded near the exit of the impeller. The results show that the flow field near the exit of the impeller is greatly changed by the partially shrouded impeller, and better performance is achievedthan with the unshrouded impeller. The loading distribution on the impeller blade and the flow fields in the impeller is changed by moving the splitter of the impeller in circumferential direction. Moving the splitter slightly to the suction side of the long blade can improve the performance of the compressor. The total enthalpy rise is reduced if only the leading edge of the splitter ismoved to the suction side of the long blade. The performance of the compressor is decreased if the blade is bended from the radius direction at the leading edge of the splitter. The total pressure rise and the enthalpy rise of thecompressor are increased if pinch is used at the diffuser inlet. Among the fivedifferent pinch shape configurations, at design and lower mass flow rates the efficiency of a straight line pinch is the highest, while at higher mass flow rate, the efficiency of a concave pinch is the highest. The sharp corner of the pinch is the main reason for the decrease of efficiency and should be avoided. The variation of the flow angles entering the diffuser in spanwise direction is decreased if pinch is applied. A three-dimensional low solidity twisted vaned diffuser is designed to match the flow angles entering the diffuser. The numerical results show that the pressure recovery in the twisted diffuser is higher than in a conventional low solidity vaned diffuser, which also leads to higher efficiency of the twisted diffuser. Investigation of the detailed flow fields shows that the separation at lower mass flow rate in the twisted diffuser is later than in the conventional low solidity vaned diffuser, which leads to a possible wider flow range of the twisted diffuser.
ABSTRACT Microsprinkler non-pressure compensating nozzles usually show water flow variation along the lateral line. This study aimed at adapting microtubes into non-compensating system of microsprinklers previous installed in the field, as a self-compensated nozzle, to improve the flow uniformity along the lateral line. Microtubes were adapted to three types of commercial microsprinklers. Tests were conducted, both in the laboratory and in field, to evaluate the microsprinkler performance at four different flows (40, 50, 60 and 70 L h-1) under pressure head range from 75 to 245 kPa. Nozzles presented coefficient of flow-rate variation (CVq) lower than 5.5% and distribution uniformity (DU) greater than 95%, which are classified as excellent. The original spatial water distribution of the microsprinkler did not change by using microtube as a nozzle. This device adapted to non-pressure compensating microsprinklers are functional and operate effectively with flows ranging up to 70 L h-1. Small variations at microsprinkler flows along the lateral line can occur, however, at random manner, which is common for pressure-compensating nozzles. Therefore, the microtube technique is able to control pressure variation in microsprinklers.
A green ceramic tape micro-heat exchanger was developed using Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics technology (LTCC). The device was designed by using Computational Aided Design software and simulations were made using a Computational Fluid Dynamics package (COMSOL Multiphysics) to evaluate the homogeneity of fluid distribution in the microchannels. Four geometries were proposed and simulated in two and three dimensions to show that geometric details directly affect the distribution of velocity in the micro-heat exchanger channels. The simulation results were quite useful for the design of the microfluidic device. The micro-heat exchanger was then constructed using the LTCC technology and is composed of five thermal exchange plates in cross-flow arrangement and two connecting plates, with all plates stacked to form a device with external dimensions of 26 x 26 x 6 mm(3).
Työssä suunniteltiin esisuunnitteluluontoisesti leveän, uutta päällystysmenetelmää soveltavan päällystysaseman konstruktio avainkomponenttien osalta. Ensin perehdyttiin alan kirjallisuuteen ja pyrittiin selvittämään päällystysmenetelmän konstruktiolle asettamia vaatimuksia. Tämän jälkeen pohdittiin rakenteen leveyden ja päällystysnopeuden lisäämisen tuomia ongelmia ja lopuksi ideoitiin havaittuihin ongelmiin ratkaisuja. Virtauskammion mitoituksen, ohikierron vaikutuksen ja virtausta tasoittavien elementtien mitoituksen selvittämiseksi tehtiin CFD laskenta newtonisella ja einewtonisella virtausaineella. Huomattiin painehäviön kasvattamisen ja tasauskammion lisäämisen parantavan päällysteprofiilia. Ohikierron lisäämisen todettiin heikentävän päällysteprofiilia erityisesti reunojen läheisyydessä. Virtauksen jako- ja tasauskammioiden muotoilua muutettiin tukkeutumisriskin pienentämiseksi. Rakenne kokee aina myös muodonmuutoksia paineen-, taipumien- tai lämpötilaerojen seurauksena. Näiden vaikutuksen selvittämiseksi applikointiosaa analysointiin FE -menetelmällä. Todettiin palkin pinnalla olevien lämpötilaerojen olevan suurin yksittäinen päällysteprofiiliin vaikuttava häiriölähde.
This study presents a computational parametric analysis of DME steam reforming in a large scale Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) reactor. The Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) model used, which is based on Eulerian-Eulerian dispersed flow, has been developed and validated in Part I of this study [1]. The effect of the reactor inlet configuration, gas residence time, inlet temperature and steam to DME ratio on the overall reactor performance and products have all been investigated. The results have shown that the use of double sided solid feeding system remarkable improvement in the flow uniformity, but with limited effect on the reactions and products. The temperature has been found to play a dominant role in increasing the DME conversion and the hydrogen yield. According to the parametric analysis, it is recommended to run the CFB reactor at around 300 °C inlet temperature, 5.5 steam to DME molar ratio, 4 s gas residence time and 37,104 ml gcat -1 h-1 space velocity. At these conditions, the DME conversion and hydrogen molar concentration in the product gas were both found to be around 80%.
Based on the 2013 and 2014 consolidated statements of cash flows of companies listed in Euronext Lisbon, this Work Project analyses the cash flow disclosures, namely if they are in accordance with International Accounting Standards 7, specifically the format, the choice of classification interests, dividends paid and received and the composition of cash and cash equivalents. Additionally, quality of income ratio is analyzed due to its importance for users of financial statements. The results show evidence of uniformity and consistency in the use of the direct method for reporting operational activities in both years, but there are some differences regarding the disclosure of interests and dividends, paid and received, respectively.
The study aimed to determine an optimum angle for the nozzles axial-flow sprayers a deposition for better vertical distribution focused on cashew. In laboratory tests were conducted adjusting the angle of the nozzle axial-flow sprayers. The experimental design was randomized blocks in a 2x3 factorial with four replications. The treatment for this test were two settings (with and without the adjustment of the angles of the nozzles ) and tree application volumes 273, 699 and 954 L ha-¹.The study was conducted in an orchard of dwarf cashew, with eight years of age. It was concluded that the volumetric distribution profile showed better vertical distribution uniformity when the angles of the nozzles were regulated for the canopy, the adjustment of the angles of the nozzles for the canopy provided greater deposition of droplets, the increased volume of application resulted in higher depositions in the leaves of the crop.
A non-uniform mesh scheme is presented for the computation of compressible flows governed by the Euler equations of gas dynamics. The scheme is based on flux-difference splitting and represents an extension of a similar scheme designed for uniform meshes. The numerical results demonstrate that little, if any, spurious oscillation occurs as a result of the non-uniformity of the mesh; and importantly, shock speeds are computed correctly.
Droplets formed at the tip of a tube under the same conditions possess extreme uniformity of form, volume and weight. These properties of liquid drop formation have been known for a long time and consequently many applications for the drop have been found in instrumentation and chemical analysis methods. In the present paper, we report on the analytical use of a dynamic LED-based flow-through optical absorption detector with optical path length controlled by continuous dropping of a solution. This arrangement consists of a flow cell built within a high-intensity red LED (lambda (max)=630 nm). The feasibility of the detector is demonstrated by colorimetric determination of methylene blue, and ammonium by Berthelot's reaction, in a flow-injection system. For ammonium, the reaction forms a blue dye (indophenol) with a maximum absorption at 630-650 nm. The detection limit, considered as 3 times the signal of the blank, is better than 125 mu g l(-1). The small flow cell represents a good combination of optical path length, low volume and fast washout. This detector can be used advantageously in automated methods and can represent a solution to problems of optical detection involving gas bubbles and precipitation of particles in turbidimetric applications.
The present paper presents a theoretical analysis of a cross flow heat exchanger with a new flow arrangement comprehending several tube rows. The thermal performance of the proposed flow arrangement is compared with the thermal performance of a typical counter cross flow arrangement that is used in chemical, refrigeration, automotive and air conditioning industries. The thermal performance comparison has been performed in terms of the following parameters: heat exchanger effectiveness and efficiency, dimensionless entropy generation, entransy dissipation number, and dimensionless local temperature differences. It is also shown that the uniformity of the temperature difference field leads to a higher thermal performance of the heat exchanger. In the present case this is accomplished thorough a different organization of the in-tube fluid circuits in the heat exchanger. The relation between the recently introduced "entransy dissipation number" and the conventional thermal effectiveness has been obtained in terms of the "number of transfer units". A case study has been solved to quantitatively to obtain the temperature difference distribution over two rows units involving the proposed arrangement and the counter cross flow one. It has been shown that the proposed arrangement presents better thermal performance regardless the comparison parameter. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
A two-dimensional finite element model of current flow in the front surface of a PV cell is presented. In order to validate this model we perform an experimental test. Later, particular attention is paid to the effects of non-uniform illumination in the finger direction which is typical in a linear concentrator system. Fill factor, open circuit voltage and efficiency are shown to decrease with increasing degree of non-uniform illumination. It is shown that these detrimental effects can be mitigated significantly by reoptimization of the number of front surface metallization fingers to suit the degree of non-uniformity. The behavior of current flow in the front surface of a cell operating at open circuit voltage under non-uniform illumination is discussed in detail.
Purpose: To develop and validate a simple, efficient and reliable Liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method for the quantitative determination of two dermatological drugs, Lamisil® (terbinafine) and Proscar® (finasteride), in split tablet dosage form. Methods: Thirty tablets each of the 2 studied medications were randomly selected. Tablets were weighed and divided into 3 groups. Ten tablets of each drug were kept intact, another group of 10 tablets were manually split into halves using a tablet cutter and weighed with an analytical balance; a third group were split into quarters and weighed. All intact and split tablets were individually dissolved in a water: methanol mixture (4:1), sonicated, filtered and further diluted with mobile phase. Optimal chromatographic separation and mass spectrometric detection were achieved using an Agilent 1200 HPLC system coupled with an Agilent 6410 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Analytes were eluted through an Agilent eclipse plus C8 analytical column (150 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) with a mobile phase composed of solvent A (water) containing 0.1% formic acid and 5mM ammonium formate pH 7.5, and solvent B (acetonitrile mixed with water in a ratio A:B 55:45) at a flow rate of 0.8 mL min-1 with a total run time of 12 min. Mass spectrometric detection was carried out using positive ionization mode with analyte quantitation monitored by multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. Results: The proposed analytical method proved to be specific, robust and adequately sensitive. The results showed a good linear fit over the concentration range of 20 - 100 ng mL-1 for both analytes, with a correlation coefficient (r2) ≥ 0.999 and 0.998 for finasteride and terbinafine, respectively. Following tablet splitting, the drug content of the split tablets fell outside of the proxy USP specification for at least 14 halves (70 %) and 34 quarters (85 %) of FIN, as well as 16 halves (80 %) and 37 quarters (92.5 %) of TBN. Mean weight loss, after splitting, was 0.58 and 2.22 % for FIN half- and quarter tablets, respectively, and 3.96 and 4.09 % for TBN half- and quarter tablets,respectively. Conclusion: The proposed LC-MS/MS method has successfully been used to provide precise drug content uniformity of split tablets of FIN and TBN. Unequal distribution of the drug on the split tablets is indicated by the high standard deviation beyond the accepted value. Hence, it is recommended not to split non-scored tablets especially, for those medications with significant toxicity
Rapidity-odd directed flow (v1) measurements for charged pions, protons, and antiprotons near midrapidity (y=0) are reported in sNN=7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, 39, 62.4, and 200 GeV Au+Au collisions as recorded by the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. At intermediate impact parameters, the proton and net-proton slope parameter dv1/dy|y=0 shows a minimum between 11.5 and 19.6 GeV. In addition, the net-proton dv1/dy|y=0 changes sign twice between 7.7 and 39 GeV. The proton and net-proton results qualitatively resemble predictions of a hydrodynamic model with a first-order phase transition from hadronic matter to deconfined matter, and differ from hadronic transport calculations.