878 resultados para FIRE BLIGHT
Pseudomonas fluorescens EPS62e was selected during a screening procedure for its high efficacy in controlling infections by Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of fire blight disease, on different plant materials. In field trials carried out in pear trees during bloom, EPS62e colonized flowers until the carrying capacity, providing a moderate efficacy of fire-blight control. The putative mechanisms of EPS62e antagonism against E. amylovora were studied. EPS62e did not produce antimicrobial compounds described in P. fluorescens species and only developed antagonism in King’s B medium, where it produced siderophores. Interaction experiments in culture plate wells including a membrane filter, which physically separated the cultures, confirmed that inhibition of E. amylovora requires cell-to-cell contact. The spectrum of nutrient assimilation indicated that EPS62e used significantly more or different carbon sources than the pathogen. The maximum growth rate and affinity for nutrients in immature fruit extract were higher in EPS62e than in E. amylovora, but the cell yield was similar. The fitness of EPS62e and E. amylovora was studied upon inoculation in immature pear fruit wounds and hypanthia of intact flowers under controlled-environment conditions. When inoculated separately, EPS62e grew faster in flowers, whereas E. amylovora grew faster in fruit wounds because of its rapid spread to adjacent tissues. However, in preventive inoculations of EPS62e, subsequent growth of EPS101 was significantly inhibited. It is concluded that cell-to-cell interference as well as differences in growth potential and the spectrum and efficiency of nutrient use are mechanisms of antagonism of EPS62e against E. amylovora
Comparative genomics of several strains of Erwinia amylovora, a plant pathogenic bacterium causal agent of fire blight disease, revealed that its diversity is primarily attributable to the flexible genome comprised of plasmids. We recently identified and sequenced in full a novel 65.8 kb plasmid, called pEI70. Annotation revealed a lack of known virulence-related genes, but found evidence for a unique integrative conjugative element related to that of other plant and human pathogens. Comparative analyses using BLASTN showed that pEI70 is almost entirely included in plasmid pEB102 from E. billingiae, an epiphytic Erwinia of pome fruits, with sequence identities superior to 98%. A duplex PCR assay was developed to survey the prevalence of plasmid pEI70 and also that of pEA29, which had previously been described in several E. amylovora strains. Plasmid pEI70 was found widely dispersed across Europe with frequencies of 5–92%, but it was absent in E. amylovora analyzed populations from outside of Europe. Restriction analysis and hybridization demonstrated that this plasmid was identical in at least 13 strains. Curing E. amylovora strains of pEI70 reduced their aggressiveness on pear, and introducing pEI70 into low-aggressiveness strains lacking this plasmid increased symptoms development in this host. Discovery of this novel plasmid offers new insights into the biogeography, evolution and virulence determinants in E. amylovora
Fire blight is an economically important disease of apples and pears that is caused by the
bacterium Erwinia amylovora. Control of the disease depends on limiting primaly blosson1
infection in the spring, and rapidly removing infected tissue. The possibility of using phages to
control E.amylovora populations has been suggested, but previous studies have. failed to show
high treatment efficacies. This work describes the development of a phage-based biopesticide
that controls E. amylovora populations under field conditions, and significantly reduces the
incidence of fire blight.
This work reports the first use ofPantoea agglomerans, a non-pathogenic relative ofE.
amylovora, as a carrier for E. amylovora.phages. Its role is to support a replicating population of
these phages on blossom surfaces during the period when the flowers are most susceptible to
infection. Seven phages and one carrier isolate were selected for field trials from existing
collections of 56 E. amylovora phages and 249 epiphytic orchard bacteria. Selection of the .
phages and carrier was based on characteristics relevant to the production and field perfonnance
of a biopesticide: host range, genetic diversity, growth under the conditions of large-scale
production, and the ability to prevent E. amylovora from infecting pear blossoms. In planta
assays showed that both the phages and the carrier make significant contributions to reducirig the
development of fire blight symptoms in pear blossoms.
Field-scale phage production and purification methods were developed based on the
growth characteristics of the phages and bacteria in liquid culture, and on the survival of phages
in various liquid media.
Six of twelve phage-carrier biopesticide treatments caused statistically signiflcant reductions in disease incidence during orchard trials. Multiplex real-time PCR was used to
simultaneously monitor the phage, carrier, and pathogen populations over the course of selected
treatments. In all cases. the observed population dynamics of the biocontrol agents and the
pathogen were consistent with the success or failure of each treatment to control disease
incidence. In treatments exhibiting a significantly reduced incidel1ce of fire blight, the average
blossom population ofE.amylovora had been reduced to pre-experiment epiphytic levels. In
successful treatments the phages grew on the P. agglomerans carrier for 2 to 3 d after treatment
application. The phages then grew preferentially on the pathogen, once it was introduced into this
blossom ecosystem. The efficacy of the successful phage-based treatnlents was statistically
similar to that of streptomycin, which is the most effective bactericide currently available for fire
blight prevention.
The in planta behaviour ofE. amylovora was compared to that ofErwinia pyrifoliae, a
closely related species that causes fire blight-like synlptoms on pears in southeast Asia. Duplex
real-time PCR was used to monitor the population dynamics of both species on single blossonls.
E. amylovora exhibited a greater competitive fitness on Bartlett pear blossoms than E. pyrifoliae.
The genome ofErwinia phage
Pseudomonas fluorescens EPS62e es va seleccionar com a agent de biocontrol del foc bacterià per la seva eficàcia en el control de Erwinia amylovora. En aquest treball es van desenvolupar mètodes de traçabilitat que van permetre la seva detecció específica i quantificació. Mitjançant les tècniques RAPD i U-PCR es van obtenir fragments d'amplificació diferencial per EPS62e que es van seqüenciar i caracteritzar com marcadors SCAR per dissenyar una PCR en temps real. La PCR a temps real es va utilitzar simultàniament amb mètodes microbiològics per estudiar l'adaptabilitat epifítica de EPS62e en pomera i perera. L'ús combinat de mètodes microbiològics i moleculars va permetre la identificació de tres estats fisiològics de EPS62e: la colonització activa, l'entrada en un estat de viable però no cultivable, i la mort cel·lular. Aquest treball mostra que EPS62e està ben adaptada a la colonització de flors a camp, encoratjant la seva utilització dins d'una estratègia de control biològic contra el foc bacterià.
El fuego bacteriano, causado por Erwinia amylovora, es una enfermedad muy importante a nivel comercial y económico porque afecta a plantas de la familia de las rosáceas y es especialmente agresiva en manzano (Pyrus malus) y peral (Pyrus communis), así como en plantas ornamentales (Crataegus, Cotoneaster o Pyracantha). Esta enfermedad está distribuida por todo el mundo en zonas climáticas templadas de Amércia del Norte, Nueva Zelanda, Japón, Israel, Turquí y Europa. En España, el fuego bacteriano fue detectado por primera vez en 1995 en el norte del País (Euskadi) y más tarde en nuevos focos aparecidos en otras áreas. La enfermedad puede ser controlada comercialmente mediante la aplicación de pesticidas quimicos (derivados de cobre, antibioticos). Sin embargo, muchos de los productos químicos presentan baja actividad o causan fitotoxicidad, y la estreptomicina, el producto más eficaz, esta prohibido en muchos países, incluyendo España. Por tanto, en ausencia de apropiados agentes químicos, el control biológico se contempla como una buena alternativa. En el presente trabajo, un agente de control biológico, Pseudomonas fluorescens EPS62e, ha sido seleccionada de entre 600 aislados de las especies P. fluorescens y Pantoea agglomerans obtenidos de flores, frutos y hojas de plantas de la familia de las rosáceas durante una prospección llevada a cabo en varias áreas geográficas de España. La cepa ha sido seleccionada por su capacidad de suprimir la infecciones producidas por E. amylovora frutos inmaduros, flores y brotes de peral en condiciones de ambiente controlado, presentando unos niveles de control similares a los obtenidos mediante el control químico usando derivados de cobre o antibióticos. La cepa además ha mostrado la capacidad de colonizar y sobrevivir en flores y heridas producidas en frutos inmaduros en condiciones de ambiento controlado pero también en flores en condiciones de campo. La exclusión de E. amylovora medinate la colonización de la superficie, el consumo de nutrientes, y la interacción entre las células del patógeno y del agente de biocontrol es la principal causa de la inhibición del fuego bacteriano por la cepa EPS62e. Estas características constituyen aspectos interesantes para un desarrollo efectivo de la cepa EPS62e como un agente de biocontrol del fuego bacteriano en condiciones comerciales.
El foc bacterià és una malaltia que afecta a plantes de la família de la rosàcies, causada pel bacteri Erwinia amylovora. El seu rang d'hostes inclou arbres fruiters, com la perera, la pomera o el codonyer, i plantes ornamentals de gran interès comercial i econòmic. Actualment, la malaltia s'ha dispersat i es troba àmpliament distribuïda en totes les zones de clima temperat del món. A Espanya, on la malaltia no és endèmica, el foc bacterià es va detectar per primer cop al 1995 al nord del país (Euskadi) i posteriorment, han aparegut varis focus en altres localitzacions, que han estat convenientment eradicats. El control del foc bacterià, és molt poc efectiu en plantes afectades per la malaltia, de manera que es basa en mesures encaminades a evitar la dispersió del patogen, i la introducció de la malaltia en regions no endèmiques. En aquest treball, la termoteràpia ha estat avaluada com a mètode d'eradicació d'E. amylovora de material vegetal de propagació asimptomàtic. S'ha demostrat que la termoteràpia és un mètode viable d'eradicar E. amylovora de material de propagació. Gairebé totes les espècies i varietats de rosàcies mantingudes en condicions d'humitat sobrevivien 7 hores a 45 ºC i més de 3 hores a 50 ºC, mentre que més d'1 hora d'exposició a 50 ºC amb calor seca produïa danys en el material vegetal i reduïa la brotació. Tractaments de 60 min a 45 ºC o 30 min a 50 ºC van ser suficients per reduir la població epífita d'E. amylovora a nivells no detectables (5 x 102 ufc g-1 p.f.) en branques de perera. Els derivats dels fosfonats i el benzotiadiazol són efectius en el control del foc bacterià en perera i pomera, tant en condicions de laboratori, com d'hivernacle i camp. Els inductors de defensa de les plantes redueixen els nivells de malaltia fins al 40-60%. Els intervals de temps mínims per aconseguir el millor control de la malaltia van ser 5 dies pel fosetil-Al, i 7 dies per l'etefon i el benzotiadiazol, i les dosis òptimes pel fosetil-Al i el benzotiadiazol van ser 3.72 g HPO32- L-1 i 150 mg i.a. L-1, respectivament. Es millora l'eficàcia del fosetil-Al i del benzotiadiazol en el control del foc bacterià, quan es combinen amb els antibiòtics a la meitat de la dosi d'aquests últims. Tot i que l'estratègia de barrejar productes és més pràctica i fàcil de dur a terme a camp, que l'estratègia de combinar productes, el millor nivell de control de la malaltia s'aconsegueix amb l'estratègia de combinar productes. Es va analitzar a nivell histològic i ultrastructural l'efecte del benzotiadiazol i dels fosfonats en la interacció Erwinia amylovora-perera. Ni el benzotiadiazol, ni el fosetil-Al, ni l'etefon van induir canvis estructurals en els teixits de perera 7 dies després de la seva aplicació. No obstant, després de la inoculació d'E. amylovora es va observar en plantes tractades amb fosetil-Al i etefon una desorganització estructural cel·lular, mentre que en les plantes tractades amb benzotiadiazol aquestes alteracions tissulars van ser retardades. S'han avaluat dos models (Maryblyt, Cougarblight) en un camp a Espanya afectat per la malaltia, per determinar la precisió de les prediccions. Es van utilitzar dos models per elaborar el mapa de risc, el BRS-Powell combinat i el BIS95 modificat. Els resultats van mostrar dos zones amb elevat i baix risc de la malaltia. Maryblyt i Cougarblight són dos models de fàcil ús, tot i que la seva implementació en programes de maneig de la malaltia requereix que siguin avaluats i validats per un període de temps més llarg i en àrees on la malaltia hi estigui present.
Fire blight, caused by the gram negative bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is one of the most destructive bacterial diseases of Pomaceous plants. Therefore, the development of reliable methods to control this disease is desperately needed. This research investigated the possibility to interfere, by altering plant metabolism, on the interactions occurring between Erwinia amylovora, the host plant and the epiphytic microbial community in order to obtain a more effective control of fire blight. Prohexadione-calcium and trinexapac-ethyl, two dioxygenase inhibitors, were chosen as a chemical tool to influence plant metabolism. These compounds inhibit the 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases and, therefore, they greatly influence plant metabolism. Moreover, dioxygenase inhibitors were found to enhance plant resistance to a wide range of pathogens. In particular, dioxygenase inhibitors application seems a promising method to control fire blight. From cited literature, it is assumed that these compounds increase plant defence mainly by a transient alteration of flavonoids metabolism. We tried to demonstrate, that the reduction of susceptibility to disease could be partially due to an indirect influence on the microbial community established on plant surface. The possibility to influence the interactions occurring in the epiphytic microbial community is particularly interesting, in fact, the relationships among different bacterial populations on plant surface is a key factor for a more effective biological control of plant diseases. Furthermore, we evaluated the possibility to combine the application of dioxygenase inhibitors with biological control in order to develop an integrate strategy for control of fire blight. The first step for this study was the isolation of a pathogenic strain of E. amylovora. In addition, we isolated different epiphytic bacteria, which respond to general requirements for biological control agents. Successively, the effect of dioxygenase inhibitors treatment on microbial community was investigated on different plant organs (stigmas, nectaries and leaves). An increase in epiphytic microbial population was found. Further experiments were performed with aim to explain this effect. In particular, changes in sugar content of nectar were observed. These changes, decreasing the osmotic potential of nectar, might allow a more consistent growth of epiphytic bacteria on blossoms. On leaves were found similar differences as well. As far as the interactions between E. amylovora and host plant, they were deeply investigated by advanced microscopical analysis. The influence of dioxygenase inhibitors and SAR inducers application on the infection process and migration of pathogen inside different plant tissues was studied. These microscopical techniques, combined with the use of gpf-labelled E. amylovora, allowed the development of a bioassay method for resistance inducers efficacy screening. The final part of the work demonstrated that the reduction of disease susceptibility observed in plants treated with prohexadione-calcium is mainly due to the accumulation of a novel phytoalexins: luteoforol. This 3-deoxyflavonoid was proven to have a strong antimicrobial activity.
Erwinia amylovora causes fire blight in economically important plants of the family Rosaceae. This bacterial pathogen spends part of its life cycle coping with starvation and other fluctuating environmental conditions. In many Gram-negative bacteria, starvation and other stress responses are regulated by the sigma factor RpoS. We obtained an E. amylovora rpoS mutant to explore the role of this gene in starvation responses and its potential implication in other processes not yet studied in this pathogen. Results showed that E. amylovora needs rpoS to develop normal starvation survival and viable but nonculturable (VBNC) responses. Furthermore, this gene contributed to stationary phase cross-protection against oxidative, osmotic, and acid stresses and was essential for cross-protection against heat shock, but nonessential against acid shock. RpoS also mediated regulation of motility, exopolysaccharide synthesis, and virulence in immature loquats, but not in pear plantlets, and contributed to E. amylovora survival in nonhost tissues during incompatible interactions. Our results reveal some unique roles for the rpoS gene in E. amylovora and provide new knowledge on the regulation of different processes related to its ecology, including survival in different environments and virulence in immature fruits.
Genetic transformation with genes that code for antimicrobial peptides has been an important strategy used to control bacterial diseases in fruit crops, including apples, pears, and citrus. Asian citrus canker (ACC) caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Schaad et al. (Xcc) is a very destructive disease, which affects the citrus industry in most citrus-producing areas of the world. Here, we report the production of genetically transformed Natal, Pera, and Valencia sweet orange cultivars (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) with the insect-derived attacin A (attA) gene and the evaluation of the transgenic plants for resistance to Xcc. Agrobacterium tumefaciens Smith and Towns-mediated genetic transformation experiments involving these cultivars led to the regeneration of 23 different lines. Genetically transformed plants were identified by polymerase chain reaction, and transgene integration was confirmed by Southern blot analyses. Transcription of attA gene was detected by Northern blot analysis in all plants, except for one Natal sweet orange transformation event. Transgenic lines were multiplied by grafting onto Rangpur lime rootstock plants (Citrus limonia Osbeck) and spray-inoculated with an Xcc suspension (10(6) cfu mL(-1)). Experiments were repeated three times in a completely randomized design with seven to ten replicates. Disease severity was determined in all transgenic lines and in the control (non-transgenic) plants 30 days after inoculation. Four transgenic lines of Valencia sweet orange showed a significant reduction in disease severity caused by Xcc. These reductions ranged from 58.3% to 77.8%, corresponding to only 0.16-0.30% of leaf diseased area as opposed to 0.72% on control plants. One transgenic line of Natal sweet orange was significantly more resistant to Xcc, with a reduction of 45.2% comparing to the control plants, with only 0.14% of leaf diseased area. Genetically transformed Pera sweet orange plants expressing attA gene did not show a significant enhanced resistance to Xcc, probably due to its genetic background, which is naturally more resistant to this pathogen. The potential effect of attacin A antimicrobial peptide to control ACC may be related to the genetic background of each sweet orange cultivar regarding their natural resistance to the pathogen.
Transgenic Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. cv. Hamlin plants expressing the hrpN gene were obtained by Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith and Towns) Conn-mediated transformation. hrpN encodes a harpin protein, which elicits the hypersensitive response and systemic acquired resistance in plants. The gene construct consisted of gst1, a pathogen-inducible promoter, a signal peptide for protein secretion to the apoplast, the selection genes nptI1 or aacC1 and the Nos terminator. The function of gst1 in citrus was evaluated in transgenic C. sinensis cv. Valencia harboring the reporter gene uidA (gus) driven by this promoter. Histochemical analysis for gus revealed that gst1 is activated in citrus leaves by both wounding and inoculation with Xanthomonas axonopodis Starr and Garces pv. citri (Hasse) Vauterin et al. Genetic transformation was confirmed by Southern blot hybridization in eight cv. Hamlin acclimatized plants. RT-PCR confirmed hrpN gene expression in seven cv. Hamlin transgenic lines before pathogen inoculation. Some hrpN transgenic lines showed severe leaf curling and abnormal growth. Six hrpN transgenic lines were propagated and evaluated for susceptibility to X axonopodis pv. citri. RT-PCR confirmed gene expression in all six hrpN transgenic lines after pathogen inoculation. Several of the hrpN transgenic lines showed reduction in susceptibility to citrus canker as compared with non-transgenic plants. One hrpN transgenic line exhibited normal vegetative development and displayed very high resistance to the pathogen, estimated as up to 79% reduction in disease severity. This is the first report of genetic transformation of citrus using a pathogen-inducible promoter and the hrpN gene. Further evaluations of the transgenic plants under field conditions are planned. Nevertheless, the evidence to date suggests that the hrpN gene reduces the susceptibility of citrus plants to the canker disease. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Four methods were tested to assess the fire-blight disease response on grafted pear plants. The leaves of the plants were inoculated with Erwinia amylovora suspensions by pricking with clamps, cutting with scissors, local infiltration, and painting a bacterial suspension onto the leaves with a paintbrush. The effects of the inoculation methods were studied in dose-time-response experiments carried out in climate chambers under quarantine conditions. A modified Gompertz model was used to analyze the disease-time relatiobbnships and provided information on the rate of infection progression (rg) and time delay to the start of symptoms (t0). The disease-pathogen-dose relationships were analyzed according to a hyperbolic saturation model in which the median effective dose (ED50) of the pathogen and maximum disease level (ymax) were determined. Localized infiltration into the leaf mesophile resulted in the early (short t0) but slow (low rg) development of infection whereas in leaves pricked with clamps disease symptoms developed late (long t0) but rapidly (high rg). Paintbrush inoculation of the plants resulted in an incubation period of medium length, a moderate rate of infection progression, and low ymax values. In leaves inoculated with scissors, fire-blight symptoms developed early (short t0) and rapidly (high rg), and with the lowest ED50 and the highest ymax
Plants, like humans and other animals, also get sick, exhibit disease symptoms, and die. Plant diseases are caused by environmental stress, genetic or physiological disorders and infectious agents including viroids, viruses, bacteria and fungi. Plant pathology originated from the convergence of microbiology, botany and agronomy; its ultimate goal is the control of plant disease. Microbiologists have been attracted to this field of research because of the need for identification of the agents causing infectious diseases in economically important crops. In 1878—only two years after Pasteur and Koch had shown for the first time that anthrax in animals was caused by a bacteria—Burril, in the USA, discovered that the fire blight disease of apple and pear was also caused by a bacterium (nowadays known as Erwinia amylovora). In 1898, Beijerinck concluded that tobacco mosaic was caused by a “contagium vivum fluidum” which he called a virus. In 1971, Diener proved that a potato disease named potato spindle tuber was caused by infectious RNA which he called viroid
The Pseudomonas aeruginosa antimetabolite L-2-amino-4-methoxy-trans-3-butenoic acid (AMB) shares biological activities with 4-formylaminooxyvinylglycine, a related molecule produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens WH6. We found that culture filtrates of a P.aeruginosa strain overproducing AMB weakly interfered with seed germination of the grassy weed Poa annua and strongly inhibited growth of Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of the devastating orchard crop disease known as fire blight. AMB was active against a 4-formylaminooxyvinylglycine-resistant isolate of E.amylovora, suggesting that the molecular targets of the two oxyvinylglycines in Erwinia do not, or not entirely, overlap. The AMB biosynthesis and transport genes were shown to be organized in two separate transcriptional units, ambA and ambBCDE, which were successfully expressed from IPTG-inducible tac promoters in the heterologous host P.fluorescens CHA0. Engineered AMB production enabled this model biocontrol strain to become inhibitory against E.amylovora and to weakly interfere with the germination of several graminaceous seeds. We conclude that AMB production requires no additional genes besides ambABCDE and we speculate that their expression in marketed fire blight biocontrol strains could potentially contribute to disease control.
Over the last 60 years, planting densities for apple have increased as improved management systems have been developed. Dwarfing rootstocks have been the key to the dramatic changes in tree size, spacing and early production. The Malling series of dwarfing rootstocks (M.9 and M.26) have been the most important dwarfing rootstocks in the world but are poorly adapted in some areas of the world and they are susceptible to the bacterial disease fire blight and the soil disease complex, apple replant disease which limits their uses in some areas. Rootstock breeding programs in several parts of the world are developing improved rootstocks with resistance to fire blight, and replant disease, and improved cold hardiness and yield efficiency. A second important trend has been the increasing importance of new cultivars. New cultivars have provided opportunities for higher prices until they are over-produced. A new trend is the "variety club" in which variety owners manage the production and marketing of a new unique cultivar to bring higher prices to the growers and variety owners. This has led to many fruit growers being unable to plant or grow some new cultivars. Important rootstock and cultivar genes have been mapped and can be used in marker assisted selection of future rootstock and cultivar selections. Other important improvements in apple culture include the development of pre-formed trees, the development of minimal pruning strategies and limb angle bending which have also contributed to the dramatic changes in early production in the 2nd-5th years after planting. Studies on light interception and distribution have led to improved tree forms with better fruit quality. Simple pruning strategies and labor positioning platform machines have resulted in partial mechanization of pruning which has reduced management costs. Improved plant growth regulators for thinning and the development of a thinning prediction model based on tree carbohydrate balance have improved the ability to produce the optimum fruit size and crop load. Other new plant growth regulators have also allowed control of shoot growth, control of preharvest fruit drop and control of fruit softening in storage after harvest. As we look to the future, there will be continued incremental improvement in our understanding of plant physiology that will lead to continued incremental improvements in orchard management but there is likely to be dramatic changes in orchard production systems through genomics research and genetic engineering. A greater understanding of the genetic control of dwarfing, precocity, rooting, vegetative growth, flowering, fruit growth and disease resistance which will lead to new varieties and rootstocks which are less expensive to grow and manage.
Pantoea agglomerans strains are among the most promising biocontrol agents for avariety of bacterial and fungal plant diseases, particularly fire blight of apple and pear. However, commercial registration of P. agglomerans biocontrol products is hampered because this species is currently listed as a biosafety level 2 (BL2) organism due to clinical reports as an opportunistichuman pathogen. This study compares plant-origin and clinical strains in a search for discriminating genotypic/phenotypic markers using multi-locus phylogenetic analysis and fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphisms (fAFLP) fingerprinting.Results: Majority of the clinical isolates from culture collections were found to be improperly designated as P. agglomerans after sequence analysis. The frequent taxonomic rearrangements underwent by the Enterobacter agglomerans/Erwinia herbicola complex may be a major problem in assessing clinical associations within P. agglomerans. In the P. agglomerans sensu stricto (in the stricter sense) group, there was no discrete clustering of clinical/biocontrol strains and no marker was identified that was uniquely associated to clinical strains. A putative biocontrol-specific fAFLP marker was identified only in biocontrol strains. The partial ORF located in this band corresponded to an ABC transporter that was found in all P. agglomerans strains. Conclusion: Taxonomic mischaracterization was identified as a major problem with P.agglomerans, and current techniques removed a majority of clinical strains from this species. Although clear discrimination between P. agglomerans plant and clinical strains was not obtained with phylogenetic analysis, a single marker characteristic of biocontrol strains was identified whichmay be of use in strain biosafety determinations. In addition, the lack of Koch's postulate fulfilment, rare retention of clinical strains for subsequent confirmation, and the polymicrobial nature of P. agglomerans clinical reports should be considered in biosafety assessment of beneficial strains in this species