945 resultados para FINGER MOVEMENTS


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Our motor and perceptual representations of actions seem to be intimately linked and the human mirror neuron system (MNS) has been proposed as the mediator. In two experiments, we presented biological or non-biological movement stimuli that were either congruent or incongruent to a required response prompted by a tone. When the tone occurred with the onset of the last movement in a series, i.e., it was perceived during the movement presentation, congruent biological stimuli resulted in faster reaction times than congruent non-biological stimuli. The opposite was observed for incongruent stimuli. When the tone was presented after visual movement stimulation, however, no such interaction was present. This implies that biological movement stimuli only affect motor behaviour during visual processing but not thereafter. These data suggest that the MNS is an “online” system; longstanding repetitive visual stimulation (Experiment 1) has no benefit in comparison to only one or two repetitions (Experiment 2).


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The posterior inferior frontal gyrus (pIFG) and anterior inferior parietal lobule (aIPL) form the core regions of the human “mirror neuron system” that matches an observed movement onto its internal motor representation. We used event-related functional MRI to examine whether simple intransitive finger movements evoke “mirror activity” in the pIFG and aIPL. In separate sessions, participants either merely observed visuospatial stimuli or responded to them as quickly as possible with a spatially compatible finger movement. A picture of a relaxed hand with static dots on the tip of the index and little finger was continuously presented as high-level baseline. Four types of stimuli were presented in a pseudorandom order: a color change of a dot, a moving finger, a moving dot, or a simultaneous finger-dot movement. Dot movements were spatially and kinematically matched to finger movements. Participants were faster at imitating a finger movement than performing the same movement in response to a moving dot or a color change of a dot. Though imitative responses were facilitated, fMRI revealed no additional “mirror activity” in the pIFG and aIPL during the observation or imitation of finger movements as opposed to observing or responding to a moving dot. Mere observation of a finger movement alone failed to induce significant activation of the pIFG and aIPL. The lack of a signature of “mirror neuron activity” in the inferior frontoparietal cortex is presumably due to specific features of the task which may have favored stimulus–response mapping based on common spatial coding. We propose that the responsiveness of human frontoparietal mirror neuron areas to simple intransitive movements critically depends on the experimental context.


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Modern theories of motor control incorporate forward models that combine sensory information and motor commands to predict future sensory states. Such models circumvent unavoidable neural delays associated with on-line feedback control. Here we show that signals in human muscle spindle afferents during unconstrained wrist and finger movements predict future kinematic states of their parent muscle. Specifically, we show that the discharges of type Ia afferents are best correlated with the velocity of length changes in their parent muscles approximately 100-160 ms in the future and that their discharges vary depending on motor sequences in a way that cannot be explained by the state of their parent muscle alone. We therefore conclude that muscle spindles can act as "forward sensory models": they are affected both by the current state of their parent muscle and by efferent (fusimotor) control, and their discharges represent future kinematic states. If this conjecture is correct, then sensorimotor learning implies learning how to control not only the skeletal muscles but also the fusimotor system.


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O presente trabalho é o resultado duma investigação heurística sobre os efeitos do estudo da Técnica Alexander (TA) na prática e no ensino da flauta. Submeti-me a uma centena de aulas de Técnica Alexander e procedi a uma análise reflexiva da minha aprendizagem e prática individual e pedagógica, registando a sua evolução através da progressiva incorporação dos princípios e metodologias daquela técnica. A primeira parte descreve os princípios e procedimentos da TA enquadrando-a na problemática das relações entre conhecimento tácito e explícito, nos processos de controlo motor voluntário e involuntário, e na eficácia e eficiência dos automatismos neuromusculares. A segunda parte constitui a descrição e análise do processo transformador catalisado pelo estudo da TA: modificações na coordenação muscular; na técnica respiratória; no empunhar da flauta e na preparação para a emissão da primeira nota, e na relação entre o equilíbrio do instrumento e o movimento dos dedos. Vários procedimentos e exercícios desenvolvidos para a resolução de problemas pessoais são apresentados justificando a sua eficácia. A TA não proporciona apenas alterações na coordenação muscular mas pode modificar os processos mentais. Por isso alguns princípios para uma organização eficiente da prática são discutidos e concretizados nalguns exercícios que promovem maior variabilidade, alternância entre análise e integração e clareza na concepção do gesto técnico-musical. Por último, a evolução da minha abordagem pedagógica, incorporando procedimentos inspirados na TA e desenvolvidos ao longo da investigação são ilustrados com alguns alunos. A tese argumenta que a TA pode desempenhar um papel fundamental na melhoria do desempenho dum músico e revela-se uma ferramenta pedagógica que merece ser explorada mais sistematicamente num ensino mais baseado numa experimentação guiada que promova uma maior autoconsciência dos processos neuromusculares do que na instrução prescritiva e explícita.


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Il a été suggéré que la similarité physique entre un observateur et une action observée facilite la perception et la compréhension d’action. Par exemple, l’observation d’un acteur exécutant des gestes de la main ayant une signification culturelle est associée à une augmentation de l’excitabilité corticospinale lorsque les deux individus sont de la même ethnicité (Molnar-Szakacs et al., 2007). La perception tactile serait également facilitée lorsqu’un individu regarde un modèle de sa propre race être touché (Serino et al., 2009), tandis que des études en imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle suggèrent la présence d’activations plus importantes dans le cortex cingulaire lorsqu’un sujet observe une personne de son propre groupe racial ressentir de la douleur (Xu et al., 2009). Certaines études ont lié ces résultats à un mécanisme de résonance motrice, possiblement associé au système des neurones miroirs (SNM), suggérant que la représentation de l’action dans les aires motrices est facilitée par la similarité physique. Toutefois, la grande majorité des stimuli utilisés dans ces études comportent une composante émotionnelle ou culturelle pouvant masquer les effets purement moteurs liant la similarité physique à un mécanisme de résonance motrice. De plus, la sélectivité de l’activation du SNM face à des stimuli biologiques a récemment été remise en question en raison de biais méthodologiques. La présente thèse présente trois études visant à évaluer l’effet de la similarité physique et des caractéristiques biologiques d’un mouvement sur la résonance motrice à l’aide de mesures comportementales et neurophysiologiques. À cet effet, l’imitation automatique de mouvements de la main, l’excitabilité corticospinale et la désynchronisation du rythme électroencéphalographique mu ont servi de marqueurs de l’activité du SNM. Dans les trois études présentées, la couleur de la peau et l’aspect biologique du stimulus observé ou imité ont été systématiquement manipulés. Nos données confirment la sélectivité du SNM pour le mouvement biologique en démontrant une réponse imitative plus rapide et une désynchronisation du rythme mu plus prononcée lors de la présentation de stimuli biologiques comparativement à des stimuli non-biologiques répliquant les aspects physiques du mouvement humain. Les deux mêmes mesures montrent une réponse neurophysiologique et comportementale équivalente lorsque l’action est exécutée par un agent de couleur similaire ou dissimilaire au participant. Nous rapportons aussi un effet surprenant de la similarité physique sur l’excitabilité corticospinale, où l’observation d’une action exécutée par un agent de couleur différente est associée à une activation plus grande du cortex moteur primaire droit de participants de sexe féminin. Prises dans leur ensemble, ces données suggèrent que la similarité physique avec une action observée ne module généralement pas l’activité du SNM au niveau des aires sensorimotrices en l’absence de composantes culturelles et émotionnelles. De plus, les résultats présentés suggèrent que le SNM est sélectif au mouvement biologique plutôt qu’à l’aspect kinématique du mouvement.


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One of the main challenges for developers of new human-computer interfaces is to provide a more natural way of interacting with computer systems, avoiding excessive use of hand and finger movements. In this way, also a valuable alternative communication pathway is provided to people suffering from motor disabilities. This paper describes the construction of a low cost eye tracker using a fixed head setup. Therefore a webcam, laptop and an infrared lighting source were used together with a simple frame to fix the head of the user. Furthermore, detailed information on the various image processing techniques used for filtering the centre of the pupil and different methods to calculate the point of gaze are discussed. An overall accuracy of 1.5 degrees was obtained while keeping the hardware cost of the device below 100 euros.


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Rationale: To provide a better understanding of cognitive functioning, motor outcome, behavior and quality of life after childhood stroke and to study the relationship between variables expected to influence rehabilitation and outcome (age at stroke, time elapsed since stroke, lateralization, location and size of lesion). Methods: Children who suffered from stroke between birth and their eighteenth year of life underwent an assessment consisting of cognitive tests (WISC-III, WAIS-R, K-ABC, TAP, Rey-Figure, German Version of the CVLT) and questionnaires (Conner's Scales, KIDSCREEN). Results: Twenty-one patients after stroke in childhood (15 males, mean 11;11 years, SD 4;3, range 6;10-21;2) participated in the study. Mean Intelligence Quotients (IQ) were situated within the normal range (mean Full Scale IQ 96.5, range IQ 79-129). However, significantly more patients showed deficits in various cognitive domains than expected from a healthy population (Performance IQ p = .000; Digit Span p = .000, Arithmetic's p = .007, Divided Attention p = .028, Alertness p = .002). Verbal IQ was significantly better than Performance IQ in 13 of 17 patients, independent of the hemispheric side of lesion. Symptoms of ADHD occurred more often in the patients' sample than in a healthy population (learning difficulties/inattention p = .000; impulsivity/hyperactivity p = .006; psychosomatics p = .006). Certain aspects of quality of life were reduced (autonomy p = .003; parents' relation p = .003; social acceptance p = .037). Three patients had a right-sided hemiparesis, mean values of motor functions of the other patients were slightly impaired (sequential finger movements p = .000, hand alternation p = .001, foot tapping p = .043). In patients without hemiparesis, there was no relation between the lateralization of lesion and motor outcome. Lesion that occurred in the midst of childhood (5-10 years) led to better cognitive outcome than lesion in the very early (0-5 years) or late childhood (10-18 years). Other variables such as presence of seizure, elapsed time since stroke and size of lesion had a small to no impact on prognosis. Conclusion: Moderate cognitive and motor deficits, behavioral problems, and impairment in some aspects of quality of life frequently remain after stroke in childhood. Visuospatial functions are more often reduced than verbal functions, independent of the hemispheric side of lesion. This indicates a functional superiority of verbal skills compared to visuospatial skills in the process of recovery after brain injury. Compared to the cognitive outcome following stroke in adults, cognitive sequelae after childhood stroke do indicate neither the lateralization nor the location of the lesion focus. Age at stroke seems to be the only determining factor influencing cognitive outcome.


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Play has been proposed as a promising indicator of positive animal welfare. We aimed to study play in rats across contexts (conspecific/heterospecific) and types (social: pinning, being pinned; solitary: scampering), and we investigated its structure using behavioral sequence analysis. Group-housed (three per cage) adolescent male Lister Hooded rats (n = 21) were subjected to a Play-In-Pairs test: after a 3 hour isolation period, a pair of cage-mates was returned to the home cage and both social and solitary play were scored for 20 min. This procedure was repeated for each pair combination across three consecutive days, and individual play scores were calculated. Heterospecific play was measured using a Tickling test: rats were individually tickled by the experimenter through bouts of gentle, rapid finger movements on their underside, and the number of positive 50 kHz frequency modulated vocalizations and experimenter-directed approach behaviors were recorded. Both of the above tests were compared with social play in the home cage. While conspecific play in both the Play-In-Pairs test and home cage were correlated, both seemed to be unrelated to heterospecific play in the Tickling test. During the Play-In-Pairs test, although both solitary and social play types occurred, they were unrelated, and solitary locomotor play of one rat did not predict the subsequent play behavior of its cage mate. Analysis of play structure revealed that social play occurred more often in bouts of repeated behaviors while solitary play sequences did not follow a specific pattern. If play is to be used as an indicator of positive welfare in rats, context, type and structure differences should be taken into account.


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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) provides significant therapeutic benefit for movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). Current DBS devices lack real-time feedback (thus are open loop) and stimulation parameters are adjusted during scheduled visits with a clinician. A closed-loop DBS system may reduce power consumption and side effects by adjusting stimulation parameters based on patient’s behavior. Thus behavior detection is a major step in designing such systems. Various physiological signals can be used to recognize the behaviors. Subthalamic Nucleus (STN) Local field Potential (LFP) is a great candidate signal for the neural feedback, because it can be recorded from the stimulation lead and does not require additional sensors. This thesis proposes novel detection and classification techniques for behavior recognition based on deep brain LFP. Behavior detection from such signals is the vital step in developing the next generation of closed-loop DBS devices. LFP recordings from 13 subjects are utilized in this study to design and evaluate our method. Recordings were performed during the surgery and the subjects were asked to perform various behavioral tasks. Various techniques are used understand how the behaviors modulate the STN. One method studies the time-frequency patterns in the STN LFP during the tasks. Another method measures the temporal inter-hemispheric connectivity of the STN as well as the connectivity between STN and Pre-frontal Cortex (PFC). Experimental results demonstrate that different behaviors create different m odulation patterns in STN and it’s connectivity. We use these patterns as features to classify behaviors. A method for single trial recognition of the patient’s current task is proposed. This method uses wavelet coefficients as features and support vector machine (SVM) as the classifier for recognition of a selection of behaviors: speech, motor, and random. The proposed method is 82.4% accurate for the binary classification and 73.2% for classifying three tasks. As the next step, a practical behavior detection method which asynchronously detects behaviors is proposed. This method does not use any priori knowledge of behavior onsets and is capable of asynchronously detect the finger movements of PD patients. Our study indicates that there is a motor-modulated inter-hemispheric connectivity between LFP signals recorded bilaterally from STN. We utilize a non-linear regression method to measure this inter-hemispheric connectivity and to detect the finger movements. Our experimental results using STN LFP recorded from eight patients with PD demonstrate this is a promising approach for behavior detection and developing novel closed-loop DBS systems.


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Based on the observation that bimanual finger tapping movements tend toward mirror symmetry with respect to the body midline, despite the synchronous activation of non-homologous muscles, F. Mechsner, D. Kerzel, G. Knoblich, and W. Prinz (2001) [Perceptual basis of bimanual coordination. Nature, 414, 69-73] suggested that the basis of rhythmic coordination is purely spatial/perceptual in nature, and independent of the neuro-anatomical constraints of the motor system. To investigate this issue further, we employed a four finger tapping task similar to that used by F. Mechsner and G. Knoblich (2004) [Do muscle matter in bimanual coordination? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 30, 490-503] in which six male participants were required to alternately tap combinations of adjacent pairs of index (1), middle (M) and ring (R) fingers of each hand in time with an auditory metronome. The metronome pace increased continuously from 1 Hz to 3 Hz over the course of a 30-s trial. Each participant performed three blocks of trials in which finger combination for each hand (IM or MR) and mode of coordination (mirror or parallel) were presented in random order. Within each block, the right hand was placed in one of three orientations; prone, neutral and supine. The order of blocks was counterbalanced across the six participants. The left hand maintained a prone position throughout the experiment. On the basis of discrete relative phase analyses between synchronised taps, the time at which the initial mode of coordination was lost was determined for each trial. When the right hand was prone, transitions occurred only from parallel symmetry to mirror symmetry, regardless of finger combination. In contrast, when the right hand was supine, transitions occurred only from mirror symmetry to parallel but no transitions were observed in the opposite direction. In the right hand neutral condition, mirror and parallel symmetry are insufficient to describe the modes of coordination since the hands are oriented orthogonally. When defined anatomically, however, the results in each of the three right hand orientations are consistent. That is, synchronisation of finger tapping is deter-mined by a hierarchy of control of individual fingers based on their intrinsic neuro-mechanical properties rather than on the basis of their spatial orientation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) is a repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation protocol that can inhibithumanmotor cortex (M1) excitability and impair movement for ≤1 h. While offering valuable insights into brain function and potential therapeutic benefits, these neuroplastic effects are highly variable between individuals. The source of this variability, and the electrophysiological mechanisms underlying the inhibitory after-effects, are largely unknown. In this regard, oscillatory activity at beta frequency (15-35 Hz) is of particular interest as it is elevated in motor disorders such as Parkinson's disease and modulated during the generation of movements. Here, we used a source-level magnetoencephalography approach to investigate the hypothesis that the presence of neuroplastic effects following cTBS is associated with concurrent changes in oscillatory M1 beta activity. M1 cortices were localized with a synthetic aperture magnetometry beamforming analysis of visually cued index finger movements. Virtual electrode analysis was used to reconstruct the spontaneous and movement-related oscillatory activity in bilateral M1 cortices, before and from 10 to 45 min after cTBS. We demonstrate that 40 s of cTBS applied over left M1 reduced corticospinal excitability in the right index finger of 8/16 participants. In these responder participants only, cTBS increased the power of the spontaneous beta oscillations in stimulated M1 and delayed reaction times in the contralateral index finger. No further changes were observed in the latency or power of movement-related beta oscillations. These data provide insights into the electrophysiological mechanisms underlying cTBS-mediated impairment of motor function and demonstrate the association between spontaneous oscillatory beta activity in M1 and the inhibition of motor function. © 2013 the authors.


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We investigated the effect of posture congruence on social perception. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that completing "body gestalts," rather than being a purely visual process, is mediated by congruence in the postures of observer and stimulus. We developed novel stimuli showing a face and 2 hands that could be combined in various ways to form "body gestalts" implying different postures. In 3 experiments we found that imitative finger movements were consistently faster when the observer's posture matched the posture implied by the configuration of face and hands shown onscreen, suggesting that participants intuitively used their own body schema to "fill in the gaps" in the stimuli. Besides shaping how humans perceive others' bodies, embodied body-gestalt (eBG) completion may be an essential social and survival mechanism, for example, allowing for quick recovery from deceptive actions. It may also partly explain why humans subconsciously align themselves in everyday interactions: This might facilitate optimal corepresentation at higher, conscious levels. © 2012 American Psychological Association.


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Humans imitate biological movements faster than non-biological movements. The faster response has been attributed to an activation of the human mirror neuron system, which is thought to match observation and execution of actions. However, it is unclear which cortical areas are responsible for this behavioural advantage. Also, little is known about the timing of activations. Using whole-head magnetoencephalography we recorded neuronal responses to single biological finger movements and non-biological dot movements while the subjects were required to perform an imitation task or an observation task, respectively. Previous imaging studies on the human mirror neurone system suggested that activation in response to biological movements would be stronger in ventral premotor, parietal and superior temporal regions. In accordance with previous studies, reaction times to biological movements were faster than those to dot movements in all subjects. The analysis of evoked magnetic fields revealed that the reaction time benefit was paralleled by stronger and earlier activation of the left temporo-occipital cortex, right superior temporal area and right ventral motor/premotor area. The activity patterns suggest that the latter areas mediate the observed behavioural advantage of biological movements and indicate a predominant contribution of the right temporo-frontal hemisphere to action observation–execution matching processes in intransitive movements, which has not been reported previously.