998 resultados para FIELD CANCERIZATION


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Les interactions épithélio-mésenchymateuses jouent un rôle important dans le contrôle du développement normal de la peau, son homéostasie et sa tumorigenèse. Les fibroblastes dermiques (DFs) représentent la catégorie cellulaire la plus abondante dans le stroma et leur rôle est de plus en plus considéré. En ce qui concerne particulièrement la tumorigenèse, des facteurs diffusibles produits par les fibroblastes entourant les tumeurs épithéliales, appelés 'fibroblastes associés au cancer (CAF)', interagissent au niveau de l'inflammation impliquée directement ou indirectement dans la signalisation paracrine, entre le stroma et les cellules épiéliales cancéreuses. Le risque de cancer de la peau augmente de façon exponentielle avec l'âge. Comme un lien probable entre les deux, la sénescence des fibroblastes résulte de la production du sécrétome favorisant la sénescence (SMS), un groupe de facteurs diffusibles induisant une stimulation paracrine de la croissance, l'inflammation et le remodelage de la matrice. De façon fort intéressante, l'induction de ces gènes est aussi une caractéristique des CAFs. Cependant, le lien entre les deux événements cellulaires sénescence et activation des CAFs reste en grande partie inexploré. L'ATF3 (Activating Transcription Factor 3) est un facteur de transcription induit en réponse au stress, dont les fonctions sont hautement spécifiques du type cellulaire. Bien qu'il ait été découvert dans notre laboratoire en tant que promoteur de tumeurs dans les kératinocytes, ses fonctions biologique et biochimique dans le derme n'ont pas encore été étudiées. Récemment, nous avons constaté que, chez la souris, l'abrogation de la voie de signalisation de Notch/CSL dans les DFs, induisait la formation de tumeurs kératinocytaires multifocales. Ces dernières proviennent de la cancérisation en domaine, un phénomène associé à une atrophie du stroma, des altérations de la matrice et de l'inflammation. D'autres études ont montré que CSL agissait comme un régulateur négatif de gènes impliqués dans sénescence des DFs et dans l'activation des CAFs. Ici, nous montrons que la suppression ou l'atténuation de l'expression de ATF3 dans les DFs induit la sénescence et l'expression des gènes liés aux CAFs, de façon similaire à celle déclenchée par la perte de CSL, tandis que la surexpression de ATF3 supprime ces changements. Nous émettons l'hypothèse que ATF3 joue un rôle suppresseur dans l'activation des CAFs et dans la progression des tumeurs kératinocytaires, en surmontant les conséquences de l'abrogation de la voie de signalisation Notch/CSL. En concordance avec cette hypothèse, nous avons constaté que la perte de ATF3 dans les DFs favorisait la tumorigénicité des kératinocytes via le contrôle négatif de cytokines, des enzymes de la matrice de remodelage et de protéines associées au cancer, peut-être par liaison directe des effecteurs de la voie Notch/CSL : IL6 et les gènes Hes. Enfin, dans les échantillons cliniques humains, le stroma sous-jacent aux lésions précancéreuses de kératoses actiniques montre une diminution significative de l'expression de ATF3 par rapport au stroma jouxtant la peau normale. La restauration de l'expression de ATF3 pourrait être utilisée comme un outil thérapeutique en recherche translationnelle pour prévenir ou réprimer le processus de cancérisation en domaine. - Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions play an important role in control of normal skin development, homeostasis and tumorigenesis. The role of dermal fibroblasts (DFs) as the most abundant cell type in stroma is increasingly appreciated. Especially during tumorigenesis, fibroblasts surrounding epithelial tumors, called Cancer Associated Fibroblasts (CAFs), produce diffusible factors (growth factors, inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and enzymes, and matrix metalloproteinases) that mediate inflammation either directly or indirectly through paracrine signaling between stroma and epithelial cancer cells. The risk of skin cancer increases exponentially with age. As a likely link between the two, senescence of fibroblasts results in production of the senescence-messaging-secretome (SMS), a panel of diffusible factors inducing paracrine growth stimulation, inflammation, and matrix remodeling. Interestingly, induction of these genes is also a characteristic of Cancer Associated Fibroblasts (CAFs). However, the link between the two cellular events, senescence and CAF activation is largely unexplored. ATF3 is a key stress response transcription factor with highly cell type specific functions, which has been discovered as a tumor promoter in keratinocytes in our lab. However, the biological and biochemical function of ATF3 in the dermal compartment of the skin has not been studied yet. Recently, we found that compromised Notch/CSL signaling in dermal fibroblasts (DFs) in mice is a primary cause of multifocal keratinocyte tumors called field cancerization associated with stromal atrophy, matrix alterations and inflammation. Further studies showed that CSL functions as a negative regulator of genes involved in DFs senescence and CAF activation. Here, we show that deletion or silencing of the ATF3 gene in DFs activates senescence and CAF-related gene expression similar to that triggered by loss of CSL, while increased ATF3 suppresses these changes. We hypothesize that ATF3 plays a suppressing role in CAF activation and keratinocyte tumor progression, overcoming the consequences of compromised Notch/CSL signaling. In support of this hypothesis, we found that loss of ATF3 in DFs promotes tumorigenic behavior of keratinocytes via negative control of cytokines, matrix-remodeling enzymes and cancer-associated proteins, possibly through direct binding to Notch/CSL targets, IL6 and Hes genes. On the other hand, in human clinical samples, stromal fields underlying premalignant actinic keratosis lesions showed significantly decreased ATF3 expression relative to stroma of flanking normal skin. Restoration of ATF3, which is lost in cancer development, may be used as a therapeutic tool for translational research to prevent or suppress the field cancerization process.


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Actinic keratosis (AK) affects millions of people worldwide, and its prevalence continues to increase. AK lesions are caused by chronic ultraviolet radiation exposure, and the presence of two or more AK lesions along with photodamage should raise the consideration of a diagnosis of field cancerization. Effective treatment of individual lesions as well as field cancerization is essential for good long-term outcomes. The Swiss Registry of Actinic Keratosis Treatment (REAKT) Working Group has developed clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of field cancerization in patients who present with AK. These guidelines are intended to serve as a resource for physicians as to the most appropriate treatment and management of AK and field cancerization based on current evidence and the combined practical experience of the authors. Treatment of AK and field cancerization should be driven by consideration of relevant patient, disease, and treatment factors, and appropriate treatment decisions will differ from patient to patient. Prevention measures and screening recommendations are discussed, and special considerations related to management of immunocompromised patients are provided.


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Background The field cancerization concept in photodamaged patients suggests that the entire sun-exposed surface of the skin has an increased risk for the development of (pre)-malignant lesions, mainly epithelial tumours. Topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a noninvasive therapeutic method for multiple actinic keratosis (AK) with excellent outcome. Objectives To evaluate the clinical, histological and immunohistochemical changes in human skin with field cancerization after multiple sessions of PDT with methyl-aminolaevulinate (MAL). Methods Twenty-six patients with photodamaged skin and multiple AK on the face received three consecutive sessions of MAL-PDT with red light (37 J cm(-2)), 1 month apart. Biopsies before and 3 months after the last treatment session were taken from normal-appearing skin on the field-cancerized area. Immunohistochemical stainings were performed for TP-53, procollagen-I, metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) and tenascin-C (Tn-C). Results All 26 patients completed the study. The global score for photodamage improved considerably in all patients (P < 0.001). The AK clearance rate was 89.5% at the end of the study. Two treatment sessions were as effective as three MAL-PDT sessions. A significant decrease in atypia grade and extent of keratinocyte atypia was observed histologically (P < 0.001). Also, a significant increase in collagen deposition (P = 0.001) and improvement of solar elastosis (P = 0.002) were noticed after PDT. However, immunohistochemistry showed only a trend for decreased TP-53 expression (not significant), increased procollagen-I and MMP-1 expressions (not significant) and an increased expression of Tn-C (P = 0.024). Conclusions Clinical and histological improvement in field cancerization after multiple sessions of MAL-PDT is proven. The decrease in severity and extent of keratinocyte atypia associated with a decreased expression of TP-53 suggest a reduced carcinogenic potential of the sun-damaged area. The significant increase of new collagen deposition and the reduction of solar elastosis explain the clinical improvement of photodamaged skin.


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Non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSCs) are the most common malignancies after solid organ transplantation. Their incidence increases with time after transplantation. Calcineurin-inhibitors (CNIs) and azathioprine are known as skin neoplasia-initiating and -enhancing immunosuppressants. In contrast, increasing clinical experience suggests a relevant antiproliferative effect of mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors, also named proliferation signal inhibitors (PSIs). We report the case of a cardiac allograft recipient with an impressive and consolidated reduction of recurrent NMSC, observed after conversion from CNI-therapy to a PSI-based protocol.


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BACKGROUND: Oral cancer overexpressed 1 (ORAOV1) was found as a candidate oncogene in the 11q13 chromosomal region, based on its amplification and overexpression in oral cancer cell lines. Because gene amplification often leads to increased levels of gene expression, we aimed to verify the relationship between ORAOV1 gene status and mRNA expression primarily in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) by quantitative assay, correlating with clinical and pathological characteristics in patients. METHODS: Levels of ORAOV1 amplification and expression were evaluated by qPCR and RT-qPCR in OSCC cell lines and in tumor and non-tumoral surgical margins from 33 patients with OSCC. All subjects were smokers and habitual alcohol drinkers, mostly men above 40 years of age and with a single primary tumor. RESULTS: ORAOV1 exhibited increased gene expression levels as well as higher copy number in three OSCC cell lines with 11q13 amplified chromosomal region when compared with the OSCC cell line without the amplification (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.05). Weak correlation between ORAOV1 mRNA levels and DNA copy number was seen in tumor samples (Spearman, P = 0.07). Although ORAOV1 was amplified in tumor (Wilcoxon, P < 0.01), high levels of transcripts in margin did not reveal differences in comparison with tumor (Wilcoxon, P = 0.85). Aggressiveness and survival rate did not demonstrate statistical difference for both events in OSCC. CONCLUSION: The overexpression of ORAOV1 in non-tumoral margin samples can occur in the absence of amplification. The weak correlation between ORAOV1 amplification and expression in OSSC suggests that ORAOV1 expression can be regulated by mechanisms other than gene amplification. J Oral Pathol Med (2012) 41: 5460


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Solid organ transplant recipients (SOTR) have an increased risk of skin cancer due to their long-term immunosuppressive state. As the number of these patients is increasing, as well as their life expectancy, it is important to discuss the screening and management of skin cancer in this group of patients. The role of the dermatologist, in collaboration with the transplant team, is important both before transplantation, where patients are screened for skin lesions and the individual risk for skin cancer development is assessed, and after transplantation. Posttransplant management consists of regular dermatological consultations (the frequency depends on different factors discussed below), where early skin cancer screening and management, as well as patient education on sun protective behavior is taught and enforced. Indeed, SOTR are very sensitive to sun damage due to their immunosuppressive state, leading to cumulative sun damage which results in field cancerization with numerous lesions such as in situ squamous cell carcinoma, actinic keratosis and Bowen's disease. These lesions should be recognized and treated as early as possible. Therapeutic options discussed will involve topical therapy, surgical management, adjustment of the patient's immunosuppressive therapy (i.e. reduction of immunosuppression and/or switch to mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors) and chemoprevention with the retinoid acitretin, which reduces the recurrence rate of squamous cell carcinoma. The dermatological follow-up of SOTR should be integrated into the comprehensive posttransplant care.