126 resultados para FFT


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Les factoritzacions de la FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) que presenten un patró d’interconnexió regular entre factors o etapes son conegudes com algorismes paral·lels, o algorismes de Pease, ja que foren originalment proposats per Pease. En aquesta contribució s’han desenvolupat noves factoritzacions amb blocs que presenten el patró d’interconnexió regular de Pease. S’ha mostrat com aquests blocs poden ser obtinguts a una escala prèviament seleccionada. Les noves factoritzacions per ambdues FFT i IFFT (Inverse FFT) tenen dues classes de factors: uns pocs factors del tipus Cooley-Tukey i els nous factors que proporcionen la mateix patró d’interconnexió de Pease en blocs. Per a una factorització donada, els blocs comparteixen dimensions, el patró d’interconnexió etapa a etapa i a més cada un d’ells pot ser calculat independentment dels altres.


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Aquest projecte es tracta de la optimització i la implementació de l’etapa d’adquisició d’un receptor GPS. També inclou una revisió breu del sistema GPS i els seus principis de funcionament. El procés d’adquisició s’ha estudiat amb detall i programat en els entorns de treball Matlab i Simulink. El fet d’implementar aquesta etapa en dos entorns diferents ha estat molt útil tant de cara a l’aprenentatge com també per la comprovació dels resultats obtinguts. El principal objectiu del treball és el disseny d’un model Simulink que es capaç d’adquirir una senyal capturada amb hardware real. En realitat, s’han fet dues implementacions: una que utilitza blocs propis de Simulink i l’altra que utilitza blocs de la llibreria Xilinx. D’aquesta manera, posteriorment, es facilitaria la transició del model a la FPGA utilitzant l’entorn ISE de Xilinx. La implementació de l’etapa d’adquisició es basa en el mètode de cerca de fase de codi en paral·lel, el qual empra la operació correlació creuada mitjançant la transformada ràpida de Fourier (FFT). Per aquest procés es necessari realitzar dues transformades (per a la senyal entrant i el codi de referència) i una antitransformada de Fourier (per al resultat de la correlació). Per tal d’optimitzar el disseny s’utilitza un bloc FFT, ja que tres blocs consumeixen gran part dels recursos d’una FPGA. En lloc de replicar el bloc FFT, en el model el bloc és compartit en el temps gràcies a l’ús de buffers i commutadors, com a resultat la quantitat de recursos requerits per una implementació en una FPGA es podria reduir considerablement.


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Many audio watermarking schemes divide the audio signal into several blocks such that part of the watermark is embedded into each of them. One of the key issues in these block-oriented watermarking schemes is to preserve the synchronisation, i.e. to recover the exact position of each block in the mark recovery process. In this paper, a novel time domain synchronisation technique is presented together with a new blind watermarking scheme which works in the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT or FFT) domain. The combined scheme provides excellent imperceptibility results whilst achieving robustness against typical attacks. Furthermore, the execution of the scheme is fast enough to be used in real-time applications. The excellent transparency of the embedding algorithm makes it particularly useful for professional applications, such as the embedding of monitoring information in broadcast signals. The scheme is also compared with some recent results of the literature.


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In this paper a precorrected FFT-Fast Multipole Tree (pFFT-FMT) method for solving the potential flow around arbitrary three dimensional bodies is presented. The method takes advantage of the efficiency of the pFFT and FMT algorithms to facilitate more demanding computations such as automatic wake generation and hands-off steady and unsteady aerodynamic simulations. The velocity potential on the body surfaces and in the domain is determined using a pFFT Boundary Element Method (BEM) approach based on the Green’s Theorem Boundary Integral Equation. The vorticity trailing all lifting surfaces in the domain is represented using a Fast Multipole Tree, time advected, vortex participle method. Some simple steady state flow solutions are performed to demonstrate the basic capabilities of the solver. Although this paper focuses primarily on steady state solutions, it should be noted that this approach is designed to be a robust and efficient unsteady potential flow simulation tool, useful for rapid computational prototyping.


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This paper discusses the design, implementation and synthesis of an FFT module that has been specifically optimized for use in the OFDM based Multiband UWB system, although the work is generally applicable to many other OFDM based receiver systems. Previous work has detailed the requirements for the receiver FFT module within the Multiband UWB ODFM based system and this paper draws on those requirements coupled with modern digital architecture principles and low power design criteria to converge on our optimized solution. The FFT design obtained in this paper is also applicable for implementation of the transmitter IFFT module therefore only needing one FFT module for half-duplex operation. The results from this paper enable the baseband designers of the 200Mbit/sec variant of Multiband UWB systems (and indeed other OFDM based receivers) using System-on-Chip (SoC), FPGA and ASIC technology to create cost effective and low power solutions biased toward the competitive consumer electronics market.


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This paper discusses the design, implementation and synthesis of an FFT module that has been specifically optimized for use in the OFDM based Multiband UWB system, although the work is generally applicable to many other OFDM based receiver systems. Previous work has detailed the requirements for the receiver FFT module within the Multiband UWB ODFM based system and this paper draws on those requirements coupled with modern digital architecture principles and low power design criteria to converge on our optimized solution particularly aimed at a low-clock rate implementation. The FFT design obtained in this paper is also applicable for implementation of the transmitter IFFT module therefore only needing one FFT module in the device for half-duplex operation. The results from this paper enable the baseband designers of the 200Mbit/sec variant of Multiband UWB systems (and indeed other OFDM based receivers) using System-on-Chip (SoC), FPGA and ASIC technology to create cost effective and low power consumer electronics product solutions biased toward the very competitive market.


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This research work presents the design and implementation of a FFT pruning block, which is an extension to the FFT core for OFDM demodulation, enabling run-time 8 pruning of the FFT algorithm, without any restrictions on the distribution pattern of the active/inactive sub-carriers. The design and implementation of FFT processor core is not the part of this work. The whole design was prototyped on an ALTERA STRATIX V FPGA to evaluate the performance of the pruning engine. Synthesis and simulation results showed that the logic overhead introduced by the pruning block is limited to a 10% of the total resources utilization. Moreover, in presence of a medium-high scattering of the sub-carriers, power and energy consumption of the FFT core were reduced by a 30% factor.


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La trasformata di Fourier (FT) è uno strumento molto potente implementato, oggi, in un enorme numero di tecnologie. Il suo primo esempio di applicazione fu proprio il campionamento e la digitalizzazione di segnali analogici. Nel tempo l'utilizzo della FT è stato ampliato a più orizzonti in ambito digitale, basti pensare che il formato di compressione '.jpg' utilizza una FT bidimensionale, mentre uno degli ultimi esempi di applicazione si ha nell'imaging digitale in ambito medico (risonanza magnetica nucleare, tomografia assiale computerizzata TAC ecc...). Nonostante gli utilizzi della FT siano molto diversificati il suo basilare funzionamento non è mai cambiato: essa non fa altro che modificare il dominio di una funzione del tempo (un segnale) in un dominio delle frequenze, permettendo così lo studio della composizione in termini di frequenza, ampiezza e fase del segnale stesso. Parallelamente all'evoluzione in termini di applicazioni si è sviluppato uno studio volto a migliorare e ottimizzare la computazione della stessa, data l'esponenziale crescita del suo utilizzo. In questa trattazione si vuole analizzare uno degli algoritmi di ottimizzazione più celebri e utilizzati in tal senso: la trasformata veloce di Fourier (Fast Fourier Transformation o FFT). Si delineeranno quindi le caratteristiche salienti della FT, e verrà introdotto l'algoritmo di computazione tramite linguaggio C++ dedicando particolare attenzione ai limiti di applicazione di tale algoritmo e a come poter modificare opportunamente la nostra funzione in modo da ricondurci entro i limiti di validità.


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The appearance of radix-$2^{2}$ was a milestone in the design of pipelined FFT hardware architectures. Later, radix-$2^{2}$ was extended to radix-$2^{k}$ . However, radix-$2^{k}$ was only proposed for single-path delay feedback (SDF) architectures, but not for feedforward ones, also called multi-path delay commutator (MDC). This paper presents the radix-$2^{k}$ feedforward (MDC) FFT architectures. In feedforward architectures radix-$2^{k}$ can be used for any number of parallel samples which is a power of two. Furthermore, both decimation in frequency (DIF) and decimation in time (DIT) decompositions can be used. In addition to this, the designs can achieve very high throughputs, which makes them suitable for the most demanding applications. Indeed, the proposed radix-$2^{k}$ feedforward architectures require fewer hardware resources than parallel feedback ones, also called multi-path delay feedback (MDF), when several samples in parallel must be processed. As a result, the proposed radix-$2^{k}$ feedforward architectures not only offer an attractive solution for current applications, but also open up a new research line on feedforward structures.


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This paper presents a low-power, high-speed 4-data-path 128-point mixed-radix (radix-2 & radix-2 2 ) FFT processor for MB-OFDM Ultra-WideBand (UWB) systems. The processor employs the single-path delay feedback (SDF) pipelined structure for the proposed algorithm, it uses substructure-sharing multiplication units and shift-add structure other than traditional complex multipliers. Furthermore, the word lengths are properly chosen, thus the hardware costs and power consumption of the proposed FFT processor are efficiently reduced. The proposed FFT processor is verified and synthesized by using 0.13 µm CMOS technology with a supply voltage of 1.32 V. The implementation results indicate that the proposed 128-point mixed-radix FFT architecture supports a throughput rate of 1Gsample/s with lower power consumption in comparison to existing 128-point FFT architectures


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This paper presents a method to interpolate a periodic band-limited signal from its samples lying at nonuniform positions in a regular grid, which is based on the FFT and has the same complexity order as this last algorithm. This kind of interpolation is usually termed “the missing samples problem” in the literature, and there exists a wide variety of iterative and direct methods for its solution. The one presented in this paper is a direct method that exploits the properties of the so-called erasure polynomial and provides a significant improvement on the most efficient method in the literature, which seems to be the burst error recovery (BER) technique of Marvasti’s The paper includes numerical assessments of the method’s stability and complexity.


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We present a study of the influence of dispersion induced phase noise for CO-OFDM systems using FFT multiplexing/IFFT demultiplexing techniques (software based). The software based system provides a method for a rigorous evaluation of the phase noise variance caused by Common Phase Error (CPE) and Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) including - for the first time to our knowledge - in explicit form the effect of equalization enhanced phase noise (EEPN). This, in turns, leads to an analytic BER specification. Numerical results focus on a CO-OFDM system with 10-25 GS/s QPSK channel modulation. A worst case constellation configuration is identified for the phase noise influence and the resulting BER is compared to the BER of a conventional single channel QPSK system with the same capacity as the CO-OFDM implementation. Results are evaluated as a function of transmission distance. For both types of systems, the phase noise variance increases significantly with increasing transmission distance. For a total capacity of 400 (1000) Gbit/s, the transmission distance to have the BER < 10-2 for the worst case CO-OFDM design is less than 800 and 460 km, respectively, whereas for a single channel QPSK system it is less than 1400 and 560 km.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física