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Oral Diseases (2012) 18, 648654 Aim: Infective agents may affect pregnancy outcomes by deregulating homeostasis. Objectives: The effects of Porphyromonas gingivalis infection before and at different gestation periods were evaluated. Materials and Methods: Wistar rats infected via subcutaneous with P. gingivalis W83, one week before mating (BM), days 1 (PR1) and 11 of gestation (PR11), and controls were evaluated, and samples were obtained at the end of gestation. P. gingivalis was detected by PCR. Cytokine was determined by ELISA. Results: Infected rats had lower maternal gain of weight. Implantation was not observed in 2/12 BM rats. PR11 presented more fetal-placental resorptions and lower placenta/fetus weight than controls. P. gingivalis was detected in placenta and fetus. IL-6 and TNF-a levels were higher in placenta and serum of infected groups, except for TNF-a in placenta of PR1. IL-1 beta levels were higher in placenta of PR11, but lower in serum and placenta of PR1. There were no differences in IL-10 and PGE2 concentrations among the groups (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The experimental infection by P. gingivalis resulted in alterations in the gestational pattern and in fetal development. The consequences of infection at mid-gestation were more severe than at the beginning, possibly due to the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the fetal compartment.


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We studied the development of the insulin secretion mechanism in the pancreas of fetal (19- and 21-day-old), neonatal (3-day-old), and adult (90-day-old) rats in response to stimulation with 8.3 or 16.7 mM glucose, 30 mM K+, 5 mM theophylline (Theo) and 200 µM carbamylcholine (Cch). No effect of glucose or high K+ was observed on the pancreas from 19-day-old fetuses, whereas Theo and Cch significantly increased insulin secretion at this age (82 and 127% above basal levels, respectively). High K+ also failed to alter the insulin secretion in the pancreas from 21-day-old fetuses, whereas 8.3 mM and 16.7 mM glucose significantly stimulated insulin release by 41 and 54% above basal levels, respectively. Similar results were obtained with Theo and Cch. A more marked effect of glucose on insulin secretion was observed in the pancreas of 3-day-old rats, reaching 84 and 179% above basal levels with 8.3 mM and 16.7 mM glucose, respectively. At this age, both Theo and Cch increased insulin secretion to close to two-times basal levels. In islets from adult rats, 8.3 mM and 16.7 mM glucose, Theo, and Cch increased the insulin release by 104, 193, 318 and 396% above basal levels, respectively. These data indicate that pancreatic B-cells from 19-day-old fetuses were already sensitive to stimuli that use either cAMP or IP3 and DAG as second messengers, but insensitive to stimuli such as glucose and high K+ that induce membrane depolarization. The greater effect of glucose on insulin secretion during the neonatal period indicates that this period is crucial for the maturation of the glucose-sensing mechanism in B-cells.


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CREB, the cAMP response element binding protein, is a key transcriptional regulator of a large number of genes containing a CRE consensus sequence in their upstream regulatory regions. Mice with a hypomorphic allele of CREB that leads to a loss of the CREBα and Δ isoforms and to an overexpression of the CREBβ isoform are viable. Herein we report the generation of CREB null mice, which have all functional isoforms (CREBα, β, and Δ) inactivated. In contrast to the CREBαΔ mice, CREB null mice are smaller than their littermates and die immediately after birth from respiratory distress. In brain, a strong reduction in the corpus callosum and the anterior commissures is observed. Furthermore, CREB null mice have an impaired fetal T cell development of the αβ lineage, which is not affected in CREBαΔ mice on embryonic day 18.5. Overall thymic cellularity in CREB null mice is severely reduced affecting all developmental stages of the αβ T cell lineage. In contrast γδ T cell differentiation is normal in CREB mutant mice.


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Colonisation of the maternal uterine wall by the trophoblast involves a series of alterations in the behaviour and morphology of trophoblast cells. Villous cytotrophoblast cells change from a well-organised coherently layered phenotype to one that is extravillous, acquiring a proliferative, migratory and invasive capacity, to facilitate fetal-maternal interaction. These changes are similar to those of other developmental processes falling under the umbrella of an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Modulation of cell adhesion and cell polarity occurs through changes in cell-cell junctional molecules, such as the cadherins. The cadherins, particularly the classical cadherins (e.g. Epithelial-(E)-cadherin), and their link to adaptors called catenins at cell-cell contacts, are important for maintaining cell attachment and the layered phenotype of the villous cytotrophoblast. In contrast, reduced expression and re-organization of cadherins from these cell junctional regions promote a loosened connection between cells, coupled with reduced apico-basal polarity. Certain non-classical cadherins play an active role in cell migration processes. In addition to the classical cadherins, two other cadherins which have been reported in placental tissues are vascular endothelial (VE) cadherin and cadherin-11. Cadherin molecules are well placed to be key regulators of trophoblast cell behaviour, analogous to their role in other developmental EMTs. This review addresses cadherin expression and function in normal and diseased human placental tissues, especially in fetal growth restriction and pre-eclampsia where trophoblast invasion is reduced.


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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex disorder encompassing reproductive and metabolic dysfunction. Ovarian hyperandrogenism is an endocrine hallmark of human PCOS. In animal models, PCOS-like abnormalities can be recreated by in utero over-exposure to androgenic steroid hormones. This thesis investigated pancreatic and adrenal development and function in a unique model of PCOS. Fetal sheep were directly exposed (day 62 and day 82 of gestation) to steroidal excesses - androgen excess (testosterone propionate - TP), estrogen excess (diethylstilbestrol - DES) or glucocorticoid excess (dexamethasone - DEX). At d90 gestation there was elevated expression of genes involved in β- cell development and function: PDX-1 (P<0.001), and INS (P<0.05), INSR (P<0.05) driven by androgenic excess only in the female fetal pancreas. β- cell numbers (P<0.001) and in vitro insulin secretion (P<0.05) were also elevated in androgen exposed female fetuses. There was a significant increase in insulin secreting β-cell numbers (P<0.001) and in vivo insulin secretion (glucose stimulated) (P<0.01) in adult female offspring, specifically associated with prenatal androgen excess. At d90 gestation, female fetal adrenal gene expression was perturbed by fetal estrogenic exposure. Male fetal adrenal gene expression was altered more dramatically by fetal glucocorticoid exposure. In female adult offspring from androgen exposed pregnancies there was increased adrenal steroidogenic gene expression and in vivo testosterone secretion (P<0.01). This highlights that the adrenal glands may contribute towards excess androgen secretion in PCOS, but such effects might be secondary to other metabolic alterations driven by prenatal androgen exposure, such as excess insulin secretion Thus there may be dialogue between the pancreas and adrenal gland, programmed during early life, with implications for adult health Given both hyperinsulinaemia and hyperandrogenism are common features in PCOS, we suggest that their origins may be at least partially due to altered fetal steroidal environments, specifically excess androgenic stimulation


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Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is involved in the regulation of ovarian follicular development and has been shown to potentiate the FSH responsiveness of granulosa cells from preantral follicles. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of IGF-I during preantral follicular culture on steroidogenesis, subsequent oocyte maturation, fertilization, and embryo development in mice. Preantral follicles were isolated mechanically and cultured for 12 days in a simplified culture medium supplemented with 1% fetal calf serum, recombinant human FSH, transferrin, and selenium. In these conditions, follicles were able to grow and produce oocytes that could be matured and fertilized. The first experiment analyzed the effect of different concentrations of IGF-I (0, 10, 50, or 100 ng/ml) added to the culture medium on the follicular survival, steroidogenesis, and the oocyte maturation process. The presence of IGF-I during follicular growth increased the secretion of estradiol but had no effect on the subsequent oocyte survival and maturation rates. In the second experiment, IGF-I (0 or 50 ng/ml) was added to the culture medium during follicular growth, oocyte maturation, or both, and subsequent oocyte fertilization and embryo development rates were evaluated. Oocyte fertilization rates were comparable in the presence or absence of IGF-I. However, the blastocyst development rate was enhanced after follicular culture in the presence of IGF-I. Moreover, the total cell number of the blastocysts observed after differential labeling staining was also higher when follicles were cultured or matured in the presence of IGF-I.


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Background: The use of mechanical and enzymatic techniques to isolate preantral follicles before in-vitro culture has been previously described. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the isolation procedure of mouse preantral follicles on their subsequent development in vitro. Methods: Follicles were isolated either mechanically or enzymatically and cultured using an individual non-spherical culture system. Follicular development and steroidogenesis, oocyte in-vitro maturation and embryo development were assessed for both groups. Results: After 12 days of culture, follicles isolated mechanically had a higher survival rate but a lower antral-like cavity formation rate than follicles isolated enzymatically. Enzymatic follicle isolation was associated with a higher production of testosterone and estradiol compared with mechanical isolation. A stronger phosphatase alkaline reaction was observed after enzymatic isolation, suggesting that follicles isolated enzymatically had more theca cells than those isolated mechanically. However, both isolation techniques resulted in similar oocyte maturation and embryo development rates. Conclusions: Enzymatic follicular isolation did not affect theca cell development. Follicular steroidogenesis was enhanced after enzymatic isolation but the developmental capacity of oocytes was comparable to that obtained after mechanical isolation.


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It has been shown previously that female mice homozygous for an alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) null allele are sterile as a result of anovulation, probably due to a defect in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Here we show that these female mice exhibit specific anomalies in the expression of numerous genes in the pituitary, including genes involved in the gonadotropin-releasing hormone pathway, which are underexpressed. In the hypothalamus, the gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene, Gnrh1, was also found to be down-regulated. However, pituitary gene expression could be normalized and fertility could be rescued by blocking prenatal estrogen synthesis using an aromatase inhibitor. These results show that AFP protects the developing female brain from the adverse effects of prenatal estrogen exposure and clarify a long-running debate on the role of this fetal protein in brain sexual differentiation.


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Analgesics which affect prostaglandin (PG) pathways are used by most pregnant women. As germ cells (GC) undergo developmental and epigenetic changes in fetal life and are PG targets, we investigated if exposure of pregnant rats to analgesics (indomethacin or acetaminophen) affected GC development and reproductive function in resulting offspring (F1) or in the F2 generation. Exposure to either analgesic reduced F1 fetal GC number in both sexes and altered the tempo of fetal GC development sex-dependently, with delayed meiotic entry in oogonia but accelerated GC differentiation in males. These effects persisted in adult F1 females as reduced ovarian and litter size, whereas F1 males recovered normal GC numbers and fertility by adulthood. F2 offspring deriving from an analgesic-exposed F1 parent also exhibited sex-specific changes. F2 males exhibited normal reproductive development whereas F2 females had smaller ovaries and reduced follicle numbers during puberty/adulthood; as similar changes were found for F2 offspring of analgesic-exposed F1 fathers or mothers, we interpret this as potentially indicating an analgesic-induced change to GC in F1. Assuming our results are translatable to humans, they raise concerns that analgesic use in pregnancy could potentially affect fertility of resulting daughters and grand-daughters.


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Although cloning of mammals has been achieved successfully, the percentage of live offspring is very low because of reduced fetal size and fewer implantation sites. Recent studies have attributed such pathological conditions to abnormal reprogramming of the donor cell used for cloning. The inability of the oocyte to fully restore the differentiated status of a somatic cell to its pluripotent and undifferentiated state is normally evidenced by aberrant DNA methylation patterns established throughout the genome during development to blastocyst. These aberrant methylation patterns are associated with abnormal expression of imprinted genes, which among other genes are essential for normal embryo development and gestation. We hypothesized that embryo loss and low implantation rates in cattle derived by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) are caused by abnormal epigenetic reprogramming of imprinted genes. To verify our hypothesis, we analyzed the parental expression and the differentially methylated domain (DMD) methylation status of the H19 gene. Using a parental-specific analysis, we confirmed for the first time that H19 biallelic expression is tightly associated with a severe demethylation of the paternal H19 DMD in SCNT embryos, suggesting that these epigenetic anomalies to the H19 locus could be directly responsible for the reduced size and low implantation rates of cloned embryos in cattle.


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Fish consumption during gestation can provide the fetus with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) and other nutrients essential for growth and development of the brain. However, fish consumption also exposes the fetus to the neurotoxicant, methyl mercury (MeHg). We studied the association between these fetal exposures and early child development in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study (SCDNS). Specifically, we examined a priori models of Ω-3 and Ω-6 LCPUFA measures in maternal serum to test the hypothesis that these LCPUFA families before or after adjusting for prenatal MeHg exposure would reveal associations with child development assessed by the BSID-II at ages 9 and 30 months. There were 229 children with complete outcome and covariate data available for analysis. At 9 months, the PDI was positively associated with total Ω-3 LCPUFA and negatively associated with the ratio of Ω-6/Ω-3 LCPUFA. These associations were stronger in models adjusted for prenatal MeHg exposure. Secondary models suggested that the MeHg effect at 9 months varied by the ratio of Ω-6/Ω-3 LCPUFA. There were no significant associations between LCPUFA measures and the PDI at 30 months. There were significant adverse associations, however, between prenatal MeHg and the 30-month PDI when the LCPUFA measures were included in the regression analysis. The BSID-II mental developmental index (MDI) was not associated with any exposure variable. These data support the potential importance to child development of prenatal availability of Ω-3 LCPUFA present in fish and of LCPUFA in the overall diet. Furthermore, they indicate that the beneficial effects of LCPUFA can obscure the determination of adverse effects of prenatal MeHg exposure in longitudinal observational studies.


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Mammalian oocytes can undergo spontaneous meiotic maturation when they are liberated from their follicles and cultured in vitro; however, the zona pellucida (ZP) becomes resistant to chymotrypsin digestion, or hardens, when spontaneous maturation occurs in serum-free medium. Schroeder et al. [Biol. Reprod. 43 (1990) 891] described that fetuin, a component of fetal calf serum (FCS), inhibits ZP hardening during oocyte maturation. The aim of this experiment was to study the effect of the presence of cumulus cells and addition of hormones to maturation media on bovine zona hardening and embryo development in medium with and without fetuin. In Experiment 1, different concentrations of fetuin were added to the maturation medium. The time necessary for digestion of 50% of the ZP (d50) was not different when oocytes were matured in presence of 10% FCS, 1 mg/ml polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), or 4, 1 and 0.25 mg/ml of fetuin; cleavage rates were also similar. However, significantly more blastocysts (P < 0.05) were formed when FCS was used compared to PVA and 0.25 mg/ml of fetuin. In Experiment 11, we examined the influence of the presence of cumulus cells and hormones during the maturation of oocytes in media with PVA, BSA, FCS and fetuin. The d50 was significantly higher (P < 0.05) when oocytes were matured in presence of cumulus cells. The cleavage rate of cumulus-intact oocytes was similar for all groups. However, when oocytes were partially stripped before maturation, the cleavage rate was significantly higher (P < 0.05) when FCS or fetuin was used. In both stripped and non-stripped groups, significantly more blastocysts (P < 0.05) were formed when oocytes were matured with FCS compared to BSA and PVA. These results indicate that zona hardening, as described for mouse and human oocytes, does not have a large effect on bovine cumulus-intact oocytes. Apparently fetuin can be used as a substitute for FCS during bovine oocyte maturation, since it leads to similar developmental rates as FCS in intact and partially stripped oocytes. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.