28 resultados para FDH


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We study the role of natural resource windfalls in explaining the efficiency of public expenditures. Using a rich dataset of expenditures and public good provision for 1,836 municipalities in Peru for period 2001-2010, we estimate a non-monotonic relationship between the efficiency of public good provision and the level of natural resource transfers. Local governments that were extremely favored by the boom of mineral prices were more efficient in using fiscal windfalls whereas those benefited with modest transfers were more inefficient. These results can be explained by the increase in political competition associated with the boom. However, the fact that increases in efficiency were related to reductions in public good provision casts doubts about the beneficial effects of political competition in promoting efficiency.


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The 11-yr solar cycle temperature response to spectrally resolved solar irradiance changes and associated ozone changes is calculated using a fixed dynamical heating (FDH) model. Imposed ozone changes are from satellite observations, in contrast to some earlier studies. A maximum of 1.6 K is found in the equatorial upper stratosphere and a secondary maximum of 0.4 K in the equatorial lower stratosphere, forming a double peak in the vertical. The upper maximum is primarily due to the irradiance changes while the lower maximum is due to the imposed ozone changes. The results compare well with analyses using the 40-yr ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-40) and NCEP/NCAR datasets. The equatorial lower stratospheric structure is reproduced even though, by definition, the FDH calculations exclude dynamically driven temperature changes, suggesting an important role for an indirect dynamical effect through ozone redistribution. The results also suggest that differences between the Stratospheric Sounding Unit (SSU)/Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) and ERA-40 estimates of the solar cycle signal can be explained by the poor vertical resolution of the SSU/MSU measurements. The adjusted radiative forcing of climate change is also investigated. The forcing due to irradiance changes was 0.14 W m−2, which is only 78% of the value obtained by employing the standard method of simple scaling of the total solar irradiance (TSI) change. The difference arises because much of the change in TSI is at wavelengths where ozone absorbs strongly. The forcing due to the ozone change was only 0.004 W m−2 owing to strong compensation between negative shortwave and positive longwave forcings.


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Este artigo avalia os efeitos das variáveis de escala na oferta de serviços públicos de saúde dos municípios paulistas, com o objetivo de investigar os possíveis efeitos do processo de descentralização dos serviços de saúde a partir da consolidação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Foram construídos indicadores de eficiência dos gastos municipais em saúde pela técnica de Free Disposable Hull, tendo sido estimados os efeitos das variáveis de escala não só sobre a eficiência, mas também diretamente sobre os indicadores de desempenho e sobre os gastos per capita. Conclui-se que os municípios menores, além de terem maior gasto per capita em saúde, oferecem piores condições de acesso ao sistema. Além disso, pequenos municípios não oferecem melhores serviços de prevenção de doenças infecciosas, apesar de terem, a princípio, melhores condições de conhecer as necessidades dos cidadãos. Em consonância com o trabalho de Sampaio de Souza et alii (2005), conclui-se que a excessiva descentralização na gestão pode levar à perda de eficiência, aumentando gastos sem necessariamente melhorar a qualidade.


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SILVA, Jorge Luiz Mariano da. Eficiência técnica dos produtores familiares no projeto de irrigação do Baixo Açu/RN.In: CONGRESSO SA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ECONOMIA E SOCIOLOGIA RURAL,42., 2004, Cuiabá - MT. Dinâmcias Setorias e Desevolvimento Regional, 2004.


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SILVA, J. L. M. da; SAMPAIO, L. M. . Eficiência, Gestão e Meio Ambiente na Carcinicultura do Rio Grande do Norte. In: Congresso da Sociendade Brasileira de Economia, Administração e Sociologia Rural - SOBER, 40., 2007, Londrina. Conhecimentos para a Agricultura do Futuro, 2007.


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Formate dehydrogenase from Candida boidinii (FDH) was immobilized on three different magnetic supports: one composed by magnetite nanoparticles directly silanized with ARTS (aminopropyltriethoxysilane), i.e. MagNP-APTS: the second one containing a silica gel coated magnetite core which was further silanized with APTS (MagNP@SiO2-APTS), and the third one consisting of magnetite-APTS coated with Glyoxyl-Agarose (MagNP-Glyoxyl-Agarose). The catalytic activity of the three FDH systems was investigated as a function of pH and temperature. The silica gel coated nanoparticles provided the highest conversion rates; however, in terms of recycling, magnetite without the silica shell led to the most stable system. By using the enzyme tryptophan residues as internal fluorescence probes, the structure-activity behavior was investigated in the presence of the formate and NAD(+) substrates, revealing a rather contrasting behavior in the three cases. Because of its peculiar behavior, a direct interaction of the magnetic nanoparticles with the catalytic sites seems to be implicated in the case of MagNP-APTS. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dank für Glückwünsche zur Ernennung zum Meister FDH, Fotografie, Tod Friedrich Stoltzes II


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O tema a respeito do Filho do Homem foi pesquisado tendo como objetivo a identificação desta expressão com um personagem da história de Israel. Um novo olhar está sendo direcionado para o tema objetivando não mais a identificação de um personagem histórico senão que o desenvolvimento de idéias e re-significação das mesmas através de grupos sociais que projetam suas esperanças num futuro vindouro, em contraste com seu atual estado. O livro do Apocalipse nos capítulo 1, 9-18 contém a figura de um ser misterioso envolto numa simbologia judaica o qual João denomina um como o filho do homem . O aparecimento da expressão Filho do Homem ocorre no Antigo e Novo Testamento, mas também na literatura conhecida como Apocalipses Judaicos. Nos diferentes tipos de relatos encontrados a expressão designando um ser possuidor de atributos, funções e ofícios distintos, sendo que se reporta na maioria delas no sentido de realizar um cenário de julgamento, tendo como base o povo de Israel. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a expressão utilizada pelo autor de Apocalipse e suas implicações para o pensamento e desenvolvimento da idéia da cristologia do FdH no cristianismo primitivo.


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O tema a respeito do Filho do Homem foi pesquisado tendo como objetivo a identificação desta expressão com um personagem da história de Israel. Um novo olhar está sendo direcionado para o tema objetivando não mais a identificação de um personagem histórico senão que o desenvolvimento de idéias e re-significação das mesmas através de grupos sociais que projetam suas esperanças num futuro vindouro, em contraste com seu atual estado. O livro do Apocalipse nos capítulo 1, 9-18 contém a figura de um ser misterioso envolto numa simbologia judaica o qual João denomina um como o filho do homem . O aparecimento da expressão Filho do Homem ocorre no Antigo e Novo Testamento, mas também na literatura conhecida como Apocalipses Judaicos. Nos diferentes tipos de relatos encontrados a expressão designando um ser possuidor de atributos, funções e ofícios distintos, sendo que se reporta na maioria delas no sentido de realizar um cenário de julgamento, tendo como base o povo de Israel. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a expressão utilizada pelo autor de Apocalipse e suas implicações para o pensamento e desenvolvimento da idéia da cristologia do FdH no cristianismo primitivo.


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In higher plants formate dehydrogenase (FDH, EC is a mitochondrial, NAD-dependent enzyme. We previously reported that in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) FDH expression is high in tubers but low in green leaves. Here we show that in isolated tuber mitochondria FDH is involved in formate-dependent O2 uptake coupled to ATP synthesis. The effects of various environmental and chemical factors on FDH expression in leaves were tested using the mitochondrial serine hydroxymethyltransferase as a control. The abundance of FDH transcripts is strongly increased under various stresses, whereas serine hydroxymethyltransferase transcripts decline. The application of formate to leaves strongly enhances FDH expression, suggesting that it might be the signal for FDH induction. Our experiments using glycolytic products suggest that glycolysis may play an important role in formate synthesis in leaves in the dark and during hypoxia, and in tubers. Of particular interest is the dramatic accumulation of FDH transcripts after spraying methanol on leaves, as this compound is known to increase the yields of C3 plants. In addition, although the steady-state levels of FDH transcript increase very quickly in response to stress, protein accumulation is much slower, but can eventually reach the same levels in leaves as in tubers.


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To identify the proteins induced by Fe deficiency, we have compared the proteins of Fe-sufficient and Fe-deficient barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Peptide sequence analysis of induced proteins revealed that formate dehydrogenase (FDH), adenine phosphoribosyltransferase, and the Ids3 gene product (for Fe deficiency-specific) increased in Fe-deficient roots. FDH enzyme activity was detected in Fe-deficient roots but not in Fe-sufficient roots. A cDNA encoding FDH (Fdh) was cloned and sequenced. Fdh expression was induced by Fe deficiency. Fdh was also expressed under anaerobic stress and its expression was more rapid than that induced by Fe deficiency. Thus, the expression of Fdh observed in Fe-deficient barley roots appeared to be a secondary effect caused by oxygen deficiency in Fe-deficient plants.


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The growing economic and environmental importance of managing water resources at a global level also entails greater efforts and interest in improving the functioning and efficiency of the increasingly more numerous wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In this context, this study analyzes the efficiency of a uniform sample of plants of this type located in the region of Valencia (Spain). The type of efficiency measure used for this (conditional order-m efficiency) allows continuous and discrete contextual variables to be directly involved in the analysis and enables the assessment of their statistical significance and effect (positive or negative). The main findings of the study showed that the quality of the influent water and also the size and age of the plants had a significant influence on their efficiency levels. In particular, as regards the effect of such variables, the findings pointed to the existence of an inverse relationship between the quality of the influent water and the efficiency of the WWTPs. Also, a lower annual volume of treated water and more modern installations showed a positive influence. Additionally, the average efficiency levels observed turned out to be higher than those reported in previous studies.


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Mode of access: Internet.