960 resultados para FAO-PENMAN-MONTEITH


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Os dados básicos para estimar a evapotranspiração de referência de Penman-Monteith FAO (EToPM) são: temperaturas máxima e mínima, pressão de vapor real ou atual, radiação líquida e velocidade do vento, muitas vezes indisponíveis por requererem estações meteorológicas específicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a adequação do método para estimar a EToPM, utilizando-se dados mínimos integrados a um Sistema de Informação Geográfica, na bacia do Rio Jaguaribe, CE. Foi utilizado o sistema integrado de modelagem regional PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies), versão 1.2, com as condições de contorno do Modelo Climático Global (HadAM3P), acoplado ao Modelo Climático Regional (HadRM3P), por meio da técnica dinâmica de redução de escala (downscaling). Os dados foram analisados quanto a sua variabilidade espacial (latitude, longitude), utilizando-se o método geoestatístico de krigagem associado a um Sistema de Informação Geográfica. Para a validação do método, foi ajustada uma regressão linear entre EToPM estimada com dados mínimos (temperaturas máxima e mínima) e com dados medidos por uma estação de referência. A média da EToPM anual estimada com dados mínimos foi 1.719 mm. O método mostrou-se aceitável na região estudada, considerando os resultados da análise de regressão (coeficiente angular de 0,95, coeficiente de determinação de 0,902, resíduos menores que 0,45 mm dia-1 e a Raiz do Quadrado Médio do Erro (RQME) igual a 0,067 mm dia-1).


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The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare measurements and estimates from Davis and Campbell Scientific Instruments in two automatic weather stations. Integrity of meteorological data for estimates of evapotranspiration of reference crop (ETo) from both stations was also evaluated. The following meteorological data were evaluated: air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, precipitation, net radiation and global solar radiation. The Penman-Monteith reference method to estimate ETo was evaluated daily. The weather stations were set up in an experimental area of the Rural Engineering Department-FACV/ UNESP, in Jaboticabal, State of Sao Paulo. Data were collected daily and statistical analysis was performed using linear regression analysis. The integrity of meteorological data to estimate ETo was evaluated. The results of the study in the stations using linear regression analysis showed that daily estimates for ETo had acceptable differences. The technique which evaluates the integrity of meteorological data revealed that data of relative humidity from both stations and of precipitation using Campbell Instruments were not good.


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利用FAO Penman-Monteith公式FAO、 Penman修正式和Priestley-Taylor公式对东北丘陵半干旱区观测到的气象数据进行了逐日参考作物蒸散量计算。结果显示,FAO Penman修正式的计算值比FAO Penman-Monteith公式的计算值平均偏大约16%,2种比较方法具有很好的相关性;而Priestley-Taylor公式的计算值与FAO Penman-Monteith公式的计算值相比,差异比较显著,是由于Priestley-Taylor公式没有考虑空气动力项对参考作物蒸散量的影响。因此,在东北丘陵半干旱区使用Priestley-Taylor公式计算参考作物蒸散量,必须根据不同月份对公式中的常数项重新进行修正。


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参考作物蒸散量的计算公式大多存在地域性限制,分析其应用情况能够反映这些公式在中国部分地区的应用前景。该文根据1996~2000年陕西省榆林、延安与西安三站的逐日气象资料,以FAO推荐的Penman-Monteith方法为标准,对计算参考作物蒸散量的10种方法进行比较。线性回归,平方根误差与平均偏差方法检验的结果显示:Penman系列方法之间关系密切,Kimberly PM-72方法最好。不同方法之间在夏季的差异较大,春秋季较小。在需要数据较少的方法中Priestley-Taylor方法接近Penman-Monteith方法。FAO-Rad、FAO-BC、Hargreaves与Makkink 4种方法与其差异明显,而且存在地域差异。在本区应用这些方法时需要对其参数进行适当调整,以适应当地的气象条件。


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该研究以小型自动气象站观测资料为基础,采用FAO Penman-Monteith方法估算三江源区人工草地参考作物蒸散量,并结合FAO-56推荐的综合作物系数值进行草地实际蒸散量的计算,分析了三江源区人工草地实际蒸散量的变化及其与气象因子的关系。结果表明,草地实际蒸散量的季节变化为单峰曲线,夏季日蒸散量明显大于冬季,在8月中旬达到年度最高值。蒸散与空气温度、太阳辐射和相对湿度均显著相关,但与风速的相关性不显著。各气象因子对人工草地蒸散量影响的大小顺序为:空气温度(T)>太阳辐射(Ra)>空气相对湿度(RH)>风速(u2)。


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【目的】研究祁连山北坡草地蒸散与其环境因子的关系,为该牧区草场的科学经营、草地退化的防治以及区域草地生态环境建设等提供科学依据。【方法】以小型自动气象站(HOBO Weather Station,U.S.A)气象观测资料为基础,采用FAO Penman-Monteith方法估算了祁连山北坡草地参考作物蒸散量(ET_0),并结合FAO-56的推荐值,分析了草地实际蒸散量(ETc)的动态变化,同时模拟研究了相关环境因子对实际蒸散量的影响。【结果】夏季(7和8月)草地的实际蒸散量较大,冬季(12和1月)较小,在7月中旬达到年度最高值,平均为3.40mm/d;按相关系数的高低,环境因子对实际蒸散量的影响表现为空气温度〉空气相对湿度〉土壤含水量(0~40cm)〉太阳辐射〉风速;土壤水分对实际蒸散量的影响表现为土壤深度越大,土壤水分对实际蒸散量的影响越小;太阳辐射量与实际蒸散量呈线性关系。【结论】祁连山北坡草地实际蒸散量的年际变化符合当地环境的变化规律,环境因子对其不同程度的影响表明,在今后的草场管理、退化防止、生态建设中应采取适的措施,以确保草地的良性发展。


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A study was devised to evaluate influences of irrigation and fertigation practices on Vitis vinifera and Vitis labruscana grapes in the Niagara Peninsula. A modified FAO Penman- Monteith evapotranspiration formula was used to calculate water budgets and schedule irrigations. Five deficit irrigation treatments (non-irrigated control; deficits imposed postbloom, lag phase, and veraison; fiiU season irrigation) were employed in a Chardonnay vineyard. Transpiration rate (4-7 /xg H20/cmVs) and soil moisture data demonstrated that the control and early deficit treatments were under water stress throughout the season. The fiiU season irrigation treatment showed an 18% (2001) and 19% (2002) increase in yield over control due to increased berry weight. Soluble solids and wine quality were not compromised, and the fiiU season treatment showed similar or higher °Brix than all other treatments. Berry titratable acidity andpH also fell within acceptable levels for all five treatments. Irrigation/fertigation timing trials were conducted on Concord and Niagara vines in 2001- 02. The six Concord treatments consisted of a non-irrigated control, irrigation fi^om Eichhom and Lorenz (EL) stage 12 to harvest, and four fertigation treatments which applied 70 kg/ha urea. The nine Niagara treatments included a non-irrigated control, two irrigated treatments (ceasing at veraison and harvest, respectively) and six fertigation treatments of various durations. Slight yield increases (ca. 10% in Concord; 29% in Niagara) were accompanied by small decreases in soluble solids (1.5°Brix), and methyl anthranilate concentrations. Transpiration rate and soil moisture (1 1.9-16.3%) data suggested that severe water stress was present in these Toledo clay based vineyards.


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Estimates of evapotranspiration on a local scale is important information for agricultural and hydrological practices. However, equations to estimate potential evapotranspiration based only on temperature data, which are simple to use, are usually less trustworthy than the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)Penman-Monteith standard method. The present work describes two correction procedures for potential evapotranspiration estimates by temperature, making the results more reliable. Initially, the standard FAO-Penman-Monteith method was evaluated with a complete climatologic data set for the period between 2002 and 2006. Then temperature-based estimates by Camargo and Jensen-Haise methods have been adjusted by error autocorrelation evaluated in biweekly and monthly periods. In a second adjustment, simple linear regression was applied. The adjusted equations have been validated with climatic data available for the Year 2001. Both proposed methodologies showed good agreement with the standard method indicating that the methodology can be used for local potential evapotranspiration estimates.


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A study of the assessment of the irrigation water use has been carried out in the Spanish irrigation District “Río Adaja” that has analyzed the water use efficiency and the water productivity indicators for the main crops for three years: 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. A soil water balance model was applied taking into ccount climatic data for the nearby weather station and soil properties. Crop water requirements were calculated by the FAO Penman- Monteith with the application of the dual crop coefficient and by considering the readily vailable soil water content (RAW) concept. Likewise, productivity was measured by the indexes: annual relative irrigation supply (ARIS), annual relative water supply (ARWS), relative rainfall supply (RRS), the water productivity (WP), the evapotranspiration water productivity (ETWP), and the irrigation water productivity (IWP. The results show that in most crops deficit irrigation was applied (ARIS<1) in the first two years however, the IWP improved. This was higher in 2010-2011 which corresponded to the highest effective precipitation Pe. In general, the IWP (€.m-3) varied amongcrops but crops such as: onion (4.14, 1.98 and 2.77 respectively for the three years), potato (2.79, 1.69 and 1.62 respectively for the three years), carrot (1.37, 1.70 and 1.80 respectively for the three years) and barley (1.21, 1.16 and 0.68 respectively for the three years) showed the higher values. Thus, it is highlighted the y could be included into the cropping pattern which would maximize the famer’s gross income in the irrigation district.


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介绍了符合Penman Monteith公式要求的参考作物蒸散的新定义 ,对比了该公式和FAO 17Penman修正式的基本方程和主要参数的异同 应用辽宁 33个气象站 30a的平均气象资料 ,分别计算了作物生育期内 (月 )平均参考作物蒸散量 结果表明 ,两者既具有一定的差异 ,又呈显著的线性相关 产生差异的主要原因是由辐射项引起 建议国内推广应用标准化的Penman Monteith公式计算参考作物蒸散量 ,并以此作为确定新的作物系数和校准其它经验公式的标准


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农业高效用水包括节水灌溉和旱作农业 ,其核心是提高自然降水和灌溉水的利用效率和效益 .农田蒸散的测定方法各有利弊 .FAO先后建议用Penman修正式和Penman Monteith公式计算参考作物蒸散量 .Jensen乘法模型和Blank加法模型在作物水分生产函数研究中得到广泛应用 .土壤适宜含水量和土壤干旱下限指标的最新研究成果 ,为低定额的农业供水提供了土壤物理学的重要依据 .水分亏缺对与产量形成相关的各个生理过程影响的先后顺序为细胞扩张 >气孔运动 >蒸腾运动 >光合作用 >物质运输 .不很严重的干旱反而对物质运输有促进作用 .农田灌溉研究已由传统的充分灌溉 ,转向非充分灌溉、调亏灌溉和控制性分根交替灌溉 .未来农业高效用水理论将在界面、土壤水动力学、生物节水、缺水逆境等方面深入开展研究 .