1000 resultados para F(R) GRAVITY
We show that the common singularities present in generic modified gravity models governed by actions of the type S = integral d(4)x root-gf(R, phi, X). with X = -1/2 g(ab)partial derivative(a)phi partial derivative(b)phi, are essentially the same anisotropic instabilities associated to the hypersurface F(phi) = 0 in the case of a nonminimal coupling of the type F(phi)R, enlightening the physical origin of such singularities that typically arise in rather complex and cumbersome inhomogeneous perturbation analyses. We show, moreover, that such anisotropic instabilities typically give rise to dynamically unavoidable singularities, precluding completely the possibility of having physically viable models for which the hypersurface partial derivative f/partial derivative R = 0 is attained. Some examples are explicitly discussed.
One of the interesting consequences of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is the black hole solutions. Until the observation made by Hawking in 1970s, it was believed that black holes are perfectly black. The General Theory of Relativity says that black holes are objects which absorb both matter and radiation crossing the event horizon. The event horizon is a surface through which even light is not able to escape. It acts as a one sided membrane that allows the passage of particles only in one direction i.e. towards the center of black holes. All the particles that are absorbed by black hole increases the mass of the black hole and thus the size of event horizon also increases. Hawking showed in 1970s that when applying quantum mechanical laws to black holes they are not perfectly black but they can emit radiation. Thus the black hole can have temperature known as Hawking temperature. In the thesis we have studied some aspects of black holes in f(R) theory of gravity and Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. The scattering of scalar field in this background space time studied in the first chapter shows that the extended black hole will scatter scalar waves and have a scattering cross section and applying tunneling mechanism we have obtained the Hawking temperature of this black hole. In the following chapter we have investigated the quasinormal properties of the extended black hole. We have studied the electromagnetic and scalar perturbations in this space-time and find that the black hole frequencies are complex and show exponential damping indicating the black hole is stable against the perturbations. In the present study we show that not only the black holes exist in modified gravities but also they have similar properties of black hole space times in General Theory of Relativity. 2 + 1 black holes or three dimensional black holes are simplified examples of more complicated four dimensional black holes. Thus these models of black holes are known as toy models of black holes in four dimensional black holes in General theory of Relativity. We have studied some properties of these types of black holes in Einstein model (General Theory of Relativity). A three dimensional black hole known as MSW is taken for our study. The thermodynamics and spectroscopy of MSW black hole are studied and obtained the area spectrum which is equispaced and different thermo dynamical properties are studied. The Dirac perturbation of this three dimensional black hole is studied and the resulting quasinormal spectrum of this three dimensional black hole is obtained. The different quasinormal frequencies are tabulated in tables and these values show an exponential damping of oscillations indicating the black hole is stable against the mass less Dirac perturbation. In General Theory of Relativity almost all solutions contain singularities. The cosmological solution and different black hole solutions of Einstein's field equation contain singularities. The regular black hole solutions are those which are solutions of Einstein's equation and have no singularity at the origin. These solutions possess event horizon but have no central singularity. Such a solution was first put forward by Bardeen. Hayward proposed a similar regular black hole solution. We have studied the thermodynamics and spectroscopy of Hay-ward regular black holes. We have also obtained the different thermodynamic properties and the area spectrum. The area spectrum is a function of the horizon radius. The entropy-heat capacity curve has a discontinuity at some value of entropy showing a phase transition.
After incorporating f(R) gravity into the general braneworld sum rules scope, it is shown that some particular class of warped five-dimensional nonlinear braneworld models, which may be interesting for the hierarchy problem solution, still require a negative tension brane. For other classes of warp factors (suitable and not suitable for approaching the hierarchy problem) any negative brane tension in the compactification scheme is not necessary. In this vein, it is argued that, in the bulk f(R) gravity context, some types of warp factors may be useful for approaching the hierarchy problem and for evading the necessity of a negative brane tension in the compactification scheme.
In this dissertation, after a brief review on the Einstein s General Relativity Theory and its application to the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmological models, we present and discuss the alternative theories of gravity dubbed f(R) gravity. These theories come about when one substitute in the Einstein-Hilbert action the Ricci curvature R by some well behaved nonlinear function f(R). They provide an alternative way to explain the current cosmic acceleration with no need of invoking neither a dark energy component, nor the existence of extra spatial dimensions. In dealing with f(R) gravity, two different variational approaches may be followed, namely the metric and the Palatini formalisms, which lead to very different equations of motion. We briefly describe the metric formalism and then concentrate on the Palatini variational approach to the gravity action. We make a systematic and detailed derivation of the field equations for Palatini f(R) gravity, which generalize the Einsteins equations of General Relativity, and obtain also the generalized Friedmann equations, which can be used for cosmological tests. As an example, using recent compilations of type Ia Supernovae observations, we show how the f(R) = R − fi/Rn class of gravity theories explain the recent observed acceleration of the universe by placing reasonable constraints on the free parameters fi and n. We also examine the question as to whether Palatini f(R) gravity theories permit space-times in which causality, a fundamental issue in any physical theory [22], is violated. As is well known, in General Relativity there are solutions to the viii field equations that have causal anomalies in the form of closed time-like curves, the renowned Gödel model being the best known example of such a solution. Here we show that every perfect-fluid Gödel-type solution of Palatini f(R) gravity with density and pressure p that satisfy the weak energy condition + p 0 is necessarily isometric to the Gödel geometry, demonstrating, therefore, that these theories present causal anomalies in the form of closed time-like curves. This result extends a theorem on Gödel-type models to the framework of Palatini f(R) gravity theory. We derive an expression for a critical radius rc (beyond which causality is violated) for an arbitrary Palatini f(R) theory. The expression makes apparent that the violation of causality depends on the form of f(R) and on the matter content components. We concretely examine the Gödel-type perfect-fluid solutions in the f(R) = R−fi/Rn class of Palatini gravity theories, and show that for positive matter density and for fi and n in the range permitted by the observations, these theories do not admit the Gödel geometry as a perfect-fluid solution of its field equations. In this sense, f(R) gravity theory remedies the causal pathology in the form of closed timelike curves which is allowed in General Relativity. We also examine the violation of causality of Gödel-type by considering a single scalar field as the matter content. For this source, we show that Palatini f(R) gravity gives rise to a unique Gödeltype solution with no violation of causality. Finally, we show that by combining a perfect fluid plus a scalar field as sources of Gödel-type geometries, we obtain both solutions in the form of closed time-like curves, as well as solutions with no violation of causality
In the context of ƒ (R) gravity theories, we show that the apparent mass of a neutron star as seen from an observer at infinity is numerically calculable but requires careful matching, first at the star’s edge, between interior and exterior solutions, none of them being totally Schwarzschild-like but presenting instead small oscillations of the curvature scalar R; and second at large radii, where the Newtonian potential is used to identify the mass of the neutron star. We find that for the same equation of state, this mass definition is always larger than its general relativistic counterpart. We exemplify this with quadratic R^2 and Hu-Sawicki-like modifications of the standard General Relativity action. Therefore, the finding of two-solar mass neutron stars basically imposes no constraint on stable ƒ (R) theories. However, star radii are in general smaller than in General Relativity, which can give an observational handle on such classes of models at the astrophysical level. Both larger masses and smaller matter radii are due to much of the apparent effective energy residing in the outer metric for scalar-tensor theories. Finally, because the ƒ (R) neutron star masses can be much larger than General Relativity counterparts, the total energy available for radiating gravitational waves could be of order several solar masses, and thus a merger of these stars constitutes an interesting wave source.
In this Thesis work we investigate some of different cosmological background scenarios using one of the main probes used in cosmology: the halo mass function. The observed abundance of galaxy clusters (or similarly DM haloes) can indeed be compared to its theoretical predictions to derive fundamental constrains on the cosmological scenario assumed. Given the importance of exploring and constraining models degenerate with the ΛCDM one, we test the applicability of some notable halo mass function models to these scenarios. To this purpose, we made use of the DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder N-body simulations, which assume cosmological scenarios that include modified gravity in the form of f(R) models and massive neutrinos. We carried on the analysis of 3 simulation snapshots at different redshifts, z = 0, 0.5, 1, building multiple samples of dark matter haloes by applying different overdensity thresholds during the procedure of halo identification. We started our analysis by considering the halo mass function model introduced by Despali et al. (2016), who proposed a parametrization that encapsulates the effect of the different halo mass definitions and the relative evolution with the redshift. We calibrated the main parameters of this relation by using the ΛCDM halo catalogues extracted from the DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder simulations, fitting the measured halo abundances at all redshifts and density thresholds. Afterwards we tested the same model parametrization with halo catalogues extracted from the simulations implementing both modified gravity and massive neutrinos. We repeated therefore the calibration procedure on these data to search for discrepancies with respect to the ΛCDM model. Finally we focused the analysis on the cosmological models implementing modified gravity only. We took our ΛCDM calibrated halo mass function and we modified it with the additional f (R) gravity form proposed by Gupta et al. (2022).
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Darmouth College, from august 2007 until february 2008. It has been very successful, from different viewpoints: scientific, philosophical, human. We have definitely advanced, during the past six months, towards the comprehension of the behaviour of the fluctuations of the quantum vacuum in the presence of boundaries, moving and non-moving, and also in situations where the topology of space-time changes: the dynamical Casimir effect, regularization problems, particle creation statistics, according to different BC, etc. We have solved some longstanding problems and got in this subject quite remarkable results (as we will explain in more detail below). We also pursued a general approach towards a viable modified f(R) gravity in both the Jordan and the Einstein frames (which are known to be mathematically equivalent, but physically not so). A class of exponential, realistic modified gravities has been introduced by us and investigated with care. Special focus was made on step-class models, most promising from the phenomenological viewpoint and which provide a natural way to classify all viable modified gravities. One- and two-steps models were considered, but the analysis is extensible to N-step models. Both inflation in the early universe and the onset of recent accelerated expansion arise in these models in a natural, unified way, what makes them very promising. Moreover, it is monstrated in our work that models in this category easily pass all local tests, including stability of spherical body solution, non-violation of Newton's law, and generation of a very heavy positive mass for the additional scalar degree of freedom.
The cross-section for the scattering of a photon by the Sun's gravitational field, treated as an external field, is computed in the framework of R + R-2 gravity. Using this result, we found that for a photon just grazing the Sun's surface the deflection is 1.75 which is exactly the same as that given by Einstein's theory. An explanation for this pseudo-paradox is provided.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Using 2-body trees on a flat space background, it is shown that the actions A[g, φ] = (Latin small letter esh) d4x√-g [(R/2K) + (1/2)(gμν ∂μφ∂νφ + λRφ2)] and Ā[ḡ, φ̄] = (Latin small letter esh) d4x√ - ḡ [(R̄/2k) + (1/2) ḡμν∂μφ̄∂ νφ] describe the same theory at the tree-level in this case. We also demonstrate the quantum equivalence (at one-loop) of the barred and unbarred systems for λ == -1/6 (conformal coupling).
The effects of convective and absolute instabilities on the formation of drops formed from cylindrical liquid jets of glycerol/water issuing into still air were investigated. Medium-duration reduced gravity tests were conducted aboard NASA's KC-135 and compared to similar tests performed under normal gravity conditions to aid in understanding the drop formation process. In reduced gravity, the Rayleigh-Chandrasekhar Equation was found to accurately predict the transition between a region of absolute and convective instability as defined by a critical Weber number. Observations of the physics of the jet, its breakup, and subsequent drop dynamics under both gravity conditions and the effects of the two instabilities on these processes are presented. All the normal gravity liquid jets investigated, in regions of convective or absolute instability, were subject to significant stretching effects, which affected the subsequent drop and associated geometry and dynamics. These effects were not displayed in reduced gravity and, therefore, the liquid jets would form drops which took longer to form (reduction in drop frequency), larger in size, and more spherical (surface tension effects). Most observed changes, in regions of either absolute or convective instabilities, were due to a reduction in the buoyancy force and an increased importance of the surface tension force acting on the liquid contained in the jet or formed drop. Reduced gravity environments allow better investigations to be performed into the physics of liquid jets, subsequently formed drops, and the effects of instabilities on these systems. In reduced gravity, drops form up to three times more slowly and as a consequence are up to three times larger in volume in the theoretical absolute instability region than in the theoretical convective instability region. This difference was not seen in the corresponding normal gravity tests due to the masking effects of gravity. A drop is shown to be able to form and detach in a region of absolute instability, and spanning the critical Weber number (from a region of convective to absolute instability) resulted in a marked change in dynamics and geometry of the liquid jet and detaching drops. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.
We search for evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model in the production of final states with multiple high transverse momentum jets, using 20.3 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector at s√ = 8 TeV. No excess of events beyond Standard Model expectations is observed, and upper limits on the visible cross-section for non-Standard Model production of multi-jet final states are set. Using a wide variety of models for black hole and string ball production and decay, the limit on the cross-section times acceptance is as low as 0.16 fb at the 95% CL for a minimum scalar sum of jet transverse momentum in the event of about 4.3 TeV. Using models for black hole and string ball production and decay, exclusion contours are determined as a function of the production mass threshold and the gravity scale. These limits can be interpreted in terms of lower-mass limits on black hole and string ball production that range from 4.6 to 6.2 TeV.
CONTEXT: A passive knee-extension test has been shown to be a reliable method of assessing hamstring tightness, but this method does not take into account the potential effect of gravity on the tested leg. OBJECTIVE: To compare an original passive knee-extension test with 2 adapted methods including gravity's effect on the lower leg. DESIGN: Repeated measures. SETTING: Laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: 20 young track and field athletes (16.6 ± 1.6 y, 177.6 ± 9.2 cm, 75.9 ± 24.8 kg). INTERVENTION: Each subject was tested in a randomized order with 3 different methods: In the original one (M1), passive knee angle was measured with a standard force of 68.7 N (7 kg) applied proximal to the lateral malleolus. The second (M2) and third (M3) methods took into account the relative lower-leg weight (measured respectively by handheld dynamometer and anthropometrical table) to individualize the force applied to assess passive knee angle. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Passive knee angles measured with video-analysis software. RESULTS: No difference in mean individualized applied force was found between M2 and M3, so the authors assessed passive knee angle only with M2. The mean knee angle was different between M1 and M2 (68.8 ± 12.4 vs 73.1 ± 10.6, P < .001). Knee angles in M1 and M2 were correlated (r = .93, P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Differences in knee angle were found between the original passive knee-extension test and a method with gravity correction. M2 is an improved version of the original method (M1) since it minimizes the effect of gravity. Therefore, we recommend using it rather than M1.
In this paper, aggregate migration patterns during fluid concrete castings are studied through experiments, dimensionless approach and numerical modeling. The experimental results obtained on two beams show that gravity induced migration is primarily affecting the coarsest aggregates resulting in a decrease of coarse aggregates volume fraction with the horizontal distance from the pouring point and in a puzzling vertical multi-layer structure. The origin of this multi layer structure is discussed and analyzed with the help of numerical simulations of free surface flow. Our results suggest that it finds its origin in the non Newtonian nature of fresh concrete and that increasing casting rate shall decrease the magnitude of gravity induced particle migration. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.