998 resultados para External Senses


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Dans la question 10 du livre II de son commentaire au traité De l’âme d’Aristote, Nicole Oresme soulève la question suivante : est-ce que le sens se trompe relativement à son objet propre? S’attaquant à la problématique de l’illusion sensible, il soutient qu’il y a effectivement place pour l’erreur dans la connaissance sensible puisque les facultés sensitives de l’âme ont la capacité de former des jugements. Influencé par le modèle perspectiviste de la vision, Oresme met l’accent sur le rôle des sens internes, plutôt que les sens externes, dans la perception. Ce mémoire de maîtrise a pour but d’élucider les notions de « concept » (conceptus), « jugement » (iudicium) et « discours » (discursus) telles qu’Oresme les emploie dans le deuxième livre de ses Quaestiones De anima et est accompagné d’une traduction des questions I.4, II.8-15 et II.21 des Quaestiones De anima.


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La conocida tesis de Tomás de Aquino de que el ver «es el más elevado de todos [los sentidos]» (De anima, c13) está detrás de la metáfora de la vista como expresión del conocer y de la afirmación de que este sentido es el más inmaterial (y más próximo a lo espiritual) de todos los sentidos externos. Esta noción de ‘ver’ (y de ‘sentir’) presentaba dos elementos constitutivos de todo sentido: lo que tenía como inmutación o impresión (contacto con la realidad) y su carácter formal (aprehensor de la forma sensible). Lograr una posición unitaria que integre tanto el elemento impresivo (dador de realidad) como aprehensivo o cognoscitivo ha sido también el intento de posturas filosóficas contemporáneas (como la de Zubiri) respondiendo a posiciones insuficientes que o bien han primado el elemento de inmediatez, o han señalado el sentir como mero dador de contenido a la inteligencia. Así, este autor revisa las formas de interpretar el sentido, señalando la primariedad del sentido del tacto y la fundamentalidad de éste para la comprensión del verdadero estatuto del sentir humano, poniendo de nuevo en actualidad la reflexión del Aquinate sobre el sentir, indicando a su vez la diferencia de planteamientos de ambos autores.


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Este trabajo se enfoca en la doctrina que Tomás de Aquino establece con respecto al sentido del gusto, estructurándose en tres partes. En primer lugar, se discute la ubicación que el autor otorga al gusto dentro del esquema de los cinco sentidos externos a partir de algunos aportes contemporáneos. Luego, se expone la relación que establece el Aquinate entre el gusto y sus objeto propio, el sabor, con todas las implicancias de orden biológico y antropológico que conlleva. Finalmente, se trata la valencia moral del sentido del gusto a partir de uno de los vicios capitales que se engendra en él, la gula, y la originalidad que Tomás aporta a esta discusión con respecto a la doctrina cristiana anterior.


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Durante la primera mitad del siglo XII cobró vigencia en Chartres una escuela de pensamiento filosófico-teológico caracterizada, en buena medida, por el afán de explicación del Génesis mediante el Comentario de Calcidio al Timeo de Platón. La Cosmografía de Bernardo Silvestre, dedicada a Teodorico de Chartres, permanece en las proximidades del interés cientificista y argumentativo propio de esta escuela, pero está formulada en términos literarios, en parte en prosa y en parte en verso. Dividida en dos grandes secciones: ‘Macrocosmos’ y ‘Microcosmos’, se cierra con la descripción de la naturaleza humana y su funcionamiento operativo en los procesos vitales y gnoseológicos. Los sentidos de que goza el hombre, asentados en la cabeza, son considerados instrumentos al servicio del intelecto que juzga. Ellos provienen de una única fuente pero desarrollan de diversas maneras sus operaciones. Si faltaran, no habría ni enseñanza de las letras ni sabiduría.


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In this article, I deal with airs and sounds and scents, while keeping an eye on the law. My field of enquiry is the interstitial area between sensory and affective occurrences, namely sensory experiences that are traditionally thought to be a causal result of external stimuli, and affective experiences that are mostly associated with emotional changes and generally allude to something internal. I am arguing that there is no constructive difference between internal and external origin of occurrences. In its stead, I suggest the concept of atmosphere, namely an attempt at understanding affective occurrences as excessive, collective, spatial and elemental. However, it quickly becomes apparent that an atmosphere is legally determined. The law controls affective occurrences by regulating property of sensory stimulation. At the same time, the law guides bodies into corridors of sensory compulsion – an aspect of which is consumerism in capitalist societies. The law achieves this by allowing certain sensory options to come forth while suppressing others, something which is particularly obvious in cases of intellectual property protection that capture the sensorial. I deal with the law in its material, spatial manifestation and in particular through what I have called the ‘lawscape’, namely the fusion of space and normativity. I employ a broadly Deleuzian methodology with insights from radical geography, affective studies, and urban and critical legal theory in order to develop and link the various parts of the text.


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Objective: To assess extent of coder agreement for external causes of injury using ICD-10-AM for injury-related hospitalisations in Australian public hospitals. Methods: A random sample of 4850 discharges from 2002 to 2004 was obtained from a stratified random sample of 50 hospitals across four states in Australia. On-site medical record reviews were conducted and external cause codes were assigned blinded to the original coded data. Code agreement levels were grouped into the following agreement categories: block level, 3-character level, 4-character level, 5th-character level, and complete code level. Results: At a broad block level, code agreement was found in over 90% of cases for most mechanisms (eg, transport, fall). Percentage disagreement was 26.0% at the 3-character level; agreement for the complete external cause code was 67.6%. For activity codes, the percentage of disagreement at the 3-character level was 7.3% and agreement for the complete activity code was 68.0%. For place of occurrence codes, the percentage of disagreement at the 4-character level was 22.0%; agreement for the complete place code was 75.4%. Conclusions: With 68% agreement for complete codes and 74% agreement for 3-character codes, as well as variability in agreement levels across different code blocks, place and activity codes, researchers need to be aware of the reliability of their specific data of interest when they wish to undertake trend analyses or case selection for specific causes of interest.


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Iconic and significant buildings are the common target of bombings by terrorists causing large numbers of casualties and extensive property damage. Recent incidents were external bomb attacks on multi-storey buildings with reinforced concrete frames. Under a blast load circumstance, crucial damage initiates at low level storeys in a building and may then lead to a progressive collapse of whole or part of the structure. It is therefore important to identify the critical initial influence regions along the height, width and depth of the building exposed to blast effects and the structure response in order to assess the vulnerability of the structure to disproportionate and progressive collapse. This paper discusses the blast response and the propagation of its effects on a two dimensional reinforced concrete (RC) frame, designed to withstand normal gravity loads. The explicit finite element code, LS DYNA is used for the analysis. A complete RC portal frame seven storeys by six bays is modelled with reinforcement details and appropriate materials to simulate strain rate effects. Explosion loads derived from standard manuals are applied as idealized triangular pressures on the column faces of the numerical models. The analysis reports the influence of blast propagation as displacements and material yielding of the structural elements in the RC frame. The effected regions are identified and classified according to the load cases. This information can be used to determine the vulnerability of multi-storey RC buildings to various external explosion scenarios and designing buildings to resist blast loads.


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The role of internal marketing in developing organisational competencies is identified as a key area for continued research (Rafiq and Ahmed, 2003). One competence of particular interest to marketers is market orientation. This paper examines the impact of internal marketing, operationalised as a set of internal market orientated behaviours (IMO) on market orientation (MO), and consequently organisational performance, and provides the first quantitative evidence to support the long held assumption that internal marketing has an impact on marketing success. Data from UK retail managers were analysed using structural equations modelling employing LISREL software. These data indicate significant relationships between internal market orientation, employee motivation and external marketing success (market orientation, financial performance and customer satisfaction). Our results also support previous findings indicating a positive impact of external market orientation on customer satisfaction and financial performance. For marketing practitioners, the role of internal market orientation is developing marketing strategies is discussed.


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The research on project learning has recognised the significance of knowledge transfer in project based organisations (PBOs). Effective knowledge transfer across projects avoids reinventions, enhances knowledge creation and saves lots of time that is crucial in project environment. In order to facilitate knowledge transfer, many PBOs have invested lots of financial and human resources to implement IT-based knowledge repository. However, some empirical studies found that employees would rather turn for knowledge to colleagues despite their ready access to IT-based knowledge repository. Therefore, it is apparent that social networks play a pivotal role in the knowledge transfer across projects. Some scholars attempt to explore the effect of network structure on knowledge transfer and performance, however, focused only on egocentric networks and the groups’ internal social networks. It has been found that the project’s external social network is also critical, in that the team members can not handle critical situations and accomplish the projects on time without the assistance and knowledge from external sources. To date, the influence of the structure of a project team’s internal and external social networks on project performance, and the interrelation between both networks are barely known. In order to obtain such knowledge, this paper explores the interrelation between the structure of a project team’s internal and external social networks, and their effect on the project team’s performance. Data is gathered through survey questionnaire distributed online to respondents. Collected data is analysed applying social network analysis (SNA) tools and SPSS. The theoretical contribution of this paper is the knowledge of the interrelation between the structure of a project team’s internal and external social networks and their influence on the project team’s performance. The practical contribution lies in the guideline to be proposed for constructing the structure of project team’s internal and external social networks.


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Purpose: In the present work we consider our (in progress) spectroscopy study of zinc and iron phosphates under the influence external high pressure to determine zinc ion change coordination from tetrahedral to octahedral (or hexahedral) structure.----- Design/methodology/approach: The standard equipment is the optical high pressure cell with diamond (DAC). The DAC is assembled and then vibrational or electronic spectra are collected by mounting the cell in an infrared, Raman, EXAFS or UV-visible spectrometer.----- Findings: Mechanism by which zinc and iron methaphosphate material is transformed to glassy meta-phosphate is enhancing mechanical properties of tribofilm. The two decades of intensive study demonstrates that Zn (II) and Fe (III) ions participate to cross-link network under friction, hardening the phosphate.----- Research limitations/implications: Transition metal atoms with d orbital have flexible coordination numbers, for example zinc acts as a cross-linking agent increasing hardness, by changing coordination from tetrahedral to octahedral. Perhaps the external pressure effect on the [Zn–(O-P-)4 ] complex causes a transformation to an [Zn –(O-P-)6] grouping.----- Originality/value: This paper analyses high-pressure spectroscopy which has been applied for the investigation of 3D transition metal ions in solids. When studying pressure effects on coordination compounds structure, we can expect changes in ground electronic state (spin-crossovers), electronic spectra due to structural distortions (piezochromism), and changes in the ligand field causing shifts in the electronic transitions.


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Multi-storey buildings are highly vulnerable to terrorist bombing attacks in various parts of the world. Large numbers of casualties and extensive property damage result not only from blast overpressure, but also from the failing of structural components. Understanding the blast response and damage consequences of reinforced concrete (RC) building frames is therefore important when assessing multi-storey buildings designed to resist normal gravity loads. However, limited research has been conducted to identify the blast response and damage of RC frames in order to assess the vulnerability of entire buildings. This paper discusses the blast response and evaluation of damage of three-dimension (3D) RC rigid frame under potential blast loads scenarios. The explicit finite element modelling and analysis under time history blast pressure loads were carried out by LS DYNA code. Complete 3D RC frame was developed with relevant reinforcement details and material models with strain rate effect. Idealised triangular blast pressures calculated from standard manuals are applied on the front face of the model in the present investigation. The analysis results show the blast response, as displacements and material yielding of the structural elements in the RC frame. The level of damage is evaluated and classified according to the selected load case scenarios. Residual load carrying capacities are evaluated and level of damage was presented by the defined damage indices. This information is necessary to determine the vulnerability of existing multi-storey buildings with RC frames and to identify the level of damage under typical external explosion environments. It also provides basic guidance to the design of new buildings to resist blast loads.