992 resultados para Exposure history
Sertraline is widely prescribed worldwide and frequently detected in aquatic systems. There is, however, a remarkable gap of information on its potential impact on estuarine and coastal invertebrates. This study investigated sertraline accumulation and effects in Carcinus maenas. Crabs from a moderately contaminated (Lima) and a low-impacted (Minho) estuary were exposed to environmental and high levels of sertraline (0.05, 5, 500 μg L−1). A battery of biomarkers related to sertraline mode of action was employed to assess neurotransmission, energy metabolism, biotransformation and oxidative stress pathways. After a seven-day exposure, sertraline accumulation in crabs’ soft tissues was found in Lima (5 μg L−1: 15.3 ng L−1 ww; 500 μg L−1: 1010 ng L−1 ww) and Minho (500 μg L−1: 605 ng L−1 ww) animals. Lima crabs were also more sensitive to sertraline than those from Minho, exhibiting decreased acetylcholinesterase activity, indicative of ventilatory and locomotory dysfunction, inhibition of anti-oxidant enzymes and increased oxidative damage at ≥0.05 μg L−1. The Integrated Biomarker Response (IBR) index indicated their low health status. In addition, Minho crabs showed non-monotonic responses of acetylcholinesterase suggestive of hormesis. The results pointed an influence of the exposure history on differential sensitivity to sertraline and the need to perform evaluations with site-specific ecological receptors to increase relevance of risk estimations when extrapolating from laboratory to field conditions.
Photovoltaic modules based on thin film technology are gaining importance in the photovoltaic market, and module installers and plant owners have increasingly begun to request methods of performing module quality control. These modules pose additional problems for measuring power under standard test conditions (STC), beyond problems caused by the temperature of the module and the ambient variables. The main difficulty is that the modules’ power rates may vary depending both on the amount of time they have been exposed to the sun during recent hours and on their history of sunlight exposure. In order to assess the current state of the module, it is necessary to know its sunlight exposure history. Thus, an easily accomplishable testing method that ensures the repeatability of the measurements of the power generated is needed. This paper examines different tests performed on commercial thin film PV modules of CIS, a-Si and CdTe technologies in order to find the best way to obtain measurements. A method for obtaining indoor measurements of these technologies that takes into account periods of sunlight exposure is proposed. Special attention is paid to CdTe as a fast growing technology in the market.
In natural settings the same sound source is often heard repeatedly, with variations in spectro-temporal and spatial characteristics. We investigated how such repetitions influence sound representations and in particular how auditory cortices keep track of recently vs. often heard objects. A set of 40 environmental sounds was presented twice, i.e. as prime and as repeat, while subjects categorized the corresponding sound sources as living vs. non-living. Electrical neuroimaging analyses were applied to auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) comparing primes vs. repeats (effect of presentation) and the four experimental sections. Dynamic analysis of distributed source estimations revealed i) a significant main effect of presentation within the left temporal convexity at 164-215ms post-stimulus onset; and ii) a significant main effect of section in the right temporo-parietal junction at 166-213ms. A 3-way repeated measures ANOVA (hemisphere×presentation×section) applied to neural activity of the above clusters during the common time window confirmed the specificity of the left hemisphere for the effect of presentation, but not that of the right hemisphere for the effect of section. In conclusion, spatio-temporal dynamics of neural activity encode the temporal history of exposure to sound objects. Rapidly occurring plastic changes within the semantic representations of the left hemisphere keep track of objects heard a few seconds before, independent of the more general sound exposure history. Progressively occurring and more long-lasting plastic changes occurring predominantly within right hemispheric networks, which are known to code for perceptual, semantic and spatial aspects of sound objects, keep track of multiple exposures.
Abstract Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is a diffuse interstitial and granulomatous lung disease caused by the inhalation of any one of a number of antigens. The objective of this study was to illustrate the spectrum of abnormalities in high-resolution computed tomography and histopathological findings related to hypersensitivity pneumonitis. We retrospectively evaluated patients who had been diagnosed with hypersensitivity pneumonitis (on the basis of clinical-radiological or clinical-radiological-pathological correlations) and had undergone lung biopsy. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is clinically divided into acute, subacute, and chronic forms; high-resolution computed tomography findings correlate with the time of exposure; and the two occasionally overlap. In the subacute form, centrilobular micronodules, ground-glass opacities, and air trapping are characteristic high-resolution computed tomography findings, whereas histopathology shows lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrates, bronchiolitis, variable degrees of organizing pneumonia, and giant cells. In the chronic form, high-resolution computed tomography shows traction bronchiectasis, honeycombing, and lung fibrosis, the last also being seen in the biopsy sample. A definitive diagnosis of hypersensitivity pneumonitis can be made only through a multidisciplinary approach, by correlating clinical findings, exposure history, high-resolution computed tomography findings, and lung biopsy findings.
Per tal d’avaluar l’impacte de la contaminació en els ecosistemes aquàtics, aquesta tesi es centra en una aproximació multi-biomarcador en els biofilms. En complement dels biomarcadors clàssics, es va demostrar que les activitats dels enzims antioxidants (AEA): catalasa, ascorbat peroxidasa i glutatió reductasa eren biomarcardors d'estrès oxidatiu en els biofilms. Tot i que les AEA poden veure's influenciades amb la mateixa mesura per factors naturals (edat del biofilm, llum de colonització o d'exposició) i contaminants (herbicides i farmacèutics), aquestes AEA permeten entendre millor l'efecte dels contaminants. Cal remarcar que assajos de toxicitat aguda es poden utilitzar per comparar la capacitat antioxidant entre comunitats i conèixer la seva pre-exposició a l'estrès oxidatiu. Aquesta aproximació multi-biomarcador a nivell de comunitat és especialment interessant per avaluar la toxicitat dels contaminants emergents (β-blockers) sobre espècies no-diana. Per tal de millorar-la, també es va verificar la possibilitat de mesurar l'expressió gènica en biofilms.
Buscou-se junto a um grupo de risco para o câncer de pele seu o perfil demográfico e analisou-se o uso de medidas preventivas utilizadas pelos mesmos e pela empresa. Estudo quantitativo com 33 carteiros da Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos em Botucatu, Brasil. Dados obtidos por meio de um formulário que investigava perfil demográfico, tempo de trabalho na empresa, horário de exposição ao sol, história de queimaduras solares, história de câncer na família e formas de prevenção do câncer de pele utilizadas. Na análise dos dados, utilizou-se estatística descritiva segundo Teste Exato de Fisher ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados mostraram que a faixa etária predominante foi de 26 a 30 e de 31 a 35 anos, correspondendo a 42,42% da amostra, a cor da pele foi à branca com 93,94% e 81,82% trabalham há mais de cinco anos na empresa. O hábito de usar filtro solar foi encontrado em 63,63% dos entrevistados, sendo a não aderência a este justificada em 75% por falta de costume. em relação aos equipamentos protetores do sol a empresa fornece para 100% deles. Os achados permitem a caracterização da população estudada, identificada como de risco para o câncer de pele, propiciando a profilaxia através de ações em saúde, visando à sensibilização dos mesmos para com as medidas preventivas que podem ser adotadas.
Development of methods for rapid screening and stratification of subjects after exposure is an integral part of countermeasures against radiation. The potential demographic and exposure history-related heterogeneity of exposed populations warrants robust biomarkers that withstand and reflect such differences. In this study, the effect of aging and repeated exposure on the metabolic response to sublethal irradiation was examined in mice using UPLC-ESI-QTOF mass spectrometry. Aging attenuated postexposure elevation in excretions of DNA damage biomarkers as well as N(1)-acetylspermidine. Although N(1)-acetylspermidine and 2'-deoxyuridine elevation was highly correlated in all age groups, xanthine and N(1)-acetylspermidine elevation was poorly correlated in older mice. These results may reflect the established decline in DNA damage-repair efficiency associated with aging and indicate a novel role for polyamine metabolism in the process. Although repeated irradiation at long intervals did not affect the elevation of N(1)-acetylspermidine, 2'-deoxyuridine, and xanthine, it did significantly attenuate the elevation of 2'-deoxycytidine and thymidine compared to a single exposure. However, these biomarkers were found to identify exposed subjects with accuracy ranging from 82% (xanthosine) to 98% (2'-deoxyuridine), irrespective of their age and exposure history. This indicates that metabolic biomarkers can act as robust noninvasive signatures of sublethal radiation exposure.
While it is well known that exposure to radiation can result in cataract formation, questions still remain about the presence of a dose threshold in radiation cataractogenesis. Since the exposure history from diagnostic CT exams is well documented in a patient’s medical record, the population of patients chronically exposed to radiation from head CT exams may be an interesting area to explore for further research in this area. However, there are some challenges in estimating lens dose from head CT exams. An accurate lens dosimetry model would have to account for differences in imaging protocols, differences in head size, and the use of any dose reduction methods.
The overall objective of this dissertation was to develop a comprehensive method to estimate radiation dose to the lens of the eye for patients receiving CT scans of the head. This research is comprised of a physics component, in which a lens dosimetry model was derived for head CT, and a clinical component, which involved the application of that dosimetry model to patient data.
The physics component includes experiments related to the physical measurement of the radiation dose to the lens by various types of dosimeters placed within anthropomorphic phantoms. These dosimeters include high-sensitivity MOSFETs, TLDs, and radiochromic film. The six anthropomorphic phantoms used in these experiments range in age from newborn to adult.
First, the lens dose from five clinically relevant head CT protocols was measured in the anthropomorphic phantoms with MOSFET dosimeters on two state-of-the-art CT scanners. The volume CT dose index (CTDIvol), which is a standard CT output index, was compared to the measured lens doses. Phantom age-specific CTDIvol-to-lens dose conversion factors were derived using linear regression analysis. Since head size can vary among individuals of the same age, a method was derived to estimate the CTDIvol-to-lens dose conversion factor using the effective head diameter. These conversion factors were derived for each scanner individually, but also were derived with the combined data from the two scanners as a means to investigate the feasibility of a scanner-independent method. Using the scanner-independent method to derive the CTDIvol-to-lens dose conversion factor from the effective head diameter, most of the fitted lens dose values fell within 10-15% of the measured values from the phantom study, suggesting that this is a fairly accurate method of estimating lens dose from the CTDIvol with knowledge of the patient’s head size.
Second, the dose reduction potential of organ-based tube current modulation (OB-TCM) and its effect on the CTDIvol-to-lens dose estimation method was investigated. The lens dose was measured with MOSFET dosimeters placed within the same six anthropomorphic phantoms. The phantoms were scanned with the five clinical head CT protocols with OB-TCM enabled on the one scanner model at our institution equipped with this software. The average decrease in lens dose with OB-TCM ranged from 13.5 to 26.0%. Using the size-specific method to derive the CTDIvol-to-lens dose conversion factor from the effective head diameter for protocols with OB-TCM, the majority of the fitted lens dose values fell within 15-18% of the measured values from the phantom study.
Third, the effect of gantry angulation on lens dose was investigated by measuring the lens dose with TLDs placed within the six anthropomorphic phantoms. The 2-dimensional spatial distribution of dose within the areas of the phantoms containing the orbit was measured with radiochromic film. A method was derived to determine the CTDIvol-to-lens dose conversion factor based upon distance from the primary beam scan range to the lens. The average dose to the lens region decreased substantially for almost all the phantoms (ranging from 67 to 92%) when the orbit was exposed to scattered radiation compared to the primary beam. The effectiveness of this method to reduce lens dose is highly dependent upon the shape and size of the head, which influences whether or not the angled scan range coverage can include the entire brain volume and still avoid the orbit.
The clinical component of this dissertation involved performing retrospective patient studies in the pediatric and adult populations, and reconstructing the lens doses from head CT examinations with the methods derived in the physics component. The cumulative lens doses in the patients selected for the retrospective study ranged from 40 to 1020 mGy in the pediatric group, and 53 to 2900 mGy in the adult group.
This dissertation represents a comprehensive approach to lens of the eye dosimetry in CT imaging of the head. The collected data and derived formulas can be used in future studies on radiation-induced cataracts from repeated CT imaging of the head. Additionally, it can be used in the areas of personalized patient dose management, and protocol optimization and clinician training.