902 resultados para Experimentación animal


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No mundo, milhões de animais vertebrados são utilizados, por ano, em pesquisas científicas. Embora vários países possuam, há décadas, uma legislação para regulamentar a experimentação animal, no Brasil havia uma lacuna legal. Nesse contexto, traçou-se um panorama histórico e comparativo da situação normativa brasileira. A referência utilizada foi a Lei 11.794/08, primeira legislação a especificamente regulamentar a experimentação animal. A lei determinou a adoção de práticas de pesquisa que prezem pelo bem-estar animal, pela redução do sofrimento e do número de espécimes utilizados, alinhando-se ao conceito dos “3Rs”. Os efeitos da nova normatização só serão observados em alguns anos, quando todo o sistema regulatório for implantado e os dados estatísticos gerados estiverem disponíveis para análise. Ainda assim, percebe-se que a Lei 11.794/08 representa significativo avanço em face da incorporação de princípios norteadores que visam ao bem-estar animal e ao vácuo legislativo anteriormente existente. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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The control and elimination of prionic infective agents that may be present in the effluents, turns out to be a complicated mechanism inside a High Containment bological Facility. There are two ways to carry out this neutralization: Installation of thermal systems to ensure achieve a minimum temperature of 134 ° C sterilization plateau for a residence time of 18 minutes, and the use of chemical reactors based on the addition of sodium hypochlorite so the mixture maintained 2% of free chlorine during the reaction period. This study presents the design phases, elements and benefits, of a chemical reactor that allows the treatment of prion effluents in order to serve as a model to biocontainment facilities with areas of animal experimentation, who want to develop their work with prions.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Ainda não está bem estabelecida a concentração de lidocaína que é potencialmente capaz de determinar lesão no tecido nervoso. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar os efeitos sobre a medula espinhal e as meninges, de concentrações crescentes de lidocaína administrada por via subaracnóidea, em injeção única através de agulha de Quincke. MÉTODO: Após a aprovação da Comissão de Ética em Experimentação Animal, 40 cães adultos foram anestesiados com fentanil e etomidato e submetidos a punção subaracnóidea com agulha de Quincke 22G 21/2 para introdução de 1 mL, em 10 segundos, de solução glicosada a 7,5% - Grupo 1; lidocaína a 5% em solução glicosada a 7,5% - Grupo 2; lidocaína a 7,5% em solução glicosada a 7,5% - Grupo 3; lidocaína a 10% em solução glicosada a 7,5% - Grupo 4. Após a recuperação da anestesia venosa, foram observados, no período em que os animais estavam em vigência do bloqueio subaracnóideo, a presença de bloqueio motor, o tônus do esfíncter anal (normal ou relaxado) e o nível de bloqueio sensitivo nos diferentes dermátomos das regiões cervical, torácica, lombar e sacral. Os animais permaneceram em cativeiro por 72 horas. Foram avaliados o tônus do esfíncter anal, a motricidade das patas posteriores, a sensibilidade dolorosa nas patas anteriores e posteriores e nos dermátomos sacrais, lombares e torácicos. Após serem sacrificados por eletrocussão sob anestesia, foram retiradas porções lombar e sacral da medula espinhal e das meninges para exame histológico por microscopia óptica. RESULTADOS: Nenhum animal dos Grupos 1 e 2 apresentou lesões clínicas ou histológicas. Três animais do Grupo 3 apresentaram alterações motoras nas patas posteriores e relaxamento do esfíncter anal. Nestes, foram observados focos de necrose na região posterior (dois cães) e necrose em faixa em toda a superfície medular (um cão). em um outro animal deste grupo, no qual foram notados focos de necrose, em área inferior a 5% do campo histológico não foram encontradas alterações clínicas. Sete animais do Grupo 4 apresentaram alterações clínicas (paralisia ou diminuição de força muscular nas patas posteriores, relaxamento do esfíncter anal) e histológicas (necrose na faixa da superfície medular ou focos de necrose de tecido nervoso). CONCLUSÕES: Neste estudo, a lidocaína em concentrações superiores a 7,5%, em injeção única, administrada no espaço subaracnóideo por meio de agulha de Quincke, determinou alterações histológicas sobre a medula espinhal, mas não sobre as meninges.


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Animal models are an important tool in scientific research. It is known that this practice must be based on bioethical principles in order to impose limits about pain and suffering, or for inspecting proceedings and research site. This study has as aim to evaluate and present current legislation ruling animal research in Brazil, comparing it with other countries, as well as fostering bioethical reflection about this issue. For this, we present current Brazilian legislation and we have carried out international literature review and discussion. The articles were searched in PubMed data base, using the key words "bioethics" and "animal welfare". Nineteen articles from 1997 to 2013 were included. It was concluded the evident contribution of animal research for scientific research in several fields. It is morally relevant for humans, as rational beings, to secure humane treatment to animals contributing to research. The safest way to follow this path is establishing clear norms and studies well designed, involving society for assigning ethical norms. Thus, animal welfare would be guarantee.


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A sepse associada à falência de múltiplos órgãos como a lesão renal aguda (LRA) demonstra alta taxa de mortalidade no paciente crítico. Este estudo investigou a LRA induzida pela sepse em modelo experimental. Foram utilizados ratos da raça Wistar, adultos e machos divididos nos seguintes grupos: Controle - controle cirúrgico e Sepse - indução da sepse pela ligadura e punção do cécon (LPC). Foram avaliados os parâmetros fisiológicos (temperatura retal, pressão arterial média - PAM, glicemia sérica e fluxo urinário); a função renal (clearance de creatinina); o estresse oxidativo (peróxidos urinários e substâncias reativas com ácido tiobarbitúrico - TBARS) e realizada a análise histológica renal. O estudo conclui que a LRA induzida pela sepse caracteriza-se por lesão endotelial com disfunção hemodinâmica, liberação de mediadores inflamatórios e geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) por células tubulares, caracterizando-se como uma associação de vasoconstrição renal de origem hemodinâmica e inflamatória.


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La nefropatía obstructiva puede ser un desorden renal complejo de tratar debido al severo cuadro inflamatorio, desbalance oxidativo, apoptosis y fibrosis. Estudios previos sostienen que rosuvastatina (Ros) podría tener utilidad como una opción terapéutica en enfermedades renales que cursarían con apoptosis y fibrosis. Objetivo: Evaluar los posibles efectos antiapoptóticos y antifibróticos de Ros durante la obstrucción ureteral unilateral en ratas neonatas. Materiales y Métodos: Ratas Wistar neonatas de 48 hs. de vida fueron intervenidas quirúrgicamente (grupo experimental) o no (grupo control). Ambos grupos fueron subdivididos en tratadas o no tratadas con Ros (10mg / kg por día) vía oral durante 14 días. Posteriormente se procedió a nefrectomizar y procesar las cortezas renales para determinar por RT-PCR las expresiones de genes: óxido nítrico sintasa inducible (iNOS), factor promotor génico de chaperonas (hsf1), proteína de shock térmico (hsp70), bax, bcL2, wt1, p53, snail, proteína morfogénica del hueso (bmp7), caderina E, factor transformador de crecimiento (tgf-β) y factor de necrosis tumoral (tnf-α). Resultados: La obstrucción ureteral unilateral neonatal indujo una marcada fibrosis y apoptosis, mientras que el tratamiento con Ros moduló el patrón de genes fibróticos y apoptóticos mediante disminución de la expresión de bmp7, caderina E, wt1, p53 y bcl2; además indujo una caída en la expresión de los genes profibróticos y proapoptóticos (bax, tnf-α y tgf-β). El análisis de los resultados presentados, permiten sugerir que la protección renal de rosuvastatina durante nefropatía obstructiva de ratas neonatas estaría asociado a la interacción entre hsp70 y la biodisponibilidad del óxido nítrico con el concomitante descenso en genes pro-apoptóticos.


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Utilizar medios audiovisuales como recurso didáctico para facilitar a los alumnos un acercamiento práctico al estudio de la Biología Animal. Utilizar el ordenador, que permite una participación activa por parte de los alumnos en su proceso de aprendizaje, y sistemas de vídeo. Centrar el estudio en los procesos fisiológicos relacionados con la excitabilidad (células nerviosas y músculos) y con la ingestión de alimento. Elaboración de programas de simulación por ordenador de estos fenómenos fisiológicos. Realización de dos prácticas de laboratorio para el estudio de estos fenómenos, mediante la experimentación con animales vivos (para nivel universitario de Veterinaria y Biología). Previamente a su realización, se da información teórico-demostrativa sobre el manejo de ordenadores y programas de gestión de datos, así como de métodos informáticos de simulación de sistemas biológicos (con distintos niveles de complejidad según los alumnos). Grabación en vídeo de la realización de estas prácticas. Evaluación, mediante cuestionarios, del grado de aceptación de estas actividades por parte de los alumnos. Programas de simulación por ordenador, prácticas de laboratorio, quimógrafo, unidad de respiración asistida, jaula metabólica para roedores, balanza electrónica conectable a ordenador, ordenador personal IBM PC compatible, cámara de vídeo y accesorios. Dos programas de simulación por ordenador para utilizar en la realización de estas prácticas: simulación de potenciales de acción y registro automático de la ingestión de alimento, programados ambos en Basic. Dos programas de vídeo sobre la realización de estas prácticas, para utilizar en Enseñanza Media, donde las posibilidades para disponer de animales de experimentación son reducidas: regulación cardiovascular, factores nerviosos y humorales y pautas de ingestión. Grado de aceptación extraordinariamente elevado por parte de los alumnos de las actividades realizadas, que hace aconsejable esta metodología para otras disciplinas. Desde el curso 1991-92 se han incorporado al programa de actividades prácticas de Fisiología Animal en las Facultades de Biología y Veterinaria de la Universidad de León.


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A bioactive and bioresorbable scaffold fabricated from medical grade poly (epsilon-caprolactone) and incorporating 20% beta-tricalcium phosphate (mPCL–TCP) was recently developed for bone regeneration at load bearing sites. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate bone ingrowth into mPCL–TCP in a large animal model of lumbar interbody fusion. Six pigs underwent a 2-level (L3/4; L5/6) anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) implanted with mPCL–TCP þ 0.6 mg rhBMP-2 as treatment group while four other pigs implanted with autogenous bone graft served as control. Computed tomographic scanning and histology revealed complete defect bridging in all (100%) specimen from the treatment group as early as 3 months. Histological evidence of continuing bone remodeling and maturation was observed at 6 months. In the control group, only partial bridging was observed at 3 months and only 50% of segments in this group showed complete defect bridging at 6 months. Furthermore, 25% of segments in the control group showed evidence of graft fracture, resorption and pseudoarthrosis. In contrast, no evidence of graft fractures, pseudoarthrosis or foreign body reaction was observed in the treatment group. These results reveal that mPCL–TCP scaffolds could act as bone graft substitutes by providing a suitable environment for bone regeneration in a dynamic load bearing setting such as in a porcine model of interbody spine fusion.


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Conventional clinical therapies are unable to resolve osteochondral defects adequately, hence tissue engineering solutions are sought to address the challenge. A biphasic implant which was seeded with Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) and coupled with an electrospun membrane was evaluated as an alternative. This dual phase construct comprised of a Polycaprolactone (PCL) cartilage scaffold and a Polycaprolactone - Tri Calcium Phosphate (PCL - TCP) osseous matrix. Autologous MSC was seeded into the entire implant via fibrin and the construct was inserted into critically sized osteochondral defects located at the medial condyle and patellar groove of pigs. The defect was resurfaced with a PCL - collagen electrospun mesh that served as a substitute for periosteal flap in preventing cell leakage. Controls either without implanted MSC or resurfacing membrane were included. After 6 months, cartilaginous repair was observed with a low occurrence of fibrocartilage at the medial condyle. Osteochondral repair was promoted and host cartilage degeneration was arrested as shown by the superior Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) maintenance. This positive morphological outcome was supported by a higher relative Young's modulus which indicated functional cartilage restoration. Bone in growth and remodeling occurred in all groups with a higher degree of mineralization in the experimental group. Tissue repair was compromised in the absence of the implanted cells or the resurfacing membrane. Moreover healing was inferior at the patellar groove as compared to the medial condyle and this was attributed to the native biomechanical features.


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Remote monitoring of animal behaviour in the environment can assist in managing both the animal and its environmental impact. GPS collars which record animal locations with high temporal frequency allow researchers to monitor both animal behaviour and interactions with the environment. These ground-based sensors can be combined with remotely-sensed satellite images to understand animal-landscape interactions. The key to combining these technologies is communication methods such as wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We explore this concept using a case-study from an extensive cattle enterprise in northern Australia and demonstrate the potential for combining GPS collars and satellite images in a WSN to monitor behavioural preferences and social behaviour of cattle.


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Remote monitoring of animal behaviour in the environment can assist in managing both the animal and its environmental impact. GPS collars which record animal locations with high temporal frequency allow researchers to monitor both animal behaviour and interactions with the environment. These ground-based sensors can be combined with remotely-sensed satellite images to understand animal-landscape interactions. The key to combining these technologies is communication methods such as wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We explore this concept using a case-study from an extensive cattle enterprise in northern Australia and demonstrate the potential for combining GPS collars and satellite images in a WSN to monitor behavioural preferences and social behaviour of cattle.


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This paper investigates a mobile, wireless sensor/actuator network application for use in the cattle breeding industry. Our goal is to prevent fighting between bulls in on-farm breeding paddocks by autonomously applying appropriate stimuli when one bull approaches another bull. This is an important application because fighting between high-value animals such as bulls during breeding seasons causes significant financial loss to producers. Furthermore, there are significant challenges in this type of application because it requires dynamic animal state estimation, real-time actuation and efficient mobile wireless transmissions. We designed and implemented an animal state estimation algorithm based on a state-machine mechanism for each animal. Autonomous actuation is performed based on the estimated states of an animal relative to other animals. A simple, yet effective, wireless communication model has been proposed and implemented to achieve high delivery rates in mobile environments. We evaluated the performance of our design by both simulations and field experiments, which demonstrated the effectiveness of our autonomous animal control system.


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This paper presents research that is being conducted by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) with the aim of investigating the use of wireless sensor networks for automated livestock monitoring and control. It is difficult to achieve practical and reliable cattle monitoring with current conventional technologies due to challenges such as large grazing areas of cattle, long time periods of data sampling, and constantly varying physical environments. Wireless sensor networks bring a new level of possibilities into this area with the potential for greatly increased spatial and temporal resolution of measurement data. CSIRO has created a wireless sensor platform for animal behaviour monitoring where we are able to observe and collect information of animals without significantly interfering with them. Based on such monitoring information, we can identify each animal's behaviour and activities successfully


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Controlling free-ranging livestock requires low-stress cues to alter animal behaviour. Recently modulated sound and electric shock were demonstrated to be effective in controlling free-ranging cattle. In this study the behaviour of 60, 300 kg Belmont Red heifers were observed for behavioural changes when presented cues designed to impede their movement through an alley. The heifers were given an overnight drylot shrink off feed but not drinking water prior to being tested. Individual cattle were allowed to move down a 6.5 m wide alley towards a pen of peers and feed located 71 m from their point of release. Each animal was allowed to move through the alley unimpeded five times to establish a basal behavioural pattern. Animals were then randomly assigned to treatments consisting of sound plus shock, vibration plus shock, a visual cue plus shock, shock by itself and a control. The time each animal required to reach the pen of peers and feed was recorded. If the animal was prevented from reaching the pen of peers and feed by not penetrating through the cue barrier at set points along the alley for at least 60 sec the test was stopped and the animal was returned to peers located behind the release pen. Cues and shock were manually applied from a laptop while animals were observed from a 3.5 m tower located outside the alley. Electric shock, sound, vibration and Global Position System (GPS) hardware were housed in a neck collar. Results and implications will be discussed.