5 resultados para Exoplectra miniata
New record of predatory ladybird beetle (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) feeding on extrafloral nectaries
New record of predatory ladybird beetle (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) feeding on extrafloral nectaries. Feeding by Exoplectra miniata (Germar) on extrafloral nectaries of Inga edulis Mart. was observed in Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This is the first record of this behavior for Exoplectrini.
As espécies brasileiras de Exoplectra Chevrolat, 1844 são revisadas com base no estudo de caracteres morfológicos do exoesqueleto e genitália. Dentre as 37 espécies do gênero foram estudadas 14 brasileiras, incluindo as três propostas como novas. Foi examinado o material-tipo de nove espécies. São designados os lectótipos de E. angustifrons Weise, 1895, E. calcarata (Germar, 1824), E. coccinea (Fabricius, 1801) e E. miniata (Germar, 1824). Exoplectra companyoi Mulsant, 1850 é revalidada; E. aenea (Fabricius, 1801), E. bernardinensis Brèthes, 1925, E. impotens Mulsant, 1850, E. luteicornis Mulsant, 1850 e E. irregularis (Crotch, 1874) são provisoriamente removidas do gênero. São propostas duas novas espécies do Brasil: E. columba sp. nov., do Paraná e E. bimaculata sp. nov., do Amamzonas. É apresentada chave dicotômica para as espécies, fotos e desenhos das principais estruturas utilizadas para identificação.
This paper deals with Mimosicerya hempeli (Cock., 1899) (Homoptera, Margarodidae) and its predator, the ladybeetle Exo-plectra erythrogaster Muls., 1851 (Coleoptews, Coccinellidae), which were found to occur at Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brasil. The first is a pest of "cássia imperial" (Cassia fistula L.), and several other trees. As those insects are little known, a few bionomical notes and descriptions of some of their stages are presented. The adult scales proved to be very resistant to an application of mineral oil plus malathion. Methyl Demeton applied with irrigation water showed no control. The same insecticide injected into the trunk gave very poor results.
Il lavoro tratta della produzione miniata a Bologna sotto la signoria dei Bentivoglio, tra il quinto decennio del Quattrocento ed il secondo decennio del secolo successivo.
We studied the effect of Silicon (Si) on Casparian band (CB) development, chemical composition of the exodermal CB and Si deposition across the root in the Si accumulators rice and maize and the Si non-accumulator onion. Plants were cultivated in nutrient solution with and without Si supply. The CB development was determined in stained root cross-sections. The outer part of the roots containing the exodermis was isolated after enzymatic treatment. The exodermal suberin was transesterified with MeOH/BF3 and the chemical composition was measured using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) and flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) was used to determine the Si deposition across root cross sections. Si promoted CB formation in the roots of Si-accumulator and Si non-accumulator species. The exodermal suberin was decreased in rice and maize due to decreased amounts of aromatic suberin fractions. Si did not affect the concentration of lignin and lignin-like polymers in the outer part of rice, maize and onion roots. The highest Si depositions were found in the tissues containing CB. These data along with literature were used to suggest a mechanism how Si promotes the CB development by forming complexes with phenols.