6 resultados para Exocortis
Viroids, non-protein-coding small (246-401 nt) circular single-stranded RNAs with autonomous replication, are currently classified into two families. Within the family Pospiviroidae, Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) belongs to the genus Pospiviroid while Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) is the single member of the genus Hostuviroid. These pathogens are distributed worldwide and infect a large number of hosts. In Brazil, isolates of CEVd and HSVd have been detected in both citrus and grapevine. To characterize and study the genetic variability of these viroids, total RNA from leaves of grapevine Vitis vinifera 'Cabernet Sauvignon' and V. labrusca 'Niagara Rosada' from Bento Gonçalves, RS, was used as a template for RT-PCR amplification with specific primers for the five viroids described infecting grapevines [HSVd, CEVd, Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1 (GYSVd-1), Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 2 (GYSVd-2) and Australian grapevine viroid (AGVd)]. Leaf samples of Citrus medica infected with CEVd from São Paulo were also analyzed. The resulting products were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and DNA fragments of the expected size were eluted, cloned and sequenced. The grapevine samples analyzed were doubly infected by CEVd and HSVd. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the Brazilian grapevine HSVd variants clustered with other grapevine HSVd variants, forming a specific group separated from citrus variants, whereas the Brazilian CEVd variants clustered with other citrus and grapevine variants.
Viroids have been used as ""graft transmissible dwarfing agents"" (GTDA) in several countries, mainly to reduce growth of citrus trees, thus increasing their density in orchards. In the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, plants of the acid lime `Tahiti` are usually grafted with a complex of GTDA, presumably viroids. The aim of the present work was the identification and molecular characterization of the viroids infecting trees of acid lime `Tahiti` displaying ""Quebra galho"" (bark-cracking). Viroids were identified and characterized by biological indexing in `Etrog` citron, Northern-blot hybridization, RT-PCR, cloning and complete sequencing of the RNA genomes. Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd), Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) and Citrus dwarfing viroid (CDVd) were found in different combinations. Although we have not been able to infer a direct relationship between the agronomical performance and symptom severity with the presence of a specific viroid or viroid combination, the differences in the severity of ""Quebra-galho"" symptoms among different trees is probably associated with the presence (or absence) of CEVd, with its interaction with other viroids perhaps determining the different phenotypes observed in the field.
A microenxertia de ápices caulinares tem sido utilizada com 100% de sucesso na eliminação do vírus da tristeza (Citrus tristeza virus) e dos viróides da exocorte (Citrus exocortis viroid - CEVd) e cachexia-xiloporose de materiais do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Citros do Centro de Citricultura Sylvio Moreira CCSM-IAC. Para o complexo da sorose, entretanto, esta técnica tem apresentado somente 60% de eficiência, indicando a necessidade de sua associação com termoterapia para garantir a eliminação viral. Para tanto, mudas originadas de borbulhas infetadas com sorose foram mantidas em câmara climática com 16 h de luz a 38 ºC e 8 h no escuro a 32 ºC e utilizadas para a obtenção dos ápices caulinares empregados na microenxertia. Após o pegamento, o conjunto micro porta-enxerto e brotação foi sobre-enxertado em limoeiro (Citrus limonia) 'Cravo' com sete meses de idade e mantido em condições de casa de vegetação. Clones de laranjeiras doces (Citrus sinsensis) 'Lima', 'Rubi', 'Piralima', 'Salustiana', 'João Nunes', 'Rosa' e 'Pêra Caire' tratados desta maneira, comprovaram eficiência de 100% de eliminação do complexo sorose, conforme indexação realizada empregando-se laranjeira 'Do Céu' como planta indicadora.
Estudaram-se os procedimentos de indexação biológica e bioquímica em um experimento de avaliação do uso de viróides como agentes ananicantes para pomeleiro 'Marsh Seedless'. em algumas parcelas, houve segregação de viróides, sendo que, em duas, a segregação foi de CEVd (viróide da exocorte dos citros) e, em outras duas, não foi detectada a presença de CVd-II (viróide dos citros II). Como conseqüência desta segregação, não ocorreram sintomas típicos da exocorte em cidra nas parcelas nas quais houve segregação de CEVd, o que ocorreu nas parcelas em que a segregação foi de CVd-II, indicando que é necessária a presença de CEV para a manifestação de sintomas típicos de exocorte em cidra. Numa quinta parcela, não se detectaram viróides, provavelmente, devido à ausência dos mesmos no material de inoculação do teste biológico (escape), já que a planta de campo teve desenvolvimento vegetativo normal e ausência de sintomas no tronco. Finalmente, em uma sexta parcela, o que ocorreu, foi uma segregação drástica, não relatada na literatura, já que a planta de campo mostrou redução de porte e sintomas no tronco. A coleta de varetas para indexação deve ser mais rigorosa em função da ocorrência de segregação.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Abstract Presently, Hop stunt viroid(HSVd) and Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) are the only viroids reported to infect grapevines (Vitis spp.) in Brazil, among the seven viroid species already reported infecting this host in other countries. All grapevine viroid diseases are graft-transmissible and can induce losses especiallywhenassociatedwithviruses.Theaimofthisworkwas to confirm infection by Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1(GYSVd-1) in grapevine samples exhibiting yellow speckle symptoms in the leaves and in asymptomatic samples sequenced by next generation sequencing (NGS). The occurrence of this viroid in Brazil was further investigated in a second study. Total RNAs and dsRNAs were extracted from five symptomatic plants and 16 asymptomatic samples, respectively. Specific primers were used for RT-PCR and amplified DNA fragments were cloned and sequenced by the Sanger method. Eleven complete nucleotide sequences of GYSVd-1 isolates (366 ?367 nt) were obtained from NGS and from RT-PCR amplicons. Comparisons showed high identities (95.9 ?100 %) among ten isolates and an identity of 87.2 ?90.4 % with a divergent isolate (RM-BR). Phylogenetic analyses placed GYSVd-1 isolates in four clusters (types 1, 2, 3 and 4). All GYSVd-1 infections were confirmed by conventional RT-PCR and RT-qPCR using specific oligonucleo-tides and a labeled probe. This is the first report and molecular characterization of GYSVd-1 infecting grapevines in Brazil, and our survey indicates that this viroid could be widespread in the major grape producing regions of Brazil. Keywords GYSVd-1 . Incidence . Next generation sequencing. Secondary structure. Vine.