1000 resultados para Exfoliated cells
Objective: Patients using a removable prosthesis are susceptible to a variety of oral lesions that may progress to cancer. Toluidine blue (TB) staining is used to identify premalignant lesions, but the results are still controversial. Since micronuclei (MN) are a biomarker of genetic instability, the objective of this study was to determine the frequency of MN in white lesions of the oral mucosa and to compare the results with those of the TB test. Study Design: The study included 20 removable prosthesis users with white lesions that were previously classified as toluidine positive or negative. The frequency of MN was evaluated in exfoliated cells from lesions and normal mucosa. Nuclear anomalies were also registered. Results: A significant increase (p < 0.05) in the frequency of MN was observed in exfoliated cells from lesions compared to normal mucosal cells, and no relationship was seen with TB staining. Lifestyle factors or gender did not influence the results. Conclusions: The frequency of MN is a sensitive biomarker and can be used to predict genomic instability in white oral lesions. The MN assay may serve as a good parameter in the battery of tests used to identify high-risk individuals, contributing to the identification of the biological conditions of oral lesions. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Micronuclei (MN) in exfoliated epithelial cells are widely used as biomarkers of cancer risk in humans. MN are classified as biomarkers of the break age and loss of chromosomes. They are small, extra nuclear bodies that arise in dividing cells from centric chromosome/chromatid fragments or whole chromosomes/chromatids that lag behind in anaphase and are not included in the daughter nuclei in telophase. Buccal mucosa cells have been used in biomonitoring exposed populations because these cells are in the direct route of exposure to ingested pollutant, are capable of metabolizing proximate carcinogens to reactive chemicals, and are easily and rapidly collected by brushing the buccal mucosa. The objective of the present study was to further investigate if, and to what extent, different stains have an effect on the results of micronuclei studies in exfoliated cells. These techniques are: Papanicolaou (PAP), Modified Papanicolaou, May-Grünwald Giemsa (MGG), Giemsa, Harris’s Hematoxylin, Feulgen with Fast Green counterstain and Feulgen without counterstain.
L’intégration du génome du virus papilloma humain (VPH) a été reconnu jusqu’`a récemment comme étant un événnement fréquent mais pourtant tardif dans la progression de la maladie du col de l’utérus. La perspective temporelle vient, pourtant, d’être mise au défi par la détection de formes intégrées de VPH dans les tissus normaux et dans les lésions prénéoplasiques. Notre objectif était de déterminer la charge virale de VPH-16 et son état physique dans une série de 220 échantillons provenant de cols uterins normaux et avec des lésions de bas-grade. La technique quantitative de PCR en temps réel, méthode Taqman, nous a permis de quantifier le nombre de copies des gènes E6, E2, et de la B-globine, permettant ainsi l’évaluation de la charge virale et le ratio de E6/E2 pour chaque spécimen. Le ratio E6/E2 de 1.2 ou plus était suggestif d’intégration. Par la suite, le site d’intégration du VPH dans le génome humain a été déterminé par la téchnique de RS-PCR. La charge virale moyenne était de 57.5±324.6 copies d'ADN par cellule et le ratio E6/E2 a évalué neuf échantillons avec des formes d’HPV intégrées. Ces intégrants ont été amplifiés par RS-PCR, suivi de séquençage, et l’homologie des amplicons a été déterminée par le programme BLAST de NCBI afin d’identifier les jonctions virales-humaines. On a réussi `a identifier les jonctions humaines-virales pour le contrôle positif, c'est-à-dire les cellules SiHa, pourtant nous n’avons pas detecté d’intégration par la technique de RS-PCR dans les échantillons de cellules cervicales exfoliées provenant de tissus normaux et de lésions de bas-grade. Le VPH-16 est rarement intégré dans les spécimens de jeunes patientes.
Due to high rates of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, the incidence of intraepithelial neoplasia and anal cancer, most studies concerning HPV in men seropositive for HIV have focused on the anal canal. Few studies have targeted the penile region in HIV-infected men. A total of 72 men seropositive for HIV and 72 men seronegative for HIV were followed-up for 6 months, and their penile exfoliated cells were tested for HPV DNA. There were no significant differences between the HIV-positive and HIV-negative men in persistence (respectively, 69.5% vs. 66.9%), clearance (respectively, 15.3% vs. 23.1%), and those men never infected with HPV during the four follow-up visits (15.2% for HIV-positive vs. 20% for HIV-negative). High-risk HPV types were detected more frequently in penile smears from men infected with HIV, while, in HIV-seronegative men, the low-risk HPV types were more abundant (P=0.001). Multiple infections with both high- and low-risk HPV types were significantly more frequent in HIV-seropositive compared to those who were HIV-seronegative (P=0.0004). The attendance rates at follow-up visits were 86%, 78%, and 58% in months 1, 2, and 6, respectively, for men infected with HIV and 93%, 72%, and 60% for the HIV-negative group. It is concluded that HIV infection can be considered a risk factor for clearance and persistence of HPV. Multiple infections with different types of HPV including high-risk HPVs are frequent in men who are infected with HIV. J. Med. Virol. 83:127-131, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury is one of the frequent causes of acute renal failure (ARF) due to the complex, interrelated sequence of events, that result in damage to and death of kidney cells. Cells of the proximal tubular epithelium are especially susceptible to I/R injury, leading to acute tubular necrosis, which plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of ARE Several models have been explicated to assess morphological changes, including those of Jabonski et al. and Goujon et al. We compared the 2 models for histopathological evaluation of 30- or 120-minute periods of renal ischemia followed by 24-hour reperfusion in rats. Several changes were observed after application of the 2 models: proximal tubular cell necrosis, loss of brush border, vacuolization, denudation of tubular basement membrane as a consequence of flattening of basal cells, and presence of intratubular exfoliated cells in the lumen of proximal convoluted tubules at various stages of degeneration (karyorexis, kariopyknosis and karyolysis). Evaluating tubular lesions after 2 periods of experimental ischemia with light microscopy allowed us to conclude that the Goujon classification better characterized the main changes in cortical renal tubules after ischemia.
Anti-obesity medications deserve special considerations at the present time due to an increasing number of overweight and obese people who require these therapeutic alternatives. Obesity is positively associated with several chronic illnesses, including cancer. In this work, we evaluated the possible genotoxic and/or cytotoxic actions of two drugs, sibutramine and fenproporex, in the doses of 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg body weight (bw), administered intraperitoneally in male Swiss mice. The genotoxic effect was analyzed by comet assay and micronucleus test. We found that both drugs increased the frequency of genotoxic damage in Swiss mice, but did not present cytotoxic activities towards the polychromatic erythrocytes of the bone marrow of these animals.
O formaldeído (FA) foi classificado, em 2004, pela International Agency for Cancer Research como agente cancerígeno. Este agente químico ocupa a 25ª posição em toda a produção química dos Estados Unidos da América, com mais de 5 milhões de toneladas produzidas por ano. Devido à sua importância económica e uso diversificado, muitos indivíduos estão expostos profissionalmente a FA. Com o estudo desenvolvido pretendeu‑se avaliar a exposição a FA em dois contextos ocupacionais distintos – na produção de FA e resinas e em laboratórios de anatomia patológica (AP) e relacionar com eventuais efeitos para a saúde, comparando a frequência de micronúcleos (MN) em linfócitos do sangue periférico e em células esfoliadas da mucosa bucal dos trabalhadores expostos a FA com indivíduos não expostos (controlos). Como amostra foram estudados 80 trabalhadores ocupacionalmente expostos a FA: 30 trabalhadores da fábrica de produção de FA e resinas e 50 trabalhadores de 10 laboratórios de AP. Foi constituído um grupo controlo de 85 indivíduos com atividades profissionais que não envolviam a exposição a formaldeído ou qualquer outro agente químico com propriedades genotóxicas. Aplicaram‑se duas metodologias distintas de avaliação ambiental do FA com o objetivo de conhecer a exposição profissional. Compararam‑se os resultados obtidos com os valores limite para a exposição média ponderada (TLV‑TWA=0,75 ppm) e para a concentração máxima (VLE‑CM=0,3 ppm). A totalidade dos laboratórios apresentou resultados superiores ao valor de referência existente para a concentração máxima. Nenhum dos resultados obtidos para a exposição média ponderada foi superior ao valor de referência. O exame macroscópico obteve os valores das concentrações máximas mais elevadas em 90% dos laboratórios. Os valores de MN foram mais elevados nos indivíduos expostos a FA comparativamente com os controlos. No caso dos MN nos linfócitos, a média foi de 3,96 nos expostos e de 0,81 nos não expostos. Os MN nas células esfoliadas da boca apresentaram uma média de 0,96 nos expostos e de 0,16 nos controlos. Os resultados obtidos nesta acção de biomonitorização podem revelar‑se particularmente úteis para as organizações responsáveis em definir os níveis aceitáveis para a exposição humana a FA. ABSTRACT: Since 2004, formaldehyde (FA) has been classified by the International Agency for Cancer Research as a carcinogen. The FA ranks 25th in the overall United States chemical production, with more than 5 million tons produced each year. Due to its economic importance and varied use, many individuals are exposed to FA at their occupational settings. This study aimed to assess the exposure to FA in two occupational settings – FA production factory and pathology anatomy (PA) laboratories – and relate it to possible health effects by comparing frequency of micronuclei (MN) in peripheral blood lymphocytes and exfoliated cells from the oral mucosa of workers exposed to FA with individuals not exposed to this agent (controls). This study was performed in 80 workers occupationally exposed to FA: 30 workers of the FA factory and 50 workers in 10 PA laboratories. The control group comprised 85 subjects without exposure. We have applied two different methodologies for environmental monitoring of FA. The results were compared with the reference to the exposure weighted average (TLV‑TWA = 0.75 ppm) and ceiling concentration (VLE‑MC = 0.3 ppm). All laboratories had results higher than the reference value to CM (1.41 ppm). None of the results obtained for the TWA exposure (0.16 ppm) were higher than the reference value. Macroscopic examination obtained the highest values of CM in 90% of laboratories. MN values were higher in individuals exposed to FA as compared to controls. As for MN in lymphocytes, the average was 3.96 in exposed compared with 0.81 in the unexposed. The MN in exfoliated cells of the buccal mucosa had an average of 0.96 in exposed, compared with 0.16 in controls. The results of this biomonitoring can be particularly useful to organizations responsible for defining acceptable levels for human exposure to FA.
Genital infection with Chlamydia trachomatis is now recognized as one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections (STDs). Despite major advances in laboratory diagnosis techniques, primarily the character of asymptomatic chlamydial infection in both men and in women constitutes the basis for the formation of reservoirs that perpetuate transmission and acquisition of this and other STDs. The asymptomatic in women favors the rise of infection to the upper genital tract, causing injuries that can result in infertility. An examination of population screening for early detection and treatment of asymptomatic infections is the key step in combating this major public health problem. The present study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of infection by C. trachomatis in sexually active women attended the screening program for cervical cancer of the uterus in health facilities in municipalities in different regions of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, and identify factors that may contribute to the spread of this pathogen and its relationship with the lesions of the uterine cervix. It is a cross-sectional study aimed at detecting the presence of genital tract infection by C. trachomatis either in isolated form or in association with human papilloma virus (HPV) infection in asymptomatic women. Were included in this study, a total sample of 1,134 women aged 13-76, mean 34.4 years, from March 2008 to September 2012. Specimens containing exfoliated cells of the epithelium of the uterine cervix were analyzed by examining Pap cytology for the detection of possible injuries, and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of plasmid DNA from C. trachomatis and HPV. Infection with C. trachomatis was detected with overall prevalence rate of 8.1% in the isolated form and 2.8% in co-infection with HPV. The infection was detected in 7.4% of women with normal cytology 11.5% of those with atypical cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) and 16.7% of those with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). We observed an association between C. trachomatis and incidence of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). The genital tract infection by C. trachomatis alone was associated with education level, ethnicity and parity, revealing that women with higher education, those of non-white ethnicity and those who had three or more pregnancies were more likely to acquire infection. Levels very close to statistical significance were observed for chronological age, age at first sexual intercourse and first pregnancy. There was no association with marital status, number of sexual partners. Co-infection with C. trachomatis and HPV was detected in 2.3% of women with normal cytology, who had 5.1% in ASC-US and 10.4% in those with LSIL. No association was found between infection C. trachomatis and increased risk of HPV infection, but women with simultaneous infection by both pathogens showed greater risk for LSIL. Co-infection was more prevalent among single women, who had in the first sexual intercourse under 18 years and those who had two or more sexual partners over a lifetime
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Infant formula is consumed by the majority of infants in the United States for at least part of the first year of life. Infant formula lacks many of the bioactive compounds that are naturally occurring in breast milk. Because of this, there has been an increased interest by the companies that manufacture infant formula to include additives that would potentially allow formula to more closely mimic breast milk activity. One such ingredient currently being added to infant formula is prebiotics. Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth of specific healthful bacteria in the colon. It is speculated that prebiotics replicate the activity of breast milk oligosaccharides, which through the production of butyrate by intestinal microbiota, may interact with the Wnt/BMP pathways. The Wnt/BMP pathways regulate intestinal stem cells, which determine the growth, development and maintenance of the intestine. Therefore, the objective of this study was to explore the effects that the addition of prebiotics to formula have on the regulation of the Wnt/BMP pathways when fed to neonatal piglets, a model commonly used in the study of infant nutrition. Piglets (n=5) were randomized into sow-reared (SR), fed control formula (F), or fed formula with added prebiotics (F+P). Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) (2 g/L) and polydextrose (PDX) (2 g/L) were chosen as the prebiotics for this study, because this combination had been less studied than other combinations. Ileum and ascending colon were collected at 7 and 14 days-of-age. Dry matter content, pH, and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) content was measured. The mRNA expression of β-catenin, sFRP3, sFRP4, frizzled 6, DKK1 (Wnt pathway), gremlin (BMP pathway), TNF-a, HNF-4α and osteopontin (OPN) was measured by RT-qPCR. Piglets fed the F+P diet had greater acetate concentration and lower pH in the ileum at day 14 and in the colon at day 7 and day 14 than F piglets. Butyrate concentrations were highest in SR with F+P not differing from F in ileum at day 14 and colon at day 7 and day 14. Effects of age were seen in all genes, with the exception of OPN, sFRP-3 and sFRP-4. On day 7, no effect of diet was observed in the ileum, however, mRNA expression of DKK1 and frizzled 6 were greater in F+P than SR (p≤0.05). On day 14, gremlin expression was lower and OPN was greater in the ileum of SR piglets compared to F and F+P. Also on day 14, HNF-4α mRNA expression was greater in both ileum and colon of F+P piglets and sFRP3 mRNA expression was greater in the colon than F or SR . In summary, differences were observed between gene expression of F+P and SR piglet intestines, but the supplementation of 2 g/L scFOS and 2 g/L PDX to formula did not shift expression of genes in the Wnt/BMP pathways to be more similar to SR than F. As the Wnt/BMP pathway is known to exist in a gradient along the crypt-villus axis, with Wnt expression dominating in the crypt region and BMP expression dominating in the villi, it was possible that pooling whole tissue reduced our ability to detect treatment effects that would be concentrated in either region. A method was therefore developed to remove intestinal epithelial cells along the villus-to-crypt axis. Twenty-five-day-old F and SR piglets were euthanized and ileal tissue was collected and placed in a dissociation buffer in a shaking water bath. Exfoliated cells were removed at increasing time points from 5 to 100 minutes in order to remove cells along the villus-to-crypt axis. After the final incubation, remaining mucosal tissue was removed using a sterile glass microscope slide and pooled with the final exfoliated cell isolation. After each cell collection, a section of tissue was fixed in formalin for histomorphological examination. Expression of genes in the Wnt/BMP pathways, along with crypt marker genes (CDK5 and v-myb), were measured in both whole ileal tissue, pooled epithelial cells, and separate epithelial cell isolations from the same piglet. The expression of β-catenin, HNF-4α, TNF-α, TGF-β and the crypt marker v-myb matched the expected villus-to-crypt pattern in cells collected after 10 (incubation 1), 30 (incubation 2) and 60 (incubation 3) minutes. However, expression of expression in cells collected after 100 minutes (incubation 4) was variable, which may be due to the fact that crypt cells were not efficiently removed and the presence of unwanted non-epithelial tissue. Gremlin, OPN, DKK1, sFRP3 and sFRP4 expression was not statistically different along the villus-to-crypt axis. Frizzled 6 and CDK5 did not express as we had predicted, with expression highest towards the villi. In summary, the epithelial cell collection method used was not entirely successful. While much of the gene data suggests that cells were removed along the villus-to-crypt axis through the first three incubations, the last incubation, which involved scraping the tissue, removed non-epithelial components of the mucosa, while leaving the crypts intact. In conclusion, the addition of 2 g/L PDX and 2 g/L scFOS did not cause gene expression of the Wnt/BMP pathways to mirror either F or SR expression. New isolation methods to extract cells along the crypt-villus axis should be considered, including the use of a laser capture microdissection. While this combination of prebiotics did not yield the intended effects, future research should be done on other combinations, such as the inclusion of galactooligosaccharides (GOS), which is commonly added to food products including infant formula.
The human buccal micronucleus cytome assay (BMCyt) is one of the most widely used techniques to measure genetic damage in human population studies. Reducing protocol variability, assessing the role of confounders, and estimating a range of reference values are research priorities that will be addressed by the HUMNXL, collaborative study. The HUMNXL, project evaluates the impact of host factors, occupation, life-style, disease status, and protocol features on the occurrence of MN in exfoliated buccal cells. In addition, the study will provide a range of reference values for all cytome endpoints. A database of 5424 subjects with buccal MN values obtained from 30 laboratories worldwide was compiled and analyzed to investigate the influence of several conditions affecting MN frequency. Random effects models were mostly used to investigate MN predictors. The estimated spontaneous MN frequency was 0.74 parts per thousand (95% CI 0.52-1.05). Only staining among technical features influenced MN frequency, with an abnormal increase for non-DNA-specific stains. No effect of gender was evident, while the trend for age was highly significant (p < 0.001). Most occupational exposures and a diagnosis of cancer significantly increased MN and other endpoints frequencies. MN frequency increased in heavy smoking (>= 40 cig/day. FR = 1.37:95% CI 1.03-.82) and decreased with daily fruit consumption (FR = 0.68; 95% CI 0.50-0.91). The results of the HUMNXL, project identified priorities for validation studies, increased the basic knowledge of the assay, and contributed to the creation of a laboratory network which in perspective may allow the evaluation of disease risk associated with MN frequency. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.