809 resultados para Execution class
Finnish design and consulting companies are delivering robust and cost-efficient steel structures solutions to a large number of manufacturing companies worldwide. Recently introduced EN 1090-2 standard obliges these companies to specify the execution class of steel structures for their customers. This however, requires clarifying, understanding and interpreting the sophisticated procedure of execution class assignment. The objective of this research is to provide a clear explanation and guidance through the process of execution class assignment for a given steel structure and to support the implementation of EN 1090-2 standard in Rejlers Oy, one of Finnish design and consulting companies. This objective is accomplished by creating a guideline for designers that elaborates on the four-step process of the execution class assignment for a steel structure or its part. Steps one to three define the consequence class (projected consequences of structure failure), the service category (hazards associated with the service use exploitation of steel structure) and the production category (manufacturing process peculiarities), based on the ductility class (capacity of structure to withstand deformations) and the behaviour factor (corresponds to structure seismic behaviour). The final step is the execution class assignment taking into account results of previous steps. Main research method is indepth literature review of European standards family for steel structures. Other research approach is a series of interviews of Rejlers Oy representatives and its clients, results of which have been used to evaluate the level of EN 1090-2 awareness. Rejlers Oy will use the developed novel coherent standard implementation guideline to improve its services and to obtain greater customer satisfaction.
Tässä kandidaatintyössä tutkittiin standardin SFS-EN 1090-2 asettamia vaatimuksia keskisuuressa konepajassa, jotta sen on mahdollista hakea CE-merkintää tuotteilleen. CE-merkintä tulee pakolliseksi kantaville alumiini -ja teräskokoonpanoille 1.7.2014.
TIIVISTELMÄ Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto Konetekniikan koulutusohjelma Voitto Kettunen Konepajan hitsaustuotannon kehittäminen kattavien laatuvaatimusten mukaiseksi Diplomityö 2015 167 sivua, 39 kuvaa, 26 taulukkoa ja 3 liitettä Tarkastajat: Professori Jukka Martikainen DI Pertti Kaarre Hakusanat: hitsaus, hitsauksen laatu, konepajan laadunhallinta, kattavat laatuvaatimukset, ISO 9001, ISO 3834, EN 1090 Keywords: welding, quality of welding, engineering workshop quality management, comprehensive quality requirements, ISO 9001, ISO 3834, EN 1090 Hitsaamalla liitetyt teräksiset rakenteet muodostavat ylivoimaisesti suurimman osan konepajatuotannosta. Niihin kuuluu esimerkiksi ajoneuvoja, koneita, laitteita, säiliöitä, siiloja, siltoja, mastoja, piippuja, tukirakenteita ja rakennusten runkoja. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on kehittää konepajan laadunhallinta sellaiseksi, että se mahdollistaa kattavien laatuvaatimusten täyttämisen hitsaustuotannossa. Laatuvaatimusten täyttämiseen pyritään käyttämällä hitsaustoimintojen standardia EN ISO 3834-2 sekä kantavien teräsrakenteiden standardeja EN 1090-1 ja EN 1090-2. Teräsrakenteiden suunnittelua ohjaa EN 1993 ja niiden toiminnallisia ominaisuuksia tuotestandardit, kuten terässavupiippu- ja säiliöstandardit. Kantavien teräsrakenteiden suunnittelua ja tuotantoa ohjaa myös seuraamusluokan CC, käyttöluokan SC ja tuotantoluokan PC kautta määräytyvä toteutusluokka EXC. Aikaisempaa enemmän tullaan panostamaan esimerkiksi asiakirjojen sähköiseen hallintaan, raaka-aineiden jäljitettävyyteen tuotteeseen, särmien ja kulmien muotoiluun, pintojen käsittelyyn, hitsien tarkastukseen, hitsaushenkilöstön pätevyyteen ja hitsaustuotannon tehokkuuteen. Saarijärven Säiliövalmiste Oy:n hitsauksen laadunhallinta sertifioitiin standardin ISO 3834-2 mukaan ja kantavien teräsrakenteiden FPC-järjestelmä standardisarjaa EN 1090 noudattaen. Samalla tehtiin päivitys laadunhallintajärjestelmään ISO 9001. Toteutus, joka tehtiin sovitussa aikataulussa, haastaa jokaisen toimijan konepajassa toiminnan, tuotannon ja tuotteiden laadun kehittämiseen uusia käytänteitä ja menetelmiä soveltaen. Kehitystoimien tuloksena toiminta on selkeämpää, ennakoitavampaa ja hallitumpaa, mikä lisää yrityksen toiminnan tuottavuutta ja kannattavuutta. Sertifioidut laatujärjestelmät ovat myötävaikuttaneet tilausten lisääntymiseen yrityksen kaikkien tuotteiden osalta.
This paper presents an algorithm to efficiently generate the state-space of systems specified using the IOPT Petri-net modeling formalism. IOPT nets are a non-autonomous Petri-net class, based on Place-Transition nets with an extended set of features designed to allow the rapid prototyping and synthesis of system controllers through an existing hardware-software co-design framework. To obtain coherent and deterministic operation, IOPT nets use a maximal-step execution semantics where, in a single execution step, all enabled transitions will fire simultaneously. This fact increases the resulting state-space complexity and can cause an arc "explosion" effect. Real-world applications, with several million states, will reach a higher order of magnitude number of arcs, leading to the need for high performance state-space generator algorithms. The proposed algorithm applies a compilation approach to read a PNML file containing one IOPT model and automatically generate an optimized C program to calculate the corresponding state-space.
Workflows have been successfully applied to express the decomposition of complex scientific applications. However the existing tools still lack adequate support to important aspects namely, decoupling the enactment engine from tasks specification, decentralizing the control of workflow activities allowing their tasks to run in distributed infrastructures, and supporting dynamic workflow reconfigurations. We present the AWARD (Autonomic Workflow Activities Reconfigurable and Dynamic) model of computation, based on Process Networks, where the workflow activities (AWA) are autonomic processes with independent control that can run in parallel on distributed infrastructures. Each AWA executes a task developed as a Java class with a generic interface allowing end-users to code their applications without low-level details. The data-driven coordination of AWA interactions is based on a shared tuple space that also enables dynamic workflow reconfiguration. For evaluation we describe experimental results of AWARD workflow executions in several application scenarios, mapped to the Amazon (Elastic Computing EC2) Cloud.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica, Especialidade de Sistemas Digitais, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
The interactions among three important issues involved in the implementation of logic programs in parallel (goal scheduling, precedence, and memory management) are discussed. A simplified, parallel memory management model and an efficient, load-balancing goal scheduling strategy are presented. It is shown how, for systems which support "don't know" non-determinism, special care has to be taken during goal scheduling if the space recovery characteristics of sequential systems are to be preserved. A solution based on selecting only "newer" goals for execution is described, and an algorithm is proposed for efficiently maintaining and determining precedence relationships and variable ages across parallel goals. It is argued that the proposed schemes and algorithms make it possible to extend the storage performance of sequential systems to parallel execution without the considerable overhead previously associated with it. The results are applicable to a wide class of parallel and coroutining systems, and they represent an efficient alternative to "all heap" or "spaghetti stack" allocation models.
Increasingly software systems are required to survive variations in their execution environment without or with only little human intervention. Such systems are called "eternal software systems". In contrast to the traditional view of development and execution as separate cycles, these modern software systems should not present such a separation. Research in MDE has been primarily concerned with the use of models during the first cycle or development (i.e. during the design, implementation, and deployment) and has shown excellent results. In this paper the author argues that an eternal software system must have a first-class representation of itself available to enable change. These runtime representations (or runtime models) will depend on the kind of dynamic changes that we want to make available during execution or on the kind of analysis we want the system to support. Hence, different models can be conceived. Self-representation inevitably implies the use of reflection. In this paper the author briefly summarizes research that supports the use of runtime models, and points out different issues and research questions. © 2009 IEEE.
Software engineering researchers are challenged to provide increasingly more powerful levels of abstractions to address the rising complexity inherent in software solutions. One new development paradigm that places models as abstraction at the forefront of the development process is Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD). MDSD considers models as first class artifacts, extending the capability for engineers to use concepts from the problem domain of discourse to specify apropos solutions. A key component in MDSD is domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) which are languages with focused expressiveness, targeting a specific taxonomy of problems. The de facto approach used is to first transform DSML models to an intermediate artifact in a HLL e.g., Java or C++, then execute that resulting code.^ Our research group has developed a class of DSMLs, referred to as interpreted DSMLs (i-DSMLs), where models are directly interpreted by a specialized execution engine with semantics based on model changes at runtime. This execution engine uses a layered architecture and is referred to as a domain-specific virtual machine (DSVM). As the domain-specific model being executed descends the layers of the DSVM the semantic gap between the user-defined model and the services being provided by the underlying infrastructure is closed. The focus of this research is the synthesis engine, the layer in the DSVM which transforms i-DSML models into executable scripts for the next lower layer to process.^ The appeal of an i-DSML is constrained as it possesses unique semantics contained within the DSVM. Existing DSVMs for i-DSMLs exhibit tight coupling between the implicit model of execution and the semantics of the domain, making it difficult to develop DSVMs for new i-DSMLs without a significant investment in resources.^ At the onset of this research only one i-DSML had been created for the user- centric communication domain using the aforementioned approach. This i-DSML is the Communication Modeling Language (CML) and its DSVM is the Communication Virtual machine (CVM). A major problem with the CVM's synthesis engine is that the domain-specific knowledge (DSK) and the model of execution (MoE) are tightly interwoven consequently subsequent DSVMs would need to be developed from inception with no reuse of expertise.^ This dissertation investigates how to decouple the DSK from the MoE and subsequently producing a generic model of execution (GMoE) from the remaining application logic. This GMoE can be reused to instantiate synthesis engines for DSVMs in other domains. The generalized approach to developing the model synthesis component of i-DSML interpreters utilizes a reusable framework loosely coupled to DSK as swappable framework extensions.^ This approach involves first creating an i-DSML and its DSVM for a second do- main, demand-side smartgrid, or microgrid energy management, and designing the synthesis engine so that the DSK and MoE are easily decoupled. To validate the utility of the approach, the SEs are instantiated using the GMoE and DSKs of the two aforementioned domains and an empirical study to support our claim of reduced developmental effort is performed.^
Software engineering researchers are challenged to provide increasingly more pow- erful levels of abstractions to address the rising complexity inherent in software solu- tions. One new development paradigm that places models as abstraction at the fore- front of the development process is Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD). MDSD considers models as first class artifacts, extending the capability for engineers to use concepts from the problem domain of discourse to specify apropos solutions. A key component in MDSD is domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) which are languages with focused expressiveness, targeting a specific taxonomy of problems. The de facto approach used is to first transform DSML models to an intermediate artifact in a HLL e.g., Java or C++, then execute that resulting code. Our research group has developed a class of DSMLs, referred to as interpreted DSMLs (i-DSMLs), where models are directly interpreted by a specialized execution engine with semantics based on model changes at runtime. This execution engine uses a layered architecture and is referred to as a domain-specific virtual machine (DSVM). As the domain-specific model being executed descends the layers of the DSVM the semantic gap between the user-defined model and the services being provided by the underlying infrastructure is closed. The focus of this research is the synthesis engine, the layer in the DSVM which transforms i-DSML models into executable scripts for the next lower layer to process. The appeal of an i-DSML is constrained as it possesses unique semantics contained within the DSVM. Existing DSVMs for i-DSMLs exhibit tight coupling between the implicit model of execution and the semantics of the domain, making it difficult to develop DSVMs for new i-DSMLs without a significant investment in resources. At the onset of this research only one i-DSML had been created for the user- centric communication domain using the aforementioned approach. This i-DSML is the Communication Modeling Language (CML) and its DSVM is the Communication Virtual machine (CVM). A major problem with the CVM’s synthesis engine is that the domain-specific knowledge (DSK) and the model of execution (MoE) are tightly interwoven consequently subsequent DSVMs would need to be developed from inception with no reuse of expertise. This dissertation investigates how to decouple the DSK from the MoE and sub- sequently producing a generic model of execution (GMoE) from the remaining appli- cation logic. This GMoE can be reused to instantiate synthesis engines for DSVMs in other domains. The generalized approach to developing the model synthesis com- ponent of i-DSML interpreters utilizes a reusable framework loosely coupled to DSK as swappable framework extensions. This approach involves first creating an i-DSML and its DSVM for a second do- main, demand-side smartgrid, or microgrid energy management, and designing the synthesis engine so that the DSK and MoE are easily decoupled. To validate the utility of the approach, the SEs are instantiated using the GMoE and DSKs of the two aforementioned domains and an empirical study to support our claim of reduced developmental effort is performed.
The experiences induced by psychedelics share a wide variety of subjective features, related to the complex changes in perception and cognition induced by this class of drugs. A remarkable increase in introspection is at the core of these altered states of consciousness. Self-oriented mental activity has been consistently linked to the Default Mode Network (DMN), a set of brain regions more active during rest than during the execution of a goal-directed task. Here we used fMRI technique to inspect the DMN during the psychedelic state induced by Ayahuasca in ten experienced subjects. Ayahuasca is a potion traditionally used by Amazonian Amerindians composed by a mixture of compounds that increase monoaminergic transmission. In particular, we examined whether Ayahuasca changes the activity and connectivity of the DMN and the connection between the DMN and the task-positive network (TPN). Ayahuasca caused a significant decrease in activity through most parts of the DMN, including its most consistent hubs: the Posterior Cingulate Cortex (PCC)/Precuneus and the medial Prefrontal Cortex (mPFC). Functional connectivity within the PCC/Precuneus decreased after Ayahuasca intake. No significant change was observed in the DMN-TPN orthogonality. Altogether, our results support the notion that the altered state of consciousness induced by Ayahuasca, like those induced by psilocybin (another serotonergic psychedelic), meditation and sleep, is linked to the modulation of the activity and the connectivity of the DMN.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Angle Class III malocclusion has been a challenge for researchers concerning diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. It has a prevalence of 5% in the Brazilian population, and may have a genetic or environmental etiology. This malocclusion can be classified as dentoalveolar, skeletal or functional, which will determine the prognosis. Considering these topics, the aim of this study was to describe and discuss a clinical case with functional Class III malocclusion treated by a two-stage approach (interceptive and corrective), with a long-term follow-up. In this case, the patient was treated with a chincup and an Eschler arch, used simultaneously during 14 months, followed by corrective orthodontics. It should be noticed that, in this case, initial diagnosis at the centric relation allowed visualizing the anterior teeth in an edge-to-edge relationship, thereby favoring the prognosis. After completion of the treatment, the patient was followed for a 10-year period, and stability was observed. The clinical treatment results showed that it is possible to achieve favorable outcomes with early management in functional Class III malocclusion patients.