996 resultados para Exception de non-subrogation


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À la lecture de l'article 2365 c.c.Q., le créancier et la caution ne peuvent pas percevoir les droits et les libertés que ce texte concrétise à leur encontre ou à leur profit. Pour pallier ce problème, les auteurs et la jurisprudence ont alors laissé place à leur imagination afin de tenter de classifier cette disposition à l'intérieur d'institutions juridiques éprouvées, le tout en vue de démythifier le contenu de la règle de droit. Pour notre part, nous considérons que l'exception de non-subrogation est une notion originale en soi, qui trouve sa source à l'intérieur même de son institution. La thèse que nous soutenons est que l'exception de non-subrogation, mode de libération qui a pour mission de combattre le comportement opportuniste, cristallise l'obligation de bonne foi en imposant implicitement au créancier une obligation de bonne subrogation. Tout manquement du créancier à cette obligation a comme conséquence de rendre le droit de créance du créancier irrecevable à l'égard de la caution devant les tribunaux. Ce précepte éclaircit le contexte de l'article 2365 C.c.Q. et, par le fait même, il permet de délimiter le contour de son domaine et de préciser ses conditions d'application. L'exception de non-subrogation est un mécanisme juridique qui date de l'époque romaine. Elle est maintenant intégrée dans presque tous les systèmes juridiques du monde, tant en droit civil qu'en common law. Dans la législation québécoise, elle s'est cristallisée à l'article 2365 C.c.Q. Il s'agit d'une disposition d'ordre public qui ne peut être invoquée que par la caution. Son application dépend du cumul de quatre conditions: 1) le fait du créancier; 2) la perte d'un droit subrogatoire; 3) le préjudice de la caution; 4) le lien causal entre les trois derniers éléments. Lorsque ces quatre conditions sont remplies, la caution est libérée de son engagement dans la mesure du préjudice qu'elle subit.


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O câncer constitui um problema de saúde pública para o mundo desenvolvido e também para nações em desenvolvimento. Segundo a estimativa realizada pelo Inca para o ano de 2012, a partir dos dados dos Registros de Câncer de Base Populacional (RCBP), o percentual mediano dos tumores pediátricos encontrava-se próximo de 3%. Para o ano de 2012, com exceção dos tumores da pele não melanoma, estavam previstos 384.340 casos novos de câncer. Destes, ocorrerão cerca de 11.530 casos novos de câncer em crianças e adolescentes até os 19 anos. Este estudo teve por objeto as expectativas de vida do adolescente frente ao transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas (TCTH) e como objetivos: descrever as expectativas dos adolescentes que se submeteram ao TCTH e analisar compreensivamente as expectativas de vida destes jovens que se submeteram ao TCTH. Trata-se de estudo de natureza qualitativa, pautado no referencial teórico-metodológico da fenomenologia sociológica de Alfred Schutz. O cenário para sua realização foi uma unidade de Transplante de Medula Óssea, localizada em um hospital federal de referência nacional, localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os participantes do estudo foram oito adolescentes, na faixa etária entre 12 e 18 anos de idade, que se encontravam em fase pós-TCTH, em acompanhamento no hospital diariamente ou já de alta hospitalar da unidade. Para a realização do trabalho de campo, foi utilizada a entrevista fenomenológica como instrumento de captação das falas, as quais foram guiadas pelas seguintes questões orientadoras: fale para mim como foi esse período de adoecimento para você. Quais as suas expectativas em relação ao transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas? O que você espera da sua vida diária/cotidiana agora após a realização do transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas? As falas foram transcritas, analisadas para então serem categorizadas. A partir da análise compreensiva, emergiram quatro categorias: Ser curado; Ter uma vida normal; Ter uma profissão; Constituir família; e Apresentando o motivo porque. O estudo possibilitou através dos relatos dos adolescentes mergulhar e adentrar no seu universo de significados sobre o que eles esperam do TCTH para a apreensão do que pensam sobre a sua inserção no mundo da vida após a sua realização, como também remeteu para a ação profissional que vislumbra a atuação multidisciplinar na perspectiva do nós, na qual o adolescente, sua família e a equipe sejam parte integrantes desse processo.


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Aims: This study assessed the efficacy of a school-based healthy lifestyle intervention (Sport for LIFE) for increasing physical activity, decreasing sedentary behaviour, reducing screen time behaviour, encouraging healthy attitudes and behaviour to nutrition, and reducing body mass index (BMI) in 8–9-year-old primary school children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds in Northern Ireland.

Methods: A non-randomised controlled trial of 416 children from 24 schools took part. Schools were randomly assigned to one of two groups, an intervention or control group with 12 schools in each group. The intervention group received a 12-week school-based programme based on social cognitive theory. At baseline and follow-up, groups completed questionnaires assessing physical activity, screen time behaviour and dietary patterns. On each occasion anthropometric assessments of height and weight were taken. Physical activity and sedentary behaviour were measured by accelerometry.

Results Significant effects were observed for vigorous, moderate and light activity for the intervention group at follow-up. Sedentary behaviour was significantly reduced for the intervention group but not for the control group. No significant effects of the intervention on BMI, screen time behaviour or attitudes to nutrition, with the exception of non-core foods, were shown.

Conclusions: The programme was effective in increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour, however no significant changes in screen time behaviour and attitude to nutrition, with the exception of non-core foods, were observed. Future research ideas are offered for tackling low levels of physical activity in children.


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El benestar psicològic, entès com la vessant psicològica que forma part del concepte més ampli de qualitat de vida, constitueix un àmbit d'estudi en expansió. Tot i tenir un passat més breu en comparació amb d'altres constructes psicosocials, cada vegada investigadors de les més diverses disciplines s'afegeixen a la llista d'estudiosos que fan del benestar psicològic un dels seus objectes d'investigació. Amb tot, l'estudi del benestar psicològic en l'adolescència constitueix probablement un dels àmbits en els quals la necessitat de seguir avançant es fa més evident. El seu estudi en subjectes adolescents té, a més, un doble interès. Per una part, els canvis i transicions que nois i noies experimenten durant l'adolescència comporten amb freqüència que sigui un període estressant per a molts d'ells/es, amb implicacions importants per al seu benestar psicològic. Aprofundir en el seu coneixement durant aquest període té un interès més enllà de l'estrictament científic i permet el disseny de programes de prevenció més ajustats a les problemàtiques que els/les adolescents puguin estar experimentant. L'exploració dels elements del benestar psicològic constitueix una de les estratègies d'aproximació al seu estudi. En aquesta tesi doctoral s'han seleccionat alguns dels elements que de la literatura científica es desprèn que tenen una connexió més estreta amb el benestar psicològic i que són la satisfacció amb la vida globalment i amb àmbits específics de la vida, l'autoestima, el suport social percebut, la percepció de control i els valors. Tot i que existeix un consens elevat en considerar que l'exploració d'aquests elements és de primera necessitat de cares a aprofundir en l'estructura del benestar psicològic, generalment han estat estudiats de forma separada, malgrat no falten intents d'integració teòrica. Les limitacions més importants que presenta l'estudi del benestar psicològic i el dels seus elements en l'actualitat són bàsicament de caràcter epistemològic i fan referència a la dificultat de trobar visions comunes (tant a nivell de definicions com de teories explicatives) compartides per una majoria d'investigadors socials. Aquestes limitacions justifiquen l'interès per dirigir l'atenció vers un altre tipus d'explicacions del benestar psicològic, qualitativament diferents a les disponibles, que no es refugiïn ni en reduccionismes ni en explicacions causals rígides. Les teories de la complexitat suposen una alternativa productiva en aquest sentit ja que aquelles característiques a través de les quals la complexitat ve donada (borrositat de límits, punts de catàstrofe, dimensions fractals, processos caòtics i no lineals), són, en definitiva, les mateixes propietats que caracteritzen als fenòmens psicosocials. I això inclou el de benestar psicològic. Les dades de les que disposem, obtingudes mitjançant un estudi transversal, impedeixen fer una aproximació al benestar psicològic des de totes les propietats de la complexitat esmentades a excepció de la característica de la no linealitat. L'objectiu general de la tesi ha estat el de construir un model de benestar psicològic a partir de les dades obtingudes que permetés: 1) Evidenciar relacions entre variables que fins aquests moments no han pogut ser massa explorades, 2) Contemplar aquestes relacions més enllà de la seva unidireccionalitat, i 3) Entendre el benestar psicològic en l'adolescència des d'un punt de vista més integrador i holista i, consegüentment, oferir una manera més comprehensiva d'aproximar-se a aquest fenomen. Aquesta tesi ha de ser entesa com un primer pas, fonamentalment metodològic, per l'elaboració futura de conceptualizacions sobre el benestar psicològic en l'adolescència que es basin en els principis que ens aporten les ciències de la complexitat. Malgrat els resultats obtinguts no estan absents de limitacions, obren noves perspectives d'anàlisi del benestar psicològic en l'adolescència.


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The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) play key roles in making Class III, medical devices available to the public, and they are required by law to meet statutory deadlines for applications under review. Historically, both agencies have failed to meet their respective statutory requirements. Since these failures affect patient access and may adversely impact public health, Congress has enacted several “modernization” laws. However, the effectiveness of these modernization laws has not been adequately studied or established for Class III medical devices. ^ The aim of this research study was, therefore, to analyze how these modernization laws may have affected public access to medical devices. Two questions were addressed: (1) How have the FDA modernization laws affected the time to approval for medical device premarket approval applications (PMAs)? (2) How has the CMS modernization law affected the time to approval for national coverage decisions (NCDs)? The data for this research study were collected from publicly available databases for the period January 1, 1995, through December 31, 2008. These dates were selected to ensure that a sufficient period of time was captured to measure pre- and post-modernization effects on time to approval. All records containing original PMAs were obtained from the FDA database, and all records containing NCDs were obtained from the CMS database. Source documents, including FDA premarket approval letters and CMS national coverage decision memoranda, were reviewed to obtain additional data not found in the search results. Analyses were conducted to determine the effects of the pre- and post-modernization laws on time to approval. Secondary analyses of FDA subcategories were conducted to uncover any causal factors that might explain differences in time to approval and to compare with the primary trends. The primary analysis showed that the FDA modernization laws of 1997 and 2002 initially reduced PMA time to approval; after the 2002 modernization law, the time to approval began increasing and continued to increase through December 2008. The non-combined, subcategory approval trends were similar to the primary analysis trends. The combined, subcategory analysis showed no clear trends with the exception of non-implantable devices, for which time to approval trended down after 1997. The CMS modernization law of 2003 reduced NCD time to approval, a trend that continued through December 2008. This study also showed that approximately 86% of PMA devices do not receive NCDs. ^ As a result of this research study, recommendations are offered to help resolve statutory non-compliance and access issues, as follows: (1) Authorities should examine underlying causal factors for the observed trends; (2) Process improvements should be made to better coordinate FDA and CMS activities to include sharing data, reducing duplication, and establishing clear criteria for “safe and effective” and “reasonable and necessary”; (3) A common identifier should be established to allow tracking and trending of applications between FDA and CMS databases; (4) Statutory requirements may need to be revised; and (5) An investigation should be undertaken to determine why NCDs are not issued for the majority of PMAs. Any process improvements should be made without creating additional safety risks and adversely impacting public health. Finally, additional studies are needed to fully characterize and better understand the trends identified in this research study.^


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Explains the equitable doctrine of subrogation as it applies to tenants, assignees and landlords. Outlines the basic principle of subrogation and examines how the principle affects the legal position of the original tenant, the tenant's assignee, the tenant's surety and the original landlord.


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Schizophrenia may not be a single disease, but the result of a diverse set of related conditions. Modern neuroscience is beginning to reveal some of the genetic and environmental underpinnings of schizophrenia; however, an approach less well travelled is to examine the medical disorders that produce symptoms resembling schizophrenia. This book is the first major attempt to bring together the diseases that produce what has been termed 'secondary schizophrenia'. International experts from diverse backgrounds ask the questions: does this medical disorder, or drug, or condition cause psychosis? If yes, does it resemble schizophrenia? What mechanisms form the basis of this relationship? What implications does this understanding have for aetiology and treatment? The answers are a feast for clinicians and researchers of psychosis and schizophrenia. They mark the next step in trying to meet the most important challenge to modern neuroscience – understanding and conquering this most mysterious of human diseases.


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The secondary phosphate mineral sigloite Fe3+Al2(PO4)2(OH)3·7H2O is the exception to the rule that phosphate mineral paragenesis is related to the final phase of hydrothermal mineralization at low temperatures. Sigloite was formed as an oxidation pseudomorph after paravauxite, during the last supergene paragenetic stage. We have studied the secondary phosphate mineral sigloite Fe3+Al2(PO4)2(OH)3·7H2O using vibrational spectroscopic techniques. Because the mineral is a phosphate mineral, it is readily studied by spectroscopic techniques as the phosphate and hydrogen phosphate units are readily measured. Indeed, sigloite shows the presence of both phosphate and hydrogen phosphate units in its structure. Raman bands at 1009 cm−1 with shoulders at 993 and 1039 cm−1 are assigned to stretching vibrations of and units. The Raman band at 993 cm−1 is assigned to the ν1 symmetric stretching mode of the POH units, whereas the Raman band at 1009 cm−1 is assigned to the ν1 symmetric stretching mode. Raman bands observed at 506, 528, 571, 596, 619 and 659 cm−1 are attributed to the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO4 and H2PO4 units. The Raman bands at 2988, 3118 and 3357 cm−1 are assigned to water stretching vibration. The series of bands at 3422, 3449, 3493, 3552 and 3615 cm−1 are assigned to the OH stretching vibrations of the hydroxyl units. The observation of multiple bands gives credence to the non-equivalence of the OH units in the sigloite structure.


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On March 17 2011 the UN Security Council passed resolution 1973 authorising the use of force for civilian protection purposes in Libya.1 This resolution was hailed by many supporters of the responsibility to protect (R2P) as a crucial step towards the consolidation of the concept’s normative standing.2 Gareth Evans described the intervention as ‘a textbook case of the R2P norm working exactly as it was supposed to’.3 For Lloyd Axworthy the Libya episode signalled a move towards a ‘more humane world’.4 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon declared that it ‘affirms, clearly and unequivocally, the international community’s determination to fulfil its responsibility to protect civilians from violence perpetrated by their own government.’5 At first glance, the Security Council’s rapid, decisive response to escalating violence in Libya might well have suggested a new willingness on the part of the international community to take collective action to avert intra-state humanitarian crises. However, a closer examination of the text of resolution 1973 and statements by Security Council member states reveals a less than complete endorsement of R2P. Disagreements between states over the scope of the mandate for the use of force in Libya quickly emerged. Long-standing fears among Russia, China and other non-Western states that R2P could be used as a pretext for regime change returned to the fore as the legality and legitimacy of NATO’s military action were called into question. This post-Libya backlash against R2P has been a central factor in the international community’s subsequent inability to agree on effective civilian protection measures in Syria. Much of the optimism that surrounded R2P in the immediate aftermath of resolution 1973 has given way to a sober realization that achieving international consensus on civilian protection measures will rarely be straightforward.


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Background: Angiogenesis may play a role in the pathogenesis of Non-Small Cell Lung cancer (NSCLC). The CXC (ELR+) chemokine family are powerful promoters of the angiogenic response. Methods: The expression of the CXC (ELR+) family members (CXCL1-3/GROα-γ, CXCL8/IL-8, CXCR1/2) was examined in a series of resected fresh frozen NSCLC tumours. Additionally, the expression and epigenetic regulation of these chemokines was examined in normal bronchial epithelial and NSCLC cell lines. Results: Overall, expression of the chemokine ligands (CXCL1, 2, 8) and their receptors (CXCR1/2) were down regulated in tumour samples compared with normal, with the exception of CXCL3. CXCL8 and CXCR1/2 were found to be epigenetically regulated by histone post-translational modifications. Recombinant CXCL8 did not stimulate cell growth in either a normal bronchial epithelial or a squamous carcinoma cell line (SKMES-1). However, an increase was observed at 72 hours post treatment in an adenocarcinoma cell line. Conclusions: CXC (ELR+) chemokines are dysregulated in NSCLC. The balance of these chemokines may be critical in the tumour microenvironment and requires further elucidation. It remains to be seen if epigenetic targeting of these pathways is a viable therapeutic option in lung cancer treatment. © 2011 Baird et al.


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Diagnostics is based on the characterization of mechanical system condition and allows early detection of a possible fault. Signal processing is an approach widely used in diagnostics, since it allows directly characterizing the state of the system. Several types of advanced signal processing techniques have been proposed in the last decades and added to more conventional ones. Seldom, these techniques are able to consider non-stationary operations. Diagnostics of roller bearings is not an exception of this framework. In this paper, a new vibration signal processing tool, able to perform roller bearing diagnostics in whatever working condition and noise level, is developed on the basis of two data-adaptive techniques as Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Minimum Entropy Deconvolution (MED), coupled by means of the mathematics related to the Hilbert transform. The effectiveness of the new signal processing tool is proven by means of experimental data measured in a test-rig that employs high power industrial size components.


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The Black Sea ecosystem experienced severe eutrophication-related degradation during the 1970s and 1980s. However, in recent years the Black Sea has shown some signs of recovery which are often attributed to a reduction in nutrient loading. Here, SeaWiFS chlorophyll a (chl a), a proxy for phytoplankton biomass, is used to investigate spatio-temporal patterns in Black Sea phytoplankton dynamics and to explore the potential role of climate in the Black Sea's recovery. Maps of chl a anomalies, calculated relative to the 8 year mean, emphasize spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton biomass in the Black Sea, particularly between the riverine-influenced Northwest Shelf and the open Black Sea. Evolution of phytoplankton biomass has shown significant spatial variability of persistence of optimal bloom conditions between three major regions of the Black Sea. With the exception of 2001, chl a has generally decreased during our 8 year time-series. However, the winter of 2000–2001 was anomalously warm with low wind stress, resulting in reduced vertical mixing of the water column and retention of nutrients in the photic zone. These conditions were associated with anomalously high levels of chl a throughout much of the open Black Sea during the following spring and summer. The unusual climatic conditions occurring in 2001 may have triggered a shift in the Black Sea's chl a regime. The long-term significance of this recent shift is still uncertain but illustrates a non-linear response to climate forcing that makes future ecosystem changes in the pelagic Black Sea ecosystem difficult to predict.


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The emergence of multidrug-resistant pathogens within the clinical environment is presenting a mounting problem in hospitals worldwide. The 'ESKAPE' pathogens (Enterococcusfaecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacter spp.) have been highlighted as a group of causative organisms in a majority of nosocomial infections, presenting a serious health risk due to widespread antimicrobial resistance. The stagnating pipeline of new antibiotics requires alternative approaches to the control and treatment of nosocomial infections. Atmospheric pressure nonthermal plasma (APNTP) is attracting growing interest as an alternative infection control approach within the clinical setting. This study presents a comprehensive bactericidal assessment of an in-house-designed APNTP jet both against biofilms and planktonic bacteria of the ESKAPE pathogens. Standard plate counts and the XTT metabolic assay were used to evaluate the antibacterial effect of APNTP, with both methods demonstrating comparable eradication times. APNTP exhibited rapid antimicrobial activity against all of the ESKAPE pathogens in the planktonic mode of growth and provided efficient and complete eradication of ESKAPE pathogens in the biofilm mode of growth within 360 s, with the exception of A. baumannii where a >4log reduction in biofilm viability was observed. This demonstrates its effectiveness as a bactericidal treatment against these pathogens and further highlights its potential application in the clinical environment for the control of highly antimicrobial-resistant pathogens.


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Thèse Docteur, EHESS, Discipline : Sociologie, 2004