1000 resultados para Excel (Programa de computador)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
When a bolted joint is loaded in tension with dynamically, part of this load is absorbed by the bolt and rest is absorbed by the joint material. What determines the portion that is to absorbed by the bolt is the joint stiffness factor. This factor influences the tension which corresponds to pre-load and the safety factor for fatigue failure, thus being an important factor in the design of bolted joints. In this work, three methods of calculating the stiffness factor are compared through a spreadsheet in Excel software. The ratio of initial pre-load and the safety factor for fatigue failure depending on the stiffness factor graph is generated. The calculations for each method show results with a small difference. It is therefore recommended that each project case is analyzed, and depending on its conditions and the range of stiffness values, the more or less rigid method about the safety factor for fatigue failure is chosen. In general, the approximation method provides consistent results and can be easily calculated
This work aims to determine the first natural frequency of rotation shaft by using a basic software, Excel, and to compare it to the values obtained in laboratory. When an axle is submitted to a rotation, depending on the rotational frequency used, the axle can enter a state of resonance, in which the amplitude of vibration becomes rather high. The frequencies in which the resonance is observed depends on several parameters of the axle, including the number of concentrated masses associated to the axle. Thus, to obtain a computer program of easy use and access, which can preview the frequency of resonance of an axle in rotation with ‘n’ numbers of concentrated masses it has been studied how the frequency varies with each of these parameters. The computer program and the analyses have been made using the Rayleigh Method, which allowed the transformation of a continuous system to discrete through the theory of finite elements, which has proved that, the bigger the number of divisions of the shaft taken into consideration in the calculus of the natural frequency, the more this value gets close to the real value. The results obtained have been considered satisfactory once these have gotten close to the theoretical results expected
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
A educaçao atrelada as tecnologias podem trazer ganhos significativos a sociedade. A relaçao entre as duas pode promover efetivamente inúmeras transformaçoes no contexto social e cultural dos alunos da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Salvador. Podendo ser as tecnologias digitais responsáveis por oportunizar uma imersao nas redes de comunicaçao e informaçao e novos modos de ensinar e aprender. Neste artigo, discutimos as açoes desenvolvidas na escola Municipal Maria Antonieta Alfarano, a partir do Programa Um Computador por Aluno - ProUCA. Com as discussoes, refletimos acerca da implementaçao do programa, do acompanhamento da Secretaria de Educaçao (SMED) e da realizaçao das atividades desenvolvidas no cotidiano escolar. O processo de inserçao de políticas públicas de tecnologia e as lacunas oriundas das açoes da Secretaria e Ministério da Educaçao (MEC) também sao abordados no texto. Foram consideradas na análise a proposta de formaçao desenvolvida pela Universidade Federal Bahia (UFBA) e sugeridas e acompanhadas pelo Núcleo de Tecnologia Municipal (NTM). Contudo, foi possível verificar que é viável promover integraçao, socializaçao e acesso as tecnologias e assim, implantarmos a cultura digital nas escolas da rede, promovendo novas práticas pedagógicas e novas formas de aprendizagens
A educaçao atrelada as tecnologias podem trazer ganhos significativos a sociedade. A relaçao entre as duas pode promover efetivamente inúmeras transformaçoes no contexto social e cultural dos alunos da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Salvador. Podendo ser as tecnologias digitais responsáveis por oportunizar uma imersao nas redes de comunicaçao e informaçao e novos modos de ensinar e aprender. Neste artigo, discutimos as açoes desenvolvidas na escola Municipal Maria Antonieta Alfarano, a partir do Programa Um Computador por Aluno - ProUCA. Com as discussoes, refletimos acerca da implementaçao do programa, do acompanhamento da Secretaria de Educaçao (SMED) e da realizaçao das atividades desenvolvidas no cotidiano escolar. O processo de inserçao de políticas públicas de tecnologia e as lacunas oriundas das açoes da Secretaria e Ministério da Educaçao (MEC) também sao abordados no texto. Foram consideradas na análise a proposta de formaçao desenvolvida pela Universidade Federal Bahia (UFBA) e sugeridas e acompanhadas pelo Núcleo de Tecnologia Municipal (NTM). Contudo, foi possível verificar que é viável promover integraçao, socializaçao e acesso as tecnologias e assim, implantarmos a cultura digital nas escolas da rede, promovendo novas práticas pedagógicas e novas formas de aprendizagens
A educaçao atrelada as tecnologias podem trazer ganhos significativos a sociedade. A relaçao entre as duas pode promover efetivamente inúmeras transformaçoes no contexto social e cultural dos alunos da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Salvador. Podendo ser as tecnologias digitais responsáveis por oportunizar uma imersao nas redes de comunicaçao e informaçao e novos modos de ensinar e aprender. Neste artigo, discutimos as açoes desenvolvidas na escola Municipal Maria Antonieta Alfarano, a partir do Programa Um Computador por Aluno - ProUCA. Com as discussoes, refletimos acerca da implementaçao do programa, do acompanhamento da Secretaria de Educaçao (SMED) e da realizaçao das atividades desenvolvidas no cotidiano escolar. O processo de inserçao de políticas públicas de tecnologia e as lacunas oriundas das açoes da Secretaria e Ministério da Educaçao (MEC) também sao abordados no texto. Foram consideradas na análise a proposta de formaçao desenvolvida pela Universidade Federal Bahia (UFBA) e sugeridas e acompanhadas pelo Núcleo de Tecnologia Municipal (NTM). Contudo, foi possível verificar que é viável promover integraçao, socializaçao e acesso as tecnologias e assim, implantarmos a cultura digital nas escolas da rede, promovendo novas práticas pedagógicas e novas formas de aprendizagens
The financial health of a family is one of the main generators of quality of life, and this is only possible through financial planning, which is nothing more than save and analyze before contracting debts. To do this, students must have notion of financial mathematics, especially of that used by the banks on overdraft interest, in investments and in the short-term and longterm loans, that is, compound interest, equivalent rates, depreciation and others. Starting from the knowledge of arithmetic and geometric progressions and, based on real situations which allow the application of the content learned, one intends to develop activities applied to high education. To start from real situations is one of the main lines of thought of the Problem Solving Methodology, in which the student is the active agent in the construction of his or her knowledge. As the National Curricular Parameters point out, the practice in the use of computers is essential for gaining a job. Therefore, this project proposes an activity where knowledge of Financial Mathematics can to be practiced, associated with the use of Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet
O método analítico de Chomard é operacionalmente simples, mas envolve uma marcha de cálculo longa e demorada. Apresenta-se o programa para computador que permite, a partir de três operações de extinção (φ, Θ, ψ), determinar 2V, o sinal ótico do mineral e localizar 2V mediante os ângulos diretores dos eixos óticos. Inclui-se um exemplo da aplicação do método em um grupamento de plagioclásio, comparando-se os valores de 2V obtidos por diferentes métodos.
This work presents a description of models development at DigSILENT PowerFactoryT M program for the transient stability study in power systems with wind turbine. The main goal is to make available means to use a dynamic simulation program in power systems, widely published, and utilize it as a tool that helps in programs results evaluations used for this intent. The process of simulations and analyses results starts after the models setting description phase. The results obtained by the DigSILENT PowerFactoryT M and ATP, program chosen to the validation also international recognized, are compared during this phase. The main tools and guide lines of PowerFactoryT M program use are presented here, directing these elements to the solution of the approached problem. For the simulation it is used a real system which it will be connected a wind farm. Two different technologies of wind turbines were implemented: doublyfed induction generator with frequency converter, connecting the rotor to the stator and to the grid, and synchronous wind generator with frequency converter, interconnecting the generator to the grid. Besides presenting the basic conceptions of dynamic simulation, it is described the implemented control strategies and models of turbine and converters. The stability of the wind turbine interconnected to grid is analyzed in many operational conditions, resultant of diverse kinds of disturbances
The calculation of tooth mass discrepancy, essential for good planning and a proper orthodontic finishing, when performed manually, besides being laborious, requires considerable time consumption. The aim of this study was to develop and test Bolton Freeware, a software for analysis of the tooth mass discrepancy of Bolton, aiming to minimize the consumption of time in a less onerous way. The digital analysis of the software was done by means of two-dimensional scanning of plaster study models and compared to manual evaluation (gold standard), using 75 pairs of stone plaster study models divided into two groups according to the magnitude of the Curve of Spee (group I from 0 to 2 mm, group II greater than 2 to 3mm). All the models had permanent dentition and were in perfect condition. The manual evaluation was performed with a digital caliper and a calculator, and the time required to perform the analysis for both methods was recorded and compared. In addition, the software was evaluated by orthodontists regarding its use, by means of questionnaires developed specifically for this purpose. Calibration was performed prior to manual analysis, and excellent levels of inter-rater agreement were achieved, with ICC > 0.75 and r > 0.9 for total and anterior proportion. It was observed in the evaluation of error of the digital method that some teeth showed a significant systematic error, being the highest measured at 0.08 mm. The analysis of total tooth mass discrepancy performed by Bolton Freeware, for those cases in which the curve of Spee is mild and moderate, differ from manual analysis, on average, 0.09 mm and 0.07 mm respectively, for each tooth evaluated, with r> 0, 8 for total and anterior proportion. According to the specificity and sensitivity test, Bolton Freeware has an improved ability to detect true negatives, i.e. the presence of discrepancy. The Bolton analysis digitally performed was faster, with an average difference of time consumed to perform the analysis of Bolton between the two methods of approximately 6 minutes. Most experts interviewed (93%) approved the usability of the software
With the advent of technology, many repetitive processes before now was be simplified with the support of a simple computer. Therefore programming has been developed and new softwares appear every day. For the development of this project was used the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and with it the program was made in C # Windows Form mode. This work aims to develop a program that can read, send and receive data via the Universal Serial Bus (USB) to the computer, and thereby perform the processing. Thus the milk producer will possess the knowledge of the amount of milk produced by the animal. With the processing of data it is possible to generate graphs of herd production or a specific animal and you can also generate the required report date