1000 resultados para Excedent (Economia)
Economic activities, both on the macro and micro level, often entail wide-spread externalities. This in turn leads to disputes regarding the compensation levels to the various parties affected. We propose a general, yet simple, method of deciding upon the distribution of the gains (costs) of cooperation in the presence of externalities. This method is shown to be the unique one satisfying several desirable properties. Furthermore, we illustrate the use of this method to resolve the sharing of benefits generated by international climate control agreements.
In this paper we aim at studying to what extent spillovers between firms may foster economic growth. The attention is addressed to the spillovers connected with the R&D activity that improves the quality of the goods firms supply. Our model develops a growth theory framework and we assume that firms spread around a circle. Our study assesses that spillovers between neighbors affect the probability of successful research for each of them. In particular, spillovers are the forces fuelling growth when, on the whole, firms turn out to be net receivers with respect to their neighbors.
In this paper, we consider two classes of economic environments. In the first type, agents are faced with the task of providing local public goods that will benefit some or all of them. In the second type, economic activity takes place via formation of links. Agents need both to both form a network and decide how to share the output generated. For both scenarios, we suggest a bidding mechanism whereby agents bid for the right to decide upon the organization of the economic activity. The subgame perfect equilibria of this game generate efficient outcomes.
Maybe because of the inconclusive nature of the results on the impact of public capital on output at the regional level, the issue of the possible existence of the regional spillovers from public capital formation has received little attention. The objective of this paper is to provide evidence on the possible existence of such spillovers. We consider the case of Spain and its seventeen regions. Our methodological approach consists in estimating an aggregate VAR model for Spain as well as seventeen region-specific VAR models in which both capital installed in the region and capital installed outside the region are allowed to play a role in enhancing regional output. The estimation results can be summarized as follows. The aggregate effects of public capital formation in Spain are important. They cannot, however, be captured in their entirety by the direct effects in each region from public capital installed in the region itself. When for each region both the capital installed in the region and the capital installed outside the region are considered the total disaggregated effect from the seventeen regional models are very much in line with the aggregate results. Furthermore, the aggregate effect seems to be due in almost equal parts to the direct and spillover effects of public capital formation. Ultimately, this paper establishes the relevance of both capital installed in each region and spillover effects in the understanding of the regional decomposition of the aggregate effects of public capital formation. In doing so it opens the door to some tantalizing and potentially highly charged research issues in terms of the determination of the optimal location of public investment projects.
Se demuestra que todo sistema tipo Leontief (o Leontief-Sraffa) puede ser transformado en uno estructuralmente equivalente en el que la matriz tecnológica A tenga la propiedad de que la suma de los elementos de cada columna sea el autovalor máximo a de A; lo que equivale a transformar las unidades físicas originales en unidades que (haciendo abstracción de la componente trabajo) tengan idéntica composición de capital. A un tal sistema transformado lo denominaremos homogeneizado. En este tipo de sistemas aparecen más cómodos los estudios del sistema de precios de Sraffa, la limitación del tipo de beneficio, el reparto del excedente, la interpretación económica de 1/(I - A), la interpretación de los precios utilizando el teorema del punto fijo, la evolución de los precios al variar el tipo de beneficio, etc. Se demuestra que en un sistema homogeneizado "idéntica composición orgánica de capital" (Marx) equivale a idéntica cantidad de trabajo directo.
The cycle of fossil fuels as an energy source for mankind is approaching its end. Finite resources, coupled with greenhouse gas, have led to an increased effort in the search for alternative renewable energy sources. Brazil has a leading position, due to a 46% participation of renewable sources in its primary energy supply, compared to the global average of 12%. The expansion of the renewable sources in Brazil depends on medium and long term planning, and a large volume of investments. The present financial crisis will have major effects in the energy market. Despite a negative initial impact, it is expected that the rearrangement of the financial system will ultimately lead to an expansion in the use of renewable energy sources. Brazil is a tropical country, with the largest biodiversity in our planet and excellent conditions to expand the use of all forms of renewable sources.
The recommended bibliographical references for the development of scientific research are those published by scientific journals. In spite of this recommendation, the use of non conventional documents by undergraduate students has been increasing. This paper, developed as a survey with 145 students of Administration, Accounting and Economics, characterizes the use these documents and analyzes teaching strategies supported in the use of non conventional documents.
A disciplina teve como principais conte??dos: a necessidade do Estado. Externalidades e bens p??blicos. Padr??es de interven????o do Estado e as fun????es econ??micas: alocativa, distributiva e estabilizadora. Equidade e efici??ncia. O financiamento do Setor P??blico. Sistema Tribut??rio Brasileiro. Pol??tica econ??mica: fiscal, monet??ria e cambial
A disciplina teve como conte??dos: no????es de pol??tica cambial e de com??rcio exterior. Globaliza????o e seus impactos nas economias nacionais. Multilateralismo (institui????es financeiras multilaterais). A import??ncia dos bancos centrais. Rela????es econ??micas internacionais. Integra????o econ??mica (blocos econ??micos). Perspectivas da economia mundial
A disciplina teve como principais conte??dos: a necessidade do Estado. Externalidades e bens p??blicos. Padr??es de interven????o do Estado e as fun????es econ??micas: alocativa, distributiva e estabilizadora. Equidade e efici??ncia. O financiamento do Setor P??blico. Sistema Tribut??rio Brasileiro. Pol??tica econ??mica: fiscal, monet??ria e cambial
A disciplina teve como principais conte??dos: motiva????o para a regula????o. Regula????o e pol??tica antitruste: conceitos e hist??rico. Teorias da regula????o: an??lise normativa, teoria da captura e teoria econ??mica da regula????o. Monop??lio natural, leil??o de franquia e regula????o. Regula????o de mercados potencialmente competitivos. Defesa da concorr??ncia e legisla????o antitruste. An??lises setoriais da regula????o: setores de energia, telecomunica????es, transportes, petr??leo e sa??de. Sistema brasileiro de defesa da concorr??ncia: SEAE, CADE e SDE
Da industrializa????o brasileira ?? crise do desenvolvimentismo na d??cada de 80. A estabiliza????o da economia: do Plano Real aos dias atuais. As pol??ticas de desenvolvimento dos anos 90 e a crise do final da d??cada. A pol??tica macroecon??mica atual: fundamentos e principais resultados. Desenvolvimento econ??mico, distribui????o de renda e pobreza. A atual crise financeira: causas, desenvolvimento, pol??ticas antic??clicas e situa????o do Brasil. Um breve panorama das agendas priorit??rias do governo atual