1000 resultados para Ex-sócios


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O presente estudo objetiva traçar um panorama atual sobre a responsabilidade subsidiária dos sócios nas hipóteses em que, em fase de execução no processo do trabalho, os bens da pessoa jurídica sejam insuficientes para satisfação dos créditos. A matéria propriamente dita nada tem de nova, remontando aos primeiros decretos que regulamentavam as sociedades por quotas de responsabilidade limitada, passando pelo Código Civil de 1916 e de 2002. Todavia, o estudo procurará demonstrar que, aos poucos, foi sendo abandonada a exigência de comprovação dos amplos poderes de mando e gestão do sócio, ou seu exercício abusivo, assim como foi aumentando simultaneamente a preocupação com a figura dos ex-sócios, objeto de investigação especial no presente trabalho. O artigo sustentará a tese de que essa maior liberdade na interpretação da responsabilidade de sócios e ex-sócios se deve, sobretudo, (a) à promiscuidade patrimonial verificada entre pessoas jurídicas e pessoas naturais, na sociedade brasileira, (b) às altíssimas taxas de encerramento das pessoas jurídicas logo no primeiro ou no segundo ano de existência e (c) à elevada rotatividade de sócios nos estatutos da empresa.


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It has previously been found that complexes comprised of vitronectin and growth factors (VN:GF) enhance keratinocyte protein synthesis and migration. More specifically, these complexes have been shown to significantly enhance the migration of dermal keratinocytes derived from human skin. In view of this, it was thought that these complexes may hold potential as a novel therapy for healing chronic wounds. However, there was no evidence indicating that the VN:GF complexes would retain their effect on keratinocytes in the presence of chronic wound fluid. The studies in this thesis demonstrate for the first time that the VN:GF complexes not only stimulate proliferation and migration of keratinocytes, but also these effects are maintained in the presence of chronic wound fluid in a 2-dimensional (2-D) cell culture model. Whilst the 2-D culture system provided insights into how the cells might respond to the VN:GF complexes, this investigative approach is not ideal as skin is a 3-dimensional (3-D) tissue. In view of this, a 3-D human skin equivalent (HSE) model, which reflects more closely the in vivo environment, was used to test the VN:GF complexes on epidermopoiesis. These studies revealed that the VN:GF complexes enable keratinocytes to migrate, proliferate and differentiate on a de-epidermalised dermis (DED), ultimately forming a fully stratified epidermis. In addition, fibroblasts were seeded on DED and shown to migrate into the DED in the presence of the VN:GF complexes and hyaluronic acid, another important biological factor in the wound healing cascade. This HSE model was then further developed to enable studies examining the potential of the VN:GF complexes in epidermal wound healing. Specifically, a reproducible partial-thickness HSE wound model was created in fully-defined media and monitored as it healed. In this situation, the VN:GF complexes were shown to significantly enhance keratinocyte migration and proliferation, as well as differentiation. This model was also subsequently utilized to assess the wound healing potential of a synthetic fibrin-like gel that had previously been demonstrated to bind growth factors. Of note, keratinocyte re-epitheliasation was shown to be markedly improved in the presence of this 3-D matrix, highlighting its future potential for use as a delivery vehicle for the VN:GF complexes. Furthermore, this synthetic fibrin-like gel was injected into a 4 mm diameter full-thickness wound created in the HSE, both keratinocytes and fibroblasts were shown to migrate into this gel, as revealed by immunofluorescence. Interestingly, keratinocyte migration into this matrix was found to be dependent upon the presence of the fibroblasts. Taken together, these data indicate that reproducible wounds, as created in the HSEs, provide a relevant ex vivo tool to assess potential wound healing therapies. Moreover, the models will decrease our reliance on animals for scientific experimentation. Additionally, it is clear that these models will significantly assist in the development of novel treatments, such as the VN:GF complexes and the synthetic fibrin-like gel described herein, ultimately facilitating their clinical trial in the treatment of chronic wounds.


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In the past decade, scholars have proposed a range of terms to describe the relationship between practice and research in the creative arts, including increasingly nuanced definitions of practice-based research, practice-led research and practice-as-research. In this paper, I consider the efficacy of creative practice as method. I use the example of The Ex/Centric Fixations Project – a project in which I have embedded creative practice in a research project, rather than embedding research in a creative project. The Ex/Centric Fixations project investigates the way spectators interpret human experiences – especially human experiences of difference, marginalisation or discrimination – depicted onstage. In particular, it investigates the way postmodern performance writing strategies, and the presence of performing bodied to which the experience depicted can be attached, impacts on interpretations. It is part of a broader research project which examines the performativity of spectatorship, and intervenes in emergent debates about performance, ethics and spectatorship in the context of debate about whether live performance is a privileged site for the emergence of an ethical face-to-face encounter with the Other. Using the metaphor of the Mobius strip, I examines the way practice – as a method, rather than an output – has informed, influenced and problematised the broader research project.


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A new accelerometer, the Kenz Lifecorder EX (LC; Suzuken Co. Ltd, Nagoya, Japan), offers promise as a feasible monitor alternative to the commonly used Actigraph (AG: Actigraph LLC, Fort Walton Beach, FL). Purpose: This study compared the LC and AG accelerometers and the Yamax SW-200 pedometer (DW) under free-living conditions with regard to children's steps taken and time in light-intensity physical activity (PA) and moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA). Methods: Participants (N = 31, age = 10.2 ± 0.4 yr) wore LC, AG, and DW monitors from arrival at school (7:45 a.m.) until they went to bed. Time in light and MVPA intensities were calculated using two separate intensity classifications for the LC (LC_4 and LC_5) and four classifications for the AG (AG_Treuth, AG_Puyau, AG_Trost, and AG_Freedson). Both accelerometers provided steps as outputs. DW steps were self-recorded. Repeated-measures ANOVA was used to assess overlapping monitor outputs. Results: There was no difference between DW and LC steps (Δ = 200 steps), but a nonsignificant trend was observed in the pairwise comparison between DW and AG steps (Δ = 1001 steps, P = 0.058). AG detected significantly greater steps than the LC (Δ = 801 steps, P = 0.001). Estimates of light-intensity activity minutes ranged from a low of 75.6 ± 18.4 min (LC_4) to a high of 309 ± 69.2 min (AG_Treuth). Estimates of MVPA minutes ranged from a low of 25.9 ± 9.4 min (LC_5) to a high of 112.2 ± 34.5 min (AG_Freedson). No significant differences in MVPA were seen between LC_5 and AG_Treuth (Δ = 4.9 min) or AG_Puyau (Δ = 1.7 min). Conclusion: The LC detected a comparable number of steps as the DW but significantly fewer steps than the AG in children. Current results indicate that the LC_5 and either AG_Treuth or AG_Puyau intensity derivations provide similar mean estimates of time in MVPA during-free living activity in 10-yr-old children.