976 resultados para Evaporation over Indian Ocean


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This paper describes the results of the measurement of the Marine Boundary Layer (MBL) height from spectral analysis of the u and v components of the wind and from CLASS/radiosonde temperature profiles. The data were collected on ORV Sagar Kanya during the pre-INDOEX (27 December 1996 through 31 January 1997) and FFP-98 (18 February to 31 March 1998) over the latitude range 15 degrees N to 14 degrees S and 15 degrees N to 20 degrees S respectively. During the pre-INDOEX, the MBL heights gradually decrease from 2.5 km at 13 degrees N to around 500 to 600 m at 10 degrees S, Similar results are observed in the return track. The MBL heights (0.5 to 1 km) obtained during FFP-98 are less compared to those obtained during pre-INDOEX. The MBL heights during FFP-98 are less compared to the pre-INDOEX and are believed to be due to the presence of stratus, stratocumulus and cumulus clouds during the cruise period, compared to a relatively cloud free pre-INDOEX cruise.


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In this study, an effort has been made to study heavy rainfall events during cyclonic storms over Indian Ocean. This estimate is based on microwave observations from tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI). Regional scattering index (SI) developed for Indian region based on measurements at 19-, 21- and 85-GHz brightness temperature and polarization corrected temperature (PCT) at 85 GHz have been utilized in this study. These PCT and SI are collocated against Precipitation Radar (PR) onboard TRMM to establish a relationship between rainfall rate, PCT and SI. The retrieval technique using both linear and nonlinear regressions has been developed utilizing SI, PCT and the combination of SI and PCT. The results have been compared with the observations from PR. It was found that a nonlinear algorithm using combination of SI and PCT is more accurate than linear algorithm or nonlinear algorithm using either SI or PCT. Statistical comparison with PR exhibits the correlation coefficients (CC) of 0.68, 0.66 and 0.70, and root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.78, 1.96 and 1.68 mm/h from the observations of SI, PCT and combination of SI and PCT respectively using linear regressions. When nonlinear regression is used, the CC of 0.73, 0.71, 0.79 and RMSE of 1.64, 1.95, 1.54 mm/h are observed from the observations of SI, PCT and combination of SI and PCT, respectively. The error statistics for high rain events (above 10 mm/h) shows the CC of 0.58, 0.59, 0.60 and RMSE of 5.07, 5.47, 5.03 mm/h from the observations of SI, PCT and combination of SI and PCT, respectively, using linear regression, and on the other hand, use of nonlinear regression yields the CC of 0.66, 0.64, 0.71 and RMSE of 4.68, 5.78 and 4.02 mm/h from the observations of SI, PCT and combined SI and PCT, respectively.


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The study is undertaken with an objective to investigate the linkage between air-sea fluxes in the Indian Ocean and monsoon forcing. Since the monsoon activity is linked to fluxes, the variability of surface marine meteorological fields under the variable monsoon conditions is also studied. The very objective of the present study is to document various sea surface parameters of the Indian Ocean and to examine the anomalies found in them. Hence it is attempted to relate the anomaly to the variability of monsoon over India, highlighting the occasion of contrasting monsoon periods. The analysis of anomalies of surface meteorological fields such as SST, wind speed and direction, sea level pressure and cloud cover for contrasting monsoons are also studied. During good monsoon years, the pressure anomalies are negative indicating a fall in SLP during pre-monsoon and monsoon months. The interaction of the marine atmosphere with tropical Indian Ocean and its influence on ISMR continue to be an area of active research.


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The objective of the present study is to understand the spatial and temporal variability of sea surface temperature(SST), precipitable water, zonal and meridional components of wind stress over the tropical Indian Ocean to understand the different scales of variability of these features of Indian Ocean. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) and wavelet analysis techniques are utilized to understand the standing oscillations and multi scale oscillations respectively. The study has been carried out over Indian Ocean and South Indian Ocean. For the present study, NCEP/NCAR(National Center for Environmental Prediction National Center for Atmospheric Research) reanalyzed daily fields of sea surface temperature, zonal and meridional surface wind components and precipitable water amount during 1960-1998 are used. The principle of EOF analysis and the methodology used for the analysis of spatial and temporal variance modes.


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Analytical data on the basic salt composition in evaporation products of sea (ocean) water and of rain water falling on the central area of the Indian Ocean are examined. Both hot and low-temperature (vacuum) distillation were used. When ocean water evaporates under calm conditions, sea salts in molecular-dispersed state, metamorphosed in the upper boundary layer, enter the atmosphere in addition to water vapor ("salt respiration of the ocean"). Concentration of these salts is about 0.5 mg per liter of water evaporated. Salts also enter the atmosphere from a foam-covered ocean surface as aerosols.


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A Southern Ocean Pilot cruise covering the latitudes from 10 degrees N to 56 degrees S in the open Indian Ocean was carried out during January February 2004. Surface and upper air data collected during this cruise are reported here. It is shown that the broad features of the atmosphere, in particular that of temperature, follow the tropical and mid-latitude weather expected during January February in this region. However, the atmospheric boundary-layer shows large variations, both in its height and structure between tropics and high latitudes. Strong influence of the surface heat flux on boundary layer structure is clearly seen. Humidity field reveals several local maxima and minima, suggesting a laminated atmosphere with air from different sources moving almost unmixed in adjacent layers.


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The crescent shaped Mascarene Plateau (southwestern Indian Ocean), some 2200 km in length, forms a partial barrier to the (predominantly westward) flow of the South Equatorial Current. Shallow areas of the Mascarene Plateau effectively form a large shelf sea without an associated coastline. Zooplankton sampling transects were made across the plateau and also the basin to the west, to investigate the role the partial interruption of flow has on zooplankton biomass and community structure over the region. Biomass data from Optical Plankton Counter (OPC) analysis, and variability in community structure from taxonomic analysis, appear to indicate that the obstruction by the plateau causes upwelling, nutrient enrichment and enhanced chlorophyll and secondary production levels downstream. The Mascarene Basin is clearly distinguishable from the ridge itself, and from the waters to the south and north, both in terms of size-distributed zooplankton biomass and community structure. Satellite remote sensing data, particularly remotely-sensed ocean colour imagery and the sea surface height anomaly (SSHA), indicate support for this hypothesis. A correlation was found between OPC biovolume and SSHA and sea surface temperature (SST), which may indicate the physical processes driving mesozooplankton variability in this area. Biomass values away from the influence of the ridge averaged 24 mg m-3, but downstream if the ridge biomass averaged 263 mg m-3. Copepods comprised 60% of the mean total organisms. Calanoid copepods varied considerably between regions, being lowest away from the influence of the plateau, where higher numbers of the cyclopoid copepods Oithona spp., Corycaeus spp. and Oncaea spp., and the harpacticoid Microsetella spp. were found.


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TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) is reported to be a useful sensor to measure the atmospheric and oceanic parameters even in cloudy conditions. Vertically integrated specific humidity, Total Precipitable Water (TPW) retrieved from the water vapour absorption channel (22GHz.) along with 10m wind speed and rain rate derived from TMI is used to investigate the moisture variation over North Indian Ocean. Intraseasonal Oscillations (ISO) of TPW during the summer monsoon seasons 1998, 1999, and 2000 over North Indian Ocean is explored using wavelet analysis. The dominant waves in TPW during the monsoon periods and the differences in ISO over Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal are investigated. The northward propagation of TPW anomaly and its coherence with the coastal rainfall is also studied. For the diagnostic study of heavy rainfall spells over the west coast, the intrusion of TPW over the North Arabian Sea is seen to be a useful tool.


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A 250-year, high-resolution, multivariate ice core record from LGB65 (70degrees50'07"S, 77degrees04'29"E; 1850 m asl), Princess Elizabeth Land (PEL), is used to investigate sea level pressure (SLP) variability over the southern Indian Ocean (SIO). Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis reveals that the first EOF (EOF1) of the glaciochemical record from LGB65 represents most of the variability in sea salt throughout the 250-year record. EOF1 is negatively correlated (95% confidence level and higher) to instrumental mean sea level pressure (MSLP) at Kerguelen and New Amsterdam islands, SIO. On the basis of comparison with NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, strong correlations were found between sea-salt variations and a quasi-stationary low that lies to the north of Prydz Bay, SIO. Comparison with a 250-year-long summer transpolar index (STPI) inferred from sub-Antarctic tree ring records reveals strong coherency. Decadal-scale SLP variability over SIO suggests shifting of the polar vortex. Prominent decadal-scale deepening of the southern Indian Ocean low (SIOL) exists circa 1790, 1810, 1835, 1860, 1880, 1900, and 1940 A. D., continuously after the 1970s, and prominent weakening circa 1750, 1795, 1825, 1850, 1870, 1890, 1910, and 1955 A. D. The LGB65 sea-salt record is characterized by significant decadal-scale variability with a strong similar to21-year periodic structure (99.9% confidence level). The relationship between LGB65 sea salt and solar irradiance changes shows that this periodicity is possibly the solar Hale cycle ( 22 years).


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High-precision analysis using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) was performed upon known-age Holocene and modern, pre-bomb coral samples to generate a marine reservoir age correction value (ΔR) for the Houtman-Abrolhos Archipelago (28.7°S, 113.8°E) off the Western Australian coast. The mean ΔR value calculated for the Abrolhos Islands, 54 ± 30 yr (1σ) agrees well with regional ΔR values for Leeuwin Current source waters (N-NW Australia-Java) of 60 ± 38. The Abrolhos Islands show little variation with ΔR values of the northwestern and north Australian coast, underlining the dominance of the more equilibrated western Pacific-derived waters of the Leeuwin Current over local upwelling. The Abrolhos Islands ΔR values have remained stable over the last 2896 yr cal BP, being also attributed to the Leeuwin Current and the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) signal during this period. Expected future trends will be a strengthening of the teleconnection of the Abrolhos Islands to the climatic patterns of the equatorial Pacific via enhanced ENSO and global warming activity strengthening the Leeuwin Current. The possible effect upon the trend of future ΔR values may be to maintain similar values and an increase in stability. However, warming trends of global climate change may cause increasing dissimilarity of ΔR values due to the effects of increasing heat stress upon lower-latitude coral communities.


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Patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation were used to analyse the population genetic structure of southwestern Indian Ocean green turtle (Chelonia mydas) populations. Analysis of sequence variation over 396 bp of the mtDNA control region revealed seven haplotypes among 288 individuals from 10 nesting sites in the Southwest Indian Ocean. This is the first time that Atlantic Ocean haplotypes have been recorded among any Indo-Pacific nesting populations. Previous studies indicated that the Cape of Good Hope was a major biogeographical barrier between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans because evidence for gene flow in the last 1.5 million years has yet to emerge. This study, by sampling localities adjacent to this barrier, demonstrates that recent gene flow has occurred from the Atlantic Ocean into the Indian Ocean via the Cape of Good Hope. We also found compelling genetic evidence that green turtles nesting at the rookeries of the South Mozambique Channel (SMC) and those nesting in the North Mozambique Channel (NMC) belong to separate genetic stocks. Furthermore, the SMC could be subdivided in two different genetic stocks, one in Europa and the other one in Juan de Nova. We suggest that this particular genetic pattern along the Mozambique Channel is attributable to a recent colonization from the Atlantic Ocean and is maintained by oceanic conditions in the northern and southern Mozambique Channel that influence early stages in the green turtle life cycle.