642 resultados para Euphorbia-hirta
The adoption of dry direct seeding of rice in many Asian countries has resulted in increased interest among weed scientists to improve weed management strategies, because of the large and complex weed flora associated with dry-seeded rice (DSR). Tillage and cover cropping practices can be integrated into weed management strategies as these have been known to affect weed emergence for several ecological reasons. A study was conducted in the summer seasons of 2012 and 2013 at the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India, to evaluate the effects of tillage, cover cropping, and herbicides on weed growth and grain yield of DSR. Most of the weed species (Echinochloa crus-galli, Echinochloa colona, Eleusine indica, and Euphorbia hirta) under study tended to populate the cover crop (CC) treatment more than the no-cover crop (no-CC) treatment. Zero tillage (ZT) resulted in higher weed densities of most of the weed species studied. The interaction effects of these treatments suggest that lesser herbicide efficacy in ZT and CC plots led to higher weed pressure and weed biomass. Grain yield was significantly higher in the conventional tillage system (2.40–3.32 t ha−1), because of lesser weed pressure, than in ZT (2.08–2.73 t ha−1). Almost all weed species increased in number and biomass production in the second year (2013) compared with the preceding year. Herbicide application (pendimethalin followed by bispyribac-sodium) alone, though significantly increased DSR grain yield over that of the unsprayed check, resulted in lesser grain yield compared with the weed-free check (5.07–5.12 t ha−1) by 14% and 27% in 2012 and 2013, respectively. This was mainly due to the buildup of biomass by weeds that escaped from herbicide application. The study reveals that conservation practices such as ZT can form an important component of integrated weed management in DSR, provided that herbicide efficacy be improved by adjusting rate and time of herbicide application in such systems.
El nopal (Opuntia ficus indica L.), cultivo capaz de crecer en zonas donde apenas existe suelo y unido a su resistencia a la sequía la hace especialmente interesante para muchas zonas de Nicaragua. El nopal es una alternativa alimenticia para animales y humanos; la importancia es generar información agronómica acerca del cultivo sobre su potencial para adaptarse a zonas marginales donde las precipitaciones pluviales resultan ser mínimas como es la zona de Diriamba. El estudio se estableció en la Finca Guadarrama, ubicada en el kilómetro 56 ½ carretera Casares-La Boquita, Diriamba-Carazo, en julio 2008, para determinar el momento óptimo de control de malezas y su influencia ejercida en el cultivo del nopal. El área experimental fue de 104 m 2, realizado en un diseño de BCA (Bloques Completos al Azar) con 6 tratamientos, diferentes momentos de limpia (45 dds; 60 dds; 30 y 75 dds; 45 y 90 dds; 30, 60 y 90 dds) y el testigo sin limpia para malezas. Se evaluaron variables: Abundancia, diversidad de especies, dominancia, entomofauna y rendimiento. A los 105 dds presenta la mayor cobertura el T1 (sin limpia) y la menor cobertura el T6 (limpia a los 30,60 y 90 dds) con 78%, y 0% respectivamente; biomasa para monocotiledóneas, el mayor el T1 (sin limpia) y el menor el T6 (limpia a los 30, 60 y 90 dds) con 2, 380 kg.ha-1 y 8 kg.ha-1 respectivamente, para dicotiledóneas el mayor fue el T1 (sin limpia) y el menor el T6 (limpia a los 30, 60 y 90 dds) con 155 kg.ha-1 y 3 kg.ha-1 respectivamente; abundancia, el mayor número de plantas por especie monocotiledóneas fue Cynodon dactylon L. con 78 plantas en el T1 (sin limpia), para dicotiledóneas, Euphorbia hirta L. con 4 plantas en el T4 (limpia a los 30 y 75 dds); diversidad, encontramos 8 especies en el T1 (sin limpia) y 0 especie en el T6 (limpia a los 30,60 y 90 dds). Los insectos más representativos, fueron: Mariposas palomilla (Eurema sp), grillos (Acheta sp) yhormigas (Attasp), además de diferentes arácnidos. Según el análisis económico el tratamiento más rentable es con limpia a los 30 y 75 dds ya que presenta el mayor beneficio neto (C$ 73 948) y la mayor tasa de retorno marginal (2 634 %).
El tema del presente trabajo es: Dinámica de arvenses en el cultivo del pip ián ( Cucúrbita argyrosperma Huber ) bajo dos tipos de manejo. Finca el Plantel. Masaya, 2008. Manejado de manera convencional y orgánica establecido en la propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria está ubicada en el km 42 ½ carretera Masaya - Tipitapa. El objetivo de la investigación fue de estudiar el comportamiento de las arvenses en el cultivo del pipián ( Cucúrbita argyrosperma Huber ) . Determinar la abundancia, cobertura, diversidad y biomasa de las arvenses en el cultivo con manejo convencional y org ánico, evaluar el efecto de la abundancia, cobertura, diversidad y biomasa de las arvenses sobre el rendimiento del cultivo del pipián y Comparar el efecto de los tipos de manejo en el cultivo del pipián sobre la abundancia, cobertura, diversidad y biomas a de las arvenses. Se establecieron dos parcelas experimentales. En una se estableció el cultivo del pipián manejo convencional y la otra parcela con manejo orgánico, de cada parcela se tomaron cuatro submuestras. En el manejo convencional se realizo la aplicación de productos sintéticos completo 15 - 15 - 15 y urea al 46%. Se hizo control de plagas según la incidencia de las mismas por medio de insecticidas sintéticos y el control de arvenses con herbicidas sintéticos. En el manejo orgánico se aplicó com post, humus de lombriz el cual abastecieron en un 45% de nitrógeno cada uno al cultivo y biofertilizante liquido a los 45 días después de la siembra aportando un 10% de nitrógeno restante. Las plagas y enfermedades se controlaron tomando en cuenta la inc idencia de las plagas y el umbral de daño de las mismas. Se aplicaron productos biológicos y preparados naturales para el control de las mismas. Se realizaron controles mecánicos de las arvenses. En el manejo convencional se fertilizo con completo 15 – 1 5 – 15 aportando el 33% de nitrógeno y urea al 46% aportando el 67% de nitrógeno restante; para la siembra se utilizo el material genético llamada pescuezona. Las variables evaluadas en el cultivo fueron: rendimiento en el cultivo de pipián y en las arv enses: diversidad, abundancia, biomasa y porcentaje de cobertura. Entre los análisis se realizaron: prueba de T de student a la variable de cobertura y rendimiento. Los resultados encontrados son los siguientes: especies monocotiledóneas como: Cyperus rotu ndus L e Ixophorus unicetus (Presl)Schlecht y dicotiledóneas como Sida acuta Burn F, Physalis angulata L, Amaranthus spinosus L, Portulaca oleraceae , Ricinus communis L, Argemmone mexicana L y Euphorbia hirta L de las cuales las monocotiledóneas presentaron mayor número de individuos en ambos sistemas, Ixophorus unicetus Schlecht familia de las poaceas obtuvo mayor biomasa en ambos sistemas y el de menor fue Sida acuta Burn F, a la vez el tratamiento que presente la mayor cobertura a los 15 y 35 días después de la siembra fue el manejo orgánico . El rendimiento no presentó diferencia significativa en ambos tratamientos.
Parasitic weeds of the genera Striga, Orobanche, and Phelipanche pose a severe problem for agriculture because they are difficult to control and are highly destructive to several crops. The present work was carried out during the period October, 2009 to February, 2012 to evaluate the potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to suppress P. ramosa on tomatoes and to investigate the effects of air-dried powder and aqueous extracts from Euphorbia hirta on germination and haustorium initiation in Phelipanche ramosa. The work was divided into three parts: a survey of the indigenous mycorrhizal flora in Sudan, second, laboratory and greenhouse experiments (conducted in Germany and Sudan) to construct a base for the third part, which was a field trial in Sudan. A survey was performed in 2009 in the White Nile state, Sudan to assess AMF spore densities and root colonization in nine fields planted with 13 different important agricultural crops. In addition, an attempt was made to study the relationship between soil physico-chemical properties and AMF spore density, colonization rate, species richness and other diversity indices. The mean percentage of AMF colonization was 34%, ranging from 19-50%. The spore densities (expressed as per 100 g dry soil) retrieved from the rhizosphere of different crops were relatively high, varying from 344 to 1222 with a mean of 798. There was no correlation between spore densities in soil and root colonization percentage. A total of 45 morphologically classifiable species representing ten genera of AMF were detected with no correlation between the number of species found in a soil sample and the spore density. The most abundant genus was Glomus (20 species). The AMF diversity expressed by the Shannon–Weaver index was highest in sorghum (H\= 2.27) and Jews mallow (H\= 2.13) and lowest in alfalfa (H\= 1.4). With respect to crop species, the genera Glomus and Entrophospora were encountered in almost all crops, except for Entrophospora in alfalfa. Kuklospora was found only in sugarcane and sorghum. The genus Ambispora was recovered only in mint and okra, while mint and onion were the only species on which no Acaulospora was found. The hierarchical cluster analysis based on the similarity among AMF communities with respect to crop species overall showed that species compositions were relatively similar with the highest dissimilarity of about 25% separating three of the mango samples and the four sorghum samples from all other samples. Laboratory experiments studied the influence of root and stem exudates of three tomato varieties infected by three different Glomus species on germination of P. ramosa. Root exudates were collected 21or 42 days after transplanting (DAT) and stem exudates 42 DAT and tested for their effects on germination of P. ramosa seeds in vitro. The tomato varieties studied did not have an effect on either mycorrhizal colonization or Phelipanche germination. Germination in response to exudates from 42 day old mycorrhizal plants was significantly reduced in comparison to non-mycorrhizal controls. Germination of P. ramosa in response to root exudates from 21 day old plants was consistently higher than for 42 day-old plants (F=121.6; P<.0001). Stem diffusates from non-mycorrhizal plants invariably elicited higher germination than diffusates from the corresponding mycorrhizal ones and differences were mostly statistically significant. A series of laboratory experiments was undertaken to investigate the effects of aqueous extracts from Euphorbia hirta on germination, radicle elongation, and haustorium initiation in P. ramosa. P. ramosa seeds conditioned in water and subsequently treated with diluted E. hirta extract (10-25% v/v) displayed considerable germination (47-62%). Increasing extract concentration to 50% or more reduced germination in response to the synthetic germination stimulants GR24 and Nijmegen-1 in a concentration dependent manner. P. ramosa germlings treated with diluted Euphorbia extract (10-75 % v/v) displayed haustorium initiation comparable to 2, 5-Dimethoxy-p-benzoquinon (DMBQ) at 20 µM. Euphorbia extract applied during conditioning reduced haustorium initiation in a concentration dependent manner. E. hirta extract or air-dried powder, applied to soil, induced considerable P. ramosa germination. Pot experiments were undertaken in a glasshouse at the University of Kassel, Germany, to investigate the effects of P. ramosa seed bank on tomato growth parameters. Different Phelipanche seed banks were established by mixing the parasite seeds (0 - 32 mg) with the potting medium in each pot. P. ramosa reduced all tomato growth parameters measured and the reduction progressively increased with seed bank. Root and total dry matter accumulation per tomato plant were most affected. P. ramosa emergence, number of tubercles, and tubercle dry weight increased with the seed bank and were, invariably, maximal with the highest seed bank. Another objective was to determine if different AM fungi differ in their effects on the colonization of tomatoes with P. ramosa and the performance of P. ramosa after colonization. Three AMF species viz. GIomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae and Glomus Sprint® were used in this study. For the infection, P. ramosa seeds (8 mg) were mixed with the top 5 cm soil in each pot. No mycorrhizal colonization was detected in un-inoculated control plants. P. ramosa infested, mycorrhiza inoculated tomato plants had significantly lower AMF colonization compared to plants not infested with P. ramosa. Inoculation with G. intraradices, G. mosseae and Glomus Sprint® reduced the number of emerged P. ramosa plants by 29.3, 45.3 and 62.7% and the number of tubercles by 22.2, 42 and 56.8%, respectively. Mycorrhizal root colonization was positively correlated with number of branches and total dry matter of tomatoes. Field experiments on tomato undertaken in 2010/12 were only partially successful because of insect infestations which resulted in the complete destruction of the second run of the experiment. The effects of the inoculation with AMF, the addition of 10 t ha-1 filter mud (FM), an organic residues from sugar processing and 36 or 72 kg N ha-1 on the infestation of tomatoes with P. ramosa were assessed. In un-inoculated control plants, AMF colonization ranged between 13.4 to 22.1% with no significant differences among FM and N treatments. Adding AMF or FM resulted in a significant increase of branching in the tomato plants with no additive effects. Dry weights were slightly increased through FM application when no N was applied and significantly at 36 kg N ha-1. There was no effect of FM on the time until the first Phelipanche emerged while AMF and N application interacted. Especially AMF inoculation resulted in a tendency to delayed P. ramosa emergence. The marketable yield was extremely low due to the strong fruit infestation with insects mainly whitefly Bemisia tabaci and tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta). Tomatoes inoculated with varied mycorrhiza species displayed different response to the insect infestation, as G. intraradices significantly reduced the infestation, while G. mosseae elicited higher insect infestation. The results of the present thesis indicate that there may be a potential of developing management strategies for P. ramosa targeting the pre-attachment stage namely germination and haustorial initiation using plant extracts. However, ways of practical use need to be developed. If such treatments can be combined with AMF inoculation also needs to be investigated. Overall, it will require a systematic approach to develop management tools that are easily applicable and affordable to Sudanese farmers. It is well-known that proper agronomical practices such as the design of an optimum crop rotation in cropping systems, reduced tillage, promotion of cover crops, the introduction of multi-microbial inoculants, and maintenance of proper phosphorus levels are advantageous if the mycorrhiza protection method is exploited against Phelipanche ramosa infestation. Without the knowledge about the biology of the parasitic weeds by the farmers and basic preventive measures such as hygiene and seed quality control no control strategy will be successful, however.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência de plantas invasoras na abundância de himenópteros parasitoides associados a uma cultura de coqueiro anão verde, no Município de Linhares, ES. Para a captura dos insetos foram utilizadas armadilhas tipo Möericke, de cor amarela, em duas áreas, uma mantida roçada e outra com a presença de plantas invasoras. em cada área foram instaladas seis armadilhas ao nível do solo, distanciadas entre si por 22,5 m. As amostragens, semanais, foram realizadas entre março de 2008 e fevereiro de 2009. Foram coletados 19.861 himenópteros parasitoides dos quais 70,8% ocorreram na área com plantas invasoras e 29,2% na roçada. As famílias mais frequentemente coletadas foram Diapriidae, Scelionidae, Ceraphronidae, Eulophidae, Mymaridae, Encyrtidae e Ichneumonidae; as demais famílias apresentaram frequencias relativas inferiores a 3%. As plantas invasoras presentes na área foram Ageratum conyzoides L., Bidens pilosa L., Emilia sanchifolia (L.) DC., Sonchus oleraceus L. (Asteraceae), Alternanthera tenella Colla (Amaranthaceae), Commelina benghalensis L. (Commelinaceae), Ipomoea sp. (Convolvulaceae), Euphorbia hirta L. (Euphorbiaceae), Cassia hirsuta L., Desmodium barbatum (L.), Indigofera hirsuta L. (Fabaceae), Sida sp. (Malvaceae), Borreria verticillata (L.) (Rubiaceae), Lantana camara L. e Stachytarphetta cayenensis (Rich.) M. Vahl (Verbenaceae); para algumas delas há relatos na literatura como fornecedoras de recursos alimentares e suplementares para a sobrevivência de himenópteros parasitoides.
The effects of 31 plant extracts, which most are traditionally used to treat ciguatera fish poisoning in the Pacific area, were Studied on the cytotoxicity of mouse neuroblastoma cells produced by ouabain, veratridine and/or brevetoxin-3 or Pacific ciguatoxin-1. The cell viability was determined using a quantitative colorimetric method. A marked cytotoxicity of seven of the 31 plant extracts studied, was observed. Despite this, these plant extracts were suspected to contain active compound(s) against the cytotoxicity produced by brevetoxin (2 extracts), brevetoxin, ouabain and/or veratridine (3 extracts), or only against that of ouabain and/or veratridine (2 extracts). Among the 24 plant extracts that exhibited by themselves no cytotoxicity, 22 were active against the effect of brevetoxin or against that of both veratridine and brevetoxin. similar results were obtained when the seven most active plant extracts were reassayed using ciguatoxin instead of brevetoxin. In conclusion, the present work reports the first activity assessment of some plant extracts, achieved in vitro on a quite large scale. The fact that 27 plant extracts were found to exert, in vitro, a protective effect against the action of ciguatoxin and/or brevetoxin, paves the way for finding new active compounds to treat ciguatera fish poisoning, provided these compounds also reverse the effects of sodium channel activators. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
One specimen of powdery mildew on Euphorbia cyathophora from Vanuatu and 11 specimens on E. cyathophora, E. dentata, E. heterophylla and E. leucocephala from Australia were studied. All were shown to represent the Oidiopsis anamorph of Leveillula taurica, which is described. This is the first record of Oidiopsis in Vanuatu. E. leucocephala is a new host record for this powdery mildew.
Koster´s curse is a highly invasive, perennial shrub with potential to become a major weed in many parts of Queensland and elsewhere in Australia. Presently, there is one infestation discovered in Australia and the species is a Class 1 weed. It grows to 5 m and can produce over 500 berries annually which are dispersed by birds and water. This study quantified growth and the effects of damage on survival and time to reproduction under both field and shade house conditions in the Wet Tropics of north Queensland. Plants recovered to their original size and were capable of setting seed in as few as 86 days and 194 days after being cut back to 10 cm and 0 cm respectively.
One known ent- kaurane diterpene, ent- 16α, 17- dihydroxykauran- 3-one, were isolated from the roots of Euphorbia wallichii for the first time. Its structure was elucidated on the basis of spectral methods. And the NMR assignments of the compound in CD3OD were given for the first time.
Object To study the chemical constituents of Euphorbia wallichii.Methods The constituents were repeatedly separated and purified on silica gel column.They were identified on the basis of spectral methods.Results Nine diterpenoids were obtained from the roots of E. wallichii.Among them jolkinol B(I) is lathyrane type;caudicifolin (Ⅱ),helioscopinolides A(Ⅲ),C(Ⅳ),and E(Ⅴ) belong to abietane type;while ent-atisane-3β,16α,17-triol(Ⅵ),ent-16α,17-dihydroxyatisan-3-one(Ⅶ),ent-3β,(13S)-dihydroxyatis-16-en-14-one(Ⅷ),and ent-2-hydroxy-atis-1,16(17)-dien-3,14-dione(Ⅸ) possess an ent-atisane skeleon.Conclusion All of them are isolated from E. wallichii for the first time.