883 resultados para Euphorbia pulcherrima


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Estudou-se em laboratório a atividade moluscicida de 68 extratos de 23 plantas brasileiras. As soluções em água desclorada dos extratos hexânicos e etanólico, nas concentrações de 1, 10 e 100 ppm, foram testadas sobre caramujos adultos e desovas de Biomphalaria glabrata, criados em laboratório. As plantas que demonstraram ação moluscicida na concentração de 100 ppm foram: Arthemisia verlotorum Lamotte, Caesalpinia peltophoroides Benth, Cassia rugosa G.Don., Eclipta alba Hassk, Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd, Euphorbia splendens Bojer, Joannesia princeps Vell, Leonorus sibiricus L.,Macrosiphonia guaranitica Muell,Nerium oleander L., Palicourea nicotianaefolia Cham, e Schlech., Panicum maximum M., Rumex crispus L., Ruta graveolens L., e Stryphnodendron barbatiman M.


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This paper deals with anatomical descriptions of some types of nectaries in 27 species of honey plants of Piracicaba, S. P. The material studied was divides in two groups: a) Extra-floral nectaries; b) Floral nectaries. Euphorbia pulcherrima, Willd; showed to belonging to the first group: its nectaries tissue consist of an epidermal layer of cell without stomata and with true gland, with subepidermal cells diferentiated by the thickness of the wall. Among the plants with floral nectaries, the following types has been listed, according the location of the nectary in the flower: 1 - with true glands: a) in sepals, Hibiscus rosa sinensis, L.; Dombeya Wallichii, Bth. e Hk; b) in the stamens tube, Antigonum leptopus, Hook e Arn.; 2 - on the receptacle with nectariferous tissue in the epidermal cell with: a) thickness wall with stomata, Prunus persical, L.; b) thin wall without stomata, Crotalaria paulinia, Shranck; Caesal-pinia sepiaria, Roxb; Aberia caffra; 3 - with a disc located in the receptacle with: epidermal: a) with stomata, Coffea arábica, L. var. semper florens; Citrus aurantifolia, Swing; Cinchona sp.; Pryrostegia ignea, Presl.; b) without stomata and with thin wall, Leojurus sibiricus, L.; Bactocydia unguis, Mart., Ipomoea purpurea, L.; Greviüea Thelemanniana, Hueg.; Dolichos lablab, L.; Vernonia polyanthes, Less., Montanoa bipinatifida, C. Koch., Eruca sativa, L. Brassica Juncea, Co; Eucalyptus tereticomis, Smith.; Eucalyptus rostrata, Schleche; Salvia splendens, Selow.; 4 - in the basal tissues of the ovary, Budleia brasiliensis, Jacq F.; Petrea subserrata, Cham.; 5 - in the base of stamens, Per sea americana, Mill. On the anatomical point of view, most of the types of nectary studied has external nectariferous tissues, located on the epidermal cells with thin periclinal wall and without stomata. The sub-epidermal layer were rich in sugar. Short correlation was found between the structure of the nectary and the amount of nectar secretion. So, in the nectary with true glands, in those with thin wall and without stomata on epidermal cells and in those with stomata, the secretion was higher than in the other types listed.


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Bico-de-papagaio é uma espécie ornamental, encontrada tanto na forma de arbustos, presente em jardins residenciais e públicos, como comercializada em vasos para decoração de interiores. Com o objetivo de detectar a presença de fitoplasma em plantas mostrando sintomas de proliferação de ramos, amostras foram obtidas de plantas sintomáticas e assintomáticas cultivadas em jardins e de plantas comerciais sintomáticas envasadas. A técnica de duplo PCR, utilizando os iniciadores R16mF2/mR1 e R16F2n/R2, foi empregada para detecção do fitoplasma, a partir de DNA extraído de folhas. Fitoplasma foi detectado consistentemente em todas as amostras sintomáticas, porém não houve detecção em qualquer das amostras assintomáticas. A identificação molecular conduzida através de PCR com iniciadores específicos e por análise de RFLP revelou que o fitoplasma detectado pertence ao grupo 16SrIII. Assim, foi demonstrado que a ocorrência de proliferação de ramos em bico-de-papagaio está associada à presença de fitoplasma. Plantas superbrotadas apresentam um dossel mais compacto, sendo mais atrativas ao consumidor, portanto a presença do fitoplasma é considerada como benéfica para fins ornamentais e comerciais.


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Toxic plants, many ornamentals, may be present in gardens, backyards, parks, vases, squares and vacant lots around the cities. Some of these plants are well known and exuberant, with strong color and decorative aspects, but when swallowed or handled, can cause severe intoxication specially in children. The main objective was to identify the poisonous plants found in public squares of Ribeirão Preto downtown, among five squares: XV de Novembro Square, Carlos Gomes Square, Bandeiras Square, Luís de Camões Square and Sete de Setembro Square. In this study, a literature review was performed in order to know the species that have been recorded as toxic plant. For the species in question, the common name and therapeutic indication were recorded. Over all evaluated squares toxic species were found. Sete de Setembro Square was the most frequent species in a total of seven toxical species. The most common species in the surveyed places were: Euphorbia pulcherrima, Buxus semprevirens and Dracaena fragrans, popularly known as Poinsettia, Boxwood and Cornstalk Dracaena, respectively. The importance of doing studies in urban squares is to improve care to ensure the afforestation process of the cities.


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The genus Euphorbia comprises about 2000 species ranging from annuals to trees, including C3, C4, and CAM species. Euphorbia species widely studied in agriculture includes E. antiquorum, E. carollata, E. dentata, E. dracunculoides, E. esula, E. geniculata, E. granulata, E. helioscopia, E. heterophylla, E. hierosolymitana, E. hirta, E. maculata, E. microphylla, E. nerifolia, E. piluifera, E. pulcherrima, E. royleana, E. supine, and E. thiamifolia. These species have been reported mainly in field crops/vegetables, orchards, pastures, and rangelands. Euphorbia plants may present allelopathic effect over desirable cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, forage plants, and nitrifying bacteria, posing a serious threat to livestock production on open range lands through the release of allelochemicals from roots, stems, leaves, and inflorescence in the rhizosphere. Leaves are reported to be more toxic than other plant parts. Competition of Euphorbia spp. against crop plants is the most important crop yield-limiting factor. The critical period for Euphorbia competition with crops is reported to take place between 17 to 70 days after emergence for most crops, depending on root development during the initial crop growth stage, crop height, tillering or branching capacity, whether weeds emerge at the same time as the crop or later after crop emergence; how quickly crop canopy develops and also on Euphorbia species. A yield reduction of 4-85% has been reported in field crops with different Euphorbia species and distinct occurrence densities. Euphorbia species decrease herbage production by 10 to 100% in pasture and rangelands, with many acting as natural insecticide, fungicide, nematidicide, immunopotentiator, or immunosuppressor.


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Laboratory tests with aqueous solutions of Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii latex have demonstrated seasonal stability of the molluscicidal principle, with LD90 values of 1.14 ppm (spring), 1.02 ppm (fall), 1.09 ppm (winter), and 1.07 ppm (summer) that have been determined against Biomphalaria tenagophila in the field. Assays on latex collected in Belo Horizonte and Recife yielded LD90 values similar to those obtained with the reference substance collected in Rio de Janeiro (Ilha do Governador), demonstrating geographic stability of the molluscicidal effect. The molluscicidal action of aqueous dilutions of the latex in natura, centrifuged (precipitate) and lyophilized, was stable for up to 124 days at room temperature (in natura) and for up to 736 days in a common refrigerator at 10 to 12ºC (lyophilized product). A 5.0 ppm solution is 100% lethal for snails up to 13 days after preparation, the effect being gradually lost to almost total inactivity by the 30th day. This observation indicated that the active principle is instable. These properties together with the wide distribution of the plant, its resistance and adaptation to the tropical climate, its easy cultivation and the easy obtention of latex and preparation of the molluscicidal solution, make this a promising material for large-scale use in the control of schistosomiasis


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The toxic effect of binary and tertiary combinations of Euphorbia hirta Linn latex powder with other plant molluscicidal compounds, were evaluated against the freshwater snails Lymnaea (Radix) acuminata and Indoplanorbis exustus in pond. These combinations showed significant time and dose dependent effect against both the snails. These compounds at higher doses were also lethal to freshwater fish Channa punctatus (Bloch) (Channidae {Ophicephalidae}), which shares the habitat with these snails, but the LC90 (24h) doses of snails have no apparent killing properties in fish populations when treated in mixed population of snails and fish.


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The present work was carried out to evaluate the molluscicidal activity of active ingredient Taraxerol with the acetone extract of Euphorbia tirucalli against Lymnaea acuminata snail. The (fecundity, hatchability and survivability) of snail L. acuminata exposed to this extract was studied. The effects of the tested extracts on life-history traits of harmful snail L. acuminata have also been evaluated, and this study also expounds the inhibitory effects of these extracts singly as well as in binary combination (1:1 ratio). It concluded that these herbal products act as a potential source of molluscicides, and that they would also have the advantage of easy availability, low cost, biodegradability and greater acceptance amongst users than synthetic pesticide.


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O autor, após tecer rápidas considerações sôbre Phytomonas da planta em questão e do gênero Manihot, passa a dar: métodos por êle empregados na confecção da presente nota; sucinta descrição da Euphorbia brasiliensis Lam. e suas variedades; nomes vulgares por que é a mesma conhecida no Brasil; resultado negativo, por êle encontrado, nas pesquisas de alcalóide e, finalmente, descrição anatômica da fôlha e caule. Fôlha. a - limbo: epidermes com cutícula e estoma, uma camada de células paliçadicas, tecido lacunoso, ramificações dos tubos laticiferos e bainha dos feixes bem desenvolvida. b - nervura principal: epidermes com cutícula, uma camada de tecido paliçadico, bainha dos feixes em semicírculo, xilema, floema e parênquima. Caule - Epiderme com cutícula, colênquima, parênquima cortical, tubos laticíferos, esclerócitos, floema, câmbio e fibras do lenho (inclusive gelatinosas), vasos e, finalmente, parênquima fundamental.


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An aqueous solution of the latex of Euphorbia tirucalli collected at sites receiving large amounts of sunlight showed molluscicide action on Biomphalaria glabrata, with LD50 obtained at the concentration of 28,0 ppm and LD90 at the concentration of 85,0 ppm. The toxicity of the product for fish was similar to that of Bayluscide and of copper sulfate used for comparison. However, the wide distribution of the plant, its easy propagation and the simple procedure for extraction of the active substance, which is biodegradable, favor "avelós" as a promising agent in the control of schistosomiasis.


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An aqueous solution of the latex of "coroa de cristo" (Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii) showed molluscicide action (LD90) at a concentration lower than 0.5 ppm on Biomphalaria glabrata and B. tenagophila reared in laboratory and at a concentration lower than 4.0 ppm for field B. tenagophila.


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Aqueous solutions of the molluscicidal latex of Euphorbia splendens are irritant to the rabbit eye in concentrations higher than 0.35% and to the rabbit skin in concentrations higher than 0.5%. Although this irritant potential does not proclude its use as a molluscicide, special precautions are recommended for hanbdling and application of the product and the hazard of skin tumor-promoting potencial should be carefully investigated before its use for schistosomiasis vector control.


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The latex of Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii, at concentrations between 5 to 12 mg/l, kills 100% of the population of Biomphalaria glabrata in a lentic habitat, after 24 h. The lyophilized latex, stocked for 18 months, killed only 34.2% of the snails, at the concentration of 5 mg/l, and 96.0% at 12 mg/l. No lethal effect was observed among Pomacea haustrum exposed to the same concentrations of the molluscicide.


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The latex of Euphorbia splendens var. hispolii in 12 ppm concentration (12 mg/l) caused 100% mortality for a Biomphalaria tenagophila population in a lotic habitat after 9 hr of dripfeed application. For sentinel snails, in cages placed at the water surface and buried under 0.10 m, the mortality rates varied with the distance from the application point and were: 100% (0 m); 92.6% (50 m) and 94.7% (100). No lethal effects were observed for the other living species in this habitat (Pomacea haustrum and Poecilia reticulata).