14 resultados para Eunicea laciniata


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The bioassay guided purification of the octocoral Eunicea laciniata organic extract, collected at Santa Marta bay, Colombia, allowed the isolation of the new compound (-)-3β-pregna-5,20-dienyl-β-D-arabinopyranoside (1), along with the known compounds 1(S*),11(R*)-dolabell-3(E),7(E),12(18)-triene (2), 13-keto-1(S),11(R)-dolabell-3(E ),7(E),12(18)-triene (3), cholest- 5,22-dien-3β-ol (4), cholesterol (5), y brassicasterol (6). The structure and absolute configuration of 1 was determined on based spectroscopic analyses (NMR and CD). The extract showed antifouling activity against five strains of marine bacteria associated to heavy fouled surfaces. Also showed activity against the cypris of the cosmopolitan barnacle Balanus amphitrite, and low toxicity in Artemia salina test.


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Ocean acidification can have negative repercussions from the organism to ecosystem levels. Octocorals deposit high-magnesium calcite in their skeletons, and according to different models, they could be more susceptible to the depletion of carbonate ions than either calcite or aragonite-depositing organisms. This study investigated the response of the gorgonian coral Eunicea fusca to a range of CO2 concentrations from 285 to 4,568 ppm (pH range 8.1-7.1) over a 4-week period. Gorgonian growth and calcification were measured at each level of CO2 as linear extension rate and percent change in buoyant weight and calcein incorporation in individual sclerites, respectively. There was a significant negative relationship for calcification and CO2 concentration that was well explained by a linear model regression analysis for both buoyant weight and calcein staining. In general, growth and calcification did not stop in any of the concentrations of pCO2; however, some of the octocoral fragments experienced negative calcification at undersaturated levels of calcium carbonate (>4,500 ppm) suggesting possible dissolution effects. These results highlight the susceptibility of the gorgonian coral E. fusca to elevated levels of carbon dioxide but suggest that E. fusca could still survive well in mid-term ocean acidification conditions expected by the end of this century, which provides important information on the effects of ocean acidification on the dynamics of coral reef communities. Gorgonian corals can be expected to diversify and thrive in the Atlantic-Eastern Pacific; as scleractinian corals decline, it is likely to expect a shift in these reef communities from scleractinian coral dominated to octocoral/soft coral dominated under a "business as usual" scenario of CO2 emissions.


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Enchenopa eunicea sp. nov. e Enchenopa minuta sp. nov. (ambas de São José dos Cordeiros, Paraíba, Brasil ) são descritas e ilustradas.


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En este trabajo se estableció un protocolo de propagación in vitro de tres especies nativas del género Glandularia: G. peruviana, G. sp. y G. laciniata. Para el establecimiento in vitro se evaluó el medio de Murashige Skoog (MS) con macro y micronutrientes diluidos a la mitad adicionado con 0,05 μM de bencilaminopurina (BAP) sola o en combinación con 0,1 μM thiadiazuron (TDZ) y un testigo sin reguladores del crecimiento. En la etapa de multiplicación se evaluó el medio de cultivo MS diluido a la ½ ó ¼ y adicionado de 20 ó 40 gr.L-1 de sacarosa. Es posible establecer y micropropagar estas especies en medios de cultivo sencillos. El medio más eficiente para el establecimiento fue aquel sin reguladores, mientras que el más adecuado para la multiplicación fue MS ½ adicionado de 20 gr.L-1 de sacarosa, en el cual la tasa de multiplicación cada 30 días fue de 6 en G. sp. y G. peruviana y 4 para G. laciniata.


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Two marshes near Muscotah and Arrington, Atchison County, northeastern Kansas, yielded a pollen sequence covering the last 25,000 yrs of vegetation development. The earliest pollen spectra are comparable with surface pollen spectra from southern Saskatchewan and southeastern Manitoba and might indicate a rather open vegetation but with some pine, spruce, and birch as the most important tree species, with local stands of alder and willow. This type of vegetation changed about 23,000 yrs ago to a spruce forest, which prevailed in the region until at least 15,000 yrs ago. Because of a hiatus, the vegetation changes resulting in the spread of a mixed deciduous forest and prairie, which was present in the region from 11,000 to 9,000 yrs ago, remain unknown. Prairie vegetation, with perhaps a few trees along the valleys, covered the region until about 5,000 yrs ago, when a re-expansion of deciduous trees began in the lowlands.


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The Albian-Cenomanian sediments in Holes 627B and 635B contain diverse dinoflagellate-cyst assemblages, which show affinities with coeval assemblages from offshore Morocco and northwest Europe. A total of 34 samples were analyzed from the shallow-water platform sediments and neritic marly chalk of Hole 627B and from the argillaceous chalk and limestone of Hole 635B. Dinoflagellate cysts indicate that the top of the shallow-water platform drilled at Hole 627B must be attributed to the late Albian. Dinocysts also date the drowning of the carbonate platform of the Blake Plateau. This drowning started in the latest Albian (Vraconian) and continued into the Cenomanian. The site area changed from an inner to intermediate or outer(?) neritic environment. The area around Hole 635B from the late Albian appears to have been situated in a deeper environment than the area around Hole 627B during the same period. The new dinoflagellate-cyst species Compositosphaeridiuml bahamaensis n. sp., Maghrebinia breviornata n. sp., and Subtilisphaeral habibi n. sp. are described, and Pervosphaeridium truncatum is emended. Additional taxonomic remarks about other species are included.


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Eighty-eight samples of Aptian to lower Cenomanian sediments of Sites 545 and 547, DSDP Leg 79, from the Mazagan Plateau area (offshore Northwest Africa) were analyzed for palynomorphs. The very rich dinoflagellate cyst assemblages make it possible to narrow shipboard age determinations and to correlate Sites 545 and 547. The distribution of 174 dinoflagellate cyst taxa is tabulated in this study and the biostratigraphic value of selected dinoflagellate cysts is discussed. Additional taxonomic remarks are made about some species. The new dinoflagellate cyst species Aptea almohadensis, Occisucysta hinzü, O. mazaganensis, and the subspecies Maghrebinia perforata (Clarke and Verdier, 1967) Below, 1981 ssp. mirabilis are described.