3 resultados para Ethnoastronomy


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This thesis describes and analyzes various processes established and practiced by both groups about the socio-cultural objective (action) the measurement and timing, mobilized some socio-historical practices as the use of the gnômon of the sundial and reading and interpretation of movements celestial constellations in cultural contexts such as indigenous communities and fishermen in the state of Pará, Brazil. The Purpose of the study was to describe and analyze the mobilization of such practices in the socio-historical development of matrices for teaching concepts and skills related to geometric angles, similar triangles, symmetry and proportionality in the training of mathematics teachers. The record of the entire history of investigation into the socio-historical practice, the formative action was based on epistemological assumptions of education ethnomathematics proposed by Vergani (2000, 2007) and Ubiratan D'Ambrosio (1986, 1993, 1996, 2001, 2004) and Alain Bishop conceptions about mathematics enculturation. At the end of the study I present my views on the practices of contributions called socio-cultural and historical for school mathematics, to give meaning to the concept formation and teaching of students, especially the implications of Education Ethnomatematics proposed by Vergani (2000) for training of future teachers of mathematics


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Utilizamos a cultura Tembé-Tenetehara de leitura do céu e seus elementos astronômicos como matriz de explicação da Astronomia científica para propormos, a partir de sua interface com a Matemática escolar, estratégias de aproximação dos conteúdos escolares de Matemática, às atividades que desenvolvemos cotidianamente, tendo em vista a articulação dialogal entre saberes gerados no contexto da sociedade e da cultura e os saberes científicos disseminados pela escola.