765 resultados para Ethics, nursing


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Dignity is recognised as both a central and also a contested value in bioethics discourse. The aim of this manuscript is to examine some of the key strands of the extensive body of dignity scholarship and research literature as it relates to nursing ethics and practice. The method is a critical appraisal of selected articles published in Nursing Ethics and other key manuscripts and texts identified by researchers in the UK and Brazil as influential. The results suggest a wide and rather confusing range of perspectives and findings albeit with some overall themes relating to objective and subjective features of dignity. In conclusion, the authors point to the need for more sustained philosophical engagement contextualising human dignity within a plurality of professional values. Future empirical work should explore what matters to patients, families, professionals and citizens in different cultural contexts rather than foregrounding qualitative research with such a contested concept.


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Constantly experiencing limiting situations that hinder a professional practice coherent with its principles - of autonomy and advocacy of users' interests -, and often conditioned to experience moral distress, the nursing profession plays a prominent role in the current health model because it has the characteristic of managing the care rendered to users in a perspective of social inclusion, both in the basic health network and in hospitals. Aiming at carrying out a reflection on the nursing practice and the difficulties present in its work routine, and considering its characteristics as a profession, this article sought to make a reflection between the practice of nursing and the numerous moral challenges imposed by the routine, resulting, in many cases, in a value crisis that can reverberate directly on the quality of the service rendered, and in abandonment of the ideals of advocacy for users.


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This research aimed to identify political-ethical skills developed in a training process compatible with the expected profile set by the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Undergraduate Nursing Degree. A case study was conducted with units represented by 32 former students from a particular religious teaching institution who already were in the job market. The content of the interviews was analyzed using the thematic analysis technique, which resulted in the following categories: "Political-ethical skills in the formative process" and "Political-ethical skills as a product of the educational process." From the former students’ perspective, these categories reinforced the social role of the nurse and the need for students to be reflective, understanding and participative in the transformation of society.


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Objective: To identify the frequency and intensity of moral distress experienced by nurses, technicians and nursing assistants who worked in hospitals in the South of Rio Grande do Sul State. Method: A survey research was conducted with 334 nursing workers from three institutions, through a questionnaire of moral distress. Constructs were validated through factorial analysis and Cronbach’s alpha: lack of competence of the working team, disrespect to the patient’s autonomy, insufficient working conditions and therapeutic obstinacy. Results: With descriptive statistics and analysis of variance, it was found that nurses and nursing assistants have higher perception of moral distress when compared to nursing technicians. Organizational questions and ways of communication influence lower perception of moral distress.Conclusion: Implementation of actions to favor coping, decision making and autonomy exercise from those workers.


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AbstractOBJECTIVEAnalyzing beliefs and actions of nurses in exercising patient advocacy in a hospital context.METHODA quantitative cross-sectional exploratory and descriptive study, conducted with 153 nurses from two hospitals in southern Brazil, one public and one philanthropic, by applying Protective Nursing Advocacy Scale - Brazilian version. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and analysis of variance.RESULTSNurses believe they are advocating for patients in their workplaces, and agree that they should advocate, especially when vulnerable patients need their protection. Personal values and professional skills have been identified as major sources of support for the practice of advocacy.CONCLUSIONNurses do not disagree nor agree that advocating for patients in their working environments can bring them negative consequences. It is necessary to recognize how the characteristics of public and private institutions have helped or not helped in exercising patient advocacy by nurses.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Nursing is at the same time a vocation, a profession and a job. By nature, nursing is a moral endeavor, and being a `good nurse` is an issue and an aspiration for professionals. The aim of our qualitative research project carried out with 18 nurse teachers at a university nursing school in Brazil was to identify the ethical image of nursing. In semistructured interviews the participants were asked to choose one of several pictures, to justify their choice and explain what they meant by an ethical nurse. Five different perspectives were revealed: good nurses fulfill their duties correctly; they are proactive patient advocates; they are prepared and available to welcome others as persons; they are talented, competent, and carry out professional duties excellently; and they combine authority with power sharing in patient care. The results point to a transition phase from a historical introjection of religious values of obedience and service to a new sense of a secular, proactive, scientific and professional identity.


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The study intended to understand the perception of nurses of Primary Care Services about the construction of ethical competence on their formation and practices. This is a qualitative study, with an interpretative phenomenological approach and interviews with ten nurses of the community health services of Porto Alegre, RS. The results showed that the interviewed professionals had already experienced situations with ethical conflicts and knew what ethical competence means. The central themes point out three fundamental issues in the construction of the ethical competence: personal values, education and practice. Taking into account that ethical competence is in permanent construction, the study shows the importance to promote organizational and educational activities in a transversal manner, as a tool to cope the moral stress and contribute in improving the quality of care in the primary health attention.


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This is a study in the field of caring science. The kinds of knowledge expansion and theoretical formation outlined in this thesis have a hypothetic-deductive design. The synthesizer of caring science between caring ethos and nursing intensity evolves through a hermeneutic movement between understanding and interpretation, in the dialectic tension between thesis and antithesis. The study had three main aims with corresponding research questions. The first aim was to deepen the understanding of caring ethos within the care of older people from the perspective of caring science. The second aim was to deepen the understanding of nursing intensity within the care of older people, again from the perspective of caring science. The third aim of the study was to create a theoretical model describing the synthesizer between the caring ethos and nursing intensity. The synthesizer of caring science between caring ethos and nursing intensity took place in a process of creativity, which resulted in six new patterns of interpretation. Good care is in constant movement and tension between the ethical and the unethical. In order to guarantee the older person of the future dignity, a caring community, and integrity in care, there is a need for an awareness of and responsibility for those entities than can become ethical problems and dilemmas. The model that describes the synthesizer between caring ethos and nursing intensity, consist of four cornerstones such as caring ethics, wishes and anticipations, an ethical manner in words and action, and ethical leadership. Good care based on the values dignity, a caring community, safety, and integrity, receive their legitimacy through ethical awareness, and consent among caregivers. Ethical awareness deepens the understanding of wishes and expectations that may arise as special needs. Care thus requires an awareness of the balance between the patient’s care need and optimal level of nursing intensity. An ethical leadership considers the needs of the patient and accepts nothing but a work situation where optimal nursing intensity and optimal resource allocation makes good care possible.


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ÅBO AKADEMI UNIVERSITY Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies Author: Helena Nyman Supervisor: D.Sc. (Health Care), RN Jessica Hemberg Master´s Thesis The vision of caring – Occupational healthcare nurses experiences of fulfilling their ethical values CARING SCIENCE Keywords: Ethics, nursing, nursing ethics, healthcare, values April 2016 Number of pages: 53 Appendices: 5 The purpose of this study is to reach an understanding of what ethos is in an occupational healthcare context. The study seeks answer to the following questions: 1. What is ethos in an occupational healthcare context? 2. What does it mean for occupational healthcare nurses to fulfill their inner ethos in a healthcare context controlled by economic demands of gain and efficiency? The main concept in this study is ethos as Eriksson describes it in her caritative theory of caring. Ethos is associated with ethics and reflects the fundamental assumptions that we have about the human being´s holiness and dignity and about the inviolability of life. The empirical part of the study consists of focus interviews with four occupational healthcare nurses. The study uses hermeneutical reading as an interpretation method, and presents the results of the study in six theses reflecting these against both recent research and the theoretical background. The results of the study show that ethos in occupational healthcare has to do with justice, honesty and faithfulness. These concepts are common to nurses in different nursing contexts. Ethos is not primarily profession-bound but is something universal, and eternal in the human being´s way of being and becoming. The study shows that ethos is a way of being, openness and a way of existing in love. To fulfill ethos in an occupational health context means to choose ethos continuously and courageously for the sake of the patient and the good, even if it involves a struggle or a sacrifice.


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A Dignidade é reconhecida como valor central e, também, controverso no discurso bioético. O objetivo deste artigo é examinar algumas das vertentes principais da extensa produção acadêmica e de literatura sobre o tema, na ética e prática da enfermagem. O método é a avaliação crítica de uma seleção de artigos publicados na Nursing Ethics e de outros manuscritos e textos identificados como influentes por pesquisadores do Reino Unido e Brasil. Os resultados sugerem um leque amplo e confuso de perspectivas e achados, embora haja temas gerais relacionados às características objetivas e subjetivas da dignidade. Em conclusão, os autores apontam para a necessidade de sólidos estudos filosóficos para contextualizar a dignidade humana dentro da pluralidade de valores profissionais. Pesquisas empíricas futuras devem explorar o que importa para pacientes, familiares, profissionais e cidadãos em diferentes contextos culturais, em vez de seguir desenvolvendo pesquisas qualitativas embasadas em um conceito impreciso e contestado.


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El propósito de este trabajo es describir una reflexión originada a partir de una vivencia. En ella, la interpretación del mensaje fue indispensable. El primer paso de la asistencia sanitaria es la entrevista con el paciente. Tras ello, podemos detectar sus necesidades y empezar a actuar adecuadamente. La interpretación inadecuada de los datos obtenidos mediante la entrevista puede conducir a resultados diferentes de los esperados. Con cierta frecuencia, los pacientes reinterpretan o incluso reinventan los nombres de los fármacos, de las enfermedades, etc. En ocasiones puede suceder también con la descripción de la patología subyacente. Estos hechos suelen estar influenciados por diversos factores (culturales, geográficos, etc.). Descifrar su verdadero significado puede llegar a suponer un verdadero reto en algunas ocasiones. Una conversación reciente con mi abuela me condujo a la reflexión sobre la relación profesional sanitario-paciente presentada en este trabajo.


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Enquadramento: Apesar da visita de enfermagem ou passagem de turno junto dos doentes garantir a continuidade dos cuidados de enfermagem, origina diversas questões éticas. Objetivos: Traduzir, adaptar e validar 2 questionários de colheita de dados sobre a visita de enfermagem em unidades cirúrgicas para a cultura portuguesa; identificar a opinião dos doentes e dos enfermeiros sobre a visita de enfermagem. Metodologia: Tradução, retroversão e adaptação dos questionários aplicados em 7 unidades cirúrgicas de um hospital central em Portugal de 22/08/2008 a 28/06/2009. A amostragem não probabilística acidental foi constituída por 137 enfermeiros e 96 doentes. Resultados: A visita de enfermagem promove a relação empática e de ajuda; a observação do doente e o planeamento de cuidados, no entanto é necessário clarificar o seu objetivo; incentivar à participação e ao envolvimento dos doentes; utilizar um discurso compreensível e garantir a privacidade da informação. Conclusão: Os questionários revelaram-se fidedignos e válidos na identificação das opiniões dos doentes e dos enfermeiros sobre a visita de enfermagem nas unidades de cirurgia em estudo.